Source code for climada.hazard.base

This file is part of CLIMADA.

Copyright (C) 2017 ETH Zurich, CLIMADA contributors listed in AUTHORS.

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terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
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CLIMADA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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Define Hazard.

__all__ = ['Hazard']

import ast
import copy
import itertools
import logging
import datetime as dt
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import sparse
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import rasterio
from rasterio.warp import Resampling
from rasterio.features import rasterize

from climada.hazard.tag import Tag as TagHazard
from climada.hazard.centroids.centr import Centroids
import climada.util.plot as u_plot
import climada.util.checker as check
import climada.util.dates_times as u_dt
from climada.util.config import CONFIG
import climada.util.hdf5_handler as hdf5
import climada.util.coordinates as co

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEF_VAR_EXCEL = {'sheet_name': {'inten' : 'hazard_intensity',
                                'freq' : 'hazard_frequency'
                 'col_name': {'cen_id' : 'centroid_id/event_id',
                              'even_id' : 'event_id',
                              'even_dt' : 'event_date',
                              'even_name' : 'event_name',
                              'freq' : 'frequency',
                              'orig': 'orig_event_flag'
                 'col_centroids': {'sheet_name': 'centroids',
                                   'col_name': {'cen_id' : 'centroid_id',
                                                'lat' : 'latitude',
                                                'lon' : 'longitude'
""" Excel variable names """

DEF_VAR_MAT = {'field_name': 'hazard',
               'var_name': {'per_id' : 'peril_ID',
                            'even_id' : 'event_ID',
                            'ev_name' : 'name',
                            'freq' : 'frequency',
                            'inten': 'intensity',
                            'unit': 'units',
                            'frac': 'fraction',
                            'comment': 'comment',
                            'datenum': 'datenum',
                            'orig': 'orig_event_flag'
               'var_cent': {'field_names': ['centroids', 'hazard'],
                            'var_name': {'cen_id' : 'centroid_ID',
                                         'lat' : 'lat',
                                         'lon' : 'lon'
""" MATLAB variable names """

[docs]class Hazard(): """Contains events of some hazard type defined at centroids. Loads from files with format defined in FILE_EXT. Attributes: tag (TagHazard): information about the source units (str): units of the intensity centroids (Centroids): centroids of the events event_id (np.array): id (>0) of each event event_name (list(str)): name of each event (default: event_id) date (np.array): integer date corresponding to the proleptic Gregorian ordinal, where January 1 of year 1 has ordinal 1 (ordinal format of datetime library) orig (np.array): flags indicating historical events (True) or probabilistic (False) frequency (np.array): frequency of each event in years intensity (sparse.csr_matrix): intensity of the events at centroids fraction (sparse.csr_matrix): fraction of affected exposures for each event at each centroid """ intensity_thres = 10 """ Intensity threshold per hazard used to filter lower intensities. To be set for every hazard type """ vars_oblig = {'tag', 'units', 'centroids', 'event_id', 'frequency', 'intensity', 'fraction' } """Name of the variables needed to compute the impact. Types: scalar, str, list, 1dim np.array of size num_events, scipy.sparse matrix of shape num_events x num_centroids, Centroids and Tag.""" vars_def = {'date', 'orig', 'event_name' } """Name of the variables used in impact calculation whose value is descriptive and can therefore be set with default values. Types: scalar, string, list, 1dim np.array of size num_events. """ vars_opt = set() """Name of the variables that aren't need to compute the impact. Types: scalar, string, list, 1dim np.array of size num_events."""
[docs] def __init__(self, haz_type, pool=None): """Initialize values. Parameters: haz_type (str, optional): acronym of the hazard type (e.g. 'TC'). Examples: Fill hazard values by hand: >>> haz = Hazard('TC') >>> haz.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(np.zeros((2, 2))) >>> ... Take hazard values from file: >>> haz = Hazard('TC', HAZ_DEMO_MAT) >>> haz.read_mat(HAZ_DEMO_MAT, 'demo') """ self.tag = TagHazard() self.tag.haz_type = haz_type self.units = '' self.centroids = Centroids() # following values are defined for each event self.event_id = np.array([], int) self.frequency = np.array([], float) self.event_name = list() = np.array([], int) self.orig = np.array([], bool) # following values are defined for each event and centroid self.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(np.empty((0, 0))) # events x centroids self.fraction = sparse.csr_matrix(np.empty((0, 0))) # events x centroids if pool: self.pool = pool'Using %s CPUs.', self.pool.ncpus) else: self.pool = None
[docs] def clear(self): """Reinitialize attributes.""" for (var_name, var_val) in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(var_val, np.ndarray) and var_val.ndim == 1: setattr(self, var_name, np.array([], dtype=var_val.dtype)) elif isinstance(var_val, sparse.csr_matrix): setattr(self, var_name, sparse.csr_matrix(np.empty((0, 0)))) else: setattr(self, var_name, var_val.__class__())
[docs] def check(self): """Check dimension of attributes. Raises: ValueError """ self.centroids.check() self._check_events()
[docs] def set_raster(self, files_intensity, files_fraction=None, attrs={}, band=[1], src_crs=None, window=False, geometry=False, dst_crs=False, transform=None, width=None, height=None, resampling=Resampling.nearest): """ Append intensity and fraction from raster file. 0s put to the masked values. File can be partially read using window OR geometry. Alternatively, CRS and/or transformation can be set using dst_crs and/or (transform, width and height). Parameters: files_intensity (list(str)): file names containing intensity files_fraction (list(str)): file names containing fraction attrs (dict, optional): name of Hazard attributes and their values band (list(int), optional): bands to read (starting at 1) src_crs (crs, optional): source CRS. Provide it if error without it. window (, optional): window where data is extracted geometry (shapely.geometry, optional): consider pixels only in shape dst_crs (crs, optional): reproject to given crs transform (rasterio.Affine): affine transformation to apply wdith (float): number of lons for transform height (float): number of lats for transform resampling (rasterio.warp,.Resampling optional): resampling function used for reprojection to dst_crs """ if files_fraction is not None and len(files_intensity) != len(files_fraction): LOGGER.error('Number of intensity files differs from fraction files: %s != %s', len(files_intensity), len(files_fraction)) raise ValueError self.tag.file_name = str(files_intensity) + ' ; ' + str(files_fraction) self.centroids = Centroids() if self.pool: chunksize = min(len(files_intensity)//self.pool.ncpus, 1000) self.intensity = sparse.csr.csr_matrix(self.centroids.set_raster_file( \ files_intensity[0], band, src_crs, window, geometry, dst_crs, \ transform, width, height, resampling)) for inten in, files_intensity[1:], \ itertools.repeat(band), itertools.repeat(src_crs), \ itertools.repeat(window), itertools.repeat(geometry), \ itertools.repeat(dst_crs), itertools.repeat(transform), \ itertools.repeat(width), itertools.repeat(height), \ itertools.repeat(resampling), chunksize=chunksize): self.intensity = sparse.vstack([self.intensity, inten], format='csr') if files_fraction is not None: for fract in, files_fraction, \ itertools.repeat(band), itertools.repeat(src_crs), \ itertools.repeat(window), itertools.repeat(geometry), \ itertools.repeat(dst_crs), itertools.repeat(transform), \ itertools.repeat(width), itertools.repeat(height), \ itertools.repeat(resampling), chunksize=chunksize): self.fraction = sparse.vstack([self.fraction, fract], format='csr') else: for file in files_intensity: inten = self.centroids.set_raster_file(file, band, src_crs, window, \ geometry, dst_crs, transform, width, height, resampling) self.intensity = sparse.vstack([self.intensity, inten], format='csr') if files_fraction is not None: for file in files_fraction: fract = self.centroids.set_raster_file(file, band, src_crs, \ window, geometry, dst_crs, transform, width, height, resampling) self.fraction = sparse.vstack([self.fraction, fract], format='csr') if files_fraction is None: self.fraction = self.intensity.copy() if 'event_id' in attrs: self.event_id = attrs['event_id'] else: self.event_id = np.arange(1, self.intensity.shape[0]+1) if 'frequency' in attrs: self.frequency = attrs['frequency'] else: self.frequency = np.ones(self.event_id.size) if 'event_name' in attrs: self.event_name = attrs['event_name'] else: self.event_name = list(map(str, self.event_id)) if 'date' in attrs: = np.array([attrs['date']]) else: = np.ones(self.event_id.size) if 'orig' in attrs: self.orig = np.array([attrs['orig']]) else: self.orig = np.ones(self.event_id.size, bool) if 'unit' in attrs: self.unit = attrs['unit']
[docs] def set_vector(self, files_intensity, files_fraction=None, attrs={}, inten_name=['intensity'], frac_name=['fraction'], dst_crs=None): """ Read vector files format supported by fiona. Each intensity name is considered an event. Parameters: files_intensity (list(str)): file names containing intensity files_fraction (list(str)): file names containing fraction attrs (dict, optional): name of Hazard attributes and their values inten_name (list(str), optional): name of variables containing the intensities of each event frac_name (list(str), optional): name of variables containing the fractions of each event dst_crs (crs, optional): reproject to given crs """ if files_fraction is not None and len(files_intensity) != len(files_fraction): LOGGER.error('Number of intensity files differs from fraction files: %s != %s', len(files_intensity), len(files_fraction)) raise ValueError self.tag.file_name = str(files_intensity) + ' ; ' + str(files_fraction) self.centroids = Centroids() for file in files_intensity: inten = self.centroids.set_vector_file(file, inten_name, dst_crs) self.intensity = sparse.vstack([self.intensity, inten], format='csr') if files_fraction is None: self.fraction = self.intensity.copy() else: for file in files_fraction: fract = self.centroids.set_vector_file(file, frac_name, dst_crs) self.fraction = sparse.vstack([self.fraction, fract], format='csr') if 'event_id' in attrs: self.event_id = attrs['event_id'] else: self.event_id = np.arange(1, self.intensity.shape[0]+1) if 'frequency' in attrs: self.frequency = attrs['frequency'] else: self.frequency = np.ones(self.event_id.size) if 'event_name' in attrs: self.event_name = attrs['event_name'] else: self.event_name = list(map(str, self.event_id)) if 'date' in attrs: = np.array([attrs['date']]) else: = np.ones(self.event_id.size) if 'orig' in attrs: self.orig = np.array([attrs['orig']]) else: self.orig = np.ones(self.event_id.size, bool) if 'unit' in attrs: self.unit = attrs['unit']
[docs] def to_raster(self, dst_crs=False, transform=None, width=None, height=None, resampling=Resampling.nearest): """ Change current geometry or raster to given raster """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def to_vector(self, geometry): """ Change current raster or geometry to given geometry """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def read_mat(self, file_name, description='', var_names=DEF_VAR_MAT): """Read climada hazard generate with the MATLAB code. Parameters: file_name (str): absolute file name description (str, optional): description of the data var_names (dict, default): name of the variables in the file, default: DEF_VAR_MAT constant Raises: KeyError """'Reading %s', file_name) self.clear() self.tag.file_name = file_name self.tag.description = description try: data = try: data = data[var_names['field_name']] except KeyError: pass haz_type = hdf5.get_string(data[var_names['var_name']['per_id']]) self.tag.haz_type = haz_type self.centroids.read_mat(file_name, var_names=var_names['var_cent']) self._read_att_mat(data, file_name, var_names) except KeyError as var_err: LOGGER.error("Not existing variable: %s", str(var_err)) raise var_err
[docs] def read_excel(self, file_name, description='', var_names=DEF_VAR_EXCEL): """Read climada hazard generate with the MATLAB code. Parameters: file_name (str): absolute file name description (str, optional): description of the data centroids (Centroids, optional): provide centroids if not contained in the file var_names (dict, default): name of the variables in the file, default: DEF_VAR_EXCEL constant Raises: KeyError """'Reading %s', file_name) haz_type = self.tag.haz_type self.clear() self.tag.file_name = file_name self.tag.haz_type = haz_type self.tag.description = description try: self.centroids.read_excel(file_name, var_names=var_names['col_centroids']) self._read_att_excel(file_name, var_names) except KeyError as var_err: LOGGER.error("Not existing variable: %s", str(var_err)) raise var_err
[docs] def select(self, date=None, orig=None, reg_id=None): """Select events within provided date and/or (historical or synthetical) and/or region. Frequency of the events may need to be recomputed! Parameters: date (tuple(str or int), optional): (initial date, final date) in string ISO format ('2011-01-02') or datetime ordinal integer orig (bool, optional): select only historical (True) or only synthetic (False) reg_id (int, optional): region identifier of the centroids's region_id attibute Returns: Hazard or children """ try: haz = self.__class__() except TypeError: haz = Hazard(self.tag.haz_type) sel_ev = np.ones(self.event_id.size, bool) sel_cen = np.ones(self.centroids.size, bool) # filter events with date if isinstance(date, tuple): date_ini, date_end = date[0], date[1] if isinstance(date_ini, str): date_ini = u_dt.str_to_date(date[0]) date_end = u_dt.str_to_date(date[1]) sel_ev = np.logical_and(date_ini <=, <= date_end) if not np.any(sel_ev):'No hazard in date range %s.', date) return None # filter events hist/synthetic if isinstance(orig, bool): sel_ev = np.logical_and(sel_ev, self.orig.astype(bool) == orig) if not np.any(sel_ev):'No hazard with %s tracks.', str(orig)) return None # filter centroids if reg_id is not None: sel_cen = np.argwhere(self.centroids.region_id == reg_id).reshape(-1) if not sel_cen.size:'No hazard centroids with region %s.', str(reg_id)) return None sel_ev = np.argwhere(sel_ev).reshape(-1) for (var_name, var_val) in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(var_val, np.ndarray) and var_val.ndim == 1 and \ var_val.size: setattr(haz, var_name, var_val[sel_ev]) elif isinstance(var_val, sparse.csr_matrix): setattr(haz, var_name, var_val[sel_ev, :][:, sel_cen]) elif isinstance(var_val, list) and var_val: setattr(haz, var_name, [var_val[idx] for idx in sel_ev]) elif var_name == 'centroids': if reg_id is not None: setattr(haz, var_name, else: setattr(haz, var_name, var_val) else: setattr(haz, var_name, var_val) return haz
[docs] def local_exceedance_inten(self, return_periods=(25, 50, 100, 250)): """ Compute exceedance intensity map for given return periods. Parameters: return_periods (np.array): return periods to consider Returns: np.array """'Computing exceedance intenstiy map for return periods: %s', return_periods) num_cen = self.intensity.shape[1] inten_stats = np.zeros((len(return_periods), num_cen)) cen_step = int(CONFIG['global']['max_matrix_size']/self.intensity.shape[0]) if not cen_step: LOGGER.error('Increase max_matrix_size configuration parameter to'\ ' > %s', str(self.intensity.shape[0])) raise ValueError # separte in chunks chk = -1 for chk in range(int(num_cen/cen_step)): self._loc_return_inten(np.array(return_periods), \ self.intensity[:, chk*cen_step:(chk+1)*cen_step].todense(), \ inten_stats[:, chk*cen_step:(chk+1)*cen_step]) self._loc_return_inten(np.array(return_periods), \ self.intensity[:, (chk+1)*cen_step:].todense(), \ inten_stats[:, (chk+1)*cen_step:]) return inten_stats
[docs] def plot_rp_intensity(self, return_periods=(25, 50, 100, 250), **kwargs): """Compute and plot hazard exceedance intensity maps for different return periods. Calls local_exceedance_inten. Parameters: return_periods (tuple(int), optional): return periods to consider kwargs (optional): arguments for pcolormesh matplotlib function used in event plots Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, np.ndarray (return_periods.size x num_centroids) """ self._set_coords_centroids() inten_stats = self.local_exceedance_inten(np.array(return_periods)) colbar_name = 'Intensity (' + self.units + ')' title = list() for ret in return_periods: title.append('Return period: ' + str(ret) + ' years') fig, axis = u_plot.geo_im_from_array(inten_stats, self.centroids.coord, colbar_name, title, **kwargs) return fig, axis, inten_stats
[docs] def plot_raster(self, ev_id=1, intensity=True, **kwargs): """ Plot selected event using imshow and without cartopy Parameters: ev_id (int, optional): event id. Default: 1. intensity (bool, optional): plot intensity if True, fraction otherwise kwargs (optional): arguments for imshow matplotlib function Returns: matplotlib.image.AxesImage """ if not self.centroids.meta: LOGGER.error('No raster data set') raise ValueError try: event_pos = np.where(self.event_id == ev_id)[0][0] except IndexError: LOGGER.error('Wrong event id: %s.', ev_id) raise ValueError from IndexError if intensity: return plt.imshow(self.intensity[event_pos, :].todense(). \ reshape(self.centroids.shape), **kwargs) return plt.imshow(self.fraction[event_pos, :].todense(). \ reshape(self.centroids.shape), **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_intensity(self, event=None, centr=None, **kwargs): """Plot intensity values for a selected event or centroid. Parameters: event (int or str, optional): If event > 0, plot intensities of event with id = event. If event = 0, plot maximum intensity in each centroid. If event < 0, plot abs(event)-largest event. If event is string, plot events with that name. centr (int or tuple, optional): If centr > 0, plot intensity of all events at centroid with id = centr. If centr = 0, plot maximum intensity of each event. If centr < 0, plot abs(centr)-largest centroid where higher intensities are reached. If tuple with (lat, lon) plot intensity of nearest centroid. kwargs (optional): arguments for pcolormesh matplotlib function used in event plots Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot Raises: ValueError """ self._set_coords_centroids() col_label = 'Intensity %s' % self.units if event is not None: if isinstance(event, str): event = self.get_event_id(event) return self._event_plot(event, self.intensity, col_label, **kwargs) if centr is not None: if isinstance(centr, tuple): _, _, centr = self.centroids.get_closest_point(centr[0], centr[1]) return self._centr_plot(centr, self.intensity, col_label) LOGGER.error("Provide one event id or one centroid id.") raise ValueError
[docs] def plot_fraction(self, event=None, centr=None, **kwargs): """Plot fraction values for a selected event or centroid. Parameters: event (int or str, optional): If event > 0, plot fraction of event with id = event. If event = 0, plot maximum fraction in each centroid. If event < 0, plot abs(event)-largest event. If event is string, plot events with that name. centr (int or tuple, optional): If centr > 0, plot fraction of all events at centroid with id = centr. If centr = 0, plot maximum fraction of each event. If centr < 0, plot abs(centr)-largest centroid where highest fractions are reached. If tuple with (lat, lon) plot fraction of nearest centroid. kwargs (optional): arguments for pcolormesh matplotlib function used in event plots Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot Raises: ValueError """ self._set_coords_centroids() col_label = 'Fraction' if event is not None: if isinstance(event, str): event = self.get_event_id(event) return self._event_plot(event, self.fraction, col_label, **kwargs) if centr is not None: if isinstance(centr, tuple): _, _, centr = self.centroids.get_closest_point(centr[0], centr[1]) return self._centr_plot(centr, self.fraction, col_label) LOGGER.error("Provide one event id or one centroid id.") raise ValueError
[docs] def get_event_id(self, event_name): """"Get an event id from its name. Several events might have the same name. Parameters: event_name (str): Event name Returns: np.array(int) """ list_id = self.event_id[[i_name for i_name, val_name \ in enumerate(self.event_name) if val_name == event_name]] if list_id.size == 0: LOGGER.error("No event with name: %s", event_name) raise ValueError return list_id
[docs] def get_event_name(self, event_id): """"Get the name of an event id. Parameters: event_id (int): id of the event Returns: str Raises: ValueError """ try: return self.event_name[np.argwhere( self.event_id == event_id)[0][0]] except IndexError: LOGGER.error("No event with id: %s", event_id) raise ValueError
[docs] def get_event_date(self, event=None): """ Return list of date strings for given event or for all events, if no event provided. Parameters: event (str or int, optional): event name or id. Returns: list(str) """ if event is None: l_dates = [u_dt.date_to_str(date) for date in] elif isinstance(event, str): ev_ids = self.get_event_id(event) l_dates = [u_dt.date_to_str([ \ np.argwhere(self.event_id == ev_id)[0][0]]) \ for ev_id in ev_ids] else: ev_idx = np.argwhere(self.event_id == event)[0][0] l_dates = [u_dt.date_to_str([ev_idx])] return l_dates
[docs] def calc_year_set(self): """ From the dates of the original events, get number yearly events. Returns: dict: key are years, values array with event_ids of that year """ orig_year = np.array([dt.datetime.fromordinal(date).year for date in[self.orig]]) orig_yearset = {} for year in np.unique(orig_year): orig_yearset[year] = self.event_id[self.orig][orig_year == year] return orig_yearset
[docs] def append(self, hazard): """Append events in hazard. Centroids must be the same. Parameters: hazard (Hazard): Hazard instance to append to current Raises: ValueError """ hazard._check_events() if self.event_id.size == 0: for key in hazard.__dict__: try: self.__dict__[key] = copy.deepcopy(hazard.__dict__[key]) except TypeError: self.__dict__[key] = copy.copy(hazard.__dict__[key]) return if (self.units == '') and (hazard.units != ''):"Initial hazard does not have units.") self.units = hazard.units elif hazard.units == '':"Appended hazard does not have units.") elif self.units != hazard.units: LOGGER.error("Hazards with different units can't be appended: " "%s != %s.", self.units, hazard.units) raise ValueError self.tag.append(hazard.tag) n_ini_ev = self.event_id.size # append all 1-dim variables for (var_name, var_val), haz_val in zip(self.__dict__.items(), hazard.__dict__.values()): if isinstance(var_val, np.ndarray) and var_val.ndim == 1 and \ var_val.size: setattr(self, var_name, np.append(var_val, haz_val). \ astype(var_val.dtype, copy=False)) elif isinstance(var_val, list) and var_val: setattr(self, var_name, var_val + haz_val) # append intensity and fraction: # if same centroids, just append events # else, check centroids correct column if self.centroids.equal(hazard.centroids): self.intensity = sparse.vstack([self.intensity, hazard.intensity], format='csr') self.fraction = sparse.vstack([self.fraction, hazard.fraction], format='csr') elif hazard.intensity.size: n_ini_cen = self.centroids.size self.centroids.append(hazard.centroids) self.intensity = sparse.hstack([self.intensity, \ sparse.lil_matrix((self.intensity.shape[0], \ self.centroids.size - n_ini_cen))], format='lil') self.fraction = sparse.hstack([self.fraction, \ sparse.lil_matrix((self.fraction.shape[0], \ self.centroids.size - n_ini_cen))], format='lil') self.intensity = sparse.vstack([self.intensity, \ sparse.lil_matrix((hazard.intensity.shape[0], self.intensity.shape[1]))], format='lil') self.fraction = sparse.vstack([self.fraction, \ sparse.lil_matrix((hazard.intensity.shape[0], self.intensity.shape[1]))], format='lil') self.intensity[n_ini_ev:, -hazard.intensity.shape[1]:] = hazard.intensity self.fraction[n_ini_ev:, -hazard.intensity.shape[1]:] = hazard.fraction self.intensity = self.intensity.tocsr() self.fraction = self.fraction.tocsr() # Make event id unique if np.unique(self.event_id).size != self.event_id.size: LOGGER.debug('Resetting event_id.') self.event_id = np.arange(self.event_id.size) + 1
[docs] def remove_duplicates(self): """Remove duplicate events (events with same name and date).""" dup_pos = list() set_ev = set() for ev_pos, (ev_name, ev_date) in enumerate(zip(self.event_name, if (ev_name, ev_date) in set_ev: dup_pos.append(ev_pos) set_ev.add((ev_name, ev_date)) if len(set_ev) == self.event_id.size: return for var_name, var_val in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(var_val, np.ndarray) and var_val.ndim == 1: setattr(self, var_name, np.delete(var_val, dup_pos)) elif isinstance(var_val, list): setattr(self, var_name, np.delete(var_val, dup_pos).tolist()) mask = np.ones(self.intensity.shape, dtype=bool) mask[dup_pos, :] = False self.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(self.intensity[mask].\ reshape(self.event_id.size, self.intensity.shape[1])) self.fraction = sparse.csr_matrix(self.fraction[mask].\ reshape(self.event_id.size, self.intensity.shape[1]))
@property def size(self): """ Returns number of events """ return self.event_id.size
[docs] def write_raster(self, file_name, intensity=True): """ Write intensity or fraction as GeoTIFF file. Each band is an event Parameters: file_name (str): file name to write in tif format intensity (bool): if True, write intensity, otherwise write fraction """ variable = self.intensity if not intensity: variable = self.fraction if self.centroids.meta: co.write_raster(file_name, variable.todense(), self.centroids.meta) else: pixel_geom = self.centroids.calc_pixels_polygons() profile = self.centroids.meta profile.update(driver='GTiff', dtype=rasterio.float32, count=self.size) with, 'w', **profile) as dst:'Writting %s', file_name) for i_ev in range(variable.shape[0]): raster = rasterize([(x, val) for (x, val) in \ zip(pixel_geom, np.array(variable[i_ev, :].todense()).reshape(-1))], \ out_shape=(profile['height'], profile['width']),\ transform=profile['transform'], fill=0, \ all_touched=True, dtype=profile['dtype'],) dst.write(raster.astype(profile['dtype']), i_ev+1)
[docs] def write_hdf5(self, file_name): """ Write hazard in hdf5 format. Parameters: file_name (str): file name to write, with h5 format """'Writting %s', file_name) self._set_coords_centroids() hf_data = h5py.File(file_name, 'w') str_dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) for (var_name, var_val) in self.__dict__.items(): if var_name == 'centroids': hf_centr = hf_data.create_group(var_name) hf_centr.create_dataset('latitude', hf_centr.create_dataset('longitude', data=var_val.lon) hf_str = hf_centr.create_dataset('crs', (1,), dtype=str_dt) hf_str[0] = str(dict( elif var_name == 'tag': hf_str = hf_data.create_dataset('haz_type', (1,), dtype=str_dt) hf_str[0] = var_val.haz_type hf_str = hf_data.create_dataset('file_name', (1,), dtype=str_dt) hf_str[0] = str(var_val.file_name) hf_str = hf_data.create_dataset('description', (1,), dtype=str_dt) hf_str[0] = str(var_val.description) elif isinstance(var_val, sparse.csr_matrix): hf_csr = hf_data.create_group(var_name) hf_csr.create_dataset('data', hf_csr.create_dataset('indices', data=var_val.indices) hf_csr.create_dataset('indptr', data=var_val.indptr) hf_csr.attrs['shape'] = var_val.shape elif isinstance(var_val, str): hf_str = hf_data.create_dataset(var_name, (1,), dtype=str_dt) hf_str[0] = var_val elif isinstance(var_val, list) and isinstance(var_val[0], str): hf_str = hf_data.create_dataset(var_name, (len(var_val),), dtype=str_dt) for i_ev, var_ev in enumerate(var_val): hf_str[i_ev] = var_ev elif var_val is not None: hf_data.create_dataset(var_name, data=var_val) hf_data.close()
[docs] def read_hdf5(self, file_name): """ Read hazard in hdf5 format. Parameters: file_name (str): file name to read, with h5 format """'Reading %s', file_name) self.clear() hf_data = h5py.File(file_name, 'r') for (var_name, var_val) in self.__dict__.items(): if var_name == 'centroids': hf_centr = hf_data.get(var_name) try: self.centroids.set_lat_lon(np.array(hf_centr.get('latitude')), np.array(hf_centr.get('longitude')), ast.literal_eval(hf_centr.get('crs')[0])) except TypeError: self.centroids.set_lat_lon(np.array(hf_centr.get('latitude')), np.array(hf_centr.get('longitude'))) elif var_name == 'tag': self.tag.haz_type = hf_data.get('haz_type')[0] self.tag.file_name = hf_data.get('file_name')[0] self.tag.description = hf_data.get('description')[0] elif isinstance(var_val, np.ndarray) and var_val.ndim == 1: setattr(self, var_name, np.array(hf_data.get(var_name))) elif isinstance(var_val, sparse.csr_matrix): hf_csr = hf_data.get(var_name) setattr(self, var_name, sparse.csr_matrix((hf_csr['data'][:], \ hf_csr['indices'][:], hf_csr['indptr'][:]), hf_csr.attrs['shape'])) elif isinstance(var_val, str): setattr(self, var_name, hf_data.get(var_name)[0]) elif isinstance(var_val, list): setattr(self, var_name, hf_data.get(var_name).value.tolist()) else: setattr(self, var_name, hf_data.get(var_name)) hf_data.close()
def _append_all(self, list_haz_ev): """Append event by event with same centroids. Takes centroids and units of first event. Parameters: list_haz_ev (list): Hazard instances with one event and same centroids """ self.clear() num_ev = len(list_haz_ev) num_cen = list_haz_ev[0].centroids.size # check for new variables for key_new in list_haz_ev[0].__dict__.keys(): if key_new not in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[key_new] = list_haz_ev[0].__dict__[key_new] for var_name, var_val in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(var_val, np.ndarray) and var_val.ndim == 1: setattr(self, var_name, np.zeros((num_ev,), dtype=var_val.dtype)) elif isinstance(var_val, sparse.csr.csr_matrix): setattr(self, var_name, sparse.lil_matrix((num_ev, num_cen))) for i_ev, haz_ev in enumerate(list_haz_ev): for (var_name, var_val), ev_val in zip(self.__dict__.items(), haz_ev.__dict__.values()): if isinstance(var_val, np.ndarray) and var_val.ndim == 1: var_val[i_ev] = ev_val[0] elif isinstance(var_val, list): var_val.extend(ev_val) elif isinstance(var_val, sparse.lil_matrix): var_val[i_ev, :] = ev_val[0, :] elif isinstance(var_val, TagHazard): var_val.append(ev_val) self.centroids = copy.deepcopy(list_haz_ev[0].centroids) # self.centroids = Centroids() # if list_haz_ev[0].centroids.meta: # self.centroids.meta = list_haz_ev[0].centroids.meta # else: # self.centroids.set_lat_lon(list_haz_ev[0], \ # list_haz_ev[0].centroids.lon, list_haz_ev[0] self.units = list_haz_ev[0].units self.intensity = self.intensity.tocsr() self.fraction = self.fraction.tocsr() self.event_id = np.arange(1, num_ev+1) def _set_coords_centroids(self): """ If centroids are raster, set lat and lon coordinates """ if self.centroids.meta and not self.centroids.coord.size: self.centroids.set_meta_to_lat_lon() def _events_set(self): """Generate set of tuples with (event_name, event_date) """ ev_set = set() for ev_name, ev_date in zip(self.event_name, ev_set.add((ev_name, ev_date)) return ev_set def _event_plot(self, event_id, mat_var, col_name, **kwargs): """"Plot an event of the input matrix. Parameters: event_id (int or np.array(int)): If event_id > 0, plot mat_var of event with id = event_id. If event_id = 0, plot maximum mat_var in each centroid. If event_id < 0, plot abs(event_id)-largest event. mat_var (sparse matrix): Sparse matrix where each row is an event col_name (sparse matrix): Colorbar label kwargs (optional): arguments for pcolormesh matplotlib function Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot """ if not isinstance(event_id, np.ndarray): event_id = np.array([event_id]) array_val = list() l_title = list() for ev_id in event_id: if ev_id > 0: try: event_pos = np.where(self.event_id == ev_id)[0][0] except IndexError: LOGGER.error('Wrong event id: %s.', ev_id) raise ValueError from IndexError im_val = mat_var[event_pos, :].todense().transpose() title = 'Event ID %s: %s' % (str(self.event_id[event_pos]), \ self.event_name[event_pos]) elif ev_id < 0: max_inten = np.asarray(np.sum(mat_var, axis=1)).reshape(-1) event_pos = np.argpartition(max_inten, ev_id)[ev_id:] event_pos = event_pos[np.argsort(max_inten[event_pos])][0] im_val = mat_var[event_pos, :].todense().transpose() title = '%s-largest Event. ID %s: %s' % (np.abs(ev_id), \ str(self.event_id[event_pos]), self.event_name[event_pos]) else: im_val = np.max(mat_var, axis=0).todense().transpose() title = '%s max intensity at each point' % self.tag.haz_type array_val.append(im_val) l_title.append(title) return u_plot.geo_im_from_array(array_val, self.centroids.coord, col_name, l_title, **kwargs) def _centr_plot(self, centr_idx, mat_var, col_name): """"Plot a centroid of the input matrix. Parameters: centr_id (int): If centr_id > 0, plot mat_var of all events at centroid with id = centr_id. If centr_id = 0, plot maximum mat_var of each event. If centr_id < 0, plot abs(centr_id)-largest centroid where highest mat_var are reached. mat_var (sparse matrix): Sparse matrix where each column represents a centroid col_name (sparse matrix): Colorbar label Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot """ coord = self.centroids.coord if centr_idx > 0: try: centr_pos = centr_idx except IndexError: LOGGER.error('Wrong centroid id: %s.', centr_idx) raise ValueError from IndexError array_val = mat_var[:, centr_pos].todense() title = 'Centroid %s: (%s, %s)' % (str(centr_idx), \ coord[centr_pos, 0], coord[centr_pos, 1]) elif centr_idx < 0: max_inten = np.asarray(np.sum(mat_var, axis=0)).reshape(-1) centr_pos = np.argpartition(max_inten, centr_idx)[centr_idx:] centr_pos = centr_pos[np.argsort(max_inten[centr_pos])][0] array_val = mat_var[:, centr_pos].todense() title = '%s-largest Centroid. %s: (%s, %s)' % \ (np.abs(centr_idx), str(centr_pos), coord[centr_pos, 0], \ coord[centr_pos, 1]) else: array_val = np.max(mat_var, axis=1).todense() title = '%s max intensity at each event' % self.tag.haz_type graph = u_plot.Graph2D(title) graph.add_subplot('Event number', col_name) graph.add_curve(range(len(array_val)), array_val, 'b') graph.set_x_lim(range(len(array_val))) return graph.get_elems() def _loc_return_inten(self, return_periods, inten, exc_inten): """ Compute local exceedence intensity for given return period. Parameters: return_periods (np.array): return periods to consider cen_pos (int): centroid position Returns: np.array """ # sorted intensity sort_pos = np.argsort(inten, axis=0)[::-1, :] columns = np.ones(inten.shape, int) columns *= np.arange(columns.shape[1]) inten_sort = inten[sort_pos, columns] # cummulative frequency at sorted intensity freq_sort = self.frequency[sort_pos] np.cumsum(freq_sort, axis=0, out=freq_sort) for cen_idx in range(inten.shape[1]): exc_inten[:, cen_idx] = self._cen_return_inten( inten_sort[:, cen_idx], freq_sort[:, cen_idx], self.intensity_thres, return_periods) def _check_events(self): """ Check that all attributes but centroids contain consistent data. Put default date, event_name and orig if not provided. Check not repeated events (i.e. with same date and name) Raises: ValueError """ num_ev = len(self.event_id) num_cen = self.centroids.size if np.unique(self.event_id).size != num_ev: LOGGER.error("There are events with the same identifier.") raise ValueError check.check_oligatories(self.__dict__, self.vars_oblig, 'Hazard.', num_ev, num_ev, num_cen) check.check_optionals(self.__dict__, self.vars_opt, 'Hazard.', num_ev) self.event_name = check.array_default(num_ev, self.event_name, \ 'Hazard.event_name', list(self.event_id)) = check.array_default(num_ev,, '', \ np.ones(self.event_id.shape, dtype=int)) self.orig = check.array_default(num_ev, self.orig, 'Hazard.orig', \ np.zeros(self.event_id.shape, dtype=bool)) if len(self._events_set()) != num_ev: LOGGER.error("There are events with same date and name.") raise ValueError @staticmethod def _cen_return_inten(inten, freq, inten_th, return_periods): """From ordered intensity and cummulative frequency at centroid, get exceedance intensity at input return periods. Parameters: inten (np.array): sorted intensity at centroid freq (np.array): cummulative frequency at centroid inten_th (float): intensity threshold return_periods (np.array): return periods Returns: np.array """ inten_th = np.asarray(inten > inten_th).squeeze() inten_cen = inten[inten_th] freq_cen = freq[inten_th] if not inten_cen.size: return np.zeros((return_periods.size,)) try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") pol_coef = np.polyfit(np.log(freq_cen), inten_cen, deg=1) except ValueError: pol_coef = np.polyfit(np.log(freq_cen), inten_cen, deg=0) inten_fit = np.polyval(pol_coef, np.log(1/return_periods)) wrong_inten = np.logical_and(return_periods > np.max(1/freq_cen), \ np.isnan(inten_fit)) inten_fit[wrong_inten] = 0. return inten_fit def _read_att_mat(self, data, file_name, var_names): """ Read MATLAB hazard's attributes. """ self.frequency = np.squeeze(data[var_names['var_name']['freq']]) self.orig = np.squeeze(data[var_names['var_name']['orig']]).astype(bool) self.event_id = np.squeeze(data[var_names['var_name']['even_id']]. \ astype(, copy=False)) try: self.units = hdf5.get_string(data[var_names['var_name']['unit']]) except KeyError: pass n_cen = self.centroids.size n_event = len(self.event_id) try: self.intensity = hdf5.get_sparse_csr_mat( \ data[var_names['var_name']['inten']], (n_event, n_cen)) except ValueError as err: LOGGER.error('Size missmatch in intensity matrix.') raise err try: self.fraction = hdf5.get_sparse_csr_mat( \ data[var_names['var_name']['frac']], (n_event, n_cen)) except ValueError as err: LOGGER.error('Size missmatch in fraction matrix.') raise err except KeyError: self.fraction = sparse.csr_matrix(np.ones(self.intensity.shape, dtype=np.float)) # Event names: set as event_id if no provided try: self.event_name = hdf5.get_list_str_from_ref( file_name, data[var_names['var_name']['ev_name']]) except KeyError: self.event_name = list(self.event_id) try: comment = hdf5.get_string(data[var_names['var_name']['comment']]) self.tag.description += ' ' + comment except KeyError: pass try: datenum = data[var_names['var_name']['datenum']].squeeze() = np.array([(dt.datetime.fromordinal(int(date)) + \ dt.timedelta(days=date%1)- \ dt.timedelta(days=366)).toordinal() for date in datenum]) except KeyError: pass def _read_att_excel(self, file_name, var_names): """ Read Excel hazard's attributes. """ dfr = pd.read_excel(file_name, var_names['sheet_name']['freq']) num_events = dfr.shape[0] self.frequency = dfr[var_names['col_name']['freq']].values self.orig = dfr[var_names['col_name']['orig']].values.astype(bool) self.event_id = dfr[var_names['col_name']['even_id']].values. \ astype(int, copy=False) = dfr[var_names['col_name']['even_dt']].values. \ astype(int, copy=False) self.event_name = dfr[var_names['col_name']['even_name']].values.tolist() dfr = pd.read_excel(file_name, var_names['sheet_name']['inten']) # number of events (ignore centroid_ID column) # check the number of events is the same as the one in the frequency if dfr.shape[1] - 1 is not num_events: LOGGER.error('Hazard intensity is given for a number of events ' \ 'different from the number of defined in its frequency: ' \ '%s != %s', dfr.shape[1] - 1, num_events) raise ValueError # check number of centroids is the same as retrieved before if dfr.shape[0] is not self.centroids.size: LOGGER.error('Hazard intensity is given for a number of centroids ' \ 'different from the number of centroids defined: %s != %s', \ dfr.shape[0], self.centroids.size) raise ValueError self.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(dfr.values[:, 1:num_events+1].transpose()) self.fraction = sparse.csr_matrix(np.ones(self.intensity.shape, dtype=np.float))