Source code for climada.engine.impact

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Define Impact and ImpactFreqCurve classes.

__all__ = ['ImpactFreqCurve', 'Impact']

import logging
import copy
import csv
import warnings
import datetime as dt
from itertools import zip_longest
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import pandas as pd
import xlsxwriter
from tqdm import tqdm

from climada.entity import Exposures, Tag
from climada.entity.exposures import INDICATOR_CENTR
from climada.hazard import Tag as TagHaz
import climada.util.plot as u_plot
from climada import CONFIG
from climada.util.constants import DEF_CRS, CMAP_IMPACT
import climada.util.coordinates as u_coord
import climada.util.dates_times as u_dt
from import get_attributes_with_matching_dimension

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Impact(): """Impact definition. Compute from an entity (exposures and impact functions) and hazard. Attributes ---------- tag : dict dictionary of tags of exposures, impact functions set and hazard: {'exp': Tag(), 'impf_set': Tag(), 'haz': TagHazard()} event_id : np.array id (>0) of each hazard event event_name : list name of each hazard event date : np.array date if events as integer date corresponding to the proleptic Gregorian ordinal, where January 1 of year 1 has ordinal 1 (ordinal format of datetime library) coord_exp : np.array exposures coordinates [lat, lon] (in degrees) eai_exp : np.array expected annual impact for each exposure at_event : np.array impact for each hazard event frequency : np.array annual frequency of event tot_value : float total exposure value affected aai_agg : float average annual impact (aggregated) unit : str value unit used (given by exposures unit) imp_mat : sparse.csr_matrix matrix num_events x num_exp with impacts. only filled if save_mat is True in calc() """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Empty initialization.""" self.tag = dict() self.event_id = np.array([], int) self.event_name = list() = np.array([], int) self.coord_exp = np.ndarray([], float) = DEF_CRS self.eai_exp = np.array([]) self.at_event = np.array([]) self.frequency = np.array([]) self.tot_value = 0 self.aai_agg = 0 self.unit = '' self.imp_mat = sparse.csr_matrix(np.empty((0, 0)))
[docs] def calc_freq_curve(self, return_per=None): """Compute impact exceedance frequency curve. Parameters ---------- return_per : np.array, optional return periods where to compute the exceedance impact. Use impact's frequencies if not provided Returns ------- ImpactFreqCurve """ ifc = ImpactFreqCurve() ifc.tag = self.tag # Sort descendingly the impacts per events sort_idxs = np.argsort(self.at_event)[::-1] # Calculate exceedence frequency exceed_freq = np.cumsum(self.frequency[sort_idxs]) # Set return period and imact exceeding frequency ifc.return_per = 1 / exceed_freq[::-1] ifc.impact = self.at_event[sort_idxs][::-1] ifc.unit = self.unit ifc.label = 'Exceedance frequency curve' if return_per is not None: interp_imp = np.interp(return_per, ifc.return_per, ifc.impact) ifc.return_per = return_per ifc.impact = interp_imp return ifc
[docs] def calc(self, exposures, impact_funcs, hazard, save_mat=False): """Compute impact of an hazard to exposures. Parameters ---------- exposures : climada.entity.Exposures impact_funcs : climada.entity.ImpactFuncSet impact functions hazard : climada.Hazard save_mat : bool self impact matrix: events x exposures Examples -------- Use Entity class: >>> haz = Hazard.from_mat(HAZ_DEMO_MAT) # Set hazard >>> haz.check() >>> ent = Entity.from_excel(ENT_TEMPLATE_XLS) # Set exposures >>> ent.check() >>> imp = Impact() >>> imp.calc(ent.exposures, ent.impact_funcs, haz) >>> imp.calc_freq_curve().plot() Specify only exposures and impact functions: >>> haz = Hazard.from_mat(HAZ_DEMO_MAT) # Set hazard >>> haz.check() >>> funcs = ImpactFuncSet.from_excel(ENT_TEMPLATE_XLS) # Set impact functions >>> funcs.check() >>> exp = Exposures(pd.read_excel(ENT_TEMPLATE_XLS)) # Set exposures >>> exp.check() >>> imp = Impact() >>> imp.calc(exp, funcs, haz) >>> imp.aai_agg """ # 1. Assign centroids to each exposure if not done assign_haz = INDICATOR_CENTR + hazard.tag.haz_type if assign_haz not in exposures.gdf: exposures.assign_centroids(hazard) else:'Exposures matching centroids found in %s', assign_haz) # 2. Initialize values self.unit = exposures.value_unit self.event_id = hazard.event_id self.event_name = hazard.event_name = self.coord_exp = np.stack([exposures.gdf.latitude.values, exposures.gdf.longitude.values], axis=1) self.frequency = hazard.frequency self.at_event = np.zeros(hazard.intensity.shape[0]) self.eai_exp = np.zeros(exposures.gdf.value.size) self.tag = {'exp': exposures.tag, 'impf_set': impact_funcs.tag, 'haz': hazard.tag} = # Select exposures with positive value and assigned centroid exp_idx = np.where((exposures.gdf.value > 0) & (exposures.gdf[assign_haz] >= 0))[0] if exp_idx.size == 0: LOGGER.warning("No affected exposures.") num_events = hazard.intensity.shape[0]'Calculating damage for %s assets (>0) and %s events.', exp_idx.size, num_events) # Get damage functions for this hazard impf_haz = exposures.get_impf_column(hazard.tag.haz_type) haz_imp = impact_funcs.get_func(hazard.tag.haz_type) # Check if deductible and cover should be applied insure_flag = False if ('deductible' in exposures.gdf) and ('cover' in exposures.gdf) \ and exposures.gdf.cover.max(): insure_flag = True if save_mat: # (data, (row_ind, col_ind)) self.imp_mat = ([], ([], [])) # 3. Loop over exposures according to their impact function tot_exp = 0 for imp_fun in haz_imp: # get indices of all the exposures with this impact function exp_iimp = np.where(exposures.gdf[impf_haz].values[exp_idx] ==[0] tot_exp += exp_iimp.size exp_step = // num_events if not exp_step: raise ValueError('Increase max_matrix_size configuration parameter to > %s' % str(num_events)) # separate in chunks chk = -1 for chk in range(int(exp_iimp.size / exp_step)): self._exp_impact( exp_idx[exp_iimp[chk * exp_step:(chk + 1) * exp_step]], exposures, hazard, imp_fun, insure_flag) self._exp_impact(exp_idx[exp_iimp[(chk + 1) * exp_step:]], exposures, hazard, imp_fun, insure_flag) if not tot_exp: LOGGER.warning('No impact functions match the exposures.') self.aai_agg = sum(self.at_event * hazard.frequency) if save_mat: shape = (, exposures.gdf.value.size) self.imp_mat = sparse.csr_matrix(self.imp_mat, shape=shape)
[docs] def calc_risk_transfer(self, attachment, cover): """Compute traaditional risk transfer over impact. Returns new impact with risk transfer applied and the insurance layer resulting Impact metrics. Parameters ---------- attachment : float (deductible) cover : float Returns ------- climada.engine.Impact """ new_imp = copy.deepcopy(self) if attachment or cover: imp_layer = np.minimum(np.maximum(new_imp.at_event - attachment, 0), cover) new_imp.at_event = np.maximum(new_imp.at_event - imp_layer, 0) new_imp.aai_agg = np.sum(new_imp.at_event * new_imp.frequency) # next values are no longer valid new_imp.eai_exp = np.array([]) new_imp.coord_exp = np.array([]) new_imp.imp_mat = sparse.csr_matrix(np.empty((0, 0))) # insurance layer metrics risk_transfer = copy.deepcopy(new_imp) risk_transfer.at_event = imp_layer risk_transfer.aai_agg = np.sum(imp_layer * new_imp.frequency) return new_imp, risk_transfer return new_imp, Impact()
[docs] def plot_hexbin_eai_exposure(self, mask=None, ignore_zero=True, pop_name=True, buffer=0.0, extend='neither', axis=None, adapt_fontsize=True, **kwargs): """Plot hexbin expected annual impact of each exposure. Parameters ---------- mask : np.array, optional mask to apply to eai_exp plotted. ignore_zero : bool, optional flag to indicate if zero and negative values are ignored in plot. Default: False pop_name : bool, optional add names of the populated places buffer : float, optional border to add to coordinates. Default: 1.0. extend : str, optional extend border colorbar with arrows. [ 'neither' | 'both' | 'min' | 'max' ] axis : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional axis to use kwargs : optional arguments for hexbin matplotlib function Returns ------- cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot """ if 'cmap' not in kwargs: kwargs['cmap'] = CMAP_IMPACT eai_exp = self._build_exp() axis = eai_exp.plot_hexbin(mask, ignore_zero, pop_name, buffer, extend, axis=axis, adapt_fontsize=adapt_fontsize, **kwargs) axis.set_title('Expected annual impact') return axis
[docs] def plot_scatter_eai_exposure(self, mask=None, ignore_zero=True, pop_name=True, buffer=0.0, extend='neither', axis=None, adapt_fontsize=True, **kwargs): """Plot scatter expected annual impact of each exposure. Parameters ---------- mask : np.array, optional mask to apply to eai_exp plotted. ignore_zero : bool, optional flag to indicate if zero and negative values are ignored in plot. Default: False pop_name : bool, optional add names of the populated places buffer : float, optional border to add to coordinates. Default: 1.0. extend : str optional extend border colorbar with arrows. [ 'neither' | 'both' | 'min' | 'max' ] axis : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional axis to use adapt_fontsize : bool, optional If set to true, the size of the fonts will be adapted to the size of the figure. Otherwise the default matplotlib font size is used. Default is True. kwargs : optional arguments for hexbin matplotlib function Returns ------- cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot """ if 'cmap' not in kwargs: kwargs['cmap'] = CMAP_IMPACT eai_exp = self._build_exp() axis = eai_exp.plot_scatter(mask, ignore_zero, pop_name, buffer, extend, axis=axis, adapt_fontsize=adapt_fontsize, **kwargs) axis.set_title('Expected annual impact') return axis
[docs] def plot_raster_eai_exposure(self, res=None, raster_res=None, save_tiff=None, raster_f=lambda x: np.log10((np.fmax(x + 1, 1))), label='value (log10)', axis=None, adapt_fontsize=True, **kwargs): """Plot raster expected annual impact of each exposure. Parameters ---------- res : float, optional resolution of current data in units of latitude and longitude, approximated if not provided. raster_res : float, optional desired resolution of the raster save_tiff : str, optional file name to save the raster in tiff format, if provided raster_f : lambda function transformation to use to data. Default: log10 adding 1. label : str colorbar label axis : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional axis to use adapt_fontsize : bool, optional If set to true, the size of the fonts will be adapted to the size of the figure. Otherwise the default matplotlib font size is used. Default is True. kwargs : optional arguments for imshow matplotlib function Returns ------- cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot """ eai_exp = self._build_exp() axis = eai_exp.plot_raster(res, raster_res, save_tiff, raster_f, label, axis=axis, adapt_fontsize=adapt_fontsize, **kwargs) axis.set_title('Expected annual impact') return axis
[docs] def plot_basemap_eai_exposure(self, mask=None, ignore_zero=False, pop_name=True, buffer=0.0, extend='neither', zoom=10, url='', axis=None, **kwargs): """Plot basemap expected annual impact of each exposure. Parameters ---------- mask : np.array, optional mask to apply to eai_exp plotted. ignore_zero : bool, optional flag to indicate if zero and negative values are ignored in plot. Default: False pop_name : bool, optional add names of the populated places buffer : float, optional border to add to coordinates. Default: 0.0. extend : str, optional extend border colorbar with arrows. [ 'neither' | 'both' | 'min' | 'max' ] zoom : int, optional zoom coefficient used in the satellite image url : str, optional image source, e.g. ctx.sources.OSM_C axis : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional axis to use kwargs : optional arguments for scatter matplotlib function, e.g. cmap='Greys'. Default: 'Wistia' Returns ------- cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot """ if 'cmap' not in kwargs: kwargs['cmap'] = CMAP_IMPACT eai_exp = self._build_exp() axis = eai_exp.plot_basemap(mask, ignore_zero, pop_name, buffer, extend, zoom, url, axis=axis, **kwargs) axis.set_title('Expected annual impact') return axis
[docs] def plot_hexbin_impact_exposure(self, event_id=1, mask=None, ignore_zero=True, pop_name=True, buffer=0.0, extend='neither', axis=None, adapt_fontsize=True, **kwargs): """Plot hexbin impact of an event at each exposure. Requires attribute imp_mat. Parameters ---------- event_id : int, optional id of the event for which to plot the impact. Default: 1. mask : np.array, optional mask to apply to impact plotted. ignore_zero : bool, optional flag to indicate if zero and negative values are ignored in plot. Default: False pop_name : bool, optional add names of the populated places buffer : float, optional border to add to coordinates. Default: 1.0. extend : str, optional extend border colorbar with arrows. [ 'neither' | 'both' | 'min' | 'max' ] kwargs : optional arguments for hexbin matplotlib function axis : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot optional axis to use adapt_fontsize : bool, optional If set to true, the size of the fonts will be adapted to the size of the figure. Otherwise the default matplotlib font size is used. Default is True. Returns -------- matplotlib.figure.Figure, cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot """ if not hasattr(self.imp_mat, "shape") or self.imp_mat.shape[1] == 0: raise ValueError('attribute imp_mat is empty. Recalculate Impact' 'instance with parameter save_mat=True') if 'cmap' not in kwargs: kwargs['cmap'] = CMAP_IMPACT impact_at_events_exp = self._build_exp_event(event_id) axis = impact_at_events_exp.plot_hexbin(mask, ignore_zero, pop_name, buffer, extend, axis=axis, adapt_fontsize=adapt_fontsize, **kwargs) return axis
[docs] def plot_basemap_impact_exposure(self, event_id=1, mask=None, ignore_zero=True, pop_name=True, buffer=0.0, extend='neither', zoom=10, url='', axis=None, **kwargs): """Plot basemap impact of an event at each exposure. Requires attribute imp_mat. Parameters ---------- event_id : int, optional id of the event for which to plot the impact. Default: 1. mask : np.array, optional mask to apply to impact plotted. ignore_zero : bool, optional flag to indicate if zero and negative values are ignored in plot. Default: False pop_name : bool, optional add names of the populated places buffer : float, optional border to add to coordinates. Default: 0.0. extend : str, optional extend border colorbar with arrows. [ 'neither' | 'both' | 'min' | 'max' ] zoom : int, optional zoom coefficient used in the satellite image url : str, optional image source, e.g. ctx.sources.OSM_C axis : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional axis to use kwargs : optional arguments for scatter matplotlib function, e.g. cmap='Greys'. Default: 'Wistia' Returns ------- cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot """ if not hasattr(self.imp_mat, "shape") or self.imp_mat.shape[1] == 0: raise ValueError('attribute imp_mat is empty. Recalculate Impact' 'instance with parameter save_mat=True') if event_id not in self.event_id: raise ValueError(f'Event ID {event_id} not found') if 'cmap' not in kwargs: kwargs['cmap'] = CMAP_IMPACT impact_at_events_exp = self._build_exp_event(event_id) axis = impact_at_events_exp.plot_basemap(mask, ignore_zero, pop_name, buffer, extend, zoom, url, axis=axis, **kwargs) return axis
[docs] def write_csv(self, file_name): """Write data into csv file. imp_mat is not saved. Parameters ---------- file_name : str absolute path of the file """'Writing %s', file_name) with open(file_name, "w") as imp_file: imp_wr = csv.writer(imp_file) imp_wr.writerow(["tag_hazard", "tag_exposure", "tag_impact_func", "unit", "tot_value", "aai_agg", "event_id", "event_name", "event_date", "event_frequency", "at_event", "eai_exp", "exp_lat", "exp_lon", "exp_crs"]) csv_data = [[[self.tag['haz'].haz_type], [self.tag['haz'].file_name], [self.tag['haz'].description]], [[self.tag['exp'].file_name], [self.tag['exp'].description]], [[self.tag['impf_set'].file_name], [self.tag['impf_set'].description]], [self.unit], [self.tot_value], [self.aai_agg], self.event_id, self.event_name,, self.frequency, self.at_event, self.eai_exp, self.coord_exp[:, 0], self.coord_exp[:, 1], [str(]] for values in zip_longest(*csv_data): imp_wr.writerow(values)
[docs] def write_excel(self, file_name): """Write data into Excel file. imp_mat is not saved. Parameters ---------- file_name : str absolute path of the file """'Writing %s', file_name) def write_col(i_col, imp_ws, xls_data): """Write one measure""" row_ini = 1 for dat_row in xls_data: imp_ws.write(row_ini, i_col, dat_row) row_ini += 1 imp_wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(file_name) imp_ws = imp_wb.add_worksheet() header = ["tag_hazard", "tag_exposure", "tag_impact_func", "unit", "tot_value", "aai_agg", "event_id", "event_name", "event_date", "event_frequency", "at_event", "eai_exp", "exp_lat", "exp_lon", "exp_crs"] for icol, head_dat in enumerate(header): imp_ws.write(0, icol, head_dat) data = [self.tag['haz'].haz_type, str(self.tag['haz'].file_name), str(self.tag['haz'].description)] write_col(0, imp_ws, data) data = [str(self.tag['exp'].file_name), str(self.tag['exp'].description)] write_col(1, imp_ws, data) data = [str(self.tag['impf_set'].file_name), str(self.tag['impf_set'].description)] write_col(2, imp_ws, data) write_col(3, imp_ws, [self.unit]) write_col(4, imp_ws, [self.tot_value]) write_col(5, imp_ws, [self.aai_agg]) write_col(6, imp_ws, self.event_id) write_col(7, imp_ws, self.event_name) write_col(8, imp_ws, write_col(9, imp_ws, self.frequency) write_col(10, imp_ws, self.at_event) write_col(11, imp_ws, self.eai_exp) write_col(12, imp_ws, self.coord_exp[:, 0]) write_col(13, imp_ws, self.coord_exp[:, 1]) write_col(14, imp_ws, [str(]) imp_wb.close()
[docs] def write_sparse_csr(self, file_name): """Write imp_mat matrix in numpy's npz format."""'Writing %s', file_name) np.savez(file_name,, indices=self.imp_mat.indices, indptr=self.imp_mat.indptr, shape=self.imp_mat.shape)
[docs] def calc_impact_year_set(self, all_years=True, year_range=None): """Calculate yearly impact from impact data. Parameters ---------- all_years : boolean return values for all years between first and last year with event, including years without any events. year_range : tuple or list with integers start and end year Returns ------- Impact year set of type numpy.ndarray with summed impact per year. """ if year_range is None: year_range = [] orig_year = np.array([dt.datetime.fromordinal(date).year for date in]) if orig_year.size == 0 and len(year_range) == 0: return dict() if orig_year.size == 0 or (len(year_range) > 0 and all_years): years = np.arange(min(year_range), max(year_range) + 1) elif all_years: years = np.arange(min(orig_year), max(orig_year) + 1) else: years = np.array(sorted(np.unique(orig_year))) if not len(year_range) == 0: years = years[years >= min(year_range)] years = years[years <= max(year_range)] year_set = dict() for year in years: year_set[year] = sum(self.at_event[orig_year == year]) return year_set
[docs] def local_exceedance_imp(self, return_periods=(25, 50, 100, 250)): """Compute exceedance impact map for given return periods. Requires attribute imp_mat. Parameters ---------- return_periods : np.array return periods to consider Returns ------- np.array """'Computing exceedance impact map for return periods: %s', return_periods) try: self.imp_mat.shape[1] except AttributeError as err: raise ValueError('attribute imp_mat is empty. Recalculate Impact' 'instance with parameter save_mat=True') from err num_cen = self.imp_mat.shape[1] imp_stats = np.zeros((len(return_periods), num_cen)) cen_step = // self.imp_mat.shape[0] if not cen_step: raise ValueError('Increase max_matrix_size configuration parameter to > %s' % str(self.imp_mat.shape[0])) # separte in chunks chk = -1 for chk in range(int(num_cen / cen_step)): self._loc_return_imp(np.array(return_periods), self.imp_mat[:, chk * cen_step:(chk + 1) * cen_step].toarray(), imp_stats[:, chk * cen_step:(chk + 1) * cen_step]) self._loc_return_imp(np.array(return_periods), self.imp_mat[:, (chk + 1) * cen_step:].toarray(), imp_stats[:, (chk + 1) * cen_step:]) return imp_stats
[docs] def plot_rp_imp(self, return_periods=(25, 50, 100, 250), log10_scale=True, smooth=True, axis=None, **kwargs): """Compute and plot exceedance impact maps for different return periods. Calls local_exceedance_imp. Parameters ---------- return_periods : tuple(int), optional return periods to consider log10_scale : boolean, optional plot impact as log10(impact) smooth : bool, optional smooth plot to plot.RESOLUTIONxplot.RESOLUTION kwargs : optional arguments for pcolormesh matplotlib function used in event plots Returns -------- matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, np.ndarray (return_periods.size x num_centroids) """ imp_stats = self.local_exceedance_imp(np.array(return_periods)) if imp_stats == []: raise ValueError('Error: Attribute imp_mat is empty. Recalculate Impact' 'instance with parameter save_mat=True') if log10_scale: if np.min(imp_stats) < 0: imp_stats_log = np.log10(abs(imp_stats) + 1) colbar_name = 'Log10(abs(Impact)+1) (' + self.unit + ')' elif np.min(imp_stats) < 1: imp_stats_log = np.log10(imp_stats + 1) colbar_name = 'Log10(Impact+1) (' + self.unit + ')' else: imp_stats_log = np.log10(imp_stats) colbar_name = 'Log10(Impact) (' + self.unit + ')' else: imp_stats_log = imp_stats colbar_name = 'Impact (' + self.unit + ')' title = list() for ret in return_periods: title.append('Return period: ' + str(ret) + ' years') axis = u_plot.geo_im_from_array(imp_stats_log, self.coord_exp, colbar_name, title, smooth=smooth, axes=axis, **kwargs) return axis, imp_stats
[docs] @staticmethod def read_sparse_csr(file_name): """Read imp_mat matrix from numpy's npz format. Parameters ---------- file_name : str file name Returns ------- sparse.csr_matrix """'Reading %s', file_name) loader = np.load(file_name) return sparse.csr_matrix( (loader['data'], loader['indices'], loader['indptr']), shape=loader['shape'])
[docs] @classmethod def from_csv(cls, file_name): """Read csv file containing impact data generated by write_csv. Parameters ---------- file_name : str absolute path of the file Returns ------- imp : climada.engine.impact.Impact Impact from csv file """'Reading %s', file_name) imp_df = pd.read_csv(file_name) imp = cls() imp.unit = imp_df.unit[0] imp.tot_value = imp_df.tot_value[0] imp.aai_agg = imp_df.aai_agg[0] imp.event_id = imp_df.event_id[~np.isnan(imp_df.event_id)].values num_ev = imp.event_id.size imp.event_name = imp_df.event_name[:num_ev].values.tolist() = imp_df.event_date[:num_ev].values imp.at_event = imp_df.at_event[:num_ev].values imp.frequency = imp_df.event_frequency[:num_ev].values imp.eai_exp = imp_df.eai_exp[~np.isnan(imp_df.eai_exp)].values num_exp = imp.eai_exp.size imp.coord_exp = np.zeros((num_exp, 2)) imp.coord_exp[:, 0] = imp_df.exp_lat[:num_exp] imp.coord_exp[:, 1] = imp_df.exp_lon[:num_exp] try: = u_coord.to_crs_user_input(imp_df.exp_crs.values[0]) except AttributeError: = DEF_CRS imp.tag['haz'] = TagHaz(str(imp_df.tag_hazard[0]), str(imp_df.tag_hazard[1]), str(imp_df.tag_hazard[2])) imp.tag['exp'] = Tag(str(imp_df.tag_exposure[0]), str(imp_df.tag_exposure[1])) imp.tag['impf_set'] = Tag(str(imp_df.tag_impact_func[0]), str(imp_df.tag_impact_func[1])) return imp
[docs] def read_csv(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use Impact.from_csv instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of Impact.read_csv is deprecated." "Use Impact.from_csv instead.") self.__dict__ = Impact.from_csv(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_excel(cls, file_name): """Read excel file containing impact data generated by write_excel. Parameters ---------- file_name : str absolute path of the file Returns ------- imp : climada.engine.impact.Impact Impact from excel file """'Reading %s', file_name) dfr = pd.read_excel(file_name) imp =cls() imp.tag['haz'] = TagHaz() imp.tag['haz'].haz_type = dfr['tag_hazard'][0] imp.tag['haz'].file_name = dfr['tag_hazard'][1] imp.tag['haz'].description = dfr['tag_hazard'][2] imp.tag['exp'] = Tag() imp.tag['exp'].file_name = dfr['tag_exposure'][0] imp.tag['exp'].description = dfr['tag_exposure'][1] imp.tag['impf_set'] = Tag() imp.tag['impf_set'].file_name = dfr['tag_impact_func'][0] imp.tag['impf_set'].description = dfr['tag_impact_func'][1] imp.unit = dfr.unit[0] imp.tot_value = dfr.tot_value[0] imp.aai_agg = dfr.aai_agg[0] imp.event_id = dfr.event_id[~np.isnan(dfr.event_id.values)].values imp.event_name = dfr.event_name[:imp.event_id.size].values = dfr.event_date[:imp.event_id.size].values imp.frequency = dfr.event_frequency[:imp.event_id.size].values imp.at_event = dfr.at_event[:imp.event_id.size].values imp.eai_exp = dfr.eai_exp[~np.isnan(dfr.eai_exp.values)].values imp.coord_exp = np.zeros((imp.eai_exp.size, 2)) imp.coord_exp[:, 0] = dfr.exp_lat.values[:imp.eai_exp.size] imp.coord_exp[:, 1] = dfr.exp_lon.values[:imp.eai_exp.size] try: = u_coord.to_csr_user_input(dfr.exp_crs.values[0]) except AttributeError: = DEF_CRS return imp
[docs] def read_excel(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use Impact.from_excel instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of Impact.read_excel is deprecated." "Use Impact.from_excel instead.") self.__dict__ = Impact.from_excel(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @staticmethod def video_direct_impact(exp, impf_set, haz_list, file_name='', writer=animation.PillowWriter(bitrate=500), imp_thresh=0, args_exp=None, args_imp=None): """ Computes and generates video of accumulated impact per input events over exposure. Parameters ---------- exp : Exposures exposures instance, constant during all video impf_set : ImpactFuncSet impact functions haz_list : (list(Hazard)) every Hazard contains an event; all hazards use the same centroids file_name : str, optional file name to save video, if provided writer : matplotlib.animation.*, optional video writer. Default: pillow with bitrate=500 imp_thresh : float represent damages greater than threshold args_exp : optional arguments for scatter (points) or hexbin (raster) matplotlib function used in exposures args_imp : optional arguments for scatter (points) or hexbin (raster) matplotlib function used in impact Returns ------- list(Impact) """ if args_exp is None: args_exp = dict() if args_imp is None: args_imp = dict() imp_list = [] exp_list = [] imp_arr = np.zeros(len(exp.gdf)) for i_time, _ in enumerate(haz_list): imp_tmp = Impact() imp_tmp.calc(exp, impf_set, haz_list[i_time]) imp_arr = np.maximum(imp_arr, imp_tmp.eai_exp) # remove not impacted exposures save_exp = imp_arr > imp_thresh imp_tmp.coord_exp = imp_tmp.coord_exp[save_exp, :] imp_tmp.eai_exp = imp_arr[save_exp] imp_list.append(imp_tmp) exp_list.append(~save_exp) v_lim = [np.array([haz.intensity.min() for haz in haz_list]).min(), np.array([haz.intensity.max() for haz in haz_list]).max()] if 'vmin' not in args_exp: args_exp['vmin'] = exp.gdf.value.values.min() if 'vmin' not in args_imp: args_imp['vmin'] = np.array([imp.eai_exp.min() for imp in imp_list if imp.eai_exp.size]).min() if 'vmax' not in args_exp: args_exp['vmax'] = exp.gdf.value.values.max() if 'vmax' not in args_imp: args_imp['vmax'] = np.array([imp.eai_exp.max() for imp in imp_list if imp.eai_exp.size]).max() if 'cmap' not in args_exp: args_exp['cmap'] = 'winter_r' if 'cmap' not in args_imp: args_imp['cmap'] = 'autumn_r' plot_raster = False if exp.meta: plot_raster = True def run(i_time): haz_list[i_time].plot_intensity(1, axis=axis, cmap='Greys', vmin=v_lim[0], vmax=v_lim[1], alpha=0.8) if plot_raster: exp.plot_hexbin(axis=axis, mask=exp_list[i_time], ignore_zero=True, pop_name=False, **args_exp) if imp_list[i_time].coord_exp.size: imp_list[i_time].plot_hexbin_eai_exposure(axis=axis, pop_name=False, **args_imp) fig.delaxes(fig.axes[1]) else: exp.plot_scatter(axis=axis, mask=exp_list[i_time], ignore_zero=True, pop_name=False, **args_exp) if imp_list[i_time].coord_exp.size: imp_list[i_time].plot_scatter_eai_exposure(axis=axis, pop_name=False, **args_imp) fig.delaxes(fig.axes[1]) fig.delaxes(fig.axes[1]) fig.delaxes(fig.axes[1]) axis.set_xlim(haz_list[-1].centroids.lon.min(), haz_list[-1].centroids.lon.max()) axis.set_ylim(haz_list[-1], haz_list[-1] axis.set_title(haz_list[i_time].event_name[0]) pbar.update() if file_name:'Generating video %s', file_name) fig, axis, _fontsize = u_plot.make_map() ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, run, frames=len(haz_list), interval=500, blit=False) pbar = tqdm(total=len(haz_list)) fig.tight_layout(), writer=writer) pbar.close() return imp_list
def _loc_return_imp(self, return_periods, imp, exc_imp): """Compute local exceedence impact for given return period. Parameters ---------- return_periods : np.array return periods to consider cen_pos (int): centroid position Returns ------- np.array """ # sorted impacts sort_pos = np.argsort(imp, axis=0)[::-1, :] columns = np.ones(imp.shape, int) # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object # pylint/issues/3139 columns *= np.arange(columns.shape[1]) imp_sort = imp[sort_pos, columns] # cummulative frequency at sorted intensity freq_sort = self.frequency[sort_pos] np.cumsum(freq_sort, axis=0, out=freq_sort) for cen_idx in range(imp.shape[1]): exc_imp[:, cen_idx] = self._cen_return_imp( imp_sort[:, cen_idx], freq_sort[:, cen_idx], 0, return_periods) def _exp_impact(self, exp_iimp, exposures, hazard, imp_fun, insure_flag): """Compute impact for inpute exposure indexes and impact function. Parameters ---------- exp_iimp : np.array exposures indexes exposures: climada.entity.Exposures instance hazard : climada.Hazard imp_fun : climada.entity.ImpactFunc impact function instance insure_flag : bool consider deductible and cover of exposures """ if not exp_iimp.size: return # get assigned centroids icens = exposures.gdf[INDICATOR_CENTR + hazard.tag.haz_type].values[exp_iimp] # get affected intensities inten_val = hazard.intensity[:, icens] # get affected fractions fract = hazard.fraction[:, icens] # impact = fraction * mdr * value = imp_fun.calc_mdr( impact = fract.multiply(inten_val).multiply(exposures.gdf.value.values[exp_iimp]) if insure_flag and impact.nonzero()[0].size: inten_val = hazard.intensity[:, icens].toarray() paa = np.interp(inten_val, imp_fun.intensity, imp_fun.paa) impact = impact.toarray() impact -= exposures.gdf.deductible.values[exp_iimp] * paa impact = np.clip(impact, 0, exposures.gdf.cover.values[exp_iimp]) self.eai_exp[exp_iimp] += np.einsum('ji,j->i', impact, hazard.frequency) impact = sparse.coo_matrix(impact) else: self.eai_exp[exp_iimp] += np.squeeze(np.asarray(np.sum( impact.multiply(hazard.frequency.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=0))) self.at_event += np.squeeze(np.asarray(np.sum(impact, axis=1))) self.tot_value += np.sum(exposures.gdf.value.values[exp_iimp]) if isinstance(self.imp_mat, tuple): row_ind, col_ind = impact.nonzero() self.imp_mat[0].extend(list( self.imp_mat[1][0].extend(list(row_ind)) self.imp_mat[1][1].extend(list(exp_iimp[col_ind])) def _build_exp(self): return Exposures( data={ 'value': self.eai_exp, 'latitude': self.coord_exp[:, 0], 'longitude': self.coord_exp[:, 1], },, value_unit=self.unit, ref_year=0, tag=Tag(), meta=None ) def _build_exp_event(self, event_id): """Write impact of an event as Exposures Parameters ---------- event_id : int id of the event """ [[ix]] = (self.event_id == event_id).nonzero() return Exposures( data={ 'value': self.imp_mat[ix].toarray().ravel(), 'latitude': self.coord_exp[:, 0], 'longitude': self.coord_exp[:, 1], },, value_unit=self.unit, ref_year=0, tag=Tag(), meta=None ) @staticmethod def _cen_return_imp(imp, freq, imp_th, return_periods): """From ordered impact and cummulative frequency at centroid, get exceedance impact at input return periods. Parameters ---------- imp : np.array sorted impact at centroid freq : np.array cummulative frequency at centroid imp_th : float impact threshold return_periods : np.array return periods Returns ------- np.array """ imp_th = np.asarray(imp > imp_th).squeeze() imp_cen = imp[imp_th] freq_cen = freq[imp_th] if not imp_cen.size: return np.zeros((return_periods.size,)) try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") pol_coef = np.polyfit(np.log(freq_cen), imp_cen, deg=1) except ValueError: pol_coef = np.polyfit(np.log(freq_cen), imp_cen, deg=0) imp_fit = np.polyval(pol_coef, np.log(1 / return_periods)) wrong_inten = (return_periods > np.max(1 / freq_cen)) & np.isnan(imp_fit) imp_fit[wrong_inten] = 0. return imp_fit
[docs] def select(self, event_ids=None, event_names=None, dates=None, coord_exp=None): """ Select a subset of events and/or exposure points from the impact. If multiple input variables are not None, it returns all the impacts matching at least one of the conditions. Note ---- the frequencies are NOT adjusted. Method to adjust frequencies and obtain correct eai_exp: 1- Select subset of impact according to your choice imp = 2- Adjust manually the frequency of the subset of impact imp.frequency = [...] 3- Use select without arguments to select all events and recompute the eai_exp with the updated frequencies. imp = Parameters ---------- event_ids : list[int], optional Selection of events by their id. The default is None. event_names : list[str], optional Selection of events by their name. The default is None. dates : tuple(), optional (start-date, end-date), events are selected if they are >= than start-date and <= than end-date. Dates in same format as (ordinal format of datetime library) The default is None. coord_exp : np.ndarray), optional Selection of exposures coordinates [lat, lon] (in degrees) The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError If the impact matrix is missing, the eai_exp and aai_agg cannot be updated for a selection of events and/or exposures. Returns ------- imp : climada.engine.Impact A new impact object with a selection of events and/or exposures """ nb_events = self.event_id.size nb_exp = len(self.coord_exp) if self.imp_mat.shape != (nb_events, nb_exp): raise ValueError("The impact matrix is missing or incomplete. " "The eai_exp and aai_agg cannot be computed. " "Please recompute impact.calc() with save_mat=True " "before using") if nb_events == nb_exp: LOGGER.warning("The number of events is equal to the number of " "exposure points. It is not possible to " "differentiate events and exposures attributes. " "Please add/remove one event/exposure point. " "This is a purely technical limitation of this " "method.") return None imp = copy.deepcopy(self) # apply event selection to impact attributes sel_ev = self._selected_events_idx(event_ids, event_names, dates, nb_events) if sel_ev is not None: # set all attributes that are 'per event', i.e. have a dimension # of length equal to the number of events (=nb_events) for attr in get_attributes_with_matching_dimension(imp, [nb_events]): value = imp.__getattribute__(attr) if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): if value.ndim == 1: setattr(imp, attr, value[sel_ev]) else: LOGGER.warning("Found a multidimensional numpy array " "with one dimension matching the number of events. " "But multidimensional numpy arrays are not handled " "in") elif isinstance(value, sparse.csr_matrix): setattr(imp, attr, value[sel_ev, :]) elif isinstance(value, list) and value: setattr(imp, attr, [value[idx] for idx in sel_ev]) else: pass"The eai_exp and aai_agg are computed for the " "selected subset of events WITHOUT modification of " "the frequencies.") # apply exposure selection to impact attributes if coord_exp is not None: sel_exp = self._selected_exposures_idx(coord_exp) imp.coord_exp = imp.coord_exp[sel_exp] imp.imp_mat = imp.imp_mat[:, sel_exp] # .A1 reduce 1d matrix to 1d array imp.at_event = imp.imp_mat.sum(axis=1).A1 imp.tot_value = None"The total value cannot be re-computed for a " "subset of exposures and is set to None.") # cast frequency vector into 2d array for sparse matrix multiplication freq_mat = imp.frequency.reshape(len(imp.frequency), 1) # .A1 reduce 1d matrix to 1d array imp.eai_exp = imp.imp_mat.multiply(freq_mat).sum(axis=0).A1 imp.aai_agg = imp.eai_exp.sum() return imp
def _selected_exposures_idx(self, coord_exp): assigned_idx = u_coord.assign_coordinates(self.coord_exp, coord_exp, threshold=0) sel_exp = (assigned_idx >= 0).nonzero()[0] if sel_exp.size == 0: LOGGER.warning("No exposure coordinates match the selection.") return sel_exp def _selected_events_idx(self, event_ids, event_names, dates, nb_events): if all(var is None for var in [dates, event_ids, event_names]): return None # filter events by date if dates is None: mask_dt = np.zeros(nb_events, dtype=bool) else: mask_dt = np.ones(nb_events, dtype=bool) date_ini, date_end = dates if isinstance(date_ini, str): date_ini = u_dt.str_to_date(date_ini) date_end = u_dt.str_to_date(date_end) mask_dt &= (date_ini <= mask_dt &= ( <= date_end) if not np.any(mask_dt):'No impact event in given date range %s.', dates) sel_dt = mask_dt.nonzero()[0] # Convert bool to indices # filter events by id if event_ids is None: sel_id = np.array([], dtype=int) else: sel_id = np.isin(self.event_id, event_ids).nonzero()[0] if sel_id.size == 0:'No impact event with given ids %s found.', event_ids) # filter events by name if event_names is None: sel_na = np.array([], dtype=int) else: sel_na = np.isin(self.event_name, event_names).nonzero()[0] if sel_na.size == 0:'No impact event with given names %s found.', event_names) # select events with machting id, name or date field. sel_ev = np.unique(np.concatenate([sel_dt, sel_id, sel_na])) # if no event found matching ids, names or dates, warn the user if sel_ev.size == 0: LOGGER.warning("No event matches the selection. ") return sel_ev
[docs]class ImpactFreqCurve(): """Impact exceedence frequency curve. Attributes ---------- tag : dict dictionary of tags of exposures, impact functions set and hazard: {'exp': Tag(), 'impf_set': Tag(), 'haz': TagHazard()} return_per : np.array return period impact : np.array impact exceeding frequency unit : str value unit used (given by exposures unit) label : str string describing source data """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.tag = dict() self.return_per = np.array([]) self.impact = np.array([]) self.unit = '' self.label = ''
[docs] def plot(self, axis=None, log_frequency=False, **kwargs): """Plot impact frequency curve. Parameters ---------- axis : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional axis to use log_frequency : boolean, optional plot logarithmioc exceedance frequency on x-axis kwargs : optional arguments for plot matplotlib function, e.g. color='b' Returns ------- matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot """ if not axis: _, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1) axis.set_title(self.label) axis.set_ylabel('Impact (' + self.unit + ')') if log_frequency: axis.set_xlabel('Exceedance frequency (1/year)') axis.set_xscale('log') axis.plot(self.return_per**-1, self.impact, **kwargs) else: axis.set_xlabel('Return period (year)') axis.plot(self.return_per, self.impact, **kwargs) return axis