Source code for climada.engine.cost_benefit

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Define CostBenefit class.

__all__ = ['CostBenefit', 'risk_aai_agg', 'risk_rp_100', 'risk_rp_250']

import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle, FancyArrowPatch
from tabulate import tabulate

from climada.engine.impact import Impact

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEF_RP = np.array([1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, \
                   175, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 1000])
""" Default return periods used for impact exceedance frequency curve """

""" Default present reference year """

""" Default future reference year """

[docs]def risk_aai_agg(impact): """Risk measurement as average annual impact aggregated. Parameters: impact (Impact): an Impact instance Returns: float """ return impact.aai_agg
[docs]def risk_rp_100(impact): """Risk measurement as exceedance impact at 100 years return period. Parameters: impact (Impact): an Impact instance Returns: float """ efc = impact.calc_freq_curve([100]) return efc.impact[0]
[docs]def risk_rp_250(impact): """Risk measurement as exceedance impact at 250 years return period. Parameters: impact (Impact): an Impact instance Returns: float """ efc = impact.calc_freq_curve([250]) return efc.impact[0]
[docs]class CostBenefit(): """Impact definition. Compute from an entity (exposures and impact functions) and hazard. Attributes: present_year (int): present reference year future_year (int): future year tot_climate_risk (float): total climate risk without measures unit (str): unit used for impact color_rgb (dict): color code RGB for each measure. Key: measure name ('no measure' used for case without measure), Value: np.array benefit (dict): benefit of each measure. Key: measure name, Value: float benefit cost_ben_ratio (dict): cost benefit ratio of each measure. Key: measure name, Value: float cost benefit ratio imp_meas_future (dict): impact of each measure at future or default. Key: measure name ('no measure' used for case without measure), Value: dict with: 'cost' (float): cost measure, 'risk' (float): risk measurement, 'risk_transf' (float): annual expected risk transfer, 'efc' (ImpactFreqCurve): impact exceedance freq (optional) 'impact' (Impact): impact instance imp_meas_present (dict): impact of each measure at present. Key: measure name ('no measure' used for case without measure), Value: dict with: 'cost' (float): cost measure, 'risk' (float): risk measurement, 'risk_transf' (float): annual expected risk transfer, 'efc' (ImpactFreqCurve): impact exceedance freq (optional) 'impact' (Impact): impact instance """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initilization """ self.present_year = DEF_PRESENT_YEAR self.future_year = DEF_FUTURE_YEAR self.tot_climate_risk = 0.0 self.unit = 'USD' # dictionaries with key: measure name # value: measure color_rgb self.color_rgb = dict() # value: measure benefit self.benefit = dict() # value: measure cost benefit self.cost_ben_ratio = dict() # 'no measure' key for impact without measures # values: dictionary with 'cost': cost measure, # 'risk': risk measurement, # 'efc': ImpactFreqCurve # (optionally) 'impact': Impact self.imp_meas_future = dict() self.imp_meas_present = dict()
[docs] def calc(self, hazard, entity, haz_future=None, ent_future=None, \ future_year=2050, risk_func=risk_aai_agg, imp_time_depen=1, save_imp=False): """Compute cost-benefit ratio for every measure provided current and future conditions. Present and future measures need to have the same name. The measures costs need to be discounted by the user. If present and future entity provided, only the costs of the measures of the future and the discount rates of the present will be used. Parameters: hazard (Hazard): hazard entity (Entity): entity haz_future (Hazard): hazard in the future (future year provided at ent_future) ent_future (Entity): entity in the future future_year (int): future year to consider if no ent_future provided risk_func (func, optional): function describing risk measure given an Impact. Default: average annual impact (aggregated). imp_time_depen (float, optional): parameter which represent time evolution of impact. Default: 1 (linear). save_imp (bool, optional): activate if Impact of each measure is saved. Default: False. """ # Present year given in entity. Future year in ent_future if provided. self.present_year = entity.exposures.ref_year self.unit = entity.exposures.value_unit # save measure colors for meas in entity.measures.get_measure(hazard.tag.haz_type): self.color_rgb[] = meas.color_rgb if not haz_future and not ent_future: self.future_year = future_year self._calc_impact_measures(hazard, entity.exposures, \ entity.measures, entity.impact_funcs, 'future', \ risk_func, save_imp) self._calc_cost_benefit(entity.disc_rates) else: self._calc_impact_measures(hazard, entity.exposures, \ entity.measures, entity.impact_funcs, 'present', \ risk_func, save_imp) if haz_future and ent_future: self.future_year = ent_future.exposures.ref_year self._calc_impact_measures(haz_future, ent_future.exposures, \ ent_future.measures, ent_future.impact_funcs, 'future', \ risk_func, save_imp) elif haz_future: self.future_year = future_year self._calc_impact_measures(haz_future, entity.exposures, \ entity.measures, entity.impact_funcs, 'future', risk_func,\ save_imp) else: self.future_year = ent_future.exposures.ref_year self._calc_impact_measures(hazard, ent_future.exposures, \ ent_future.measures, ent_future.impact_funcs, 'future', \ risk_func, save_imp) self._calc_cost_benefit(entity.disc_rates, imp_time_depen) self._print_results()
[docs] def plot_cost_benefit(self, cb_list=None): """ Plot cost-benefit graph. Call after calc(). Parameters: cb_list (lsit(CostBenefit), optional): if other CostBenefit provided, overlay them all. Used for uncertainty visualization. Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot """ if cb_list: cb_uncer = [self] cb_uncer.extend(cb_list) fig, axis = self._plot_list_cost_ben(cb_uncer, 0.5) return fig, axis fig, axis = self._plot_list_cost_ben([self], 1) norm_fact, norm_name = self._norm_values(self.tot_climate_risk+0.01) axis.scatter(self.tot_climate_risk/norm_fact, 0, c='r', zorder=200, clip_on=False) axis.text(self.tot_climate_risk/norm_fact, 1.0, 'Tot risk', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', rotation=90, fontsize=12, color='r') text_pos = self.imp_meas_future['no measure']['risk']/norm_fact axis.scatter(text_pos, 0, c='r', zorder=200, clip_on=False) axis.text(text_pos, 1.0, 'AAI', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', rotation=90, fontsize=12, color='r') axis.set_xlim(0, max(int(self.tot_climate_risk/norm_fact), np.array(list(self.benefit.values())).sum()/norm_fact)) axis.set_ylim(0, int(1/np.array(list(self.cost_ben_ratio.values())).min()) + 1) x_label = 'NPV averted damage over ' + str(self.future_year - \ self.present_year + 1) + ' years (' + self.unit + ' ' + norm_name + ')' axis.set_xlabel(x_label) axis.set_ylabel('Benefit/Cost ratio') return fig, axis
[docs] def plot_event_view(self, return_per=(10, 25, 100)): """ Plot averted damages for return periods. Call after calc(). Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot """ if not self.imp_meas_future: LOGGER.error('Compute CostBenefit.calc() first') raise ValueError fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1) avert_rp = dict() ref_imp = np.interp(return_per, self.imp_meas_future['no measure']['efc'].return_per, self.imp_meas_future['no measure']['efc'].impact) for meas_name, meas_val in self.imp_meas_future.items(): if meas_name == 'no measure': continue interp_imp = np.interp(return_per, meas_val['efc'].return_per, meas_val['efc'].impact) avert_rp[meas_name] = ref_imp - interp_imp m_names = list(self.cost_ben_ratio.keys()) sort_cb = np.argsort(np.array([self.cost_ben_ratio[name] for name in m_names])) names_sort = [m_names[i] for i in sort_cb] color_sort = [self.color_rgb[name] for name in names_sort] for rp_i, _ in enumerate(return_per): val_i = [avert_rp[name][rp_i] for name in names_sort] cum_effect = np.cumsum(np.array([0] + val_i)) for (eff, color) in zip(cum_effect[::-1][:-1], color_sort[::-1]):, eff, color=color), ref_imp[rp_i], edgecolor='k', fc=(1, 0, 0, 0)) axis.set_xlabel('Return Period') axis.set_ylabel('Impact ('+ self.unit + ')') plt.xticks(np.arange(len(return_per))+1, return_per) return fig, axis
[docs] def plot_waterfall(self, hazard, entity, haz_future, ent_future, risk_func=risk_aai_agg): """ Plot waterfall graph with given risk metric. Can be called before and after calc(). Parameters: hazard (Hazard): hazard entity (Entity): entity haz_future (Hazard): hazard in the future (future year provided at ent_future) ent_future (Entity): entity in the future risk_func (func, optional): function describing risk measure given an Impact. Default: average annual impact (aggregated). Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot """ if ent_future.exposures.ref_year == entity.exposures.ref_year: LOGGER.error('Same reference years for future and present entities.') raise ValueError self.present_year = entity.exposures.ref_year self.future_year = ent_future.exposures.ref_year if not self.imp_meas_present: imp = Impact() imp.calc(entity.exposures, entity.impact_funcs, hazard) curr_risk = risk_func(imp) else: curr_risk = self.imp_meas_present['no measure']['risk'] if not self.imp_meas_future: imp = Impact() imp.calc(ent_future.exposures, ent_future.impact_funcs, haz_future) fut_risk = risk_func(imp) else: fut_risk = self.imp_meas_future['no measure']['risk'] fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1) norm_fact, norm_name = self._norm_values(curr_risk) # current situation'Risk at {:d}: {:.3e}'.format(self.present_year, curr_risk)) # changing future # socio-economic dev imp = Impact() imp.calc(ent_future.exposures, ent_future.impact_funcs, hazard) risk_dev = risk_func(imp) # current situation'Risk with development at {:d}: {:.3e}'.format(self.future_year, risk_dev)) # socioecon + cc'Risk with development and climate change at {:d}: {:.3e}'.\ format(self.future_year, fut_risk)), curr_risk/norm_fact) axis.text(1, curr_risk/norm_fact, str(int(round(curr_risk/norm_fact))), \ horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', \ fontsize=12, color='k'), height=(risk_dev-curr_risk)/norm_fact, bottom=curr_risk/norm_fact) axis.text(2, curr_risk/norm_fact + (risk_dev-curr_risk)/norm_fact/2, \ str(int(round((risk_dev-curr_risk)/norm_fact))), \ horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=12, color='k'), height=(fut_risk-risk_dev)/norm_fact, bottom=risk_dev/norm_fact) axis.text(3, risk_dev/norm_fact + (fut_risk-risk_dev)/norm_fact/2, \ str(int(round((fut_risk-risk_dev)/norm_fact))), \ horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=12, color='k'), height=fut_risk/norm_fact) axis.text(4, fut_risk/norm_fact, str(int(round(fut_risk/norm_fact))), \ horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', \ fontsize=12, color='k') plt.xticks(np.arange(4)+1, ['Risk ' + str(self.present_year), \ 'Economic \ndevelopment', 'Climate \nchange', 'Risk ' + str(self.future_year)]) axis.set_ylabel('Impact (' + self.unit + ' ' + norm_name + ')') axis.set_title('Risk at {:d} and {:d}'.format(self.present_year, self.future_year)) return fig, axis
[docs] def plot_waterfall_accumulated(self, hazard, entity, haz_future, ent_future, risk_func=risk_aai_agg, imp_time_depen=1, plot_arrow=True): """ Plot waterfall graph with accumulated values from present to future year. Call after calc(). Provide same risk_func and imp_time_depen as in calc. Parameters: hazard (Hazard): hazard entity (Entity): entity haz_future (Hazard): hazard in the future (future year provided at ent_future) ent_future (Entity): entity in the future risk_func (func, optional): function describing risk measure given an Impact. Default: average annual impact (aggregated). imp_time_depen (float, optional): parameter which represent time evolution of impact. Default: 1 (linear). plot_arrow (bool, optional): plot adaptation arrow Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot """ if not self.imp_meas_future or not self.imp_meas_present: LOGGER.error('Compute CostBenefit.calc() first') raise ValueError if ent_future.exposures.ref_year == entity.exposures.ref_year: LOGGER.error('Same reference years for future and present entities.') raise ValueError self.present_year = entity.exposures.ref_year self.future_year = ent_future.exposures.ref_year # current situation curr_risk = self.imp_meas_present['no measure']['risk'] time_dep = self._time_dependency_array() risk_curr = self._npv_unaverted_impact(curr_risk, entity.disc_rates, time_dep)'Current total risk at {:d}: {:.3e}'.format(self.future_year, risk_curr)) # changing future time_dep = self._time_dependency_array(imp_time_depen) # socio-economic dev imp = Impact() imp.calc(ent_future.exposures, ent_future.impact_funcs, hazard) risk_dev = self._npv_unaverted_impact(risk_func(imp), entity.disc_rates, time_dep, curr_risk)'Total risk with development at {:d}: {:.3e}'.format( \ self.future_year, risk_dev)) # socioecon + cc risk_tot = self._npv_unaverted_impact(self.imp_meas_future['no measure']['risk'], \ entity.disc_rates, time_dep, curr_risk)'Total risk with development and climate change at {:d}: {:.3e}'.\ format(self.future_year, risk_tot)) # plot fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1) norm_fact, norm_name = self._norm_values(curr_risk), risk_curr/norm_fact) axis.text(1, risk_curr/norm_fact, str(int(round(risk_curr/norm_fact))), \ horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', \ fontsize=12, color='k'), height=(risk_dev-risk_curr)/norm_fact, bottom=risk_curr/norm_fact) axis.text(2, risk_curr/norm_fact + (risk_dev-risk_curr)/norm_fact/2, \ str(int(round((risk_dev-risk_curr)/norm_fact))), \ horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=12, color='k'), height=(risk_tot-risk_dev)/norm_fact, bottom=risk_dev/norm_fact) axis.text(3, risk_dev/norm_fact + (risk_tot-risk_dev)/norm_fact/2, \ str(int(round((risk_tot-risk_dev)/norm_fact))), \ horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=12, color='k') bar_4 =, height=risk_tot/norm_fact) axis.text(4, risk_tot/norm_fact, str(int(round(risk_tot/norm_fact))), \ horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', \ fontsize=12, color='k') if plot_arrow: bar_bottom, bar_top = bar_4[0].get_bbox().get_points() axis.text(bar_top[0] - (bar_top[0]-bar_bottom[0])/2, bar_top[1], "Averted", ha="center", va="top", rotation=270, size=15) arrow_len = min(np.array(list(self.benefit.values())).sum()/norm_fact, risk_tot/norm_fact) axis.add_patch(FancyArrowPatch((bar_top[0] - (bar_top[0]-bar_bottom[0])/2, \ bar_top[1]), (bar_top[0]- (bar_top[0]-bar_bottom[0])/2, \ risk_tot/norm_fact-arrow_len), mutation_scale=100, color='k', \ alpha=0.4)) plt.xticks(np.arange(4)+1, ['Risk ' + str(self.present_year), \ 'Economic \ndevelopment', 'Climate \nchange', 'Risk ' + str(self.future_year)]) axis.set_ylabel('Impact (' + self.unit + ' ' + norm_name + ')') axis.set_title('Total accumulated impact from {:d} to {:d}'.format( \ self.present_year, self.future_year)) return fig, axis
def _calc_impact_measures(self, hazard, exposures, meas_set, imp_fun_set, \ when='future', risk_func=risk_aai_agg, save_imp=False): """Compute impact of each measure and transform it to input risk measurement. Set reference year from exposures value. Parameters: hazard (Hazard): hazard. exposures (Exposures): exposures. meas_set (MeasureSet): set of measures. imp_fun_set (ImpactFuncSet): set of impact functions. when (str, optional): 'present' or 'future'. The conditions that are being considered. risk_func (function, optional): function used to transform impact to a risk measurement. save_imp (bool, optional): activate if Impact of each measure is saved. Default: False. """ impact_meas = dict() # compute impact without measures imp_tmp = Impact() imp_tmp.calc(exposures, imp_fun_set, hazard) impact_meas['no measure'] = dict() impact_meas['no measure']['cost'] = 0.0 impact_meas['no measure']['risk'] = risk_func(imp_tmp) impact_meas['no measure']['risk_transf'] = 0.0 impact_meas['no measure']['efc'] = imp_tmp.calc_freq_curve(DEF_RP) if save_imp: impact_meas['no measure']['impact'] = imp_tmp # compute impact for each measure for measure in meas_set.get_measure(hazard.tag.haz_type): imp_tmp, risk_transf = measure.calc_impact(exposures, imp_fun_set, hazard) impact_meas[] = dict() impact_meas[]['cost'] = measure.cost impact_meas[]['risk'] = risk_func(imp_tmp) impact_meas[]['risk_transf'] = risk_transf impact_meas[]['efc'] = imp_tmp.calc_freq_curve(DEF_RP) if save_imp: impact_meas[]['impact'] = imp_tmp # if present reference provided save it if when == 'future': self.imp_meas_future = impact_meas else: self.imp_meas_present = impact_meas def _calc_cost_benefit(self, disc_rates, imp_time_depen=None): """Compute discounted impact from present year to future year Parameters: disc_rates (DiscRates): discount rates instance imp_time_depen (float, optional): parameter which represent time evolution of impact """'Computing cost benefit from years %s to %s.', str(self.present_year), str(self.future_year)) if self.future_year - self.present_year + 1 <= 0: LOGGER.error('Wrong year range: %s - %s.', str(self.present_year), str(self.future_year)) raise ValueError if not self.imp_meas_future: LOGGER.error('Compute first _calc_impact_measures') raise ValueError time_dep = self._time_dependency_array(imp_time_depen) # discounted cost benefit for each measure and total climate risk for meas_name, meas_val in self.imp_meas_future.items(): if meas_name == 'no measure': # npv of the full unaverted damages if self.imp_meas_present: self.tot_climate_risk = self._npv_unaverted_impact( self.imp_meas_future['no measure']['risk'], \ disc_rates, time_dep, self.imp_meas_present['no measure']['risk']) else: self.tot_climate_risk = self._npv_unaverted_impact( self.imp_meas_future['no measure']['risk'], \ disc_rates, time_dep) continue fut_benefit = self.imp_meas_future['no measure']['risk'] - meas_val['risk'] fut_risk_tr = meas_val['risk_transf'] if self.imp_meas_present: pres_benefit = self.imp_meas_present['no measure']['risk'] - \ self.imp_meas_present[meas_name]['risk'] meas_ben = pres_benefit + (fut_benefit-pres_benefit) * time_dep pres_risk_tr = self.imp_meas_present[meas_name]['risk_transf'] risk_tr = pres_risk_tr + (fut_risk_tr-pres_risk_tr) * time_dep else: meas_ben = time_dep*fut_benefit risk_tr = time_dep*fut_risk_tr # discount meas_ben = disc_rates.net_present_value(self.present_year, self.future_year, meas_ben) risk_tr = disc_rates.net_present_value(self.present_year, self.future_year, risk_tr) self.benefit[meas_name] = meas_ben self.cost_ben_ratio[meas_name] = (meas_val['cost']+risk_tr)/meas_ben def _time_dependency_array(self, imp_time_depen=None): """ Construct time dependency array. Each year contains a value in [0,1] representing the rate of damage difference achieved that year, according to the growth represented by parameter imp_time_depen. Parameters: imp_time_depen (float, optional): parameter which represent time evolution of impact. Time array is all ones if not provided Returns: np.array """ n_years = self.future_year - self.present_year + 1 if imp_time_depen: time_dep = np.arange(n_years)**imp_time_depen / \ (n_years-1)**imp_time_depen else: time_dep = np.ones(n_years) return time_dep def _npv_unaverted_impact(self, risk_future, disc_rates, time_dep, risk_present=None): """ Net present value of total unaverted damages Parameters: risk_future (float): risk under future situation disc_rates (DiscRates): discount rates object time_dep (np.array): values in 0-1 indicating impact growth at each year risk_present (float): risk under current situation Returns: float """ if risk_present: tot_climate_risk = risk_present + (risk_future-risk_present) * time_dep tot_climate_risk = disc_rates.net_present_value(self.present_year, \ self.future_year, tot_climate_risk) else: tot_climate_risk = disc_rates.net_present_value(self.present_year, \ self.future_year, time_dep * risk_future) return tot_climate_risk def _print_results(self): """ Print table with main results """ norm_fact, norm_name = self._norm_values(np.array(list(self.benefit.values())).max()) norm_name = '(' + self.unit + ' ' + norm_name + ')' table = [] headers = ['Measure', 'Cost ' + norm_name, 'Benefit ' + norm_name, 'Benefit/Cost'] for meas_name in self.benefit: table.append([meas_name, \ self.cost_ben_ratio[meas_name]*self.benefit[meas_name]/norm_fact, \ self.benefit[meas_name]/norm_fact, 1/self.cost_ben_ratio[meas_name]]) print() print(tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="simple")) table = [] table.append(['Total climate risk:', self.tot_climate_risk/norm_fact, norm_name]) table.append(['Average annual risk:', self.imp_meas_future['no measure']['risk']/norm_fact, norm_name]) table.append(['Residual damage:', (self.tot_climate_risk - np.array(list(self.benefit.values())).sum())/norm_fact, norm_name]) print() print(tabulate(table, tablefmt="simple")) @staticmethod def _norm_values(value): """ Compute normalization value and name Parameters: value (float): value to normalize Returns: norm_fact, norm_name """ norm_fact = 1. norm_name = '' if value/1.0e9 > 1: norm_fact = 1.0e9 norm_name = 'bn' elif value/1.0e6 > 1: norm_fact = 1.0e6 norm_name = 'm' elif value/1.0e3 > 1: norm_fact = 1.0e3 norm_name = 'k' return norm_fact, norm_name @staticmethod def _plot_list_cost_ben(cb_list, alpha=0.5): """ Overlay cost-benefit bars for every measure Parameters: cb_list (list): list of CostBenefit instances with filled values alpha (float, optional): transparency factor (in [0,1]) Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot """ norm_fact = [cb_res._norm_values(cb_res.tot_climate_risk)[0] for cb_res in cb_list] norm_fact = np.array(norm_fact).mean() _, norm_name = CostBenefit._norm_values(norm_fact+0.01) fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1) m_names = list(cb_list[0].cost_ben_ratio.keys()) sort_cb = np.argsort(np.array([cb_list[0].cost_ben_ratio[name] for name in m_names])) xy_lim = [0, 0] for i_cb, cb_res in enumerate(cb_list): xmin = 0 for meas_id in sort_cb: meas_n = m_names[meas_id] axis.add_patch(Rectangle((xmin, 0), cb_res.benefit[meas_n]/norm_fact, \ 1/cb_res.cost_ben_ratio[meas_n], color=cb_res.color_rgb[meas_n],\ alpha=alpha)) if i_cb == 0: axis.text(xmin + (cb_res.benefit[meas_n]/norm_fact)/2, 0.5, meas_n, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', rotation=90, fontsize=12) xmin += cb_res.benefit[meas_n]/norm_fact xy_lim[0] = max(xy_lim[0], max(int(cb_res.tot_climate_risk/norm_fact), \ np.array(list(cb_res.benefit.values())).sum()/norm_fact)) xy_lim[1] = max(xy_lim[1], int(1/cb_res.cost_ben_ratio[m_names[sort_cb[0]]]) + 1) axis.set_xlim(0, xy_lim[0]) axis.set_ylim(0, xy_lim[1]) axis.set_xlabel('NPV averted damage over ' + \ str(cb_list[0].future_year - cb_list[0].present_year + 1) + \ ' years (' + cb_list[0].unit + ' ' + norm_name + ')') axis.set_ylabel('Benefit/Cost ratio') return fig, axis