Crop production risk based on ISIMIP and FAO data


This tutorial gives an overview of the modules in CLIMADA used to compute climate related risks to crop production on a 0.5° grid. The risk calculation is based on yearly crop yield as simulated by global gridded crop models (GGCMs) that are forced with climate variables such as temperature and water availability provided from climate model output or re-analysis data.

The hazard relative_cropyield is not a typical natural hazard but rather an aggregation of climatic impacts on the crop yield at each location. relative_cropyield intensi is equal to the change in crop_yield in a given year from the long-term averageIt is based on the crop yield simulated by GGCMs. In the CLIMADA framework, we are setting relative_cropyield as “hazard” because it describes the year-by-year climatic influence on agriculture, each year representing one event. This hazard can be applied on any exposure that represents a (mean) amount of crop produced at any location.

Here, we use the exposure crop_production (in tonnes or USD per year) that distributes national crop production as extracted from FAO statistics proportional to a gridded distribution of crop production that is based on mean crop yield in tonnes per hectare multiplied with the hectares of harvest area per grid cell.

Example calculation:

At a certain grid cell, the area fraction for non-irrigated rice is 5% and the area of the grid cell is 250,000 ha with an average historical crop yield of 6 tonnes per ha and year.

The exposure (crop_production) value is the product of area fraction, area, and average yield = \(0.05 * 250,000 ha * 6 t/(ha*y) = 75,000 t/y\).

The hazard intensity at this grid cell for non-irrigated rice in a certain year is -20% (relative_cropyield), caused by climate variables such as temperature and water availability during that year.

For this specific year, the impact as computed with Impact.calc is the product of hazard and exposure: \(75,000 t/y * (-0.20) * 1 y = -15,000 t\).

Data sources

The two classes RelativeCropyield(Hazard) and CropProduction(Exposure) can be combined to calculate climate impacts on crop production based on simulations data from global gridded crop models (GGCMs) within the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP, as well as statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO,

From the ISIMIP project, a variety of model runs with yearly crop yield data on a spatial resolution of 0.5° x 0.5° are available. Each run is based on one GGCM forced by a climate model output or re-analysis data. Runs are available for different crop types, model combinations, historical climate and future climate scenarios, and other model parameters. The hazard is generated by the class RelativeCropyield(Hazard) that extracts crop yield data simulated by GGCMs. The GGCM runs provided by ISIMIP are forced with the output from climate models (e.g. in ISIMIP2b, ISIMIP3b) or re-analyis data (ISIMIP2a, ISIMIP3a). The driving climate variables for crop yield are temperature, water availability, CO2 concentrations, and nitrogen availability. Additionally, land use data required for CropProduction(Exposure) is available from the ISIMIP input data (e.g. for ISIMIP2).

The required ISIMIP data sets are available from (choose Variable = yield for crop yield and landuse-15crops for land use data).

In this tutorial we show how a RelativeCropyield and a CropProduction instance can be initiated and translated into socio-economic impacts in the form of (yearly) crop production losses / gains in tonnes or USD.

RelativeCropyield Hazard

Hazard intensity in the class RelativeCropyield is defined as yearly crop yield relative to a historical mean simulated with the same model combination. Each model year represents one event in the hazard instance.

The method set_from_isimip_netcdf() generates a Hazard instance from one model run, with intensity ‘Yearly Yield’. This requires multiple input parameters to specify the model run:

input_dir (string): path to input data directory
bbox (list of four floats): bounding box:
    [lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max],
yearrange (int tuple): year range for hazard set, f.i. (1976, 2005)
ag_model (str): abbrev. agricultural model (only when input_dir is selected)
    f.i. 'gepic' etc.
cl_model (str): abbrev. climate model (only when input_dir is selected)
    f.i. 'gfdl-esm2m' etc.
scenario (str): climate change scenario (only when input_dir is selected)
    f.i. 'historical' or 'rcp60'
soc (str): socio-economic trajectory (only when input_dir is selected)
    f.i. '2005soc' or 'histsoc'
co2 (str): CO2 forcing scenario (only when input_dir is selected)
    f.i. 'co2' or '2005co2'
crop (str): crop type, e.g. 'whe', 'mai', 'soy' or 'ric'
irr (str): irrigation type, e.g. 'noirr' or 'irr'

In addition to the general attributes of the Hazard() class, the class RelativeCropyield() has further attributes related to the crop type and intensity definition:

crop (str): crop type, e.g. 'whe', 'mai', 'soy', or 'ric';
intensity_def (str): intensity unit definition, either
    'Relative Yield' (unitless), 'Yearly Yield' [t/(y*ha)], or 'Percentile' [t/(y*ha)]

To convert intensity to ‘Relative Yield’, the methods calc_mean() and set_rel_yield_to_int() can be applied as shown below. Attention: This is required for impact calculations in combination with CropProduction(Exposure).

To initiate one or more hazard files from a variety of model runs, a more convenient function is available: climada.hazard.relative_cropyield.set_multiple_rc_from_isimip(), setting intensity to ‘Relative Yield’ for you. The function set_multiple_rc_from_isimip() extracts all model specifications directly from the filenames. Thus, it only requires the following inputs:

input_dir (str): path to input data directory
output_dir (str): path to output data directory (hazard sets are saved there in HDF5-format)
return_data (boolean): set to True if you want the function to return a list containing the haz. sets

Below two examples for initiating an hazard instance and setting intensity to relative yield:

Initiate a single hazard instance and set intensity to relative yield manually (demo data sample):

  • using set_from_isimip_netcdf()

  • using demo data (cropped to France and Germany, 2001-2005)

import os
from climada.hazard.relative_cropyield import RelativeCropyield
from climada.util.constants import DEMO_DIR as INPUT_DIR


yearrange_haz = (2001, 2005) # yearrange for hazard (demo data only available from 2001 to 2005)
yearrange_hist_mean = (2001, 2005) # yearrange for reference historical mean (demo data only available from 2001 to 2005)
haz = RelativeCropyield()
haz.set_from_isimip_netcdf(input_dir=INPUT_DIR, yearrange=yearrange_haz, ag_model='lpjml',
                        cl_model='ipsl-cm5a-lr', scenario='historical', soc='2005soc',
                        co2='co2', crop='whe', irr='noirr', fn_str_var=FN_STR_DEMO)

print("\nBefore calling set_rel_yield_to_int(), intensity is '%s' with unit '%s'.\n" %(haz.intensity_def, haz.units))

hist_mean = haz.calc_mean(yearrange_hist_mean) # requires reference year range as input
"""compute historical mean yield per grid cell for reference (base line)"""
"""set intensity to relative yield by dividing yield/hist_mean"""

print("After calling set_rel_yield_to_int(), intensity is '%s' with unit '%s'.\n" %(haz.intensity_def, haz.units))

"""The map shows relative crop yield in the model year 2003. Positive (negative) values correspond to a relative yield surplus (deficit)"""
# please note that the run used here is not based on historical re-analysis data but on simulated climate,
# i.e. the climate variables of year "2003" do not correspond to the actual year 2003.
# (only the forcing of the climate models is historical)
2020-09-10 10:38:46,631 - climada - DEBUG - Loading default config file: /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/climada/conf/defaults.conf
2020-09-10 10:38:48,692 - climada.util.coordinates - INFO - Reading /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/demo/

Before calling set_rel_yield_to_int(), intensity is 'Yearly Yield' with unit 't / y / ha'.

After calling set_rel_yield_to_int(), intensity is 'Relative Yield' with unit ''.

/Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/climada/util/ UserWarning: Tight layout not applied. The left and right margins cannot be made large enough to accommodate all axes decorations.
'The map shows relative crop yield in the model year 2003. Positive (negative) values correspond to a relative yield surplus (deficit)'

Initiate a relative yield hazard set from multiple input files:

  • using set_multiple_rc_from_isimip(), which creates hazard sets from all NetCDF-files found in the input directory

  • in this example, I used the output from GGCM GEPIC forced with GFDL-ESM2M output for rice, both irrigated and non-irrigated. You can however also run the script with other data sets of the same format.

Requires data download from - - - -

These files contain historical and RCP6.0 future simulations for rice yield, both for fully irrigated (“firr”) and no irrigation (“noirr”). Forcing climate model: gfdl-esm2m. Crop model: gepic.

Please note: when calling init_full_hazard_set(). the historical mean (hist_mean) is averaged over all model combinations for each crop and irrigation type. Like this, a cross-model exposure can be initiated using this model average of hist_mean as input.

from climada import CONFIG
from climada.hazard.relative_cropyield import set_multiple_rc_from_isimip

data_path = CONFIG.local_data.save_dir.dir() / "ISIMIP_crop" # set path of working data directory
input_haz_dir = data_path / "Input" / "Hazard_tutorial" # set path where you place hazard input data
input_haz_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# (Place crop yield data (.nc) from ISIMIP in input_haz_dir)

output_dir = data_path / "Output" # set output directory
path_hist_mean = output_dir / "Hist_mean" # set output directory for hist_mean
path_hist_mean.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

filelist_haz, hazards_list = set_multiple_rc_from_isimip(input_dir=input_haz_dir, output_dir=output_dir,
                                                      isimip_run='ISIMIP2b', return_data=True)

print("\nComputed and saved the following files: \n")

print("\nIntensity of the hazard sets is '%s' with unit '%s'.\n" %(hazards_list[0].intensity_def, hazards_list[0].units))


2020-09-10 10:38:55,529 - climada.util.coordinates - INFO - Reading /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Input/Hazard_tutorial/
2020-09-10 10:39:32,529 - climada.util.coordinates - INFO - Reading /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Input/Hazard_tutorial/
2020-09-10 10:40:09,494 - climada.util.coordinates - INFO - Reading /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Input/Hazard_tutorial/
2020-09-10 10:40:46,880 - climada.util.coordinates - INFO - Reading /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Input/Hazard_tutorial/
2020-09-10 10:41:22,372 - climada.util.coordinates - INFO - Reading /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Input/Hazard_tutorial/
2020-09-10 10:41:59,176 - climada.hazard.base - INFO - Writing /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Output/Hazard/haz_gepic_gfdl-esm2m_historical_2005soc_co2_ric-firr_1976-2005.hdf5
2020-09-10 10:41:59,479 - climada.hazard.base - INFO - Writing /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Output/Hazard/haz_gepic_gfdl-esm2m_rcp60_2005soc_co2_ric-firr_2006-2099.hdf5
2020-09-10 10:41:59,660 - climada.hazard.base - INFO - Writing /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Output/Hazard/haz_gepic_gfdl-esm2m_historical_2005soc_co2_ric-noirr_1976-2005.hdf5
2020-09-10 10:41:59,930 - climada.hazard.base - INFO - Writing /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Output/Hazard/haz_gepic_gfdl-esm2m_rcp60_2005soc_co2_ric-noirr_2006-2099.hdf5

Computed and saved the following files:

['haz_gepic_gfdl-esm2m_historical_2005soc_co2_ric-firr_1976-2005.hdf5', 'haz_gepic_gfdl-esm2m_rcp60_2005soc_co2_ric-firr_2006-2099.hdf5', 'haz_gepic_gfdl-esm2m_historical_2005soc_co2_ric-noirr_1976-2005.hdf5', 'haz_gepic_gfdl-esm2m_rcp60_2005soc_co2_ric-noirr_2006-2099.hdf5', 'hist_mean_ric-firr_1976-2005.hdf5', 'hist_mean_ric-noirr_1976-2005.hdf5']

Intensity of the hazard sets is 'Relative Yield' with unit ''.

<cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot at 0x1c2dcfe8d0>

CropProduction Exposure

The CropProduction exposure data represents the mean crop production per grid cell. For creating an exposure instance, the following main input data are combined: - harvest area fraction (from landuse data): fraction of grid cell area where a crop is grown with / without irrigation, unitless; - total grid cell area [\(ha\)]: computed from grid; - historical mean yield (hist_mean): simulated crop yield with / without irrigation per grid cell, usually averaged over several model combinations and years, can be initiated with function set_multiple_rc_from_isimip [\(t / (ha * y)\)]; - crop production price from FAO when unit is USD \([USD / t]\).

Crop production = fraction * area * hist_mean * price

\([USD / y = ha * t / (ha * y) * USD / t]\)

Unit definitions:

  • \(USD\): US dollars

  • \(y\): year

  • \(ha\): hectar, \(1 ha = 10000 m^2\)

  • \(t\): tonnnes, \(1 t = 1000 kg\)

The method set_from_isimip_netcdf() generates a Exposure instance for one crop type and irrigation parameter, with unit ‘t/year’ or ‘USD/year’. This requires multiple input parameters:

input_dir (string): path to input data directory
filename (string): name of the landuse-file to use,
    e.g. ""
hist_mean (array): historic mean crop yield per centroid (from hazard)
bbox (list of four floats): bounding box:
    [lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max]
yearrange (int tuple): year range for exposure set
    f.i. (1990, 2010)
scenario (string): climate change and socio economic scenario
    f.i. 'histsoc' or 'rcp60soc'
cl_model (string): abbrev. climate model (only when landuse data
is future projection)
    f.i. 'gfdl-esm2m' etc.
crop (string): crop type
    f.i. 'mai', 'ric', 'whe', 'soy'
irr (string): irrigation type
    f.i 'firr' (full irrigation), 'noirr' (no irrigation) or 'combined'= firr+noirr
unit (string): unit of the exposure (per year)
    f.i 'USD/y' or 't/y'
fn_str_var (string): FileName STRing depending on VARiable and
    ISIMIP simuation round

In addition to the general attributes of the Exposures() class, the class CropProduction() has one further attribute related:

crop (str): crop type, e.g. 'whe', 'mai', 'soy', or 'ric'

Below two examples for initiating an Exposures instance:

Initiating a single exposure instance (demo data sample):

from matplotlib import colors

from climada.entity.exposures.crop_production import CropProduction
from climada.util.constants import DEMO_DIR as INPUT_DIR

FILENAME_MEAN = 'hist_mean_mai-firr_1976-2005_DE_FR.hdf5'

exp = CropProduction()
exp.set_from_isimip_netcdf(input_dir=INPUT_DIR, filename=FILENAME, hist_mean=FILENAME_MEAN,
                                      bbox=[-5, 42, 16, 55], yearrange=(2001, 2005),
                                      scenario='flexible', unit='t/y', irr='firr')
"""compute maize crop production..."""
norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=1e2, vmax=3e5)
exp.plot_basemap(norm=norm, pop_name=False) # warning: slow to plot basemap
# exp.plot_scatter(norm=norm, s=50) # faster

"""compute USD value (with prices from FAO)..."""
norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=1e2, vmax=5e7)
exp.plot_basemap(norm=norm, pop_name=False) # warning: slow to plot basemap
# exp.plot_scatter(norm=norm, s=50) # faster
2020-08-03 14:06:04,706 - climada.util.coordinates - INFO - Setting region_id 1092 points.
2020-08-03 14:06:05,944 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Setting if_ to default impact functions ids 1.
2020-08-03 14:06:05,945 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - centr_ not set.
2020-08-03 14:06:05,946 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - deductible not set.
2020-08-03 14:06:05,947 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - cover not set.
2020-08-03 14:06:05,949 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - category_id not set.
2020-08-03 14:06:05,949 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - geometry not set.
2020-08-03 14:06:05,954 - climada.util.coordinates - INFO - Setting geometry points.
2020-08-03 14:06:06,037 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Setting latitude and longitude attributes.
/opt/anaconda3/envs/climada_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  return np.nanmean(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype)
/Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/climada/util/ UserWarning: Tight layout not applied. The left and right margins cannot be made large enough to accommodate all axes decorations.
/opt/anaconda3/envs/climada_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/contextily/ FutureWarning: The url format using 'tileX', 'tileY', 'tileZ' as placeholders is deprecated. Please use '{x}', '{y}', '{z}' instead.
2020-08-03 14:06:19,673 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Setting latitude and longitude attributes.
2020-08-03 14:06:19,809 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Hazard type not set in if_
2020-08-03 14:06:19,810 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - centr_ not set.
2020-08-03 14:06:19,810 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - deductible not set.
2020-08-03 14:06:19,811 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - cover not set.
2020-08-03 14:06:19,811 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - category_id not set.
2020-08-03 14:06:19,849 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Setting latitude and longitude attributes.
/Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/climada/entity/exposures/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
  (fao['year'] >= yearrange[0]) &
/opt/anaconda3/envs/climada_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
  out=out, **kwargs)
/opt/anaconda3/envs/climada_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)
2020-08-03 14:06:33,543 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Setting latitude and longitude attributes.
<cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot at 0x1c3bc852e8>

Initiating an exposure set from several model runs:

Requires data download from - - -

Requires data download from - Countries: all; Items: “Rice, paddy”; Elements: “Production Quantity”, Years: 2008 to 2018. - save as FAOSTAT_data_production_quantity.csv in your local input data directory (input_exp_dir)

Please note: when calling set_multiple_rc_from_isimip(). the historical mean (hist_mean) required here is averaged over all model combinations for each crop and irrigation type. This means that the exposure per crop type and irrigation type represents an average over all model ciombinations used.


It is possible to normalize the crop production per country with FAO data using normalize_with_fao_cp() and normalize_several_exp() for multiple exposure pairs. The normalization follows three steps: 1. Total crop production per crop type (full irrigation + no irrigation) is summed for each country (model crop production). 2. An average crop production per crop type and country is extracted from FAO statistics (reported crop production). 3. Crop production is normalized by multiplying the values of each grid cell with the ratio of reported over model crop production.

As a result of normalization, crop production summed over a country and both irrigation types is equal to the avaerage reported crop production.

import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from iso3166 import countries as iso_cntry

from climada.util.constants import CONFIG
from climada.hazard.relative_cropyield import set_multiple_rc_from_isimip
from climada.entity.exposures.crop_production import init_full_exp_set_isimip, normalize_several_exp

data_path = CONFIG.local_data.save_dir.dir() / 'ISIMIP_crop' # set path of working data directory
input_haz_dir = data_path / "Input" / "Hazard_tutorial" # set path where you place hazard input data
# (Place crop yield data (.nc) from ISIMIP in input_haz_dir)
input_exp_dir = data_path / "Input" / "Exposure" # save FAO data and here.

output_dir = data_path / "Output_tutorial" # set output directory
path_hist_mean = output_dir / 'Hist_mean' # set output directory for hist_mean

# # only required if hazard set has not yet been initiated above:
# set_multiple_rc_from_isimip(input_dir=input_haz_dir, output_dir=output_dir)
# """compute historical mean yield for all runs available in input_haz directory"""

filelist_exp, exposures = init_full_exp_set_isimip(input_dir=input_exp_dir, hist_mean_dir=path_hist_mean, \
                                                 output_dir=output_dir, return_data=True)
"""create exposures for all hist_mean files available in path_hist_mean directory"""
print("\nExposure files created:\n")

norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=1e2, vmax=3e5)
exposures[0].plot_scatter(norm=norm, s=20, pop_name=False)
exposures[1].plot_scatter(norm=norm, s=20, pop_name=False)
"""For each crop type, an exposure with full irrigation crop production and one with no irrigation is created."""

crop_list, countries_list, ratio_list, exp_firr_norm, exp_noirr_norm, fao_cp_list, exp_tot_cp_list = \
    normalize_several_exp(input_dir=input_exp_dir, output_dir=output_dir,
                          yearrange=(2008, 2018),
                          unit='t/y', returns='all')
"""normalize crop production per country using FAO data"""

exp_noirr_norm[0].plot_scatter(norm=norm, s=20, pop_name=False)
exp_firr_norm[0].plot_scatter(norm=norm, s=20, pop_name=False)

fig_scatter = plt.figure(facecolor='w', figsize=(7, 7))
ax_s = fig_scatter.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax_s.scatter(exp_tot_cp_list, fao_cp_list)
ax_s.plot([0,2e8], [0,2e8], alpha=.5)
index_max_fao = np.where(fao_cp_list[0]==np.nanmax(fao_cp_list[0]))[0][0]
index_max_isimip = np.where(exp_tot_cp_list[0]==np.nanmax(exp_tot_cp_list[0]))[0][0]
# print(ratio_list[0])

ax_s.text(exp_tot_cp_list[0][index_max_fao], fao_cp_list[0][index_max_fao],
ax_s.text(exp_tot_cp_list[0][index_max_isimip], fao_cp_list[0][index_max_isimip],
ax_s.set_title('Rice: total crop production (CP) per country')
ax_s.set_xlabel('CP before normalization [t/y]')
ax_s.set_ylabel('FAO statistics (used for normalization) [t/y]')

2020-08-03 15:23:25,850 - climada.util.coordinates - INFO - Setting region_id 244800 points.
2020-08-03 15:24:07,277 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Setting if_ to default impact functions ids 1.
2020-08-03 15:24:07,279 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - centr_ not set.
2020-08-03 15:24:07,279 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - deductible not set.
2020-08-03 15:24:07,280 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - cover not set.
2020-08-03 15:24:07,282 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - category_id not set.
2020-08-03 15:24:07,283 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - geometry not set.
2020-08-03 15:24:07,295 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Writting /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Output_tutorial/Exposure/crop_production_ric-noirr_1976-2005.hdf5
2020-08-03 15:24:07,400 - climada.util.coordinates - INFO - Setting region_id 244800 points.
/opt/anaconda3/envs/climada_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  return np.nanmean(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype)
2020-08-03 15:24:48,471 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Setting if_ to default impact functions ids 1.
2020-08-03 15:24:48,473 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - centr_ not set.
2020-08-03 15:24:48,473 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - deductible not set.
2020-08-03 15:24:48,474 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - cover not set.
2020-08-03 15:24:48,475 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - category_id not set.
2020-08-03 15:24:48,476 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - geometry not set.
2020-08-03 15:24:48,495 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Writting /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Output_tutorial/Exposure/crop_production_ric-firr_1976-2005.hdf5
/opt/anaconda3/envs/climada_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  return np.nanmean(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype)

Exposure files created:

['crop_production_ric-noirr_1976-2005.hdf5', 'crop_production_ric-firr_1976-2005.hdf5']
/Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/climada/util/ UserWarning: Tight layout not applied. The left and right margins cannot be made large enough to accommodate all axes decorations.
2020-08-03 15:24:50,133 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Reading /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Output_tutorial/Exposure/crop_production_ric-firr_1976-2005.hdf5
2020-08-03 15:24:50,149 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Reading /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Output_tutorial/Exposure/crop_production_ric-noirr_1976-2005.hdf5
/opt/anaconda3/envs/climada_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
  out=out, **kwargs)
/opt/anaconda3/envs/climada_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)
Text(0, 0.5, 'FAO statistics (used for normalization) [t/y]')
/opt/anaconda3/envs/climada_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  mask |= resdat <= 0

Impact: Deviation in yearly crop production

Computing impact from single file (end-to-end; demo data):

Relative crop yield and historical crop production is combined to calculate the deviation of crop production from the historical mean production.

The impact function (IFRelativeCropyield) corresponds to a simple multiplication of hazard intensity (relative yield) with exposure (baseline production). As a result, the impact represents the deviation of yearly production from the exposure value.

There are positive and negative impact values. Positive values represent a crop production surplus. Negative values represent a deficit.

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
from climada.entity.exposures.crop_production import CropProduction
from climada.hazard.relative_cropyield import RelativeCropyield
from climada.util.constants import DEMO_DIR as INPUT_DIR
from climada.entity import ImpactFuncSet, IFRelativeCropyield
from climada.engine import Impact

FILENAME_MEAN = 'hist_mean_mai-firr_1976-2005_DE_FR.hdf5'

yearrange_haz = (2001, 2005) # yearrange for hazard (demo data only available from 2001 to 2005)
yearrange_hist_mean = (2001, 2005) # yearrange for reference historical mean (demo data only available from 2001 to 2005)
haz = RelativeCropyield()
haz.set_from_isimip_netcdf(input_dir=INPUT_DIR, yearrange=yearrange_haz, ag_model='lpjml',
                        cl_model='ipsl-cm5a-lr', scenario='historical', soc='2005soc',
                        co2='co2', crop='whe', irr='noirr', fn_str_var=FN_STR_DEMO)
hist_mean = haz.calc_mean(yearrange_hist_mean) # requires reference year range as input
"""compute historical mean yield per grid cell for reference (base line)"""

exp = CropProduction()
exp.set_from_isimip_netcdf(input_dir=INPUT_DIR, filename=FILENAME_LU, hist_mean=FILENAME_MEAN,
                                      bbox=[-5, 42, 16, 55], yearrange=(2001, 2005),
                                      scenario='flexible', unit='t/y', irr='firr')
exp.set_value_to_usd(INPUT_DIR) # convert exposure from t/y to USD/y using FAO statistics
exp.assign_centroids(haz, threshold=20) # assign exposure points to centroids
"""Init hazard and exposure"""

if_cp = ImpactFuncSet()
if_def = IFRelativeCropyield()
"""Import impact function"""

impact_demo= Impact()
impact_demo.calc(exp, if_cp, haz)
"""Calculate impact"""

fig_imp_demo = plt.figure(facecolor='w')
ax_imp_demo = fig_imp_demo.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax_imp_demo.plot(impact_demo.event_id, impact_demo.at_event, 'g', lw=3)
ax_imp_demo.hlines(0, xmin=1, xmax=5, alpha=.85, ls=':')
ax_imp_demo.set_title('Impact: Maize production deviation (demo data)')
ax_imp_demo.set_xlabel('model year')
ax_imp_demo.set_ylabel('$\Delta$ Crop Production [%s]' %(exp.value_unit))

2020-08-07 11:12:44,461 - climada - DEBUG - Loading default config file: /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/climada/conf/defaults.conf
2020-08-07 11:13:00,294 - climada.util.coordinates - INFO - Reading /Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/data/demo/
2020-08-07 11:13:01,155 - climada.util.coordinates - INFO - Setting region_id 1092 points.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,594 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Setting if_ to default impact functions ids 1.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,596 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - centr_ not set.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,596 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - deductible not set.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,597 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - cover not set.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,599 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - category_id not set.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,601 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - geometry not set.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,707 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Hazard type not set in if_
2020-08-07 11:13:02,708 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - centr_ not set.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,708 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - deductible not set.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,709 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - cover not set.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,709 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - category_id not set.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,711 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - geometry not set.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,712 - climada.entity.exposures.base - INFO - Matching 1092 exposures with 1092 centroids.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,731 - climada.entity.impact_funcs.base - WARNING - For intensity = 0, mdd != 0 or paa != 0. Consider shifting the origin of the intensity scale. In impact.calc the impact is always null at intensity = 0.
/opt/anaconda3/envs/climada_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  return np.nanmean(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype)
/Users/eberenzs/Documents/Projects/climada_python/climada/entity/exposures/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
  (fao['year'] >= yearrange[0]) &
/opt/anaconda3/envs/climada_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
  out=out, **kwargs)
/opt/anaconda3/envs/climada_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)
2020-08-07 11:13:02,788 - climada.engine.impact - INFO - Exposures matching centroids found in centr_RC
2020-08-07 11:13:02,791 - climada.engine.impact - INFO - Calculating damage for 204 assets (>0) and 5 events.
2020-08-07 11:13:02,793 - climada.engine.impact - INFO - Missing exposures impact functions for hazard if_RC. Using impact functions in if_.
Text(0, 0.5, '$\\Delta$ Crop Production [USD / y]')
[ ]: