climada.engine.unsequa package#
climada.engine.unsequa.calc_base module#
- class climada.engine.unsequa.calc_base.Calc[source]#
Base class for uncertainty quantification
Contains the generic sampling and sensitivity methods. For computing the uncertainty distribution for specific CLIMADA outputs see the subclass CalcImpact and CalcCostBenefit.
- _input_var_names#
Names of the required uncertainty variables.
- Type:
- _metric_names#
Names of the output metrics.
- Type:
Parallelization logics: for computation of the uncertainty users may specify a number N of processes on which to perform the computations in parallel. Since the computation for each individual sample of the input parameters is independent of one another, we implemented a simple distribution on the processes.
The samples are divided in N equal sub-sample chunks
Each chunk of samples is sent as one to a node for processing
Hence, this is equivalent to the user running the computation N times, once for each sub-sample. Note that for each process, all the input variables must be copied once, and hence each parallel process requires roughly the same amount of memory as if a single process would be used.
This approach differs from the usual parallelization strategy (where individual samples are distributed), because each sample requires the entire input data. With this method, copying data between processes is reduced to a minimum.
Parallelization is currently not available for the sensitivity computation, as this requires all samples simoultenaously in the current implementation of the SaLib library.
- check_distr()[source]#
Log warning if input parameters repeated among input variables
- Return type:
- property input_vars#
Uncertainty variables
- Returns:
All uncertainty variables associated with the calculation
- Return type:
- property distr_dict#
Dictionary of the input variable distribution
Probabilitiy density distribution of all the parameters of all the uncertainty variables listed in self.InputVars
- Returns:
distr_dict – Dictionary of all probability density distributions.
- Return type:
dict( sp.stats objects )
- est_comp_time(n_samples, time_one_run, processes=None)[source]#
Estimate the computation time
- Parameters:
n_samples (int/float) – The total number of samples
time_one_run (int/float) – Estimated computation time for one parameter set in seconds
pool (pathos.pool, optional) – pool that would be used for parallel computation. The default is None.
- Return type:
Estimated computation time in secs.
- make_sample(N, sampling_method='saltelli', sampling_kwargs=None)[source]#
Make samples of the input variables
For all input parameters, sample from their respective distributions using the chosen sampling_method from SALib.
This sets the attributes unc_output.samples_df, unc_output.sampling_method, unc_output.sampling_kwargs.
- Parameters:
N (int) – Number of samples as used in the sampling method from SALib
sampling_method (str, optional) – The sampling method as defined in SALib. Possible choices: ‘saltelli’, ‘latin’, ‘morris’, ‘dgsm’, ‘fast_sampler’, ‘ff’, ‘finite_diff’,
The default is ‘saltelli’.
sampling_kwargs (kwargs, optional) – Optional keyword arguments passed on to the SALib sampling_method. The default is None.
- Returns:
unc_output – Uncertainty data object with the samples
- Return type:
The ‘ff’ sampling method does not require a value for the N parameter. The inputed N value is hence ignored in the sampling process in the case of this method. The ‘ff’ sampling method requires a number of uncerainty parameters to be a power of 2. The users can generate dummy variables to achieve this requirement. Please refer to for more details.
See also
sampling methods from SALib SALib.sample
- sensitivity(unc_output, sensitivity_method='sobol', sensitivity_kwargs=None)[source]#
Compute the sensitivity indices using SALib.
Prior to doing the sensitivity analysis, one must compute the uncertainty (distribution) of the output values (with self.uncertainty()) for all the samples (rows of self.samples_df).
According to Wikipedia, sensitivity analysis is “the study of how the uncertainty in the output of a mathematical model or system (numerical or otherwise) can be apportioned to different sources of uncertainty in its inputs.” The sensitivity of each input is often represented by a numeric value, called the sensitivity index. Sensitivity indices come in several forms.
This sets the attributes: sens_output.sensistivity_method sens_output.sensitivity_kwargs sens_output.xxx_sens_df for each metric unc_output.xxx_unc_df
- Parameters:
unc_output (climada.engine.unsequa.UncOutput) – Uncertainty data object in which to store the sensitivity indices
sensitivity_method (str, optional) – Sensitivity analysis method from SALib.analyse. Possible choices: ‘sobol’, ‘fast’, ‘rbd_fast’, ‘morris’, ‘dgsm’, ‘ff’, ‘pawn’, ‘rhdm’, ‘rsa’, ‘discrepancy’, ‘hdmr’. Note that in Salib, sampling methods and sensitivity analysis methods should be used in specific pairs:
sensitivity_kwargs (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments of the chosen SALib analyse method. The default is to use SALib’s default arguments.
The variables ‘Em’,’Term’,’X’,’Y’ are removed from the output of the ‘hdmr’ method to ensure compatibility with unsequa. The ‘Delta’ method is currently not supported.
- Returns:
sens_output – Uncertainty data object with all the sensitivity indices, and all the uncertainty data copied over from unc_output.
- Return type:
climada.engine.unsequa.calc_cost_benefit module#
- class climada.engine.unsequa.calc_cost_benefit.CalcCostBenefit(haz_input_var: InputVar | Hazard, ent_input_var: InputVar | Entity, haz_fut_input_var: InputVar | Hazard | None = None, ent_fut_input_var: InputVar | Entity | None = None)[source]#
Cost Benefit uncertainty analysis class
This is the base class to perform uncertainty analysis on the outputs of climada.engine.costbenefit.CostBenefit().
- value_unit#
Unit of the exposures value
- Type:
- _input_var_names#
Names of the required uncertainty variables (‘haz_input_var’, ‘ent_input_var’, ‘haz_fut_input_var’, ‘ent_fut_input_var’)
- Type:
- _metric_names#
Names of the cost benefit output metrics (‘tot_climate_risk’, ‘benefit’, ‘cost_ben_ratio’,
‘imp_meas_present’, ‘imp_meas_future’)
- Type:
- __init__(haz_input_var: InputVar | Hazard, ent_input_var: InputVar | Entity, haz_fut_input_var: InputVar | Hazard | None = None, ent_fut_input_var: InputVar | Entity | None = None)[source]#
Initialize UncCalcCostBenefit
Sets the uncertainty input variables, the cost benefit metric_names, and the units.
- Parameters:
haz_input_var (climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar) – or climada.hazard.Hazard Hazard uncertainty variable or Hazard for the present Hazard in climada.engine.CostBenefit.calc
ent_input_var (climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar) – or climada.entity.Entity Entity uncertainty variable or Entity for the present Entity in climada.engine.CostBenefit.calc
haz_fut_input_var (climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar) – or climada.hazard.Hazard, optional Hazard uncertainty variable or Hazard for the future Hazard The Default is None.
ent_fut_input_var (climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar) – or climada.entity.Entity, optional Entity uncertainty variable or Entity for the future Entity in climada.engine.CostBenefit.calc
- uncertainty(unc_sample, processes=1, chunksize=None, **cost_benefit_kwargs)[source]#
Computes the cost benefit for each sample in unc_output.sample_df.
By default, imp_meas_present, imp_meas_future, tot_climate_risk, benefit, cost_ben_ratio are computed.
This sets the attributes: unc_output.imp_meas_present_unc_df, unc_output.imp_meas_future_unc_df unc_output.tot_climate_risk_unc_df unc_output.benefit_unc_df unc_output.cost_ben_ratio_unc_df unc_output.unit unc_output.cost_benefit_kwargs
- Parameters:
unc_sample (climada.engine.uncertainty.unc_output.UncOutput) – Uncertainty data object with the input parameters samples
processes (int, optional) – Number of CPUs to use for parralel computations. The default is 1 (not parallel)
cost_benefit_kwargs (keyword arguments) – Keyword arguments passed on to climada.engine.CostBenefit.calc()
chunksize (int, optional) – Size of the sample chunks for parallel processing. Default is equal to the number of samples divided by the number of processes.
- Returns:
unc_output – Uncertainty data object in with the cost benefit outputs for each sample and all the sample data copied over from unc_sample.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError: – If no sampling parameters defined, the uncertainty distribution cannot be computed.
Parallelization logic is described in the base class here
See also
compute risk and adptation option cost benefits.
climada.engine.unsequa.calc_impact module#
- class climada.engine.unsequa.calc_impact.CalcImpact(exp_input_var: InputVar | Exposures, impf_input_var: InputVar | ImpactFuncSet, haz_input_var: InputVar | Hazard)[source]#
Impact uncertainty caclulation class.
This is the class to perform uncertainty analysis on the outputs of a climada.engine.impact.Impact() object.
- rp#
List of the chosen return periods.
- Type:
- calc_eai_exp#
Compute eai_exp or not
- Type:
- calc_at_event#
Compute eai_exp or not
- Type:
- value_unit#
Unit of the exposures value
- Type:
- impf_input_var#
Impact function set uncertainty variable
- Type:
InputVar if ImpactFuncSet
- _input_var_names#
Names of the required uncertainty input variables (‘exp_input_var’, ‘impf_input_var’, ‘haz_input_var’)
- Type:
- _metric_names#
Names of the impact output metrics (‘aai_agg’, ‘freq_curve’, ‘at_event’, ‘eai_exp’)
- Type:
- __init__(exp_input_var: InputVar | Exposures, impf_input_var: InputVar | ImpactFuncSet, haz_input_var: InputVar | Hazard)[source]#
Initialize UncCalcImpact
Sets the uncertainty input variables, the impact metric_names, and the units.
- Parameters:
exp_input_var (climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar or climada.entity.Exposure) – Exposure uncertainty variable or Exposure
impf_input_var (climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar or climada.entity.ImpactFuncSet) – Impact function set uncertainty variable or Impact function set
haz_input_var (climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar or climada.hazard.Hazard) – Hazard uncertainty variable or Hazard
- uncertainty(unc_sample, rp=None, calc_eai_exp=False, calc_at_event=False, processes=1, chunksize=None)[source]#
Computes the impact for each sample in unc_data.sample_df.
By default, the aggregated average impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit (impact.aai_agg) and the excees impact at return periods rp (imppact.calc_freq_curve(self.rp).impact) is computed. Optionally, eai_exp and at_event is computed (this may require a larger amount of memory if the number of samples and/or the number of centroids and/or exposures points is large).
This sets the attributes self.rp, self.calc_eai_exp, self.calc_at_event, self.metrics.
This sets the attributes: unc_output.aai_agg_unc_df, unc_output.freq_curve_unc_df unc_output.eai_exp_unc_df unc_output.at_event_unc_df unc_output.unit
- Parameters:
unc_sample (climada.engine.uncertainty.unc_output.UncOutput) – Uncertainty data object with the input parameters samples
rp (list(int), optional) – Return periods in years to be computed. The default is [5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250].
calc_eai_exp (boolean, optional) – Toggle computation of the impact at each centroid location. The default is False.
calc_at_event (boolean, optional) – Toggle computation of the impact for each event. The default is False.
processes (int, optional) – Number of CPUs to use for parralel computations. The default is 1 (not parallel)
chunksize (int, optional) – Size of the sample chunks for parallel processing. Default is equal to the number of samples divided by the number of processes.
- Returns:
unc_output – Uncertainty data object with the impact outputs for each sample and all the sample data copied over from unc_sample.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError: – If no sampling parameters defined, the distribution cannot be computed.
Parallelization logic is described in the base class here
See also
compute impact and risk.
climada.engine.unsequa.input_var module#
- class climada.engine.unsequa.input_var.InputVar(func: callable, distr_dict: Dict)[source]#
Input variable for the uncertainty analysis
An uncertainty input variable requires a single or multi-parameter function. The parameters must follow a given distribution. The uncertainty input variables are the input parameters of the model.
- distr_dict#
Distribution of the uncertainty parameters. Keys are uncertainty parameters names and Values are probability density distribution from the scipy.stats package
- Type:
- labels#
Names of the uncertainty parameters (keys of distr_dict)
- Type:
- func#
User defined python fucntion with the uncertainty parameters as keyword arguements and which returns a climada object.
- Type:
A few default Variables are defined for Hazards, Exposures, Impact Fucntions, Measures and Entities.
Categorical variable function: LitPop exposures with m,n exponents in [0,5]
>>> import scipy as sp >>> def litpop_cat(m, n): ... exp = Litpop.from_countries('CHE', exponent=[m, n]) ... return exp >>> distr_dict = { ... 'm': sp.stats.randint(low=0, high=5), ... 'n': sp.stats.randint(low=0, high=5) ... } >>> iv_cat = InputVar(func=litpop_cat, distr_dict=distr_dict)
Continuous variable function: Impact function for TC
>>> import scipy as sp >>> def imp_fun_tc(G, v_half, vmin, k, _id=1): ... intensity = np.linspace(0, 150, num=100) ... mdd = np.repeat(1, len(intensity)) ... paa = np.array([sigmoid_function(v, G, v_half, vmin, k) ... for v in intensity]) ... imp_fun = ImpactFunc(haz_type='TC', ... id=_id, ... intensity_unit='m/s', ... intensity=intensity, ... mdd=mdd, ... paa=paa) ... imp_fun.check() ... impf_set = ImpactFuncSet([imp_fun]) ... return impf_set >>> distr_dict = {"G": sp.stats.uniform(0.8, 1), ... "v_half": sp.stats.uniform(50, 100), ... "vmin": sp.stats.norm(loc=15, scale=30), ... "k": sp.stats.randint(low=1, high=9) ... } >>> iv_cont = InputVar(func=imp_fun_tc, distr_dict=distr_dict)
- __init__(func: callable, distr_dict: Dict)[source]#
Initialize InputVar
- Parameters:
func (function) – Variable defined as a function of the uncertainty parameters
distr_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the probability density distributions of the uncertainty parameters, with keys matching the keyword arguments (i.e. uncertainty parameters) of the func function. The distribution must be of type scipy.stats
- evaluate(**params)[source]#
Return the value of uncertainty input variable.
By default, the value of the average is returned.
- Parameters:
**params (optional) – Input parameters will be passed to self.func.
- Returns:
unc_func(**params) – Output of the uncertainty variable.
- Return type:
climada object
- plot(figsize=None)[source]#
Plot the distributions of the parameters of the uncertainty variable.
- Parameters:
figsize (tuple(int or float, int or float), optional) – The figsize argument of matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() The default is derived from the total number of plots (nplots) as:
>>> nrows, ncols = int(np.ceil(nplots / 3)), min(nplots, 3) >>> figsize = (ncols * FIG_W, nrows * FIG_H)
- Returns:
axes – The figure and axes handle of the plot.
- Return type:
matplotlib.pyplot.figure, matplotlib.pyplot.axes
- static var_to_inputvar(var)[source]#
Returns an uncertainty variable with no distribution if var is not an InputVar. Else, returns var.
- Parameters:
var (climada.uncertainty.InputVar or any other CLIMADA object)
- Returns:
var if var is InputVar, else InputVar with var and no distribution.
- Return type:
- static haz(haz_list, n_ev=None, bounds_int=None, bounds_frac=None, bounds_freq=None)[source]#
Helper wrapper for basic hazard uncertainty input variable
The following types of uncertainties can be added:
- HE: sub-sampling events from the total event set
For each sub-sample, n_ev events are sampled with replacement. HE is the value of the seed for the uniform random number generator.
- HI: scale the intensity of all events (homogeneously)
The instensity of all events is multiplied by a number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_int
- HA: scale the fraction of all events (homogeneously)
The fraction of all events is multiplied by a number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_frac
- HF: scale the frequency of all events (homogeneously)
The frequency of all events is multiplied by a number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_freq
- HL: sample uniformly from hazard list
From the provided list of hazard is elements are uniformly sampled. For example, Hazards outputs from dynamical models for different input factors.
If a bounds is None, this parameter is assumed to have no uncertainty.
- Parameters:
haz (List of climada.hazard.Hazard) – The list of base hazard. Can be one or many to uniformly sample from.
n_ev (int, optional) – Number of events to be subsampled per sample. Can be equal or larger than haz.size. The default is None.
bounds_int ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous intensity scaling. The default is None.
bounds_frac ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous fraction scaling. The default is None.
bounds_freq ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous frequency scaling. The default is None.
- Returns:
Uncertainty input variable for a hazard object.
- Return type:
- static exp(exp_list, bounds_totval=None, bounds_noise=None)[source]#
Helper wrapper for basic exposure uncertainty input variable
The following types of uncertainties can be added:
- ET: scale the total value (homogeneously)
The value at each exposure point is multiplied by a number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_totvalue
- EN: mutliplicative noise (inhomogeneous)
The value of each exposure point is independently multiplied by a random number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_noise. EN is the value of the seed for the uniform random number generator.
- EL: sample uniformly from exposure list
From the provided list of exposure is elements are uniformly sampled. For example, LitPop instances with different exponents.
If a bounds is None, this parameter is assumed to have no uncertainty.
- Parameters:
exp_list (list of climada.entity.exposures.Exposures) – The list of base exposure. Can be one or many to uniformly sample from.
bounds_totval ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous total value scaling.. The default is None.
bounds_noise ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution to scale each exposure point independently. The default is None.
- Returns:
Uncertainty input variable for an exposure object.
- Return type:
- static impfset(impf_set_list, haz_id_dict=None, bounds_mdd=None, bounds_paa=None, bounds_impfi=None)[source]#
Helper wrapper for basic impact function set uncertainty input variable.
One impact function (chosen with haz_type and fun_id) is characterized.
The following types of uncertainties can be added:
- MDD: scale the mdd (homogeneously)
The value of mdd at each intensity is multiplied by a number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_mdd
- PAA: scale the paa (homogeneously)
The value of paa at each intensity is multiplied by a number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_paa
- IFi: shift the intensity (homogeneously)
The value intensity are all summed with a random number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_int
- IL: sample uniformly from impact function set list
From the provided list of impact function sets elements are uniformly sampled. For example, impact functions obtained from different calibration methods.
If a bounds is None, this parameter is assumed to have no uncertainty.
- Parameters:
impf_set_list (list of ImpactFuncSet) – The list of base impact function set. Can be one or many to uniformly sample from. The impact function ids must identical for all impact function sets.
bounds_mdd ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous mdd scaling. The default is None.
bounds_paa ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous paa scaling. The default is None.
bounds_impfi ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous shift of intensity. The default is None.
haz_id_dict (dict(), optional) – Dictionary of the impact functions affected by uncertainty. Keys are hazard types (str), values are a list of impact function id (int). Default is impsf_set.get_ids() i.e. all impact functions in the set
- Returns:
Uncertainty input variable for an impact function set object.
- Return type:
- static ent(impf_set_list, disc_rate, exp_list, meas_set, haz_id_dict, bounds_disc=None, bounds_cost=None, bounds_totval=None, bounds_noise=None, bounds_mdd=None, bounds_paa=None, bounds_impfi=None)[source]#
Helper wrapper for basic entity set uncertainty input variable.
Important: only the impact function defined by haz_type and fun_id will be affected by bounds_impfi, bounds_mdd, bounds_paa.
The following types of uncertainties can be added:
- DR: value of constant discount rate (homogeneously)
The value of the discounts in each year is sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_disc
- CO: scale the cost (homogeneously)
The cost of all measures is multiplied by the same number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_cost
- ET: scale the total value (homogeneously)
The value at each exposure point is multiplied by a number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_totval
- EN: mutliplicative noise (inhomogeneous)
The value of each exposure point is independently multiplied by a random number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_noise. EN is the value of the seed for the uniform random number generator.
- EL: sample uniformly from exposure list
From the provided list of exposure is elements are uniformly sampled. For example, LitPop instances with different exponents.
- MDD: scale the mdd (homogeneously)
The value of mdd at each intensity is multiplied by a number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_mdd
- PAA: scale the paa (homogeneously)
The value of paa at each intensity is multiplied by a number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_paa
- IFi: shift the intensity (homogeneously)
The value intensity are all summed with a random number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_int
- IL: sample uniformly from impact function set list
From the provided list of impact function sets elements are uniformly sampled. For example, impact functions obtained from different calibration methods.
If a bounds is None, this parameter is assumed to have no uncertainty.
- Parameters:
bounds_disk ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous discount rate scaling. The default is None.
bounds_cost ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous cost of all measures scaling. The default is None.
bounds_totval ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous total exposure value scaling. The default is None.
bounds_noise ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution to scale each exposure point independently. The default is None.
bounds_mdd ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous mdd scaling. The default is None.
bounds_paa ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous paa scaling. The default is None.
bounds_impfi ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous shift of intensity. The default is None.
impf_set_list (list of ImpactFuncSet) – The list of base impact function set. Can be one or many to uniformly sample from. The impact function ids must identical for all impact function sets.
disc_rate (climada.entity.disc_rates.base.DiscRates) – The base discount rates.
exp_list ([climada.entity.exposures.base.Exposure]) – The list of base exposure. Can be one or many to uniformly sample from.
meas_set (climada.entity.measures.measure_set.MeasureSet) – The base measures.
haz_id_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the impact functions affected by uncertainty. Keys are hazard types (str), values are a list of impact function id (int).
- Returns:
Entity uncertainty input variable
- Return type:
- static entfut(impf_set_list, exp_list, meas_set, haz_id_dict, bounds_cost=None, bounds_eg=None, bounds_noise=None, bounds_impfi=None, bounds_mdd=None, bounds_paa=None)[source]#
Helper wrapper for basic future entity set uncertainty input variable.
Important: only the impact function defined by haz_type and fun_id will be affected by bounds_impfi, bounds_mdd, bounds_paa.
The following types of uncertainties can be added:
- CO: scale the cost (homogeneously)
The cost of all measures is multiplied by the same number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_cost
- EG: scale the exposures growth (homogeneously)
The value at each exposure point is multiplied by a number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_eg
- EN: mutliplicative noise (inhomogeneous)
The value of each exposure point is independently multiplied by a random number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_noise. EN is the value of the seed for the uniform random number generator.
- EL: sample uniformly from exposure list
From the provided list of exposure is elements are uniformly sampled. For example, LitPop instances with different exponents.
- MDD: scale the mdd (homogeneously)
The value of mdd at each intensity is multiplied by a number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_mdd
- PAA: scale the paa (homogeneously)
The value of paa at each intensity is multiplied by a number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_paa
- IFi: shift the impact function intensity (homogeneously)
The value intensity are all summed with a random number sampled uniformly from a distribution with (min, max) = bounds_impfi
- IL: sample uniformly from impact function set list
From the provided list of impact function sets elements are uniformly sampled. For example, impact functions obtained from different calibration methods.
If a bounds is None, this parameter is assumed to have no uncertainty.
- Parameters:
bounds_cost ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous cost of all measures scaling. The default is None.
bounds_eg ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous total exposure growth scaling. The default is None.
bounds_noise ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution to scale each exposure point independently. The default is None.
bounds_mdd ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous mdd scaling. The default is None.
bounds_paa ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous paa scaling. The default is None.
bounds_impfi ((float, float), optional) – Bounds of the uniform distribution for the homogeneous shift of intensity. The default is None.
impf_set_list (list of ImpactFuncSet) – The list of base impact function set. Can be one or many to uniformly sample from. The impact function ids must identical for all impact function sets.
exp_list ([climada.entity.exposures.base.Exposure]) – The list of base exposure. Can be one or many to uniformly sample from.
meas_set (climada.entity.measures.measure_set.MeasureSet) – The base measures.
haz_id_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the impact functions affected by uncertainty. Keys are hazard types (str), values are a list of impact function id (int).
- Returns:
Entity uncertainty input variable
- Return type:
climada.engine.unsequa.unc_output module#
- class climada.engine.unsequa.unc_output.UncOutput(samples_df, unit=None)[source]#
Class to store and plot uncertainty and sensitivity analysis output data
This is the base class to store uncertainty and sensitivity outputs of an analysis done on climada.engine.impact.Impact() or climada.engine.costbenefit.CostBenefit() object.
- samples_df#
Values of the sampled uncertainty parameters. It has n_samples rows and one column per uncertainty parameter.
- Type:
- sampling_method#
Name of the sampling method from SAlib.
- Type:
- n_samples#
Effective number of samples (number of rows of samples_df)
- Type:
- param_labels#
Name of all the uncertainty parameters
- Type:
- distr_dict#
Comon flattened dictionary of all the distr_dict of all input variables. It represents the distribution of all the uncertainty parameters.
- Type:
- problem_sa#
The description of the uncertainty variables and their distribution as used in SALib.
- Type:
- __init__(samples_df, unit=None)[source]#
Initialize Uncertainty Data object.
- Parameters:
samples_df (pandas.DataFrame) – input parameters samples
unit (str, optional) – value unit
- order_samples(by_parameters)[source]#
Function to sort the samples dataframe.
Note: the unc_output.samples_df is ordered inplace.
- Parameters:
by_parameters (list[string]) – List of the uncertainty parameters to sort by (ordering in list is kept)
- Return type:
- check_salib(sensitivity_method)[source]#
Checks whether the chosen sensitivity method and the sampling method used to generated self.samples_df respect the pairing recommendation by the SALib package.
- Parameters:
sensitivity_method (str) – Name of the sensitivity analysis method.
- Returns:
True if sampling and sensitivity methods respect the recommended pairing.
- Return type:
- property sampling_method#
Returns the sampling method used to generate self.samples_df
- Returns:
Sampling method name
- Return type:
- property sampling_kwargs#
Returns the kwargs of the sampling method that generate self.samples_df
- Returns:
Dictionary of arguments for SALib sampling method
- Return type:
- property n_samples#
The effective number of samples
- Returns:
effective number of samples
- Return type:
- property param_labels#
Labels of all uncertainty input parameters.
- Returns:
Labels of all uncertainty input parameters.
- Return type:
list of str
- property problem_sa#
The description of the uncertainty variables and their distribution as used in SALib.
- Returns:
Salib problem dictionary.
- Return type:
- property uncertainty_metrics#
Retrieve all uncertainty output metrics names
- Returns:
unc_metric_list – List of names of attributes containing metrics uncertainty values, without the trailing ‘_unc_df’
- Return type:
- property sensitivity_metrics#
Retrieve all sensitivity output metrics names
- Returns:
sens_metric_list – List of names of attributes containing metrics sensitivity values, without the trailing ‘_sens_df’
- Return type:
- get_uncertainty(metric_list=None)[source]#
Returns uncertainty dataframe with values for each sample
- Parameters:
metric_list ([str], optional) – List of uncertainty metrics to consider. The default returns all uncertainty metrics at once.
- Returns:
Joint dataframe of all uncertainty values for all metrics in the metric_list.
- Return type:
See also
list of all available uncertainty metrics
- get_sensitivity(salib_si, metric_list=None)[source]#
Returns sensitivity index
E.g. For the sensitivity analysis method ‘sobol’, the choices are [‘S1’, ‘ST’], for ‘delta’ the choices are [‘delta’, ‘S1’].
For more information see the SAlib documentation:
- Parameters:
salib_si (str) – Sensitivity index
metric_list ([str], optional) – List of sensitivity metrics to consider. The default returns all sensitivity indices at once.
- Returns:
Joint dataframe of the sensitvity indices for all metrics in the metric_list
- Return type:
See also
list of all available sensitivity metrics
- get_largest_si(salib_si, metric_list=None, threshold=0.01)[source]#
Get largest si per metric
- Parameters:
salib_si (str) – The name of the sensitivity index to plot.
metric_list (list of strings, optional) – List of metrics to plot the sensitivity. Default is None.
threshold (float) – The minimum value a sensitivity index must have to be considered as the largest. The default is 0.01.
- Returns:
max_si_df – Dataframe with the largest si and its value per metric
- Return type:
- plot_sample(figsize=None)[source]#
Plot the sample distributions of the uncertainty input parameters
For each uncertainty input variable, the sample distributions is shown in a separate axes.
- Parameters:
figsize (tuple(int or float, int or float), optional) – The figsize argument of matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() The default is derived from the total number of plots (nplots) as:
>>> nrows, ncols = int(np.ceil(nplots / 3)), min(nplots, 3) >>> figsize = (ncols * FIG_W, nrows * FIG_H)
- Raises:
ValueError – If no sample was computed the plot cannot be made.
- Returns:
axes – The axis handle of the plot.
- Return type:
- plot_uncertainty(metric_list=None, orig_list=None, figsize=None, log=False, axes=None, calc_delta=False)[source]#
Plot the uncertainty distribution
For each risk metric, a separate axes is used to plot the uncertainty distribution of the output values obtained over the sampled input parameters.
- Parameters:
metric_list (list[str], optional) – List of metrics to plot the distribution. The default is None.
orig_list (list[float], optional) – List of the original (without uncertainty) values for each sub-metric of the mtrics in metric_list. The ordering is identical. The default is None.
figsize (tuple(int or float, int or float), optional) – The figsize argument of matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() The default is derived from the total number of plots (nplots) as: nrows, ncols = int(np.ceil(nplots / 3)), min(nplots, 3) figsize = (ncols * FIG_W, nrows * FIG_H)
log (boolean, optional) – Use log10 scale for x axis. Default is False.
axes (matplotlib.pyplot.axes, optional) – Axes handles to use for the plot. The default is None.
calc_delta (boolean, optional) – Adapt x axis label for CalcDeltaImpact unc_output. Default is False.
- Raises:
ValueError – If no metric distribution was computed the plot cannot be made.
- Returns:
axes – The axes handle of the plot.
- Return type:
See also
list of all available uncertainty metrics
- plot_rp_uncertainty(orig_list=None, figsize=(16, 6), axes=None, calc_delta=False)[source]#
Plot the distribution of return period uncertainty
- Parameters:
orig_list (list[float], optional) – List of the original (without uncertainty) values for each sub-metric of the metrics in metric_list. The ordering is identical. The default is None.
figsize (tuple(int or float, int or float), optional) – The figsize argument of matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() The default is (16, 6)
axes (matplotlib.pyplot.axes, optional) – Axes handles to use for the plot. The default is None.
calc_delta (boolean, optional) – Adapt axis labels for CalcDeltaImpact unc_output. Default is False.
- Raises:
ValueError – If no metric distribution was computed the plot cannot be made.
- Returns:
axes – The axis handle of the plot.
- Return type:
- plot_sensitivity(salib_si='S1', salib_si_conf='S1_conf', metric_list=None, figsize=None, axes=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Bar plot of a first order sensitivity index
For each metric, the sensitivity indices are plotted in a separate axes.
This requires that a senstivity analysis was already performed.
E.g. For the sensitivity analysis method ‘sobol’, the choices are [‘S1’, ‘ST’], for ‘delta’ the choices are [‘delta’, ‘S1’].
Note that not all sensitivity indices have a confidence interval.
For more information see the SAlib documentation:
- Parameters:
salib_si (string, optional) – The first order (one value per metric output) sensitivity index to plot. The default is S1.
salib_si_conf (string, optional) – The confidence value for the first order sensitivity index to plot. The default is S1_conf.
metric_list (list of strings, optional) – List of metrics to plot the sensitivity. If a metric is not found it is ignored.
figsize (tuple(int or float, int or float), optional) – The figsize argument of matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() The default is derived from the total number of plots (nplots) as:
>>> nrows, ncols = int(np.ceil(nplots / 3)), min(nplots, 3) >>> figsize = (ncols * FIG_W, nrows * FIG_H)
axes (matplotlib.pyplot.axes, optional) – Axes handles to use for the plot. The default is None.
kwargs – Keyword arguments passed on to pandas.DataFrame.plot(kind=’bar’)
- Raises:
ValueError : – If no sensitivity is available the plot cannot be made.
- Returns:
axes – The axes handle of the plot.
- Return type:
See also
list of all available sensitivity metrics
- plot_sensitivity_second_order(salib_si='S2', salib_si_conf='S2_conf', metric_list=None, figsize=None, axes=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Plot second order sensitivity indices as matrix.
For each metric, the sensitivity indices are plotted in a separate axes.
E.g. For the sensitivity analysis method ‘sobol’, the choices are [‘S2’, ‘S2_conf’].
Note that not all sensitivity indices have a confidence interval.
For more information see the SAlib documentation:
- Parameters:
salib_si (string, optional) – The second order sensitivity indexto plot. The default is S2.
salib_si_conf (string, optional) – The confidence value for thesensitivity index salib_si to plot. The default is S2_conf.
metric_list (list of strings, optional) – List of metrics to plot the sensitivity. If a metric is not found it is ignored. Default is all 1D metrics.
figsize (tuple(int or float, int or float), optional) – The figsize argument of matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() The default is derived from the total number of plots (nplots) as:
>>> nrows, ncols = int(np.ceil(nplots / 3)), min(nplots, 3) >>> figsize = (ncols * 5, nrows * 5)
axes (matplotlib.pyplot.axes, optional) – Axes handles to use for the plot. The default is None.
kwargs – Keyword arguments passed on to matplotlib.pyplot.imshow()
- Raises:
ValueError : – If no sensitivity is available the plot cannot be made.
- Returns:
axes – The axes handle of the plot.
- Return type:
See also
list of all available sensitivity metrics
- plot_sensitivity_map(salib_si='S1', **kwargs)[source]#
Plot a map of the largest sensitivity index in each exposure point
Requires the uncertainty distribution for eai_exp.
- Parameters:
salib_si (str, optional) – The name of the sensitivity index to plot. The default is ‘S1’.
kwargs – Keyword arguments passed on to climada.util.plot.geo_scatter_categorical
- Raises:
ValueError : – If no sensitivity data is found, raise error.
- Returns:
ax – The axis handle of the plot.
- Return type:
See also
geographical plot for categorical variable
- to_hdf5(filename=None)[source]#
Save output to .hdf5
- Parameters:
filename (str or pathlib.Path, optional) – The filename with absolute or relative path. The default name is “unc_output + + .hdf5” and the default path is taken from climada.config
- Returns:
save_path – Path to the saved file
- Return type:
- static from_hdf5(filename)[source]#
Load a uncertainty and uncertainty output data from .hdf5 file
- Parameters:
filename (str or pathlib.Path) – The filename with absolute or relative path.
- Returns:
unc_output – Uncertainty and sensitivity data loaded from .hdf5 file.
- Return type:
- class climada.engine.unsequa.unc_output.UncCostBenefitOutput(samples_df, unit, imp_meas_present_unc_df, imp_meas_future_unc_df, tot_climate_risk_unc_df, benefit_unc_df, cost_ben_ratio_unc_df, cost_benefit_kwargs)[source]#
Extension of UncOutput specific for CalcCostBenefit, returned by the uncertainty() method.
- __init__(samples_df, unit, imp_meas_present_unc_df, imp_meas_future_unc_df, tot_climate_risk_unc_df, benefit_unc_df, cost_ben_ratio_unc_df, cost_benefit_kwargs)[source]#
Uncertainty output values from cost_benefit.calc for each sample
- Parameters:
samples_df (pandas.DataFrame) – input parameters samples
unit (str) – value unit
imp_meas_present_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the values of imp_meas_present for one sample (row of samples_df)
imp_meas_future_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the values of imp_meas_future for one sample (row of samples_df)
tot_climate_risk_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the values of tot_cliamte_risk for one sample (row of samples_df)
benefit_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the values of benefit for one sample (row of samples_df)
cost_ben_ratio_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the values of cost_ben_ratio for one sample (row of samples_df)
cost_benefit_kwargs (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the value of cost_benefit for one sample (row of samples_df)
- class climada.engine.unsequa.unc_output.UncImpactOutput(samples_df, unit, aai_agg_unc_df, freq_curve_unc_df, eai_exp_unc_df, at_event_unc_df, coord_df)[source]#
Extension of UncOutput specific for CalcImpact, returned by the uncertainty() method.
- __init__(samples_df, unit, aai_agg_unc_df, freq_curve_unc_df, eai_exp_unc_df, at_event_unc_df, coord_df)[source]#
Uncertainty output values from impact.calc for each sample
- Parameters:
samples_df (pandas.DataFrame) – input parameters samples
unit (str) – value unit
aai_agg_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the value of aai_aag for one sample (row of samples_df)
freq_curve_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the values of the impact exceedence frequency curve for one sample (row of samples_df)
eai_exp_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the values of eai_exp for one sample (row of samples_df)
at_event_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the values of at_event for one sample (row of samples_df)
coord_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Coordinates of the exposure
- class climada.engine.unsequa.unc_output.UncDeltaImpactOutput(samples_df, unit, aai_agg_unc_df, freq_curve_unc_df, eai_exp_unc_df, at_event_initial_unc_df, at_event_final_unc_df, coord_df)[source]#
Extension of UncOutput specific for CalcDeltaImpact, returned by the uncertainty() method.
- __init__(samples_df, unit, aai_agg_unc_df, freq_curve_unc_df, eai_exp_unc_df, at_event_initial_unc_df, at_event_final_unc_df, coord_df)[source]#
Uncertainty output values from impact.calc for each sample
- Parameters:
samples_df (pandas.DataFrame) – input parameters samples
unit (str) – value unit
aai_agg_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the value of aai_aag for one sample (row of samples_df)
freq_curve_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the values of the impact exceedence frequency curve for one sample (row of samples_df)
eai_exp_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the values of eai_exp for one sample (row of samples_df)
at_event_initial_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the values of at_event for one sample (row of samples_df)
at_event_final_unc_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Each row contains the values of at_event for one sample (row of samples_df)
coord_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Coordinates of the exposure
climada.engine.unsequa.calc_delta_climate module#
- class climada.engine.unsequa.calc_delta_climate.CalcDeltaImpact(exp_initial_input_var: InputVar | Exposures, impf_initial_input_var: InputVar | ImpactFuncSet, haz_initial_input_var: InputVar | Hazard, exp_final_input_var: InputVar | Exposures, impf_final_input_var: InputVar | ImpactFuncSet, haz_final_input_var: InputVar | Hazard)[source]#
Delta Impact uncertainty caclulation class.
This is the class to perform uncertainty analysis on the outputs of a relative change in impact from a (final impact - initial impact) / initial impact. Impact objects are regular climada.engine.impact.Impact() objects. The resulting Delta Impact is a relative change (fraction of the inital impact). The relative change is intuitive to understand in contrast to absolute changes which are hard to understand without knowledge of the absolute initial (baseline) state.
- rp#
List of the chosen return periods.
- Type:
- calc_eai_exp#
Compute eai_exp or not
- Type:
- calc_at_event#
Compute eai_exp or not
- Type:
- value_unit#
Unit of the exposures value
- Type:
- impf_input_var#
Impact function set uncertainty variable
- Type:
InputVar if ImpactFuncSet
- _input_var_names#
Names of the required uncertainty input variables (‘exp_initial_input_var’, ‘impf_initial_input_var’, ‘haz_initial_input_var’,
‘exp_final_input_var’, ‘impf_final_input_var’, ‘haz_final_input_var’’)
- Type:
- _metric_names#
Names of the impact output metrics (‘aai_agg’, ‘freq_curve’, ‘at_event’, ‘eai_exp’)
- Type:
- __init__(exp_initial_input_var: InputVar | Exposures, impf_initial_input_var: InputVar | ImpactFuncSet, haz_initial_input_var: InputVar | Hazard, exp_final_input_var: InputVar | Exposures, impf_final_input_var: InputVar | ImpactFuncSet, haz_final_input_var: InputVar | Hazard)[source]#
Initialize UncCalcImpact
Sets the uncertainty input variables, the impact metric_names, and the units.
- Parameters:
exp_initial_input_var (climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar) – or climada.entity.Exposure Exposure uncertainty variable or Exposure of initial state
impf_initital_input_var (climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar) – or climada.entity.ImpactFuncSet Impact function set uncertainty variable or Impact function set of initial state
haz_initial_input_var (climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar) – or climada.hazard.Hazard Hazard uncertainty variable or Hazard of initial state
exp_final_input_var (climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar or) – climada.entity.Exposure Exposure uncertainty variable or Exposure of final state
impf_final_input_var (climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar or) – climada.entity.ImpactFuncSet Impact function set uncertainty variable or Impact function set of final state
haz_final_input_var (climada.engine.uncertainty.input_var.InputVar or) – climada.hazard.Hazard Hazard uncertainty variable or Hazard of final state
- uncertainty(unc_sample, rp=None, calc_eai_exp=False, calc_at_event=False, relative_delta=True, processes=1, chunksize=None)[source]#
Computes the differential impact between the reference (initial) and future (final) for each sample in unc_data.sample_df.
By default, the aggregated average impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit (impact.aai_agg) and the excess impact at return periods rp (imppact.calc_freq_curve(self.rp).impact) is computed. Optionally, eai_exp and at_event is computed (this may require a larger amount of memory if the number of samples and/or the number of centroids and/or exposures points is large). For all metrics, the impacts are caculated first and the the difference thereof is computed. For example: (impact_final.aai_agg - impact_inital.aai_agg / impact_inital.aai_agg)
This sets the attributes self.rp, self.calc_eai_exp, self.calc_at_event, self.metrics.
This sets the attributes: unc_output.aai_agg_unc_df, unc_output.freq_curve_unc_df unc_output.eai_exp_unc_df unc_output.at_event_unc_df unc_output.unit
- Parameters:
unc_sample (climada.engine.uncertainty.unc_output.UncOutput) – Uncertainty data object with the input parameters samples
rp (list(int), optional) – Return periods in years to be computed. The default is [5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250].
calc_eai_exp (boolean, optional) – Toggle computation of the impact at each centroid location. The default is False.
calc_at_event (boolean, optional) – Toggle computation of the impact for each event. The default is False.
relative_delta (bool, optional) – Normalize delta impacts by past impacts or not. The default is True.
processes (int, optional) – Number of CPUs to use for parralel computations. The default is 1 (not parallel)
chunksize (int, optional) – Size of the sample chunks for parallel processing. Default is equal to the number of samples divided by the number of processes.
- Returns:
unc_output – Uncertainty data object with the delta impact outputs for each sample and all the sample data copied over from unc_sample.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError: – If no sampling parameters defined, the distribution cannot be computed.
Parallelization logic is described in the base class here
See also
compute impact and risk.