
Contributions are very welcome! Please follow these steps:

  1. Install Git and Anaconda (or Miniconda).

    Also consider installing Git flow. This is included with Git for Windows, and has different implementations e.g. here for Windows and Mac

  2. Clone (or fork) the project on GitHub

    From the location where you want to create the project folder, run in your terminal:

    git clone

    For more information on the Git flow approach to development see Installation.

  3. Install the packages in climada_python/requirements/env_climada.yml and climada_python/requirements/env_developer.yml (see Installation). You might need to install additional environments contained in climada_python/requirements when using specific functionalities.

  4. Make a new branch

    For new features in Git flow:

    git flow feature start feature_name

    Which is equivalent to (in vanilla git):

    git checkout -b feature/feature_name

    Or work on an existing branch:

    git checkout -b branch_name

    See CLIMADA-python’s branching policies in Git Flow.

    General information about Git branches.

  5. Follow the Coding Conventions. Write small readable methods, classes and functions. Make well commented and clean commits to the repository:

    # get the latest data from the remote repository and update your branch
    git pull
    # see your locally modified files
    git status
    # add changes you want to include in the commit
    git add climada/ climada/test/
    # commit the changes
    git commit -m "new functionality of .. implemented"

    Usually you will want a longer commit message than the one-line message above. In this case git commit will open your terminal’s default text editor for a more detailed description. You can also create your commits interactively through your IDE’s version control GUI (Spyder/PyCharm/etc).

  6. Make unit and integration tests on your code, preferably during development:

    • Unit tests are located in the test folder located in same folder as the corresponding module. Unit tests should test all methods and functions using fake data if necessary. The whole test suite should run in less than 20 sec. They are all executed after each push in Jenkins.

    • Integration tests are located in climada/test/. They test end-to-end methods and functions. Their execution time can be of minutes. They are executed once a day in Jenkins.

  7. Make sure your changes are not introducing new test failures.

    Run unit and integration tests:

    make unit_test
    make integ_test

    Compare the result to the results before the change. Current test failures are visible on Jenkins. Fix new test failures before you create a pull request or push to the develop branch of CLIMADA-project/climada_python. See Continuous Integration below.

  8. Perform a static code analysis of your code using pylint with CLIMADA’s configuration .pylintrc. Jenkins executes it after every push. To do it locally, you might use the Interface provided by Spyder. To do so, search first for static code analysis in View and then Panes.

  9. Add new data dependencies used in Data dependencies and write a tutorial if a new class has been introduced (see Tutorial).

  10. Add your name to the AUTHORS file.

  11. Merge any updates to develop into your branch.

There may have been changes to the remote develop branch since you created your branch. You can deal with potential conflicts by updating and merging develop into your branch:

git checkout develop
git pull
git checkout feature/feature_name
git merge develop

Then resolve any conflicts. In the case of more complex conflicts, you may want to speak with others who worked on the same code.

  1. Push the branch to GitHub.

    To push your branch feature_branch_name for the first time call:

    git push -u origin feature/feature_branch_name

    or, if you’re updating a branch that’s already on GitHub:

    git push

    Only push small bugfixes and comments directly to develop - most new code should be pushed as a feature branch, which can then be reviewed with a pull request. Only emergency hotfixes are pushed to master.

  2. Create a pull request.

    When the branch is ready, create a new pull request from the feature branch. About pull requests.

    To do this,

    • On the CLIMADA GitHub page, navigate to your feature branch. Above the list of files is a summary of the branch and an icon to the right labelled “Pull request”.

    • Choose which branch you want to merge with. This will usually be develop, but may be a feature branch for more complex feature development.

    • Give your pull request an informative title, like a commit message.

    • Write a description of the pull request. This can usually be adapted from your branch’s commit messages, and should give a high-level summary of the changes, specific points you want the reviewers’ input on, and possibly explanations for decisions you’ve made.

    • Assign reviewers using the right hand sidebar on the page. Tag anyone who might be interested in reading the code. You should have found someone who is happy to read the whole request and sign it off (this person could also be added to ‘Assignees’). A list of potential reviewers can be found in the WIKI.

    • Contact reviewers. GitHub’s settings mean that they may not be alerted automatically, so send them a message.

  3. Review and merge the pull request.

    For big pull requests, stay in touch with reviewers. When everyone has had the chance to make comments and suggestions, and at least one person has read and approved the whole request, it’s ready to be merged.

    If develop has been updated during the review process, it may be necessary to resolve merge conflicts again.

    Merging the pull request is done through the GitHub site. Once it’s merged you can delete the feature branch and update your local copy of develop with git pull.

Update CLIMADA’s environment

Remember to regularly update your code as well as climada’s environment. You might use the following commands to update the environments:

cd climada_python
git pull
source activate climada_env
conda env update --file requirements/env_climada.yml
conda env update --file requirements/env_developer.yml

If any problem occurs during this process, consider reinstalling everything from scratch following the :doc:install instructions. You can find more information about virtual environments with conda here.

Continuous Integration

The results from the Jenkins server are to be taken seriously. Please run unit tests locally on the whole project, by calling make unit_test and if possible remotely on Jenkins in a feature branch.

Before pushing to the develop branch they should run without errors or (novel) failures. After pushing, check the CI results on Jenkins, if the commit causes an error there, revert it immediately. If the commit merely introduces novel failures, fix them within 3 days, or revert the commit.

Similar rules apply for the Pylint results on the deveolp branch. Novel high priority warnings are not acceptable on the develop branch. Novel medium priority warnings should be fixed within 3 days.

Tolerance overview

















3 days


3 days








x indicates “no tolerance”, meaning that any code changes producing such offences should be fixed before pushing them to the respective branch.


Issues are the main platform for discussing matters. Use them extensively! Each issue should have one categoric label:

  • bug

  • enhancement

  • question

  • incident

and optionally others. When closing issues they should get another label for the closing reason:

  • fixed

  • wontfix

  • duplicate

  • invalid

(Despite their names, fixed and wontfix are applicable for questions and enhancements as well.)

Regular Releases

Regular releases are planned on a quarterly base. Upcoming releases are listed in the WIKI.