Source code for climada.engine.unsequa.calc_impact

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Define Uncertainty Impact class

__all__ = ['CalcImpact']

import logging
import time
from typing import Union
import itertools

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pathos.multiprocessing as mp
# use pathos.multiprocess fork of multiprocessing for compatibility
# wiht notebooks and other environments

from climada.engine import ImpactCalc
from climada.engine.unsequa import Calc, InputVar, UncImpactOutput
from climada.engine.unsequa.calc_base import (
from climada.entity import Exposures, ImpactFuncSet
from climada.hazard import Hazard
from climada.util import log_level

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CalcImpact(Calc): """ Impact uncertainty caclulation class. This is the class to perform uncertainty analysis on the outputs of a climada.engine.impact.Impact() object. Attributes ---------- rp : list(int) List of the chosen return periods. calc_eai_exp : bool Compute eai_exp or not calc_at_event : bool Compute eai_exp or not value_unit : str Unit of the exposures value exp_input_var : InputVar or Exposures Exposure uncertainty variable impf_input_var : InputVar if ImpactFuncSet Impact function set uncertainty variable haz_input_var: InputVar or Hazard Hazard uncertainty variable _input_var_names : tuple(str) Names of the required uncertainty input variables ('exp_input_var', 'impf_input_var', 'haz_input_var') _metric_names : tuple(str) Names of the impact output metrics ('aai_agg', 'freq_curve', 'at_event', 'eai_exp') """ _input_var_names = ( 'exp_input_var', 'impf_input_var', 'haz_input_var', ) """Names of the required uncertainty variables""" _metric_names = ( 'aai_agg', 'freq_curve', 'at_event', 'eai_exp' ) """Names of the cost benefit output metrics"""
[docs] def __init__( self, exp_input_var: Union[InputVar, Exposures], impf_input_var: Union[InputVar, ImpactFuncSet], haz_input_var: Union[InputVar, Hazard], ): """Initialize UncCalcImpact Sets the uncertainty input variables, the impact metric_names, and the units. Parameters ---------- exp_input_var : climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar or climada.entity.Exposure Exposure uncertainty variable or Exposure impf_input_var : climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar or climada.entity.ImpactFuncSet Impact function set uncertainty variable or Impact function set haz_input_var : climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar or climada.hazard.Hazard Hazard uncertainty variable or Hazard """ Calc.__init__(self) self.exp_input_var = InputVar.var_to_inputvar(exp_input_var) self.impf_input_var = InputVar.var_to_inputvar(impf_input_var) self.haz_input_var = InputVar.var_to_inputvar(haz_input_var) self.value_unit = self.exp_input_var.evaluate().value_unit self.check_distr()
[docs] def uncertainty(self, unc_sample, rp=None, calc_eai_exp=False, calc_at_event=False, processes=1, chunksize=None ): """ Computes the impact for each sample in unc_data.sample_df. By default, the aggregated average impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit (impact.aai_agg) and the excees impact at return periods rp (imppact.calc_freq_curve(self.rp).impact) is computed. Optionally, eai_exp and at_event is computed (this may require a larger amount of memory if the number of samples and/or the number of centroids and/or exposures points is large). This sets the attributes self.rp, self.calc_eai_exp, self.calc_at_event, self.metrics. This sets the attributes: unc_output.aai_agg_unc_df, unc_output.freq_curve_unc_df unc_output.eai_exp_unc_df unc_output.at_event_unc_df unc_output.unit Parameters ---------- unc_sample : climada.engine.uncertainty.unc_output.UncOutput Uncertainty data object with the input parameters samples rp : list(int), optional Return periods in years to be computed. The default is [5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250]. calc_eai_exp : boolean, optional Toggle computation of the impact at each centroid location. The default is False. calc_at_event : boolean, optional Toggle computation of the impact for each event. The default is False. processes : int, optional Number of CPUs to use for parralel computations. The default is 1 (not parallel) chunksize: int, optional Size of the sample chunks for parallel processing. Default is equal to the number of samples divided by the number of processes. Returns ------- unc_output : climada.engine.uncertainty.unc_output.UncImpactOutput Uncertainty data object with the impact outputs for each sample and all the sample data copied over from unc_sample. Raises ------ ValueError: If no sampling parameters defined, the distribution cannot be computed. Notes ----- Parallelization logic is described in the base class here :py:class:`~climada.engine.unsequa.calc_base.Calc` See Also -------- climada.engine.impact: compute impact and risk. """ if unc_sample.samples_df.empty: raise ValueError("No sample was found. Please create one first" "using UncImpact.make_sample(N)") # copy may not be needed, but is kept to prevent potential # data corruption issues. The computational cost should be # minimal as only a list of floats is copied.''' samples_df = unc_sample.samples_df.copy(deep=True) if chunksize is None: chunksize = _multiprocess_chunksize(samples_df, processes) unit = self.value_unit if rp is None: rp=[5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250] self.rp = rp self.calc_eai_exp = calc_eai_exp self.calc_at_event = calc_at_event one_sample = samples_df.iloc[0:1] start = time.time() self._compute_imp_metrics( one_sample, chunksize=1, processes=1 ) elapsed_time = (time.time() - start) self.est_comp_time(unc_sample.n_samples, elapsed_time, processes) [ aai_agg_list, freq_curve_list, eai_exp_list, at_event_list ] = self._compute_imp_metrics( samples_df, chunksize=chunksize, processes=processes ) # Assign computed impact distribution data to self aai_agg_unc_df = pd.DataFrame(aai_agg_list, columns = ['aai_agg']) freq_curve_unc_df = pd.DataFrame(freq_curve_list, columns=['rp' + str(n) for n in rp]) eai_exp_unc_df = pd.DataFrame(eai_exp_list) # Note: sparse dataframes are not used as they are not nativel y compatible with .to_hdf5 at_event_unc_df = pd.DataFrame(at_event_list) if calc_eai_exp: exp = self.exp_input_var.evaluate() coord_df = exp.gdf[['latitude', 'longitude']] else: coord_df = pd.DataFrame([]) return UncImpactOutput(samples_df=samples_df, unit=unit, aai_agg_unc_df=aai_agg_unc_df, freq_curve_unc_df=freq_curve_unc_df, eai_exp_unc_df=eai_exp_unc_df, at_event_unc_df=at_event_unc_df, coord_df=coord_df )
def _compute_imp_metrics(self, samples_df, chunksize, processes): """Compute the uncertainty metrics Parameters ---------- samples_df : pd.DataFrame dataframe of input parameter samples chunksize : int size of the samples chunks processes : int number of processes to use Returns ------- list values of impact metrics per sample """ #Compute impact distributions with log_level(level='ERROR', name_prefix='climada'): p_iterator = _sample_parallel_iterator( samples=samples_df, chunksize=chunksize, exp_input_var=self.exp_input_var, impf_input_var=self.impf_input_var, haz_input_var=self.haz_input_var, rp=self.rp, calc_eai_exp=self.calc_eai_exp, calc_at_event=self.calc_at_event, ) if processes > 1: with mp.Pool(processes=processes) as pool:'Using %s CPUs.', processes) imp_metrics = pool.starmap( _map_impact_calc, p_iterator ) else: imp_metrics = itertools.starmap( _map_impact_calc, p_iterator ) #Perform the actual computation with log_level(level='ERROR', name_prefix='climada'): return _transpose_chunked_data(imp_metrics)
def _map_impact_calc( sample_chunks, exp_input_var, impf_input_var, haz_input_var, rp, calc_eai_exp, calc_at_event ): """ Map to compute impact for all parameter samples in parallel Parameters ---------- sample_chunks : pd.DataFrame Dataframe of the parameter samples exp_input_var : InputVar or Exposures Exposure uncertainty variable impf_input_var : InputVar if ImpactFuncSet Impact function set uncertainty variable haz_input_var: InputVar or Hazard Hazard uncertainty variable rp : list(int) List of the chosen return periods. calc_eai_exp : bool Compute eai_exp or not calc_at_event : bool Compute eai_exp or not Returns ------- : list impact metrics list for all samples containing aai_agg, rp_curve, eai_exp (np.array([]) if self.calc_eai_exp=False) and at_event (np.array([]) if self.calc_at_event=False). """ uncertainty_values = [] for _, sample in sample_chunks.iterrows(): exp_samples = sample[exp_input_var.labels].to_dict() impf_samples = sample[impf_input_var.labels].to_dict() haz_samples = sample[haz_input_var.labels].to_dict() exp = exp_input_var.evaluate(**exp_samples) impf = impf_input_var.evaluate(**impf_samples) haz = haz_input_var.evaluate(**haz_samples) exp.assign_centroids(haz, overwrite=False) imp = ImpactCalc(exposures=exp, impfset=impf, hazard=haz)\ .impact(assign_centroids=False, save_mat=False) # Extract from climada.impact the chosen metrics freq_curve = imp.calc_freq_curve(rp).impact if calc_eai_exp: eai_exp = imp.eai_exp else: eai_exp = np.array([]) if calc_at_event: at_event= imp.at_event else: at_event = np.array([]) uncertainty_values.append([imp.aai_agg, freq_curve, eai_exp, at_event]) return list(zip(*uncertainty_values))