Source code for climada.util.dwd_icon_loader

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Functions to download weather forecasts of the ICON weather forecast model
from the German Weather Service DWD ( Currently used for wind
gust forecast in climada.hazard.storm_europe. Other parameters like rainfall or
temperature are available.

__all__ = [

import logging
from pathlib import Path
import bz2
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np

from climada.util.config import CONFIG
from climada.util.files_handler import download_file

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def download_icon_grib(run_datetime, model_name='icon-eu-eps', parameter_name='vmax_10m', max_lead_time=None, download_dir=None): """download the gribfiles of a weather forecast run for a certain weather parameter from Parameters ---------- run_datetime : datetime The starting timepoint of the forecast run model_name : str the name of the forecast model written as it appears in the folder structure in or 'test' parameter_name : str the name of the meteorological parameter written as it appears in the folder structure in max_lead_time : int number of hours for which files should be downloaded, will default to maximum available data download_dir: : str or Path directory where the downloaded files should be saved in Returns ------- file_names : list a list of filenames that link to all just downloaded or available files from the forecast run, defined by the input parameters """'Downloading icon grib files of model %s for parameter %s with starting date %s.', model_name, parameter_name, run_datetime.strftime('%Y%m%d%H')) url, file_name, lead_times = _create_icon_grib_name(run_datetime, model_name, parameter_name, max_lead_time) download_path = CONFIG.local_data.save_dir.dir() if download_dir is None else Path(download_dir) #download all files file_names = [] for lead_i in lead_times: file_name_i = file_name.format(lead_i=lead_i) bz2_pathfile_i = download_path.absolute().joinpath(file_name_i) # download file if it does not exist already if not bz2_pathfile_i.exists(): try: download_file(url + file_name_i, download_dir=download_dir) except Exception as err: err_msg = "" if run_datetime > (dt.datetime.utcnow()-dt.timedelta(hours=6)): err_msg += (f'Forecast file {file_name_i} might not yet be available ' f'on {url}. Wait a few hours. ') elif run_datetime < (dt.datetime.utcnow() -dt.timedelta(hours=24)): err_msg += (f'Forecast file {file_name_i} might no longer be available ' f'on {url}. Files are only openly available for 24 hours. ') err_msg += f"Error while downloading {url + file_name_i}: " raise type(err)(err_msg + str(err)) from err file_names.append(str(bz2_pathfile_i)) return file_names
[docs] def delete_icon_grib(run_datetime, model_name='icon-eu-eps', parameter_name='vmax_10m', max_lead_time=None, download_dir=None): """delete the downloaded gribfiles of a weather forecast run for a certain weather parameter from Parameters ---------- run_datetime : datetime The starting timepoint of the forecast run model_name : str the name of the forecast model written as it appears in the folder structure in parameter_name : str the name of the meteorological parameter written as it appears in the folder structure in max_lead_time : int number of hours for which files should be deleted, will default to maximum available data download_dir : str or Path directory where the downloaded files are stored at the moment """ _, file_name, lead_times = _create_icon_grib_name(run_datetime, model_name, parameter_name, max_lead_time) download_path = CONFIG.local_data.save_dir.dir() if download_dir is None else Path(download_dir) #delete all files for lead_i in lead_times: file_name_i = file_name.format(lead_i=lead_i) full_path_name_i = download_path.absolute().joinpath(file_name_i) if full_path_name_i.exists(): full_path_name_i.unlink() else: LOGGER.warning('File %s does not exist and could not be deleted.', full_path_name_i)
def _create_icon_grib_name(run_datetime, model_name='icon-eu-eps', parameter_name='vmax_10m', max_lead_time=None): """create all parameters to download or delete gribfiles of a weather forecast run for a certain weather parameter from Parameters ---------- run_datetime : datetime The starting timepoint of the forecast run model_name : str the name of the forecast model written as it appears in the folder structure in parameter_name : str the name of the meteorological parameter written as it appears in the folder structure in max_lead_time : int number of hours for which files should be selected, will default to maximum available data Returns ------- url : str url where the gribfiles are stored on file_name : str filenames of gribfiles (lead_time missing) lead_times : np.array array of integers representing the leadtimes in hours, which are available for download """ # define defaults of the url for each model and parameter combination if (model_name == 'icon-eu-eps') & (parameter_name == 'vmax_10m'): file_extension = '_europe_icosahedral_single-level_' #this string completes the filename on the server file_extension_2 = '' #this string completes the filename on the server max_lead_time_default = 120 # maximum available data lead_times = np.concatenate((np.arange(1, 49), np.arange(51, 73, 3), np.arange(78, 121, 6) )) elif (model_name == 'icon-d2-eps') & (parameter_name == 'vmax_10m'): file_extension = '_germany_icosahedral_single-level_' #this string completes the filename on the server file_extension_2 = '_2d' #this string completes the filename on the server max_lead_time_default = 48 # maximum available data lead_times = np.concatenate((np.arange(1, 49), )) elif model_name == 'test': file_extension = '_storm_europe_icon_' #this string completes the filename on the server file_extension_2 = '' #this string completes the filename on the server max_lead_time_default = 2 # maximum available data lead_times = np.concatenate((np.arange(1, 49), np.arange(51, 73, 3), np.arange(78, 121, 6) )) else: raise ValueError(f'Download for model {model_name} and parameter {parameter_name} ' 'is not yet implemented. ' 'Please define the default values in the code first.') # create the url for download url = ('' + model_name + '/grib/' + run_datetime.strftime('%H') + '/' + parameter_name + '/') file_name = (model_name + file_extension + run_datetime.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + '_' + '{lead_i:03}' + file_extension_2 + '_' + parameter_name + '.grib2.bz2') # define the leadtimes if not max_lead_time: max_lead_time = max_lead_time_default elif max_lead_time > max_lead_time_default: LOGGER.warning('Parameter max_lead_time %s is bigger than maximum ' 'available files. max_lead_time is adjusted to %s.', max_lead_time, max_lead_time_default) max_lead_time = max_lead_time_default lead_times = lead_times[lead_times<=max_lead_time] return url, file_name, lead_times
[docs] def download_icon_centroids_file(model_name='icon-eu-eps', download_dir = None): """ create centroids based on netcdf files provided by dwd, links found here: Parameters ---------- model_name : str the name of the forecast model written as it appears in the folder structure in download_dir : str or Path directory where the downloaded files should be saved in Returns ------- file_name : str absolute path and filename of the downloaded and decompressed netcdf file """ # define url and filename url = '' if model_name == 'icon-eu-eps': file_name = '' elif model_name == 'icon-eu': file_name = '' elif model_name in ('icon-d2-eps', 'icon-d2'): file_name = '' elif model_name == 'test': file_name = '' else: raise ValueError(f'Creation of centroids for the icon model {model_name} ' 'is not yet implemented. Please define ' 'the default values in the code first.') download_path = CONFIG.local_data.save_dir.dir() if download_dir is None else Path(download_dir) bz2_pathfile = download_path.absolute().joinpath(file_name) nc_pathfile = bz2_pathfile.with_suffix('') # download and unzip file if not nc_pathfile.exists(): if not bz2_pathfile.exists(): try: download_file(url + file_name, download_dir=download_path) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError(f'Error while downloading {url + file_name}.') from err with open(bz2_pathfile, 'rb') as source, open(nc_pathfile, 'wb') as dest: dest.write(bz2.decompress( bz2_pathfile.unlink() return str(nc_pathfile)