Source code for climada.util.checker

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module containing functions to check variables properties.

__all__ = ['size',

import logging
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def check_oligatories(var_dict, var_obl, name_prefix, n_size, n_row, n_col):
    """Check size of obligatory variables.

        var_dict (dict): __dict__ class attribute
        var_obl (set): name of the obligatory variables
        name_prefix (str): name to add in the error log, e.g. the class name
        n_size (int): size expected from arrays and lists
        n_row (int): number of rows expected in 2D arrays
        n_col (int): number of columns expected in 2D arrays

    for var_name, var_val in var_dict.items():
        if var_name in var_obl:
            if (isinstance(var_val, np.ndarray) and var_val.ndim == 1) or \
            isinstance(var_val, list):
                size(n_size, var_val, name_prefix+var_name)
            elif (isinstance(var_val, np.ndarray) and var_val.ndim == 2):
                shape(n_row, n_col, var_val, name_prefix+var_name)
            elif isinstance(var_val, (np.ndarray, sparse.csr.csr_matrix)) \
            and var_val.ndim == 2:
                shape(n_row, n_col, var_val, name_prefix+var_name)

def check_optionals(var_dict, var_opt, name_prefix, n_size):
    """Check size of obligatory variables.

        var_dict (dict): __dict__ class attribute
        var_opt (set): name of the ooptional variables
        name_prefix (str): name to add in the error log, e.g. the class name
        n_size (int): size expected from arrays and lists

    for var_name, var_val in var_dict.items():
        if var_name in var_opt:
            if isinstance(var_val, (np.ndarray, list)):
                array_optional(n_size, var_val, name_prefix+var_name)

def empty_optional(var, var_name):
    """Check if a data structure is empty."""
    if not var:
        LOGGER.debug("%s not set. ", var_name)

[docs]def size(exp_len, var, var_name): """Check if the length of a variable is the expected one. Raises: ValueError """ try: if exp_len != len(var): LOGGER.error("Invalid %s size: %s != %s.", var_name, exp_len, \ len(var)) raise ValueError except TypeError: LOGGER.error("%s has wrong dimensions.", var_name) raise ValueError
[docs]def shape(exp_row, exp_col, var, var_name): """Check if the length of a variable is the expected one. Raises: ValueError """ try: if exp_row != var.shape[0]: LOGGER.error("Invalid %s row size: %s != %s.", var_name, exp_row,\ var.shape[0]) raise ValueError if exp_col != var.shape[1]: LOGGER.error("Invalid %s column size: %s != %s.", var_name, \ exp_col, var.shape[1]) raise ValueError except TypeError: LOGGER.error("%s has wrong dimensions.", var_name) raise ValueError
[docs]def array_optional(exp_len, var, var_name): """Check if array has right size. Warn if array empty. Call check_size. Parameters: exp_len (str): expected array size var (np.array): numpy array to check var_name (str): name of the variable. Used in error/warning msg Raises: ValueError """ if len(var) == 0 and exp_len > 0: LOGGER.debug("%s not set. ", var_name) else: size(exp_len, var, var_name)
[docs]def array_default(exp_len, var, var_name, def_val): """Check array has right size. Set default value if empty. Call check_size. Parameters: exp_len (str): expected array size var (np.array): numpy array to check var_name (str): name of the variable. Used in error/warning msg def_val (np.array): nump array used as default value Raises: ValueError Returns: Filled array """ res = var if len(var) == 0 and exp_len > 0: LOGGER.debug("%s not set. Default values set.", var_name) res = def_val else: size(exp_len, var, var_name) return res