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Finance functionalities.
__all__ = ['net_present_value', 'income_group', 'gdp']

import shutil
import logging
import warnings
import zipfile

from pathlib import Path

import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas_datareader import wb
from import shapereader

from climada.util.files_handler import download_file
from climada.util.constants import SYSTEM_DIR

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Wealth historical data (1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014) from World Bank (ZIP).
    Includes variable Produced Capital (NW.PCA.TO)"""

FILE_WORLD_BANK_WEALTH_ACC = "Wealth-AccountsData.csv"

"""Income group historical data from World bank."""

INCOME_GRP_WB_TABLE = {'L': 1,  # low income
                       'LM': 2,  # lower middle income
                       'UM': 3,  # upper middle income
                       'H': 4,  # high income
                       '..': np.nan  # no data
"""Meaning of values of world banks' historical table on income groups."""

INCOME_GRP_NE_TABLE = {5: 1,  # Low income
                       4: 2,  # Lower middle income
                       3: 3,  # Upper middle income
                       2: 4,  # High income: nonOECD
                       1: 4  # High income: OECD
"""Meaning of values of natural earth's income groups."""

"""File with wealth-to-GDP factors from the
Credit Suisse's Global Wealth Report 2017 (household wealth)"""

def _nat_earth_shp(resolution='10m', category='cultural',
    shp_file = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution=resolution,
                                         category=category, name=name)
    return shapereader.Reader(shp_file)

[docs] def net_present_value(years, disc_rates, val_years): """Compute net present value. Parameters ---------- years : np.array array with the sequence of years to consider. disc_rates : np.array discount rate for every year in years. val_years : np.array chash flow at each year. Returns ------- float """ if years.size != disc_rates.size or years.size != val_years.size: raise ValueError(f'Wrong input sizes {years.size}, {disc_rates.size}, {val_years.size}.') npv = val_years[-1] for val, disc in zip(val_years[-2::-1], disc_rates[-2::-1]): npv = val + npv / (1 + disc) return npv
[docs] def income_group(cntry_iso, ref_year, shp_file=None): """Get country's income group from World Bank's data at a given year, or closest year value. If no data, get the natural earth's approximation. Parameters ---------- cntry_iso : str key = ISO alpha_3 country ref_year : int reference year shp_file :, optional shape file with INCOME_GRP attribute for every country. Load Natural Earth admin0 if not provided. """ try: close_year, close_val = world_bank(cntry_iso, ref_year, 'INC_GRP') except (KeyError, IndexError): # take value from natural earth repository close_year, close_val = nat_earth_adm0(cntry_iso, 'INCOME_GRP', shp_file=shp_file)'Income group %s %s: %s.', cntry_iso, close_year, close_val) return close_year, close_val
[docs] def gdp(cntry_iso, ref_year, shp_file=None, per_capita=False): """Get country's (current value) GDP from World Bank's data at a given year, or closest year value. If no data, get the natural earth's approximation. Parameters ---------- cntry_iso : str key = ISO alpha_3 country ref_year : int reference year shp_file :, optional shape file with INCOME_GRP attribute for every country. Load Natural Earth admin0 if not provided. per_capita : boolean, optional If True, GDP is returned per capita Returns ------- float """ if cntry_iso == 'TWN': LOGGER.warning('GDP data for TWN is not provided by World Bank. \ Instead, IMF data is returned here.') close_year, close_val = _gdp_twn(ref_year, per_capita=per_capita) return close_year, close_val try: if per_capita: close_year, close_val = world_bank(cntry_iso, ref_year, 'NY.GDP.PCAP.CD') else: close_year, close_val = world_bank(cntry_iso, ref_year, 'NY.GDP.MKTP.CD') except (ValueError, IndexError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err: if isinstance(err, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): LOGGER.warning('Internet connection failed while retrieving GDPs.') close_year, close_val = nat_earth_adm0(cntry_iso, 'GDP_MD', 'GDP_YEAR', shp_file)"GDP {} {:d}: {:.3e}.".format(cntry_iso, close_year, close_val)) return close_year, close_val
def world_bank(cntry_iso, ref_year, info_ind): """Get country's GDP from World Bank's data at a given year, or closest year value. If no data, get the natural earth's approximation. Parameters ---------- cntry_iso : str key = ISO alpha_3 country ref_year : int reference year info_ind : str indicator of World Bank, e.g. 'NY.GDP.MKTP.CD'. If 'INC_GRP', historical income groups from excel file used. Returns ------- int, float Raises ------ IOError, KeyError, IndexError """ if info_ind != 'INC_GRP': with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") cntry_gdp =, country=cntry_iso, start=1960, end=2030) years = np.array([int(year) for year in cntry_gdp.index.get_level_values('year')]) sort_years = np.abs(years - ref_year).argsort() close_val = cntry_gdp.iloc[sort_years].dropna() close_year = int(close_val.iloc[0].name[1]) close_val = float(close_val.iloc[0].values) else: # income group level fn_ig = SYSTEM_DIR.joinpath('OGHIST.xls') dfr_wb = pd.DataFrame() try: if not fn_ig.is_file(): file_down = download_file(WORLD_BANK_INC_GRP) shutil.move(file_down, fn_ig) dfr_wb = pd.read_excel(fn_ig, 'Country Analytical History', skiprows=5) dfr_wb = dfr_wb.drop(dfr_wb.index[0:5]).set_index('Unnamed: 0') dfr_wb = dfr_wb.replace(INCOME_GRP_WB_TABLE.keys(), INCOME_GRP_WB_TABLE.values()) except (IOError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err: raise type(err)('Internet connection failed while downloading ' 'historical income groups: ' + str(err)) from err cntry_dfr = dfr_wb.loc[cntry_iso] close_val = cntry_dfr.iloc[np.abs( np.array(cntry_dfr.index[1:]) - ref_year).argsort() + 1].dropna() close_year = close_val.index[0] close_val = int(close_val.iloc[0]) return close_year, close_val def nat_earth_adm0(cntry_iso, info_name, year_name=None, shp_file=None): """Get country's parameter from natural earth's admin0 shape file. Parameters ---------- cntry_iso : str key = ISO alpha_3 country info_name : str attribute to get, e.g. 'GDP_MD', 'INCOME_GRP'. year_name : str, optional year name of the info_name in shape file, e.g. 'GDP_YEAR' shp_file :, optional shape file with INCOME_GRP attribute for every country. Load Natural Earth admin0 if not provided. Returns ------- int, float Raises ------ ValueError """ if not shp_file: shp_file = _nat_earth_shp('10m', 'cultural', 'admin_0_countries') close_val = 0 close_year = 0 for info in shp_file.records(): if info.attributes['ADM0_A3'] == cntry_iso: close_val = info.attributes[info_name] if year_name: close_year = int(info.attributes[year_name]) break if not close_val: raise ValueError("No GDP for country %s found." % cntry_iso) # the variable name changed in Natural Earth v5.0.0 if info_name in ['GDP_MD', 'GDP_MD_EST']: close_val *= 1e6 elif info_name == 'INCOME_GRP': close_val = INCOME_GRP_NE_TABLE.get(int(close_val[0])) return close_year, close_val def wealth2gdp(cntry_iso, non_financial=True, ref_year=2016, file_name=FILE_GWP_WEALTH2GDP_FACTORS): """Get country's wealth-to-GDP factor from the Credit Suisse's Global Wealth Report 2017 (household wealth). Missing value: returns NaN. Parameters ---------- cntry_iso : str key = ISO alpha_3 country non_financial : boolean use non-financial wealth (True) use total wealth (False) ref_year : int reference year Returns ------- float """ fname = SYSTEM_DIR.joinpath(file_name) factors_all_countries = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=',', index_col=None, header=0, encoding='ISO-8859-1') if ref_year != 2016: LOGGER.warning('Reference year for the factor to convert GDP to ' 'wealth was set to 2016 because other years have not ' 'been implemented yet.') ref_year = 2016 if non_financial: try: val = factors_all_countries[ factors_all_countries.country_iso3 == cntry_iso]['NFW-to-GDP-ratio'].values[0] except (AttributeError, KeyError, IndexError): LOGGER.warning('No data for country, using mean factor.') val = factors_all_countries["NFW-to-GDP-ratio"].mean() else: try: val = factors_all_countries[ factors_all_countries.country_iso3 == cntry_iso]['TW-to-GDP-ratio'].values[0] except (AttributeError, KeyError, IndexError): LOGGER.warning('No data for country, using mean factor.') val = factors_all_countries["TW-to-GDP-ratio"].mean() val = np.around(val, 5) return ref_year, val def world_bank_wealth_account(cntry_iso, ref_year, variable_name="NW.PCA.TO", no_land=True): """ Download and unzip wealth accounting historical data (1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014) from World Bank ( Return requested variable for a country (cntry_iso) and a year (ref_year). Parameters ---------- cntry_iso : str ISO3-code of country, i.e. "CHN" for China ref_year : int reference year - available in data: 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014 - other years between 1995 and 2014 are interpolated - for years outside range, indicator is scaled proportionally to GDP variable_name : str select one variable, i.e.: 'NW.PCA.TO': Produced capital stock of country incl. manufactured or built assets such as machinery, equipment, and physical structures and value of built-up urban land (24% mark-up) 'NW.PCA.PC': Produced capital stock per capita incl. manufactured or built assets such as machinery, equipment, and physical structures and value of built-up urban land (24% mark-up) 'NW.NCA.TO': Total natural capital of country. Natural capital includes the valuation of fossil fuel energy (oil, gas, hard and soft coal) and minerals (bauxite, copper, gold, iron ore, lead, nickel, phosphate, silver, tin, and zinc), agricultural land (cropland and pastureland), forests (timber and some nontimber forest products), and protected areas. 'NW.TOW.TO': Total wealth of country. Note: Values are measured at market exchange rates in constant 2014 US dollars, using a country-specific GDP deflator. no_land : boolean If True, return produced capital without built-up land value (applies to 'NW.PCA.*' only). Default: True. """ try: data_file = SYSTEM_DIR.joinpath(FILE_WORLD_BANK_WEALTH_ACC) if not data_file.is_file(): data_file = SYSTEM_DIR.joinpath('Wealth-Accounts_CSV', FILE_WORLD_BANK_WEALTH_ACC) if not data_file.is_file(): if not SYSTEM_DIR.joinpath('Wealth-Accounts_CSV').is_dir(): SYSTEM_DIR.joinpath('Wealth-Accounts_CSV').mkdir() file_down = download_file(WORLD_BANK_WEALTH_ACC) zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(file_down, 'r') zip_ref.extractall(SYSTEM_DIR.joinpath('Wealth-Accounts_CSV')) zip_ref.close() Path(file_down).unlink() LOGGER.debug('Download and unzip complete. Unzipping %s', str(data_file)) data_wealth = pd.read_csv(data_file, sep=',', index_col=None, header=0) except Exception as err: raise type(err)( 'Downloading World Bank Wealth Accounting Data failed: ' + str(err)) from err data_wealth = data_wealth[data_wealth['Country Code'].str.contains(cntry_iso) & data_wealth['Indicator Code'].str.contains(variable_name) ].loc[:, '1995':'2014'] years = list(map(int, list(data_wealth))) if data_wealth.size == 0 and 'NW.PCA.TO' in variable_name: # if country is not found in data LOGGER.warning('No data available for country. Using non-financial wealth instead') gdp_year, gdp_val = gdp(cntry_iso, ref_year) fac = wealth2gdp(cntry_iso)[1] return gdp_year, np.around((fac * gdp_val), 1), 0 if ref_year in years: # indicator for reference year is available directly result = data_wealth.loc[:, str(ref_year)].values[0] elif np.min(years) < ref_year < np.max(years): # interpolate result = np.interp(ref_year, years, data_wealth.values[0, :]) elif ref_year < np.min(years): # scale proportionally to GDP gdp_year, gdp0_val = gdp(cntry_iso, np.min(years)) gdp_year, gdp_val = gdp(cntry_iso, ref_year) result = data_wealth.values[0, 0] * gdp_val / gdp0_val ref_year = gdp_year else: gdp_year, gdp0_val = gdp(cntry_iso, np.max(years)) gdp_year, gdp_val = gdp(cntry_iso, ref_year) result = data_wealth.values[0, -1] * gdp_val / gdp0_val ref_year = gdp_year if 'NW.PCA.' in variable_name and no_land: # remove value of built-up land from produced capital result = result / 1.24 return ref_year, np.around(result, 1), 1 def _gdp_twn(ref_year, per_capita=False): """returns GDP for TWN (Republic of China / Taiwan Province of China) based on a CSV sheet downloaded from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The reason for this special treatment is the lack of GDP data for TWN in the World Bank data Data Source: (saved as CSV with name GDP_TWN_IMF_WEO_data in SYSTEM_DIR) Parameters ---------- ref_year : int reference year, i.e. the year for which a GDP value is required per_capita : boolean return GDP per capita? Default False. Returns ------- float """ fname = 'GDP_TWN_IMF_WEO_data.csv' if not SYSTEM_DIR.joinpath(fname).is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'File {fname} not found in SYSTEM_DIR') if per_capita: var_name = 'Gross domestic product per capita, current prices' else: var_name = 'Gross domestic product, current prices' if ref_year < 1980: close_year = 1980 elif ref_year > 2024: close_year = 2024 else: close_year = ref_year data = pd.read_csv(SYSTEM_DIR.joinpath('GDP_TWN_IMF_WEO_data.csv'), index_col=None, header=0) close_val = data.loc[data['Subject Descriptor'] == var_name, str(close_year)].values[0] close_val = float(close_val.replace(',', '')) if not per_capita: close_val = close_val * 1e9 return close_year, close_val