Source code for climada.entity.exposures.litpop

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of CLIMADA.

Copyright (C) 2017 ETH Zurich, CLIMADA contributors listed in AUTHORS.

CLIMADA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, version 3.

CLIMADA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
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import logging
import time
import os
from sys import stdout
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas_datareader import wb
from scipy import sparse
from scipy import ndimage as nd
from scipy import stats
import geopandas as gpd
import shapefile
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from iso3166 import countries as iso_cntry
import gdal
from pint import UnitRegistry
from import shapereader

from climada.entity.exposures import nightlight
from climada.entity.tag import Tag
from climada.entity.exposures.base import Exposures, INDICATOR_IF
from climada.entity.exposures import gpw_import
from import gdp, income_group, wealth2gdp, world_bank_wealth_account
from climada.util.constants import SYSTEM_DIR, DEF_CRS
from climada.util.coordinates import pts_to_raster_meta, get_resolution

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Define LitPop class."""
# Black Marble nightlight tile names, %i represents the Black Marble reference year
BM_FILENAMES = ['BlackMarble_%i_A1_geo_gray.tif', \
                    'BlackMarble_%i_A2_geo_gray.tif', \
                    'BlackMarble_%i_B1_geo_gray.tif', \
                    'BlackMarble_%i_B2_geo_gray.tif', \
                    'BlackMarble_%i_C1_geo_gray.tif', \
                    'BlackMarble_%i_C2_geo_gray.tif', \
                    'BlackMarble_%i_D1_geo_gray.tif', \
# years with Black Marble Tiles
# Update if new years get available!
BM_YEARS = [2016, 2012] # latest first
# Years with GPW population data available:
GPW_YEARS = [2020, 2015, 2010, 2005, 2000]

NASA_RESOLUTION_DEG = (15*UnitRegistry().arc_second).to(UnitRegistry().deg). \

""" Income group historical data from World bank."""

""" Default approximate resolution for NASA's nightlights in km."""

""" Default approximate resolution for the GPW dataset in km."""

""" Default approximate resolution for NASA's nightlights in arcsec."""

""" Default approximate resolution for the GPW dataset in arcsec."""

""" Default hazard type used in impact functions id, i.e. TC """

[docs]class LitPop(Exposures): """Defines exposure values from nightlight intensity (NASA), Gridded Population data (SEDAC); distributing produced capital (World Bank), GDP (World Bank) or non-financial wealth (Global Wealth Databook by the Credit Suisse Research Institute.) Calling sequence example: ent = LitPop() country_name = ['Switzerland', 'Austria'] ent.set_country(country_name) ent.plot() """ @property def _constructor(self): return LitPop
[docs] def clear(self): """ Appending the base class clear attribute to also delete attributes which are only used here. """ Exposures.clear(self) try: del self.country_data except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def set_country(self, countries, **args): """ Get LitPop based exposre for one country or multiple countries using values at reference year. If produced capital, GDP, or income group, etc. not available for that year, consider the value of the closest available year. Parameters: countries (str or list): list of countries or single county as a sting. Countries can either be country names ('France') or country codes ('FRA'), even a mix is possible in the list. args: Keyword arguments. The following keywords are recognised: res_km (float, optional): approx resolution in km. Default: 1km. res_arcsec (float, optional): resolution in arc-sec. Overrides res_km if both are delivered check_plot (boolean, optional): choose if a plot is shown at the end of the operation. exponents (list of two integers, default = [1, 1]) defining power with which lit (nightlights) and pop (gpw) go into LitPop. To get nightlights^3 alone: [3, 0]. To use population count alone: [0, 1]. fin_mode (str, optional): define what total country economic value is to be used as an asset base and distributed to the grid: - 'gdp': gross-domestic product (Source: World Bank) - 'income_group': gdp multiplied by country's income group+1 - 'nfw': non-financial wealth (Source: Credit Suisse, of households only) - 'tw': total wealth (Source: Credit Suisse, of households only) - 'pc': produced capital (Source: World Bank), incl. manufactured or built assets such as machinery, equipment, and physical structures (pc is in constant 2014 USD) - 'norm': normalized by country - 'none': LitPop per pixel is returned unchanged admin1_calc (boolean): distribute admin1-level GDP if available? (default False) conserve_cntrytotal (boolean): given admin1_calc, conserve national total asset value (default True) reference_year (int) adm1_scatter (boolean): produce scatter plot for admin1 validation? """ #TODO: allow for user delivered path # self.clear() # clear existing assets (reset) start_time = time.time() res_km = args.get('res_km', 1) res_arcsec = args.get('res_arcsec', []) fin_mode = args.get('fin_mode', 'pc') exponents = args.get('exponents', [1, 1]) admin1_calc = args.get('admin1_calc', False) adm1_scatter = args.get('adm1_scatter', False) conserve_cntrytotal = args.get('conserve_cntrytotal', True) reference_year = args.get('reference_year', 2016) # bm_year = min(BM_YEARS, key=lambda x:abs(x-reference_year)) # inherit_admin1_from_admin0 = args.get('inherit_admin1_from_admin0', 1) if res_arcsec == []: resolution = (res_km/DEF_RES_GPW_KM)*DEF_RES_GPW_ARCSEC else: resolution = res_arcsec _match_target_res(resolution) check_plot = args.get('check_plot', 0) country_info = dict() admin1_info = dict() if isinstance(countries, list): #multiple countries list_len = len(countries) country_list = countries for i, country in enumerate(country_list[::-1]): country_new = _get_iso3(country) country_list[list_len-1-i] =\ country_new if country_new is None: LOGGER.warning('The country %s could not be found.', country) LOGGER.warning('Country %s is removed from the list.', country) del country_list[list_len-1-i] else: country_info[country_new], admin1_info[country_new] =\ _get_country_info(country_new) del country_new if not country_list: LOGGER.error('No valid country chosen. Operation aborted.') raise ValueError else: all_bbox = [_get_country_shape(countr, 1)[0]\ for countr in country_list] cut_bbox = _bbox_union(all_bbox) elif isinstance(countries, str): #One country country_list = list() country_list.append(countries) country_new = _get_iso3(countries) country_list[0] = country_new if not _get_country_shape(country_list[0], 1) is None: all_bbox = _get_country_shape(country_list[0], 1)[0] else: LOGGER.error('Country %s could not be found.', countries) raise ValueError cut_bbox = all_bbox country_info[country_list[0]], admin1_info[country_list[0]]\ = _get_country_info(country_list[0]) else: LOGGER.error('Country parameter data type not recognised. \ Operation aborted.') raise TypeError all_coords = _litpop_box2coords(cut_bbox, resolution, 1) # Get LitPop'Generating LitPop data at a resolution of %s arcsec.', str(resolution)) litpop_data = _get_litpop_box(cut_bbox, resolution, 0, reference_year, \ exponents) shp_file = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution='10m', category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries') shp_file = shapereader.Reader(shp_file) for cntry_iso, cntry_val in country_info.items(): if fin_mode == 'pc': total_asset_val = world_bank_wealth_account(cntry_iso, \ reference_year, \ no_land=True)[1] # here, total_asset_val is Produced Capital "pc" # no_land=True returns value w/o the mark-up of 24% for land value elif fin_mode in ['norm', 'none']: total_asset_val = 1 else: _, total_asset_val = gdp(cntry_iso, reference_year, shp_file) cntry_val.append(total_asset_val) _get_gdp2asset_factor(country_info, reference_year, shp_file, fin_mode=fin_mode) tag = Tag() lp_cntry = list() for curr_country in country_list: curr_shp = _get_country_shape(curr_country, 0) mask = _mask_from_shape(curr_shp, resolution=resolution,\ points2check=all_coords) litpop_curr = litpop_data[mask.sp_index.indices] lon, lat = zip(*np.array(all_coords)[mask.sp_index.indices]) if fin_mode == 'none':'fin_mode=none --> no downscaling; admin1_calc is ignored') elif admin1_calc == 1: litpop_curr = _calc_admin1(curr_country,\ country_info[curr_country], admin1_info[curr_country],\ litpop_curr, list(zip(lon, lat)),\ resolution, adm1_scatter, \ conserve_cntrytotal=conserve_cntrytotal,\ check_plot=check_plot, masks_adm1=[], return_data=1) else: litpop_curr = _calc_admin0(litpop_curr,\ country_info[curr_country][3],\ country_info[curr_country][4]) lp_cntry.append(self._set_one_country(country_info[curr_country],\ litpop_curr, lon, lat, curr_country)) tag.description += \ 'LitPop for %s at %i as, year=%i, financial mode=%s, GPW-year=%i, BM-year=%i, exp=[%i, %i]' \ % (country_info[curr_country][1], resolution, reference_year, \ fin_mode, \ min(GPW_YEARS, key=lambda x: abs(x-reference_year)), \ min(BM_YEARS, key=lambda x: abs(x-reference_year)), \ exponents[0], exponents[1]) Exposures.__init__(self, gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(lp_cntry, \ ignore_index=True)), crs=DEF_CRS) self.ref_year = reference_year self.tag = tag self.value_unit = 'USD' try: rows, cols, ras_trans = pts_to_raster_meta((self.longitude.min(), \ self.latitude.min(), self.longitude.max(), self.latitude.max()), \ min(get_resolution(self.latitude, self.longitude))) self.meta = {'width':cols, 'height':rows, 'crs', 'transform':ras_trans} except ValueError: LOGGER.warning('Could not write attribute meta, because exposure has only 1 data point') self.meta = {} if check_plot == 1: self.plot_log(admin1_plot=0)"Creating the LitPop exposure took %i s", \ int(round(time.time() - start_time, 2))) # self.set_geometry_points() self.check()
@staticmethod def _set_one_country(cntry_info, litpop_data, lon, lat, curr_country): """ Model one country. Parameters: cntry_info (list): [cntry_id, cnytry_name, cntry_geometry, ref_year, gdp, income_group] litpop_data (pandas SparseArray): LitPop data with the value already distributed. lon (array): longitudinal coordinates lat (array): latudinal coordinates curr_country: name or iso3 ID of country """ lp_ent = LitPop() lp_ent['value'] = litpop_data.values lp_ent['latitude'] = lat lp_ent['longitude'] = lon try: lp_ent['region_id'] = np.ones(lp_ent.value.shape, int) \ * int(iso_cntry.get(cntry_info[1]).numeric) except KeyError: lp_ent['region_id'] = np.ones(lp_ent.value.shape, int) \ * int(iso_cntry.get(curr_country).numeric) lp_ent[INDICATOR_IF + DEF_HAZ_TYPE] = np.ones(lp_ent.value.size, int) return lp_ent def _append_additional_info(self, cntries_info): """ Add country information in dictionary attribute country_data. Parameters: cntries_info (dict): country ISO3, name and shape """ self.country_data = {'ISO3': [], 'name': [], 'shape': []} for cntry_iso3, cntry_info in cntries_info.items(): self.country_data['ISO3'].append(cntry_iso3) self.country_data['name'].append(cntry_info[1]) self.country_data['shape'].append(cntry_info[2])
[docs] def plot_log(self, admin1_plot=1): """ Plots the LitPop data with the color scale reprenting the values in a logarithmic scale. Parameters: admin1_plot (boolean): whether admin1 borders should be plotted. Default=1 """ #TODO: plot subplots for the different countries instead of one global #one. Countries can be identified by their region id, hence this #can be implemented import matplotlib.colors as colors if not self.value.sum() == 0: plt.figure() # countr_shape = _get_country_shape(country_iso, 0) countr_bbox = np.array((min(self.coord[:, 1]),\ min(self.coord[:, 0]),\ max(self.coord[:, 1]),\ max(self.coord[:, 0]))) plt.gca().set_xlim(countr_bbox[0]\ -0.1*(countr_bbox[2]-countr_bbox[0]), countr_bbox[2]\ +0.1*(countr_bbox[2]-countr_bbox[0])) plt.gca().set_ylim(countr_bbox[1]\ -0.1*(countr_bbox[3]-countr_bbox[1]), countr_bbox[3]\ +0.1*(countr_bbox[3]-countr_bbox[1])) plt.scatter(self.coord[:, 1], self.coord[:, 0],\ c=self.value, marker=',', s=3,\ norm=colors.LogNorm()) plt.title('Logarithmic scale LitPop value') if hasattr(self, 'country_data') and\ self.country_data['shape'] != []: for idx, shp in enumerate(self.country_data['shape']): _plot_shape_to_plot(shp) if admin1_plot == 1: _plot_admin1_shapes(self.country_data['ISO3'][idx],\ 0.6) plt.colorbar()
def _get_litpop_box(cut_bbox, resolution, return_coords=0, \ reference_year=2016, exponents=[1, 1]): ''' PURPOSE: A function which retrieves and calculates the LitPop data within a certain bounding box for a given resolution. INPUTS: cut_bbox (1x4 array-like): Bounding box (ESRI type) of interest. The layout of the bounding box corresponds to the bounding box of the ESRI shape files and is as follows: [minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude, maxmimum latitude] resolution (scalar): resolution in arc-seconds reference_year (int): reference year, population available at: 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 (default), 2020 exponents (list of two integers, default = [1, 1]) defining power with which lit (nightlights) and pop (gpw) go into LitPop. To get nightlights^3 alone: [3, 0]. To use population count alone: [0, 1]. OUTPUT (either one of these lines, depending on option return_coords): litpop_data (pandas SparseArray): A pandas SparseArray containing the raw, unnormalised LitPop data. OR litpop_data, lon, lat (tuple): if return_coords=1 a tuple in the form (lon, lat) with the coordinates falling into the cut_bbox are return along with the litpop_data (see above). ''' nightlights = _get_box_blackmarble(cut_bbox, reference_year=reference_year, \ resolution=resolution, return_coords=0) gpw = gpw_import.get_box_gpw(cut_bbox=cut_bbox, resolution=resolution,\ return_coords=0, reference_year=reference_year) bm_temp = np.ones(nightlights.shape) # Lit = Lit + 1 if Population is included, c.f. int(exponents[1]>0): bm_temp[nightlights.sp_index.indices] = (np.array(nightlights.sp_values, \ dtype='uint16')+int(exponents[1] > 0)) nightlights = pd.SparseArray(bm_temp, fill_value=int(exponents[1] > 0)) del bm_temp litpop_data = _LitPop_multiply(nightlights, gpw, exponents=exponents) if return_coords == 1: lon, lat = _litpop_box2coords(cut_bbox, resolution, 0) return litpop_data, lon, lat return litpop_data def _LitPop_multiply(nightlights, gpw, exponents=[1, 1]): ''' PURPOSE: Pixel-wise multiplication of lit (nightlights^exponents[0]) and pop (gpw^exponents[1]) to compute LitPop. Both factors are included to the power of lit_exp / pop_exp to change their weight. INPUTS: nightlights (dataframe): gridded nightlights data gpw (dataframe): gridded population data exponents (list of two integers): exponents for nightlights and population data, default = [1, 1] OUTPUT: litpop_data (dataframe): gridded resulting LitPop ''' litpop_data = pd.SparseArray(np.multiply(nightlights.values**exponents[0], \ gpw.values**exponents[1]),\ fill_value=0) return litpop_data def _litpop_box2coords(box, resolution, point_format=0): ''' PURPOSE: A function which calculates coordinates arrays explicitly from a bounding box for a given resolution INPUTS: box (1x4 array-like): Bounding box (ESRI type) of coordinates to be delivered. the layout of the bounding box corresponds to the bounding box of the ESRI shape files and is as follows: [minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude, maxmimum latitude] resolution (scalar): resolution in arc-seconds OUTPUT (either one of these lines, depending on point_format): lon, lat (tuple of arrays): if point_format =0 (default) is selected a separate array for the longitude and latitude of each pixel in the bounding box is returned. coordiates (array): if point_format =1 is selected a tuple entry of the form (lon, lat) for each point is returned. ''' deg_per_pix = 1/(3600/resolution) min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row =\ _litpop_coords_in_glb_grid(box, resolution) lon = np.array(np.transpose([np.ones((max_row-min_row+1,))\ *((-180+(deg_per_pix/2))+l_i*deg_per_pix)\ for l_i in range(min_col, (max_col+1))])) lon = lon.flatten(order='F') lat = np.array(np.transpose([((90-(deg_per_pix/2))-(l_j*deg_per_pix))\ for l_j in range(min_row, (max_row+1))]\ *np.ones((max_col-min_col+1, (max_row-min_row+1))))) lat = lat.flatten(order='F') if point_format == 1: return list([(lon, lat) for lon, lat in zip(lon, lat)]) return lon, lat def _litpop_coords_in_glb_grid(box, resolution): ''' PURPOSE: Function which calculates the coordinates from geographic to a cartesian coordinate system, where the NE-most point is 0,0. INPUTS: box (1x4 array-like): Bounding box (ESRI type) of coordinates to be delivered. the layout of the bounding box corresponds to the bounding box of the ESRI shape files and is as follows: [minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude, maxmimum latitude] resolution (scalar): resolution in arc-seconds OUTPUTS: mincol, minrow, maxcol, maxrow (array): row and col numbers which define the box in the cartesian coordinate system. ''' minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat = box deg_per_pix = 1/(3600/resolution) minlon, maxlon = minlon-(-180), maxlon-(-180) minlat, maxlat = -(minlat-(90)), -(maxlat-(90)) lon_dist = np.ceil(abs(maxlon-minlon)/deg_per_pix) lat_dist = np.ceil(abs(maxlat-minlat)/deg_per_pix) mincol = int(max(minlon//deg_per_pix, 0)) maxcol = int(max(mincol + lon_dist-1, mincol)) minrow = int(max(maxlat//deg_per_pix, 0)) maxrow = int(max(minrow + lat_dist-1, minrow)) return np.array((mincol, minrow, maxcol, maxrow)) """def _litpop_convert_coords(box, resolution): ''' PURPOSE: A function which fits coordinates to global LitPop grid. Main purpose is to keep track of coordinates cut in reading BM and GPW without having to store pixel-based coordinates. INPUTS: box (1x4 array-like): Bounding box (ESRI type) of coordinates to be delivered. the layout of the bounding box corresponds to the bounding box of the ESRI shape files and is as follows: [minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude, maxmimum latitude] resolution (scalar): resolution in arc-seconds OUTPUT: box (1x4 array-like): bounding box with coordinates adjusted to global LitPop grid. ''' minlon, maxlon = box[0], box[2] minlat, maxlat = box[1], box[3] deg_per_pix = 1/(3600/resolution) min_col, max_col = int(max(minlon//deg_per_pix, -180*(1/deg_per_pix))),\ int(min(maxlon//deg_per_pix, (180-(deg_per_pix/2))*(1/deg_per_pix))) min_row, max_row = int(max(minlat//deg_per_pix, -90*(1/deg_per_pix))),\ int(min(maxlat//deg_per_pix, (90-(deg_per_pix/2))*(1/deg_per_pix))) box = np.array((min_col*deg_per_pix+(deg_per_pix/2), min_row*deg_per_pix\ +(deg_per_pix/2), max_col*deg_per_pix\ +(deg_per_pix/2), max_row*deg_per_pix+(deg_per_pix/2))) return box """ def _get_country_shape(country_iso, only_geo=0): """ Retrieves the shape file or coordinate information of a country. Parameters: country_iso (str): country code of country to get only_geo (boolean): Determines the output mode (default =0): if =0: returns the entire shape file of the country if =1: returns a tuple of values: bbox, lat, lon (see below) Returns: if only_geo = 0 (default): The shape of type shapefile._Shape if only_geo = 1 bbox, lat, lon (tuple of size 3) bbox is a 1x4 vector of the bounding box of the country (array) lat is a mx1 vector of the latitudinal values of the vertices of the shape (array) lon is a mx1 vector of the longitudinal values of the vertices of the shape (array) """ country_iso = country_iso.casefold() shp = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution='10m', category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries') shp = shapefile.Reader(shp) if len(country_iso) == 3: for field_num, field in enumerate(shp.fields[1::]): # Skip first (index zero) field, because it is DeletionFlag if field[0] == 'ADM0_A3': break else: for field_num, field in enumerate(shp.fields[1::]): # Skip first (index zero) field, because it is DeletionFlag if field[0] == 'ADMIN': break del field for rec_i, rec in enumerate(shp.records()): if rec[field_num].casefold() == country_iso: if only_geo != 1: return shp.shapes()[rec_i] bbox = shp.shapes()[rec_i].bbox points = shp.shapes()[rec_i].points lat = np.array([x[1] for x in points]) lon = np.array([x[0] for x in points]) return bbox, lat, lon def _match_target_res(target_res='NA'): """ Checks whether the resolution is compatible with the "legacy" resolutions used in Matlab Climada and produces a warning message if not. Parameters: target_res (scalar): Resolution in arc seconds. """ res_list = [30, 60, 120, 300, 600, 3600] out_res = min(res_list, key=lambda x: abs(x-target_res)) if out_res != target_res: LOGGER.warning('Not one of the legacy resoultions selected. Consider \ adjusting it to %s arc-sec.', out_res) def _shape_cutter(shape, **opt_args): """ Checks whether given coordinates are within a shape or not. Can also check if a shape possesses enclaves and cuts them out accordingly. If no coordinates are supplied, all coordinates in the bounding box of the shape under the given resolution are checked. Parameters: shape (_shape): shape file to check Optional: opt_args (keyword arguments): resolution (scalar): resolution of the points to be checked in arcsec. Required if the points need to be created first. Defautl = 30. check_enclaves (boolean): If activated, enclaves get detected and cut out from shapes. Default = 1. check_plot (boolean): If activated, a plot with the shap and the mask is shown. Default = 0. shape_format (str, tuple): colour of the shape if it is plotted. Takes any colour format which is recognised by matplotlib. enclave_format (str, tuple): colour of the enclaves if it they are plotted. Takes any colour format which is recognised by matplotlib. return_mask (boolean): If activated, the mask is also returned points2check (list): a list of points in tuple format (lon, lat) for which should be checked whether they are inside the shape. if no points are delivered, the points are created for the bounding box of the shape. point_format (boolean): If activated the points get returned as a list in tuple format (lon, lat), otherwise, lon and lat get returned separately. Returns (depending on the chosen options): lon (list): list of longitudinal coordinate data of points inside shape (returned if points_format = 0) lat (list): list of latitudianl coordinate data of points inside shape (returned if points_format = 0) incl_coords (list): list of tuples of formate (lon, lat) of points inside shape (returned if points_format=1) enclave_paths (list): list of detected enclave paths mask (pandas SparseArray): SparseArray which =1 where is point is inside shape and zero otherwise. (only returned if return_mask=1) if only_geo = 0 (default): The shape of type shapefile._Shape if only_geo = 1 bbox, lat, lon (tuple of size 3) bbox is a 1x4 vector of the bounding box of the country (array) lat is a mx1 vector of the latitudinal values of the vertices of the shape (array) lon is a mx1 vector of the longitudinal values of the vertices of the shape (array) """ from matplotlib import path curr_time = time.time() resolution = opt_args.get('resolution', 30) check_enclaves = opt_args.get('check_enclaves', 1) check_plot = opt_args.get('check_plot', 0) return_mask = opt_args.get('return_mask', 1) if check_plot == 1: shape_format = opt_args.get('shape_format', str(0.3)) enclave_format = opt_args.get('enclave_format', shape_format) points2check = opt_args.get('points2check', []) point_format = opt_args.get('point_format', 1) if (not hasattr(shape, 'points')) or (not hasattr(shape, 'parts')): LOGGER.error('Not a valid shape. Please make sure, the shapefile is \ of type from package "shapefile".') sub_shapes = len( all_coords_shape = [(x, y) for x, y in shape.points] LOGGER.debug('Extracting subshapes and detecting enclaves...') sub_shape_path = [] enclave_paths = [] add2enclave = 0 if sub_shapes > 1: for i in range(0, sub_shapes): if i == (sub_shapes-1): end_idx = len(shape.points)-1 else: end_idx =[i+1]-1 if (i > 0) & (check_enclaves == 1): temp_path = path.Path(all_coords_shape[[i]:end_idx]) for idx, val in enumerate(sub_shape_path): if val.contains_point(temp_path.vertices[0]) and \ len(temp_path.vertices) > 2 and \ val.contains_point(temp_path.vertices[1]) and\ val.contains_point(temp_path.vertices[2]): add2enclave = 1 break if add2enclave == 1: enclave_paths.append(temp_path) temp_path = [] add2enclave = 0 else: sub_shape_path.append(temp_path) temp_path = [] else: sub_shape_path.append(path.Path(all_coords_shape\ [[i]:end_idx])) if check_enclaves == 1: LOGGER.debug('Detected subshapes: %s, of which subshapes: %s',\ str(sub_shapes), str(len(enclave_paths))) else: LOGGER.debug('Detected subshapes: %s. Enclave checking disabled',\ str(sub_shapes)) else: sub_shape_path.append(path.Path(all_coords_shape)) del all_coords_shape incl_coords = [] for _, val in enumerate(sub_shape_path): add_points = _mask_from_path(val, resolution) if not add_points is None: [incl_coords.append(point) for point in add_points] del add_points stdout.write('\n') if check_enclaves == 1 and not enclave_paths: excl_coords = [] # LOGGER.debug('Removing enclaves...') for _, val in enumerate(enclave_paths): temp_excl_points = _mask_from_path(val, resolution) if not temp_excl_points is None: [excl_coords.append(point) for point in temp_excl_points] del temp_excl_points excl_coords = set(tuple(row) for row in excl_coords) incl_coords = [point for point in incl_coords if point not\ in excl_coords] # LOGGER.debug('Successfully isolated coordinates from shape') total_bbox = np.array((min([x[0] for x in shape.points]),\ min([x[1] for x in shape.points]), max(x[0] for x in shape.points),\ max(x[1] for x in shape.points))) if points2check == []: all_coords = _litpop_box2coords(total_bbox, resolution, 1) else: all_coords = points2check del points2check incl_coords = set(incl_coords) mask = sparse.lil.lil_matrix(np.zeros((len(all_coords),))) for idx, val in enumerate(all_coords): if val in incl_coords: mask[0, idx] = 1 mask = pd.SparseArray(mask.toarray().reshape((-1,), order='F'),\ fill_value=0) lon, lat = zip(*[all_coords[val] for idx, val\ in enumerate(mask.sp_index.indices)]) if check_plot == 1: plt.scatter(lon, lat, cmap='plasma', marker=',') _plot_shape_to_plot(shape, shape_format) if check_enclaves == 1 and not enclave_paths: _plot_paths_to_plot(enclave_paths, enclave_format) if point_format == 1: if return_mask == 1: # LOGGER.debug('Cutting the shape took %s s',\ # str(round(time.time()-curr_time, 2))) return zip(lon, lat), enclave_paths, mask # LOGGER.debug('Cutting the shape took %s s',\ # str(round(time.time()-curr_time, 2))) return incl_coords, enclave_paths # LOGGER.debug('Cutting the shape took %s s',\ # str(round(time.time()-curr_time, 2))) if return_mask == 1: return lon, lat, enclave_paths, mask lat = [x[1] for x in incl_coords] lon = [x[0] for x in incl_coords] return lon, lat, enclave_paths def _mask_from_path(path, resolution=30, return_points=1, return_mask=0): curr_bbox = np.array((min([x[0] for x in path.vertices]), min([x[1] for x\ in path.vertices]), max([x[0] for x in\ path.vertices]), max([x[1] for x in path.vertices]))) curr_points2check = _litpop_box2coords(curr_bbox, resolution, 1) del curr_bbox if curr_points2check == []: return None temp_mask = pd.SparseArray(path.contains_points(curr_points2check),\ fill_value=0) points_in = [curr_points2check[val] for idx, val\ in enumerate(temp_mask.sp_index.indices)] if return_points == 1: if return_mask == 1: return points_in, temp_mask return points_in lon, lat = [x[0] for x in points_in], [x[1] for x in points_in] if return_mask == 1: return lon, lat, temp_mask return lon, lat def _mask_from_shape(check_shape, **opt_args): """ creates a mask from a shape assigning value 1 to points inside and 0 otherwise. Parameters: check_shape (_Shape): shape file to check Optional: opt_args (keyword arguments): resolution (scalar): resolution of the points to be checked in arcsec. Required if the points need to be created first. Defautl = 30. check_enclaves (boolean): If activated, enclaves get detected and cut out from shapes. Default = 1. check_plot (boolean): If activated, a plot with the shap and the mask is shown. Default = 0. shape_format (str, tuple): colour of the shape if it is plotted. Takes any colour format which is recognised by matplotlib. enclave_format (str, tuple): colour of the enclaves if it they are plotted. Takes any colour format which is recognised by matplotlib. return_mask (boolean): If activated, the mask is also returned points2check (list): a list of points in tuple formaat (lon, lat) for which should be checked whether they are inside the shape. if no points are delivered, the points are created for the bounding box of the shape. point_format (boolean): If activated the points get returned as a list in tuple format (lon, lat), otherwise, lon and lat get returned separately. Returns (depending on the chosen options): lon (list): list of longitudinal coordinate data of points inside shape (returned if points_format = 0) lat (list): list of latitudianl coordinate data of points inside shape (returned if points_format = 0) incl_coords (list): list of tuples of formate (lon, lat) of points inside shape (returned if points_format=1) enclave_paths (list): list of detected enclave paths mask (pandas SparseArray): SparseArray which =1 where is point is inside shape and zero otherwise. (only returned if return_mask=1) if only_geo = 0 (default): The shape of type shapefile._Shape if only_geo = 1 bbox, lat, lon (tuple of size 3) bbox is a 1x4 vector of the bounding box of the country (array) lat is a mx1 vector of the latitudinal values of the vertices of the shape (array) lon is a mx1 vector of the longitudinal values of the vertices of the shape (array) """ from matplotlib import path resolution = opt_args.get('resolution', 30) check_enclaves = opt_args.get('check_enclaves', 1) points2check = opt_args.get('points2check', []) if (not hasattr(check_shape, 'points')) or\ (not hasattr(check_shape, 'parts')): LOGGER.error('Not a valid shape. Please make sure, the shapefile is \ of type from package "shapefile".') sub_shapes = len( all_coords_shape = [(x, y) for x, y in check_shape.points] # LOGGER.debug('Extracting subshapes and detecting enclaves...') sub_shape_path = [] enclave_paths = [] add2enclave = 0 if sub_shapes > 1: for i in range(0, sub_shapes): if i == (sub_shapes-1): end_idx = len(check_shape.points)-1 else: end_idx =[i+1]-1 if (i > 0) & (check_enclaves == 1): temp_path = path.Path(all_coords_shape\ [[i]:end_idx]) for idx, val in enumerate(sub_shape_path): if val.contains_point(temp_path.vertices[0]) and \ len(temp_path.vertices) > 2 and \ val.contains_point(temp_path.vertices[1]) and\ val.contains_point(temp_path.vertices[2]): #Only check if the first three vertices of the new shape # is in any of the old shapes for speed add2enclave = 1 break if add2enclave == 1: enclave_paths.append(temp_path) temp_path = [] add2enclave = 0 else: sub_shape_path.append(temp_path) temp_path = [] else: sub_shape_path.append(path.Path(all_coords_shape\ [[i]:end_idx])) if check_enclaves == 1: LOGGER.debug('Detected subshapes: %s', str(sub_shapes)) LOGGER.debug('of which detected enclaves: %s', str(len(enclave_paths))) else:'Detected subshapes: %s. Enclave checking disabled.', \ str(sub_shapes)) else: sub_shape_path.append(path.Path(all_coords_shape)) del all_coords_shape incl_coords = [] for _, val in enumerate(sub_shape_path): add_points = _mask_from_path(val, resolution) if not add_points is None: [incl_coords.append(point) for point in add_points] del add_points # stdout.write('\n') if check_enclaves == 1 and not enclave_paths: excl_coords = [] LOGGER.debug('Removing enclaves...') for _, val in enumerate(enclave_paths): temp_excl_points = _mask_from_path(val, resolution) if not temp_excl_points is None: [excl_coords.append(point) for point in temp_excl_points] del temp_excl_points excl_coords = set(tuple(row) for row in excl_coords) incl_coords = [point for point in incl_coords if point not in\ excl_coords] LOGGER.debug('Successfully isolated coordinates from shape') total_bbox = np.array((min([x[0] for x in check_shape.points]),\ min([x[1] for x in check_shape.points]), max(x[0] for x\ in check_shape.points), max(x[1] for x in check_shape.points))) if points2check == []: all_coords = _litpop_box2coords(total_bbox, resolution, 1) else: all_coords = points2check del points2check incl_coords = set(incl_coords) mask = sparse.lil.lil_matrix(np.zeros((len(all_coords),))) for idx, val in enumerate(all_coords): if val in incl_coords: mask[0, idx] = 1 mask = pd.SparseArray(mask.toarray().reshape((-1,), order='F'),\ fill_value=0, dtype='bool_') # plt.figure() # l1, l2 = zip(*[x for n, x in enumerate(all_coords) if mask.values[n]==1]) # plt.scatter(l1, l2) # _plot_shape_to_plot(check_shape) return mask def _get_country_info(iso3): """ Get country ISO alpha_3, country id (defined as country appearance order in natural earth shape file) and country's geometry. Parameters: countries (list or dict): list of country names (admin0) or dict with key = admin0 name and value = [admin1 names] shp_file ( shape file Returns: cntry_info (dict): key = ISO alpha_3 country, value = [country id, country name, country geometry] Retrieves the shape file or coordinate information of a country. Parameters: country_iso (str): country code of country to get only_geo (boolean): Determines the output mode (default =0): if =0: returns the entire shape file of the country if =1: returns a tuple of values: bbox, lat, lon (see below) Returns: if only_geo = 0 (default): The shape of type shapefile._Shape if only_geo = 1 bbox, lat, lon (tuple of size 3) bbox is a 1x4 vector of the bounding box of the country (array) lat is a mx1 vector of the latitudinal values of the vertices of the shape (array) lon is a mx1 vector of the longitudinal values of the vertices of the shape (array) """ shp = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution='10m', category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries') shp = shapefile.Reader(shp) for field_num, field in enumerate(shp.fields[1::]): # Skip first (index zero) field, because it is DeletionFlag if field[0] == 'ADM0_A3': break del field for field_num2, field in enumerate(shp.fields[1::]): # Skip first (index zero) field, because it is DeletionFlag if field[0] == 'ADMIN': break del field for rec, rec_shp in zip(shp.records(), shp.shapes()): if rec[field_num] == iso3: country_shp = rec_shp country_name = rec[field_num2] break num_codes = [iso3 for iso3 in wb.country_codes if len(iso3) == 3] admin1_file = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution='10m', category='cultural', name='admin_1_states_provinces') admin1_recs = shapefile.Reader(admin1_file) country_admin1 = list() for rec, rec_shp in zip(admin1_recs.records(), admin1_recs.shapes()): if rec['adm0_a3'] == iso3: country_admin1.append([rec_shp, rec]) try: iso_num = num_codes.index(iso3) except ValueError: iso_num = len(num_codes) cntry_info = [iso_num, country_name, country_shp] return cntry_info, country_admin1 def _bbox_union(bbox_in): bbox = np.zeros((4,)) bbox[0] = min([val[0] for val in bbox_in]) bbox[1] = min([val[1] for val in bbox_in]) bbox[2] = max([val[2] for val in bbox_in]) bbox[3] = max([val[3] for val in bbox_in]) return bbox def _get_iso3(country_name): """ Find the ISO3 name corresponding to a country name. Can also be used to check if an ISO3 exists. Parameters: country_name (str): the country name to be checked. Returns: ISO3 (str): if the country name / ISO3 was found OR None (NoneType) otherwise """ country_name = country_name.casefold() shp = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution='10m', category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries') shp = shapefile.Reader(shp) for field_num, field in enumerate(shp.fields[1::]): # Skip first (index zero) field, because it is DeletionFlag if field[0] == 'ADM0_A3': field_adm = field_num if 'field_name' in locals(): break elif field[0] == 'ADMIN': field_name = field_num if 'field_adm' in locals(): break del field for rec in shp.records(): if len(country_name) == 3 and rec[field_adm].casefold() == country_name: return rec[field_adm] elif rec[field_name].casefold() == country_name: return rec[field_adm] return "" def _get_gdp2asset_factor(cntry_info, ref_year, shp_file, fin_mode='income_group'): """ Append factor to convert GDP to physcial asset values according to the Global Wealth Databook by the Credit Suisse Research Institute. Requires a pickled file containg a dictionary with the three letter country code as the key. The values are lists, each containg the country's name the factor for non-financial assets and the factor for financial assets (in this order). Parameters: cntry_info (dict): key = ISO alpha_3 country, value = [country id, country name, country geometry] ref_year (int): reference year fin_mode (str): define what total country economic value is to be used as an asset base and distributed to the grid: - gdp: gross-domestic product - income_group: gdp multiplied by country's income group+1 - nfw: non-financial wealth (of households only) - tw: total wealth (of households only) - pc: produced capital """ if fin_mode == 'income_group': for cntry_iso, cntry_val in cntry_info.items(): _, inc_grp = income_group(cntry_iso, ref_year, shp_file) cntry_val.append(inc_grp+1) elif fin_mode in ('gdp', 'pc', 'none', 'norm'): for cntry_iso, cntry_val in cntry_info.items(): cntry_val.append(1) elif fin_mode in ('nfw', 'tw'): for cntry_iso, cntry_val in cntry_info.items(): _, wealthtogdp_factor = wealth2gdp(cntry_iso, fin_mode == 'nfw', ref_year) if np.isnan(wealthtogdp_factor): LOGGER.warning("Missing factor for country %s.", cntry_iso) LOGGER.warning("Factor to convert GDP to assets will be set to 1.") wealthtogdp_factor = 1 cntry_val.append(wealthtogdp_factor) else: LOGGER.error("invalid fin_mode") def _gsdp_read(country_iso3, admin1_shape_data,\ look_folder=os.path.join(SYSTEM_DIR, 'GSDP')): ''' Retrieves the GSDP data for a certain country. It requires an excel file in a subfolder "GSDP" in climadas data folder (or in the specified folder). The excel file should bear the name 'ISO3_GSDP.xlsx' (or .xls), where ISO3 is the three letter country code. In the excel file, the first sheet should contain a row with the title "State_Province" with the name or postal code (two letters) of the admin1 unit and a row "GSDP_ref" with either the GDP value of the admin1 unit or its share in the national GDP. Parameters: country_iso3 (string): three letter country code admin1_shape_data (list): list containg all admin1 shapes of the country. look_folder (string): path where to look for file Returns: out_dict (dictionary): dictionary which contains the GSDP for each admin1 unit, where the name of the admin1 unit is the key. ''' file_name = _check_excel_exists(look_folder, str(country_iso3 + '_GSDP')) if not file_name is None: admin1_xls_data = pd.read_excel(file_name) if admin1_xls_data.get('State_Province') is None: admin1_xls_data = admin1_xls_data.rename(columns=\ {admin1_xls_data.columns[0]:'State_Province'}) if admin1_xls_data.get('GSDP_ref') is None: admin1_xls_data = admin1_xls_data.rename(columns=\ {admin1_xls_data.columns[-1]:'GSDP_ref'}) # prov = admin1_xls_data['State_Province'].tolist() out_dict = dict.fromkeys([nam[1]['name'] for nam in admin1_shape_data]) postals = [nam[1]['postal'] for nam in admin1_shape_data] for subnat_shape in out_dict.keys(): for idx, subnat_xls\ in enumerate(admin1_xls_data['State_Province'].tolist()): if _compare_strings_nospecchars(subnat_shape, subnat_xls): out_dict[subnat_shape] = admin1_xls_data['GSDP_ref'][idx] break # Now a second loop to detect empty ones for idx1, country_name in enumerate(out_dict.keys()): if out_dict[country_name] is None: for idx2, subnat_xls\ in enumerate(admin1_xls_data['State_Province'].tolist()): if _compare_strings_nospecchars(postals[idx1], subnat_xls): out_dict[country_name] =\ admin1_xls_data['GSDP_ref'][idx2] return out_dict LOGGER.warning('No file for %s could be found in %s.', country_iso3, look_folder) LOGGER.warning('No admin1 data is calculated in this case.') return None def _check_excel_exists(file_path, file_name, xlsx_before_xls=1): ''' Checks if an Excel file with the name file_name in the folder file_path exists, checking for both xlsx and xls files. Parameters: file_path (string): path where to look for file file_name (string): file name which is checked. Extension is ignored xlsx_before_xls (boolean): If set =1, xlsx files are priorised over xls files. Default=1. ''' try_ext = list() if xlsx_before_xls == 1: try_ext.append('.xlsx') try_ext.append('.xls') else: try_ext.append('.xls') try_ext.append('.xlsx') path_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(file_path, file_name))[0] for i in try_ext: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file_path, path_name + i)) is True: return os.path.join(file_path, path_name + i) return None def _compare_strings_nospecchars(str1, str2): """ Compares strings while ignoring non-alphanumeric and special characters. Parameters: str1 (string): string to be compared to str2 str2 (string): string to be compared to str1 Returns Boolean: True if the strings are the same, False otherwise. """ import re if not isinstance(str1, str) or not isinstance(str2, str): LOGGER.warning('Invalid datatype (not strings), which cannot be '\ + 'compared. Function will return exit and return false.') return False pattern = re.compile('[^a-z|A-Z|0-9| ]') #ignore special cstr1 = re.sub(pattern, '', str1).casefold() cstr2 = re.sub(pattern, '', str2).casefold() return bool(cstr1 == cstr2) def _plot_shape_to_plot(shp, gray_val=str(0.3)): """ Plots a shape file to a pyplot. Parameters: shp (shapefile._Shape): shapefile to be plotted gray_val: (scalar): grayscale value of color line between zero and one. A value of zero corresponds to black and one to white. """ gray_val = str(gray_val) parts = np.array( for i in range(0, len(parts)-1): x_arr = np.array([x[0] for x in shp.points[parts[i]:parts[i+1]]]) y_arr = np.array([x[1] for x in shp.points[parts[i]:parts[i+1]]]) plt.plot(x_arr, y_arr, gray_val) x_arr = np.array([x[0] for x in shp.points[parts[len(parts)-1]:]]) y_arr = np.array([x[1] for x in shp.points[parts[len(parts)-1]:]]) plt.plot(x_arr, y_arr, gray_val) def _plot_paths_to_plot(list_of_paths, gray_val=str(0.3)): """ Plot a path or paths to a pyplot Parameters: list of paths (list): paths to be plotted gray_val: (scalar): grayscale value of color line between zero and one. A value of zero corresponds to black and one to white. """ gray_val = str(gray_val) for i in range(0, len(list_of_paths)): x_arr = np.array([x[0] for x in list_of_paths[i].vertices]) y_arr = np.array([x[1] for x in list_of_paths[i].vertices]) plt.plot(x_arr, y_arr, gray_val) def _plot_admin1_shapes(adm0_a3, gray_val=str(0.3)): """ Retrieves the shape file or coordinate information of a country. Parameters: adm0_a3 (str): iso3 country code of country to get only_geo (boolean): Determines the output mode (default =0): if =0: returns the entire shape file of the country if =1: returns a tuple of values: bbox, lat, lon (see below) Returns: if only_geo = 0 (default): The shape of type shapefile._Shape if only_geo = 1 bbox, lat, lon (tuple of size 3) bbox is a 1x4 vector of the bounding box of the country (array) lat is a mx1 vector of the latitudinal values of the vertices of the shape (array) lon is a mx1 vector of the longitudinal values of the vertices of the shape (array) """ shp_file = shapereader.natural_earth('10m', category='cultural',\ name='admin_1_states_provinces') shp = shapefile.Reader(shp_file) del shp_file for field_num, field in enumerate(shp.fields[1::]): # Skip first (index zero) field, because it is DeletionFlag if field[0].casefold() == 'ADM0_A3'.casefold(): break del field adm1_shapes = [] for rec_i, rec in enumerate(shp.records()): if rec[field_num] == adm0_a3: adm1_shapes.append(shp.shapes()[rec_i]) for i in adm1_shapes: _plot_shape_to_plot(i, gray_val=gray_val) def _calc_admin1(curr_country, country_info, admin1_info, litpop_data,\ coords, resolution, adm1_scatter, conserve_cntrytotal=1, \ check_plot=1, masks_adm1=[], return_data=1): # TODO: if a state/province has GSDP value, but no coordinates inside, # the final total value is off (e.g. Basel Switzerland at 300 arcsec). # Potential fix: normalise the value in the end """ Calculates the LitPop on admin1 level for provinces/states where such information is available (i.e. GDP is distributed on a subnational instead of a national level). Requires excel files in a subfolder "GSDP" in climadas data folder. The excel files should contain a row with the title "State_Province" with the name or postal code (two letters) of the admin1 unit and a row "GSDP_ref" with either the GDP value or the share of the state in the national GDP. If only for certain states admin1 info is found, the rest of the country is assigned value according to the admin0 method. Parameters: curr_country (str): country code of country to get country_info (list): a list which contains information about the country (is produced in the .set_country procedure). GDP should be stored in index 3 and the factor to convert GDP to physical asset values is stored in position index 4. admin1_info (list): a list which contains information about the admin1 level of the country (is produced in the .set_country procedure). It contains Shape files among others. litpop_data (pandas SparseArray): The raw litpop_data to which the admin1 based value should be assinged. coords (list): a list containing all the coordinates of the country in the format (lon, lat) resolution (scalar): the desired resolution in arc-seconds. adm1_scatter (boolean): whether a scatter plot and correlation comparing admin0 and admin1 results should be produced. conserve_cntrytotal (boolean): if True, final LitPop is normalized with country value Returns: litpop_data (pandas SparseArray): The litpop_data the sum of which corresponds to the GDP multiplied by the GDP2Asset conversion factor. """ gsdp_data = _gsdp_read(curr_country, admin1_info) litpop_data = _normalise_litpop(litpop_data) if not gsdp_data is None: sum_vals = sum(filter(None, gsdp_data.values())) gsdp_data = {key: (value/sum_vals if not value is None else None)\ for (key, value) in gsdp_data.items()} if not None in gsdp_data.values(): # standard loop if all GSDP data is available temp_adm1 = {'adm0_LitPop_share':[], 'adm1_LitPop_share': []} for idx3, adm1_shp in\ enumerate(admin1_info): # start_time = time.time() LOGGER.debug('Caclulating admin1 for %s.', adm1_shp[1]['name']) if not masks_adm1: mask_adm1 = _mask_from_shape(adm1_shp[0],\ resolution=resolution,\ points2check=coords) shr_adm0 = sum(litpop_data.values[mask_adm1.values]) else: shr_adm0 = sum(litpop_data.values[masks_adm1[idx3].values]) temp_adm1['adm0_LitPop_share'].append(shr_adm0) temp_adm1['adm1_LitPop_share'].append(list(gsdp_data.values())\ [idx3]) # LitPop in the admin1-unit is scaled by ratio of admin if shr_adm0 > 0: mult = country_info[3]\ *country_info[4]\ *gsdp_data[adm1_shp[1]['name']]/shr_adm0 else: mult = 0 if return_data: if not masks_adm1: litpop_data = pd.SparseArray([val*mult if\ mask_adm1[idx] == 1 else val for idx, val in\ enumerate(litpop_data.values)], fill_value=0) else: litpop_data = pd.SparseArray([val*mult if\ masks_adm1[idx3][idx] == 1 else val for idx, val in\ enumerate(litpop_data.values)], fill_value=0) else: temp_adm1 = {'mask': [], 'adm0_LitPop_share':[],\ 'adm1_LitPop_share': [], 'LitPop_sum': []} litpop_data = _calc_admin0(litpop_data, country_info[3],\ country_info[4]) sum_litpop = sum(litpop_data.sp_values) for idx3, adm1_shp in\ enumerate(admin1_info): if not masks_adm1: mask_adm1 = _mask_from_shape(adm1_shp[0],\ resolution=resolution,\ points2check=coords) else: mask_adm1 = masks_adm1[idx3] temp_adm1['mask'].append(mask_adm1) temp_adm1['LitPop_sum'].append(sum(litpop_data.values\ [mask_adm1.values])) temp_adm1['adm0_LitPop_share'].append(sum(litpop_data.values\ [mask_adm1.values])/sum_litpop) del mask_adm1 sum_litpop_adm1 = sum([sum(litpop_data.values[\ temp_adm1['mask'][n1].values])\ for n1, val in enumerate(gsdp_data.values()) if\ not val is None]) admin1_share = sum_litpop_adm1/sum_litpop for idx2, val in\ enumerate(gsdp_data.values()): if not val is None: LOGGER.debug('Calculating admin1 data for %s.', \ admin1_info[1][idx2].attributes['name']) mult = val*admin1_share\ *(country_info[3]*country_info[4])\ /temp_adm1['LitPop_sum'][idx2] temp_mask = temp_adm1['mask'][idx2].values if return_data: litpop_data = pd.SparseArray([val1*mult if\ temp_mask[idx] == 1 else val1\ for idx, val1 in\ enumerate(litpop_data.values)]) else: LOGGER.warning('No admin1 data found for %s.', \ admin1_info[1][idx2].attributes['name']) LOGGER.warning('Only admin0 data is calculated in this case.') for idx5, _ in enumerate(admin1_info): temp_adm1['adm1_LitPop_share'].append(list(gsdp_data.values())\ [idx5]) # LP_sum = sum(litpop_data.values) # temp_adm1['adm1_LitPop_share'].append(sum(litpop_data.values\ # [temp_adm1['mask'][idx5].values])/LP_sum) if adm1_scatter == 1: pearsonr, spearmanr, rmse, rmsf = _litpop_scatter(temp_adm1['adm0_LitPop_share'],\ temp_adm1['adm1_LitPop_share'], admin1_info, check_plot) elif return_data: litpop_data = _calc_admin0(litpop_data, country_info[3],\ country_info[4]) if conserve_cntrytotal and return_data: litpop_data = _normalise_litpop(litpop_data)*country_info[3]*country_info[4] if not return_data: litpop_data = [] if adm1_scatter: return litpop_data, [pearsonr, spearmanr, rmse, rmsf], \ temp_adm1['adm0_LitPop_share'], temp_adm1['adm1_LitPop_share'] return litpop_data def _calc_admin0(litpop_data, total_asset_val, gdptoasset_factor): """ Calculates the LitPop on a national level. The total value distributed corresponds to GDP times the factor to convert GDP to assets from the Gloabl Wealth Databook by the Credit Suisse Research Institute. Parameters: litpop_data (pandas SparseArray): The raw litpop_data to which the admin0 based value should be assinged. total_asset_val (scalar): The total asset value of the country. gdptoasset_factor (scalar): The factor with which GDP can be converted to physical asset value. Returns: litpop_data (pandas SparseArray): The litpop_data the sum of which corresponds to the GDP multiplied by the GDP2Asset conversion factor. """ litpop_data = _normalise_litpop(litpop_data) litpop_data = pd.SparseArray(litpop_data.values)*total_asset_val*gdptoasset_factor return litpop_data def _normalise_litpop(litpop_data): """ Normailses LitPop data, such that its total sum equals to one. Parameters: litpop_data (pandas SparseArray): The litpop_data which sjould be normalised. Returns: litpop_data (pandas SparseArray): The litpop_data the sum of which corresponds to one. """ if isinstance(litpop_data, pd.SparseArray): sum_all = sum(litpop_data.sp_values) litpop_data = pd.SparseArray(litpop_data.values/sum_all) else: LOGGER.error('LitPop data is not of expected type (Pandas '\ + 'SparseArray). Operation aborted.') raise TypeError return litpop_data def _check_bbox_country_cut_mode(country_cut_mode, cut_bbox, country_adm0): """ Checks whether a bounding box is valid an compatible with the chosen country cut mode. Parameters: country_cut_mode (scalar): the chosen country cut mode. cut_bbox (4x1 array): the bounding box, ESRI style. country_adm0 (string): three letter country code. Returns: cut_bbox (4x1 array): the bounding box, corrected if necessary. """ if (not country_adm0 is None) & (country_cut_mode == 1)\ & (not cut_bbox is None): cut_bbox = _get_country_shape(country_adm0, 1)[0] LOGGER.warning('Custom bounding box overwritten in chosen \ country cut mode.') elif (not country_adm0 is None) & (country_cut_mode == 1)\ & (cut_bbox is None): cut_bbox = _get_country_shape(country_adm0, 1)[0] if (country_cut_mode != 1) & (not cut_bbox is None): try: cut_bbox = np.array(cut_bbox) if not(isinstance(cut_bbox, np.ndarray)) and \ not np.size(cut_bbox) == 4: LOGGER.warning('Invalid bounding box provided. \ Bounding box ignored. Please ensure the \ bounding box is an array like type of \ dimension 1x4') cut_bbox = None else: if (cut_bbox[0] > cut_bbox[2]) or \ (cut_bbox[1] > cut_bbox[3]): LOGGER.warning('Invalid bounding box provided. \ Bounding box ignored. Please make sure \ that the layout of the bounding box is \ (Min_Longitude, Min_Latitude, \ Max_Longitude, Max_Latitude).') cut_bbox = None except TypeError: LOGGER.warning('Invalid bounding box provided. Bounding box \ ignored. Please ensure the bounding box is an \ array like type.') cut_bbox = None return cut_bbox def _litpop_scatter(adm0_data, adm1_data, adm1_info, check_plot=True): """ Plots the admin0 share of the states and provinces against the admin1 shares. Parameters: adm0_data (list): list containing the admin0 shares adm1_data (list): list containing the admin1 shares adm1_info (list): list containing the shape files of the admin1 items. """ adm0_data = np.array(adm0_data) adm1_data = np.array(adm1_data) inter = np.intersect1d(np.nonzero(adm1_data), np.nonzero(adm0_data)) adm1_data = adm1_data[inter].astype(float) adm0_data = adm0_data[inter].astype(float) # Correlation coefficients: spearmanr = stats.spearmanr(adm0_data, adm1_data)[0] pearsonr = stats.pearsonr(adm0_data, adm1_data)[0] # Root mean square error: rmse = (sum((adm0_data-adm1_data)**2))**.5 # Relative root mean square error: # rrmse = (sum(((adm0_data-adm1_data)/adm1_data)**2))**.5 # Root mean squared fraction: rmsf = np.exp(np.sqrt(np.sum((np.log(adm0_data/adm1_data))**2)/ \ adm0_data.shape[0])) if check_plot: plt.figure() plt.scatter(adm1_data, adm0_data, c=(0.1, 0.1, 0.3)) # plt.suptitle('Comparison of admin0 and admin1 LitPop data for '\ # + adm1_info[0].attributes['admin']) plt.plot([0, np.max([plt.gca().get_xlim()[1], plt.gca().get_ylim()[1]])],\ [0, np.max([plt.gca().get_xlim()[1], plt.gca().get_ylim()[1]])],\ ls="--", c=".3") # plt.annotate(label, xy=(adm0_data, adm1_data), xytext=(-20, 20), # textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom') plt.suptitle(adm1_info[1][0].attributes['admin'] + ': rp='\ + format(pearsonr, '.2f') + ', rs='\ + format(spearmanr, '.2f'), fontsize=18) plt.xlabel('Reference GDP share') plt.ylabel('Modelled GDP share') return pearsonr, spearmanr, rmse, rmsf
[docs]def read_bm_file(bm_path, filename): """ Reads a single NASA BlackMarble GeoTiff and returns the data. Run all required checks first. PARAMETERS: bm_path (str): absolute path where files are stored. filename (str): filename of the file to be read. RETURNS: arr1 (array): Raw BM data curr_file (gdal GeoTiff File): Additional info from which coordinates can be calculated. """ try: LOGGER.debug('Importing %s.', os.path.join(bm_path, filename)) curr_file = gdal.Open(os.path.join(bm_path, filename)) band1 = curr_file.GetRasterBand(1) arr1 = band1.ReadAsArray() del band1 return arr1, curr_file except: LOGGER.error('Failed: Importing %s', str(curr_file)) raise
[docs]def get_bm(required_files=np.ones(np.count_nonzero(BM_FILENAMES),),\ **parameters): """ Potential TODO: put cutting before zooming (faster), but with expanding bbox in order to preserve additional pixels for interpolation...""" """ Reads data from NASA GeoTiff files and cuts out the data along a chosen bounding box. Call this after the functions nightlight.required_nl_files and nightlight.check_nl_local_file_exists have ensured which files are required and which ones exist and missing files have been donwloaded. PARAMETERS: required_files (8x1 array): boolean values which designates which BM files are required. Can be generated by the function nightlight.check_required_nl_files OPTIONAL PARAMTERS cut_bbox (1x4 array-like): Bounding box (ESRI type) to be cut out. the layout of the bounding box corresponds to the bounding box of the ESRI shape files and is as follows: [minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude, maxmimum latitude] country_adm0 (str): Country Code of the country of interest. country_cut_mode (int): Defines how the country is cut out: if 0: the country is only cut out with a bounding box if 1: the country is cut out along it's borders Default: = 1 bm_path (str): absolute path where files are stored. resolution (int): the resolution in arcsec in which the data output is created. return_coords (boolean): Determines whether latitude and longitude are delievered along with gpw data (1) or only bm_data is returned (1) (Default: 0) reference_year (int): Default = 2016 RETURNS: nightlight_intensity (pandas SparseArray): BM data lon (list): list with longitudinal infomation on the GPW data. Same dimensionality as tile_temp (only returned if return_coords=1) lat (list): list with latitudinal infomation on the GPW data. Same dimensionality as tile_temp (only returned if return_coords=1) """ bm_path = parameters.get('file_path', SYSTEM_DIR) resolution = parameters.get('resolution', 30) reference_year = parameters.get('reference_year', 30) _match_target_res(resolution) cut_bbox = parameters.get('cut_bbox') country_adm0 = parameters.get('country_adm0') if country_adm0 is None: country_crop_mode = 0 else: country_crop_mode = parameters.get('country_crop_mode', 1) return_coords = parameters.get('return_coords', 0) cut_bbox = _check_bbox_country_cut_mode(country_crop_mode,\ cut_bbox, country_adm0) nightlight_temp = None file_count = 0 zoom_factor = 15/resolution # Orignal resolution is 15 arc-seconds for num_i, _ in enumerate(BM_FILENAMES[::2]): """Due to concat, we have to anlayse the tiles in pairs otherwise the data is concatenated in the wrong order""" arr1 = [None] * 2 # Prepopulate list for j in range(0, 2): #Loop which cycles through the two tiles in each "column" if required_files[num_i*2+j] == 0: continue else: file_count = file_count + 1 arr1[j], curr_file = read_bm_file(bm_path,\ BM_FILENAMES[num_i*2+j] % min(BM_YEARS, key=lambda x:abs(x-reference_year))) if zoom_factor != 1: # LOGGER.debug('Resizing image according to chosen '\ # + 'resolution') arr1[j] = pd.SparseDataFrame(nd.zoom(arr1[j], zoom_factor,\ order=1)) else: arr1[j] = pd.SparseDataFrame(arr1[j]) if not cut_bbox is None: arr1[j] = _bm_bbox_cutter\ (arr1[j], (num_i*2)+j, cut_bbox, resolution) if file_count == 1: # Now get the coordinates geo_t = curr_file.GetGeoTransform() rastsize_x, rastsize_y = curr_file.RasterXSize,\ curr_file.RasterYSize minlon = geo_t[0] minlat = geo_t[3] + rastsize_x*geo_t[4] + rastsize_y*geo_t[5] maxlon = geo_t[0] + rastsize_x*geo_t[1] + rastsize_y*geo_t[2] maxlat = geo_t[3] else: geo_t = curr_file.GetGeoTransform() # Now get the coordinates rastsize_x, rastsize_y = curr_file.RasterXSize,\ curr_file.RasterYSize minlon = min(minlon, geo_t[0]) # Only add if they extend the current bbox minlat = min(minlat, geo_t[3] + rastsize_x*geo_t[4]\ + rastsize_y*geo_t[5]) maxlon = max(maxlon, geo_t[0] + rastsize_x*geo_t[1]\ + rastsize_y*geo_t[2]) maxlat = max(maxlat, geo_t[3]) del curr_file if (arr1[0] is None) & (arr1[1] is None): continue elif (not arr1[0] is None) & (arr1[1] is None): arr1 = arr1[0] elif (arr1[0] is None) & (not arr1[1] is None): arr1 = arr1[1] elif (not arr1[0] is None) & (not arr1[1] is None): arr1 = pd.concat(arr1, 0) if nightlight_temp is None: nightlight_temp = arr1 else: nightlight_temp = pd.concat((nightlight_temp, arr1), 1) del arr1 # LOGGER.debug('Reducing to one dimension...') nightlight_intensity = pd.SparseArray(nightlight_temp.values\ .reshape((-1,), order='F'),\ dtype='float') del nightlight_temp if return_coords == 1: if cut_bbox is None: temp_bbox = np.array((minlon, minlat,\ maxlon,\ maxlat)) lon, lat = _litpop_box2coords(temp_bbox, resolution) else: lon, lat = _litpop_box2coords(cut_bbox, resolution) if return_coords == 1: return nightlight_intensity, lon, lat else: try: out_bbox = np.array((minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat)) return nightlight_intensity, out_bbox except NameError: return nightlight_intensity, None
def _bm_bbox_cutter(bm_data, curr_file, bbox, resolution): """ Crops the imported blackmarble data to the bounding box to reduce memory foot print during import This is done for each of the eight Blackmarble tiles seperately, therefore, the function needs to know which file is currenlty being treated (curr_file). Optional parameters: bm_data (pandas SparseArray or array): Imported BM data in gridded format curr_file (integer): the file which is currenlty being imported (out of all the eignt BM files) in zero indexing. bbox (array 4x1): Bounding box to which the data should be cropped. resolution (int): The resolution in arcsec with which the data is being imported. Returns: bm_data (pandas SparseArray): Cropped BM data """ fixed_source_resolution = resolution deg_per_pix = 1/(3600/fixed_source_resolution) minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon = bbox[1], bbox[3], bbox[0], bbox[2] minlat_tile, maxlat_tile, minlon_tile, maxlon_tile =\ (-90)+(curr_file//2 == curr_file/2)*(90),\ 0+(curr_file//2 == curr_file/2)*90,\ (-180)+(curr_file//2)*90, (-90)+(curr_file//2)*90 if minlat > maxlat_tile or maxlat < minlat_tile\ or minlon > maxlon_tile or maxlon < minlon_tile: LOGGER.warning('This tile does not contain any relevant data. \ Skipping file.') return pd.SparseDataFrame() bbox_conv = np.array((minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat)) col_min, row_min, col_max, row_max = \ _litpop_coords_in_glb_grid(bbox_conv, resolution) minrow_tile, maxrow_tile, mincol_tile, maxcol_tile =\ (curr_file//2 != curr_file/2)*90*(3600/resolution),\ 90*(3600/resolution)+(curr_file//2 != curr_file/2)*90\ *(3600/resolution), (curr_file//2)*90*(3600/resolution),\ (3600/resolution)*90+(curr_file//2)*90*(3600/resolution) row_min = max(row_min, minrow_tile)-\ (curr_file//2 != curr_file/2)*(90)*(3600/resolution) row_max = min(row_max, maxrow_tile)-\ (curr_file//2 != curr_file/2)*(90)*(3600/resolution) col_min = max(col_min, mincol_tile)-(curr_file//2)*(90)*(3600/resolution) col_max = min(col_max, maxcol_tile)-(curr_file//2)*(90)*(3600/resolution) if isinstance(bm_data, pd.DataFrame): bm_data = pd.SparseDataFrame\ (bm_data.loc[row_min:row_max, col_min:col_max].values) else: row_max = min(row_max+1, ((maxlat_tile-minlat_tile)\ -(deg_per_pix/2))*(1/deg_per_pix)) col_max = min(col_max+1, ((maxlon_tile-minlon_tile)\ -(deg_per_pix/2))*(1/deg_per_pix)) bm_data = bm_data[row_min:row_max, col_min:col_max] return bm_data def _get_box_blackmarble(cut_bbox, **args): """ Reads data from NASA GeoTiff files and cuts out the data along a chosen bounding box. PARAMETERS: cut_bbox (1x4 array-like): Bounding box (ESRI type) to be cut out. the layout of the bounding box corresponds to the bounding box of the ESRI shape files and is as follows: [minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude, maxmimum latitude] Optional parameters: gpw_path (str): absolute path where files are stored. If the files dont exist, they get saved there. Default: SYSTEM_DIR resolution (int): the resolution in arcsec in which the data output is created. return_coords (boolean): Determines whether latitude and longitude are delievered along with gpw data (1) or only bm_data is returned (1) (Default: 0) reference_year (int): Default: 2016 RETURNS: nightlight_intensity (pandas SparseArray): BM data lon (list): list with longitudinal infomation on the GPW data. Same dimensionality as tile_temp (only returned if return_coords=1) lat (list): list with latitudinal infomation on the GPW data. Same dimensionality as tile_temp (only returned if return_coords=1) """ resolution = args.get('resolution', 30) reference_year = args.get('reference_year', 2016) return_coords = args.get('return_coords', 0) bm_path = args.get('bm_path', SYSTEM_DIR) # Determine required satellite files req_sat_files = nightlight.check_required_nl_files\ (cut_bbox) # Check existence of necessary files for BM-year: files_exist = nightlight.check_nl_local_file_exists\ (req_sat_files, bm_path, \ min(BM_YEARS, key=lambda x:abs(x-reference_year)))[0] # Download necessary files: if not np.array_equal(req_sat_files, files_exist): try: LOGGER.debug('Downloading %s', str(int(sum(req_sat_files)-sum(files_exist)))) nightlight.download_nl_files(req_sat_files, files_exist,\ dwnl_path=bm_path, \ year=min(BM_YEARS, key=lambda x:abs(x-reference_year))) except: LOGGER.error('Could not download missing satellite data files. \ Operation aborted.') raise # Read corresponding files # LOGGER.debug('Reading and cropping necessary BM files.') nightlight_intensity = get_bm(req_sat_files, resolution=resolution,\ return_coords=0, cut_bbox=cut_bbox,\ bm_path=bm_path, reference_year=reference_year)[0] if return_coords == 1: lon = tuple((cut_bbox[0], 1/(3600/resolution))) lat = tuple((cut_bbox[1], 1/(3600/resolution))) return nightlight_intensity, lon, lat ### TODO: ensure function is efficient if no coords are returned return nightlight_intensity
[docs]def admin1_validation(country, methods, exponents, **args): """ Get LitPop based exposre for one country or multiple countries using values at reference year. If GDP or income group not available for that year, consider the value of the closest available year. Parameters: country (str): list of countries or single county as a string. Countries can either be country names ('France') or country codes ('FRA'), even a mix is possible in the list. methods_name (list of str), i.e.: - ['LitPop' for LitPop, - ['Lit', 'Pop'] for Lit and Pop, - ['Lit3'] for cube of night lights (Lit3) exponents (list of 2-vectors), same length as methods_name i.e.: - [[1, 1]] for LitPop, - [[1, 0], [0, 1]] for Lit and Pop, - [[3, 0]] for cube of night lights (Lit3) args: Keyword arguments. The following keywords are recognised: res_km (float, optional): approx resolution in km. Default: 1km. res_arcsec (float, optional): resolution in arc-sec. Overrides res_km if both are delivered check_plot (boolean, optional): choose if a plot is shown at the end of the operation. """ res_km = args.get('res_km', 1) res_arcsec = args.get('res_arcsec', []) check_plot = args.get('check_plot', True) fin_mode = 'gdp' reference_year = 2015 # inherit_admin1_from_admin0 = args.get('inherit_admin1_from_admin0', 1) if res_arcsec == []: resolution = (res_km/DEF_RES_GPW_KM)*DEF_RES_GPW_ARCSEC else: resolution = res_arcsec _match_target_res(resolution) country_info = dict() admin1_info = dict()'Preparing coordinates, nightlights, and gpw data at %s arcsec.', \ str(resolution)) if isinstance(country, list): #multiple countries LOGGER.error('No valid country chosen. Give country as string.') raise TypeError elif isinstance(country, str): #One country country_list = list() country_list.append(country) country_new = _get_iso3(country) country_list[0] = country_new cut_bbox = _get_country_shape(country_list[0], 1)[0] country_info[country_list[0]], admin1_info[country_list[0]]\ = _get_country_info(country_list[0]) else: LOGGER.error('Country parameter data type not recognised. '\ + 'Operation aborted.') raise TypeError shp_file = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution='10m', category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries') shp_file = shapereader.Reader(shp_file) for cntry_iso, cntry_val in country_info.items(): # get GDP value for country _, gdp_val = gdp(cntry_iso, reference_year, shp_file) cntry_val.append(gdp_val) _get_gdp2asset_factor(country_info, reference_year, shp_file, fin_mode=fin_mode) curr_shp = _get_country_shape(country_list[0], 0) all_coords = _litpop_box2coords(cut_bbox, resolution, 1) mask = _mask_from_shape(curr_shp, resolution=resolution,\ points2check=all_coords) # Get LitPop, Lit and Pop, etc: nightlights = _get_box_blackmarble(cut_bbox, reference_year=reference_year, \ resolution=resolution, return_coords=0) bm_temp = np.ones(nightlights.shape) # Lit = Lit + 1 if Population is included, c.f. int(exponents[1]>0): bm_temp[nightlights.sp_index.indices] = (np.array(nightlights.sp_values, \ dtype='uint16')) del nightlights nightlights0 = pd.SparseArray(bm_temp, fill_value=0) nightlights0 = nightlights0[mask.sp_index.indices] nightlights1 = pd.SparseArray(bm_temp+1, fill_value=1) del bm_temp nightlights1 = nightlights1[mask.sp_index.indices] gpw = gpw_import.get_box_gpw(cut_bbox=cut_bbox, resolution=resolution,\ return_coords=0, reference_year=reference_year) gpw = gpw[mask.sp_index.indices] lon, lat = zip(*np.array(all_coords)[mask.sp_index.indices]) LOGGER.debug('Caclulating admin1 masks...') masks_adm1 = dict() for idx, adm1_shp in enumerate(admin1_info[country_list[0]]): masks_adm1[idx] = _mask_from_shape(adm1_shp[0], resolution=resolution,\ points2check=list(zip(lon, lat))) n_scores = 4 rho = np.zeros(len(methods)*n_scores) adm0 = dict() adm1 = dict()'Loop through methods...') for i in np.arange(0, len(methods)):'%s :', methods[i]) if exponents[i][1] == 0: # Lit only, use Lit in [0, 255] _data = _LitPop_multiply(nightlights0, gpw, exponents=exponents[i]) else: # Pop is used, use Lit+1 in [1, 256] _data = _LitPop_multiply(nightlights1, gpw, exponents=exponents[i]) _, rho[i*n_scores:(i*n_scores)+n_scores], adm0[methods[i]], adm1[methods[i]] = \ _calc_admin1(country_list[0],\ country_info[country_list[0]], admin1_info[country_list[0]],\ _data, list(zip(lon, lat)), resolution, True, conserve_cntrytotal=0, \ check_plot=check_plot, masks_adm1=masks_adm1, return_data=0) return rho, adm0, adm1
[docs]def exposure_set_admin1(exposure, res_arcsec): """ add admin1 ID and name to exposure dataframe. Parameters: exposure: exposure instance res_arcsec: resolution in arc seconds, needs to match exposure resolution Returns: exposure: exposure instance with 2 extra columns: admin1 & admin1_ID """ exposure['admin1'] = pd.Series() exposure['admin1_ID'] = pd.Series() count = 0 for cntry in np.unique(exposure.region_id): _, admin1_info = _get_country_info(iso_cntry.get(cntry).alpha3) for idx3, adm1_shp in enumerate(admin1_info): count = count + 1 LOGGER.debug('Extracting admin1 for %s.', adm1_shp[1]['name']) mask_adm1 = _mask_from_shape(adm1_shp[0],resolution=res_arcsec,\ points2check=list(zip(exposure.longitude, exposure.latitude))) exposure.admin1_ID[mask_adm1.values] = adm1_shp[1][3] exposure.admin1[mask_adm1.values] = adm1_shp[1]['name'] return exposure