Source code for climada.util.coordinates

This file is part of CLIMADA.

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terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
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Define functions to handle with coordinates
import os
import copy
import logging
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
import math
import numpy as np
from import shapereader
import shapely.vectorized
import shapely.ops
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon, Point, box
from import from_epsg
import geopandas as gpd
import rasterio
from rasterio.transform import from_origin
from import CRS
from rasterio.mask import mask
from rasterio.warp import reproject, Resampling, calculate_default_transform
from rasterio.features import rasterize
import dask.dataframe as dd
import pandas as pd

from climada.util.constants import DEF_CRS, SYSTEM_DIR

pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

NE_EPSG = 4326
""" Natural Earth CRS EPSG """

NE_CRS = from_epsg(NE_EPSG)
""" Natural Earth CRS """

TMP_ELEVATION_FILE = os.path.join(SYSTEM_DIR, 'tmp_elevation.tif')
""" Path of elevation file written in set_elevation """

DEM_NODATA = -9999
""" Value to use for no data values in DEM, i.e see points """

""" Maximum DEM tiles to dowload """

[docs]def grid_is_regular(coord): """Return True if grid is regular. If True, returns height and width. Parameters: coord (np.array): Returns: bool (is regular), int (height), int (width) """ regular = False _, count_lat = np.unique(coord[:, 0], return_counts=True) _, count_lon = np.unique(coord[:, 1], return_counts=True) uni_lat_size = np.unique(count_lat).size uni_lon_size = np.unique(count_lon).size if uni_lat_size == uni_lon_size and uni_lat_size == 1 \ and count_lat[0] > 1 and count_lon[0] > 1: regular = True return regular, count_lat[0], count_lon[0]
[docs]def get_coastlines(bounds=None, resolution=110): """ Get Polygones of coast intersecting given bounds Parameter: bounds (tuple): min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat in EPSG:4326 resolution (float, optional): 10, 50 or 110. Resolution in m. Default: 110m, i.e. 1:110.000.000 Returns: GeoDataFrame """ resolution = nat_earth_resolution(resolution) shp_file = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution=resolution, category='physical', name='coastline') coast_df = gpd.read_file(shp_file) = NE_CRS if bounds is None: return coast_df[['geometry']] ex_box = box(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3]) tot_coast = list() for row, line in coast_df.iterrows(): if line.geometry.envelope.intersects(ex_box): tot_coast.append(row) if not tot_coast: ex_box = box(bounds[0]-20, bounds[1]-20, bounds[2]+20, bounds[3]+20) for row, line in coast_df.iterrows(): if line.geometry.envelope.intersects(ex_box): tot_coast.append(row) return coast_df.iloc[tot_coast][['geometry']]
[docs]def convert_wgs_to_utm(lon, lat): """ Get EPSG code of UTM projection for input point in EPSG 4326 Parameter: lon (float): longitude point in EPSG 4326 lat (float): latitude of point (lat, lon) in EPSG 4326 Return: int """ utm_band = str((math.floor((lon + 180) / 6) % 60) + 1) if len(utm_band) == 1: utm_band = '0'+utm_band if lat >= 0: epsg_code = '326' + utm_band else: epsg_code = '327' + utm_band return int(epsg_code)
[docs]def dist_to_coast(coord_lat, lon=None): """ Comput distance to coast from input points in meters. Parameters: coord_lat (GeoDataFrame or np.array or float): - GeoDataFrame with geometry column in epsg:4326 - np.array with two columns, first for latitude of each point and second with longitude in epsg:4326 - np.array with one dimension containing latitudes in epsg:4326 - float with a latitude value in epsg:4326 lon (np.array or float, optional): - np.array with one dimension containing longitudes in epsg:4326 - float with a longitude value in epsg:4326 Returns: np.array """ if lon is None: if isinstance(coord_lat, (gpd.GeoDataFrame, gpd.GeoSeries)): if not equal_crs(, NE_CRS): LOGGER.error('Input CRS is not %s', str(NE_CRS)) raise ValueError geom = coord_lat elif isinstance(coord_lat, np.ndarray): if coord_lat.shape[1] != 2: LOGGER.error('Missing longitude values.') raise ValueError geom = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=list(map(Point, coord_lat[:, 1], coord_lat[:, 0])), crs=NE_CRS) else: LOGGER.error('Missing longitude values.') raise ValueError elif isinstance(lon, np.ndarray): if coord_lat.size != lon.size: LOGGER.error('Wrong input coordinates size: %s != %s', coord_lat.size, lon.size) raise ValueError geom = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=list(map(Point, lon, coord_lat)), crs=NE_CRS) elif isinstance(lon, float): if not isinstance(coord_lat, float): LOGGER.error('Wrong input coordinates values.') raise ValueError geom = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=list(map(Point, [lon], [coord_lat])), crs=NE_CRS) to_crs = from_epsg(convert_wgs_to_utm(geom.geometry.iloc[0].x, geom.geometry.iloc[0].y)) coast = get_coastlines(geom.total_bounds, 10).unary_union coast = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[coast], crs=NE_CRS).to_crs(to_crs) return geom.to_crs(to_crs).distance(coast.geometry[0]).values
[docs]def get_land_geometry(country_names=None, extent=None, resolution=10): """Get union of all the countries or the provided ones or the points inside the extent. Parameters: country_names (list, optional): list with ISO3 names of countries, e.g ['ZWE', 'GBR', 'VNM', 'UZB'] extent (tuple, optional): (min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat) resolution (float, optional): 10, 50 or 110. Resolution in m. Default: 10m, i.e. 1:10.000.000 Returns: shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon """ resolution = nat_earth_resolution(resolution) shp_file = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution=resolution, category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries') reader = shapereader.Reader(shp_file) if (country_names is None) and (extent is None):"Computing earth's land geometry ...") geom = [cntry_geom for cntry_geom in reader.geometries()] geom = shapely.ops.cascaded_union(geom) elif country_names: countries = list(reader.records()) geom = [country.geometry for country in countries if (country.attributes['ISO_A3'] in country_names) or (country.attributes['WB_A3'] in country_names) or (country.attributes['ADM0_A3'] in country_names)] geom = shapely.ops.cascaded_union(geom) else: extent_poly = Polygon([(extent[0], extent[2]), (extent[0], extent[3]), (extent[1], extent[3]), (extent[1], extent[2])]) geom = [] for cntry_geom in reader.geometries(): inter_poly = cntry_geom.intersection(extent_poly) if not inter_poly.is_empty: geom.append(inter_poly) geom = shapely.ops.cascaded_union(geom) if not isinstance(geom, MultiPolygon): geom = MultiPolygon([geom]) return geom
[docs]def coord_on_land(lat, lon, land_geom=None): """Check if point is on land (True) or water (False) of provided coordinates. All globe considered if no input countries. Parameters: lat (np.array): latitude of points in epsg:4326 lon (np.array): longitude of points in epsg:4326 land_geom (shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon, optional): profiles of land. Returns: np.array(bool) """ if lat.size != lon.size: LOGGER.error('Wrong size input coordinates: %s != %s.', lat.size, lon.size) raise ValueError delta_deg = 1 if land_geom is None: land_geom = get_land_geometry(extent=(np.min(lon)-delta_deg, \ np.max(lon)+delta_deg, np.min(lat)-delta_deg, \ np.max(lat)+delta_deg), resolution=10) return shapely.vectorized.contains(land_geom, lon, lat)
[docs]def nat_earth_resolution(resolution): """Check if resolution is available in Natural Earth. Build string. Parameters: resolution (int): resolution in millions, 110 == 1:110.000.000. Returns: str Raises: ValueError """ avail_res = [10, 50, 110] if resolution not in avail_res: LOGGER.error('Natural Earth does not accept resolution %s m.', resolution) raise ValueError return str(resolution) + 'm'
[docs]def get_country_geometries(country_names=None, extent=None, resolution=10): """Returns a gpd GeoSeries of natural earth multipolygons of the specified countries, resp. the countries that lie within the specified extent. If no arguments are given, simply returns the whole natural earth dataset. Take heed: we assume WGS84 as the CRS unless the Natural Earth download utility from cartopy starts including the projection information. (They are saving a whopping 147 bytes by omitting it.) Same goes for UTF. Parameters: country_names (list, optional): list with ISO3 names of countries, e.g ['ZWE', 'GBR', 'VNM', 'UZB'] extent (tuple, optional): (min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat) assumed to be in the same CRS as the natural earth data. resolution (float, optional): 10, 50 or 110. Resolution in m. Default: 10m Returns: GeoDataFrame """ resolution = nat_earth_resolution(resolution) shp_file = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution=resolution, category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries') nat_earth = gpd.read_file(shp_file, encoding='UTF-8') if not = NE_CRS if country_names: if isinstance(country_names, str): country_names = [country_names] out = nat_earth[nat_earth.ISO_A3.isin(country_names)] elif extent: bbox = Polygon([ (extent[0], extent[2]), (extent[0], extent[3]), (extent[1], extent[3]), (extent[1], extent[2]) ]) bbox = gpd.GeoSeries(bbox, bbox = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': bbox}, out = gpd.overlay(nat_earth, bbox, how="intersection") else: out = nat_earth return out
[docs]def get_country_code(lat, lon): """ Provide numeric country iso code for every point. Parameters: lat (np.array): latitude of points in epsg:4326 lon (np.array): longitude of points in epsg:4326 Returns: np.array(int) """ LOGGER.debug('Setting region_id %s points.', str(lat.size)) countries = get_country_geometries(extent=(lon.min()-0.001, lon.max()+0.001, lat.min()-0.001, lat.max()+0.001)) region_id = np.zeros(lon.size, dtype=int) for geom in zip(countries.geometry, countries.ISO_N3): select = shapely.vectorized.contains(geom[0], lon, lat) region_id[select] = int(geom[1]) return region_id
[docs]def get_resolution(lat, lon, min_resol=1.0e-8): """ Compute resolution of points in lat and lon Parameters: lat (np.array): latitude of points lon (np.array): longitude of points min_resol (float, optional): minimum resolution to consider. Default: 1.0e-8. Returns: float """ # ascending lat and lon res_lat, res_lon = np.diff(np.sort(lat)), np.diff(np.sort(lon)) try: res_lat = res_lat[res_lat > min_resol].min() except ValueError: res_lat = 0 try: res_lon = res_lon[res_lon > min_resol].min() except ValueError: res_lon = 0 return res_lat, res_lon
[docs]def pts_to_raster_meta(points_bounds, res): """" Transform vector data coordinates to raster. Returns number of rows, columns and affine transformation Parameters: points_bounds (tuple): points total bounds (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) res (float): resolution of output raster Returns: int, int, affine.Affine """ xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = points_bounds rows = int(np.floor((ymax-ymin) / res) + 1) cols = int(np.floor((xmax-xmin) / res) + 1) ras_trans = from_origin(xmin - res / 2, ymax + res / 2, res, res) if xmax > xmin - res / 2 + cols * res: cols += 1 if ymin < ymax + res / 2 - rows * res: rows += 1 return rows, cols, ras_trans
[docs]def equal_crs(crs_one, crs_two): """ Compare two crs Parameters: crs_one (dict or string or wkt): user crs crs_two (dict or string or wkt): user crs Returns: bool """ return CRS.from_user_input(crs_one) == CRS.from_user_input(crs_two)
[docs]def read_raster(file_name, band=[1], src_crs=None, window=False, geometry=False, dst_crs=False, transform=None, width=None, height=None, resampling=Resampling.nearest): """ Read raster of bands and set 0 values to the masked ones. Each band is an event. Select region using window or geometry. Reproject input by proving dst_crs and/or (transform, width, height). Returns matrix in 2d: band x coordinates in 1d (evtl. reshape to band x height x width) Parameters: file_name (str): name of the file band (list(int), optional): band number to read. Default: 1 window (, optional): window to read geometry (shapely.geometry, optional): consider pixels only in shape dst_crs (crs, optional): reproject to given crs transform (rasterio.Affine): affine transformation to apply wdith (float): number of lons for transform height (float): number of lats for transform resampling (rasterio.warp,.Resampling optional): resampling function used for reprojection to dst_crs Returns: dict (meta), np.array (band x coordinates_in_1d) """'Reading %s', file_name) if os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] == '.gz': file_name = '/vsigzip/' + file_name with rasterio.Env(): with, 'r') as src: if src_crs is None: src_meta = CRS.from_dict(DEF_CRS) if not else else: src_meta = src_crs if dst_crs or transform: LOGGER.debug('Reprojecting ...') if not dst_crs: dst_crs = src_meta if not transform: transform, width, height = calculate_default_transform(\ src_meta, dst_crs, src.width, src.height, *src.bounds) dst_meta = src.meta.copy() dst_meta.update({'crs': dst_crs, 'transform': transform, 'width': width, 'height': height }) kwargs = {} if src.meta['nodata']: kwargs['src_nodata'] = src.meta['nodata'] kwargs['dst_nodata'] = src.meta['nodata'] intensity = np.zeros((len(band), height, width)) for idx_band, i_band in enumerate(band): reproject(, destination=intensity[idx_band, :], src_transform=src.transform, src_crs=src_meta, dst_transform=transform, dst_crs=dst_crs, resampling=resampling, **kwargs) if dst_meta['nodata'] and np.isnan(dst_meta['nodata']): intensity[idx_band, :][np.isnan(intensity[idx_band, :])] = 0 else: intensity[idx_band, :][intensity[idx_band, :] == dst_meta['nodata']] = 0 meta = dst_meta return meta, intensity.reshape((len(band), meta['height']*meta['width'])) meta = src.meta.copy() if geometry: inten, mask_trans = mask(src, geometry, crop=True, indexes=band) if meta['nodata'] and np.isnan(meta['nodata']): inten[np.isnan(inten)] = 0 else: inten[inten == meta['nodata']] = 0 meta.update({"height": inten.shape[1], "width": inten.shape[2], "transform": mask_trans}) else: masked_array =, window=window, masked=True) inten = inten[masked_array.mask] = 0 if window: meta.update({"height": window.height, \ "width": window.width, \ "transform":, src.transform)}) if not meta['crs']: meta['crs'] = CRS.from_dict(DEF_CRS) intensity = inten[range(len(band)), :] return meta, intensity.reshape((len(band), meta['height']*meta['width']))
[docs]def read_vector(file_name, field_name, dst_crs=None): """ Read vector file format supported by fiona. Each field_name name is considered an event. Parameters: file_name (str): vector file with format supported by fiona and 'geometry' field. field_name (list(str)): list of names of the columns with values. dst_crs (crs, optional): reproject to given crs Returns: np.array (lat), np.array (lon), geometry (GeiSeries), np.array (value) """'Reading %s', file_name) data_frame = gpd.read_file(file_name) if not = DEF_CRS if dst_crs is None: geometry = data_frame.geometry else: geometry = data_frame.geometry.to_crs(dst_crs) lat, lon = geometry[:].y.values, geometry[:].x.values value = np.zeros([len(field_name), lat.size]) for i_inten, inten in enumerate(field_name): value[i_inten, :] = data_frame[inten].values return lat, lon, geometry, value
[docs]def write_raster(file_name, data_matrix, meta): """ Write raster in GeoTiff format Parameters: fle_name (str): file name to write data_matrix (np.array): 2d raster data. Either containing one band, or every row is a band and the column represents the grid in 1d. meta (dict): rasterio meta dictionary containing raster properties: width, height, crs and transform must be present at least (transform needs to contain upper left corner!) """'Writting %s', file_name) if data_matrix.shape != (meta['height'], meta['width']): # every row is an event (from hazard intensity or fraction) == band profile = copy.deepcopy(meta) profile.update(driver='GTiff', dtype=rasterio.float32, count=data_matrix.shape[0]) with, 'w', **profile) as dst: dst.write(np.asarray(data_matrix, dtype=rasterio.float32).\ reshape((data_matrix.shape[0], profile['height'], profile['width'])), \ indexes=np.arange(1, data_matrix.shape[0]+1)) else: # only one band profile = copy.deepcopy(meta) profile.update(driver='GTiff', dtype=rasterio.float32, count=1) with, 'w', **profile) as dst: dst.write(np.asarray(data_matrix, dtype=rasterio.float32))
[docs]def points_to_raster(points_df, val_names=['value'], res=None, raster_res=None, scheduler=None): """ Compute raster matrix and transformation from value column Parameters: points_df (GeoDataFrame): contains columns latitude, longitude and in val_names res (float, optional): resolution of current data in units of latitude and longitude, approximated if not provided. raster_res (float, optional): desired resolution of the raster scheduler (str): used for dask map_partitions. “threads”, “synchronous” or “processes” Returns: np.array, affine.Affine """ if not res: res = min(get_resolution(points_df.latitude.values, points_df.longitude.values)) if not raster_res: raster_res = res def apply_box(df_exp): return df_exp.apply((lambda row: Point(row.longitude, row.latitude). \ buffer(res/2).envelope), axis=1)'Raster from resolution %s to %s.', res, raster_res) df_poly = points_df[val_names] if not scheduler: df_poly['geometry'] = apply_box(points_df) else: ddata = dd.from_pandas(points_df[['latitude', 'longitude']], npartitions=cpu_count()) df_poly['geometry'] = ddata.map_partitions(apply_box, meta=Polygon).\ compute(scheduler=scheduler) # construct raster xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = points_df.longitude.min(), points_df.latitude.min(), \ points_df.longitude.max(), points_df.latitude.max() rows, cols, ras_trans = pts_to_raster_meta((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), raster_res) raster_out = np.zeros((len(val_names), rows, cols)) # TODO: parallel rasterize for i_val, val_name in enumerate(val_names): raster_out[i_val, :, :] = rasterize([(x, val) for (x, val) in zip(df_poly.geometry, \ df_poly[val_name])], out_shape=(rows, cols), transform=ras_trans, \ fill=0, all_touched=True, dtype=rasterio.float32, ) meta = {'crs':, 'height':rows, 'width':cols, 'transform': ras_trans} return raster_out, meta
[docs]def set_df_geometry_points(df_val, scheduler=None): """ Set given geometry to given dataframe using dask if scheduler Parameters: df_val (DataFrame or GeoDataFrame): contains latitude and longitude columns scheduler (str): used for dask map_partitions. “threads”, “synchronous” or “processes” """'Setting geometry points.') def apply_point(df_exp): return df_exp.apply((lambda row: Point(row.longitude, row.latitude)), axis=1) if not scheduler: df_val['geometry'] = apply_point(df_val) else: ddata = dd.from_pandas(df_val, npartitions=cpu_count()) df_val['geometry'] = ddata.map_partitions(apply_point, meta=Point).\ compute(scheduler=scheduler)