Source code for climada.engine.unsequa.calc_base

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Define Calc (uncertainty calculate) class.

import logging
import copy

import datetime as dt

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from climada.util.value_representation import sig_dig as u_sig_dig
from climada.engine.unsequa import UncOutput

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Calc(): """ Base class for uncertainty quantification Contains the generic sampling and sensitivity methods. For computing the uncertainty distribution for specific CLIMADA outputs see the subclass CalcImpact and CalcCostBenefit. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Empty constructor to be overwritten by subclasses """ self.input_var_names = () self.metric_names = () self.check_distr()
[docs] def check_distr(self): """ Log warning if input parameters repeated among input variables Returns ------- True. """ distr_dict = dict() for input_var in self.input_vars: for input_param_name, input_param_func in input_var.distr_dict.items(): if input_param_name in distr_dict: func = distr_dict[input_param_name] x = np.linspace(func.ppf(0.01), func.ppf(0.99), 100) if not np.all(func.cdf(x) == input_param_func.cdf(x)): raise ValueError( f"The input parameter {input_param_name}" " is shared among two input variables with" " different distributions." ) LOGGER.warning( "\n\nThe input parameter %s is shared " + "among at least 2 input variables. Their uncertainty is " + "thus computed with the same samples for this " + "input paramter.\n\n", input_param_name ) distr_dict[input_param_name] = input_param_func return True
@property def input_vars(self): """ Uncertainty variables Returns ------- tuple(UncVar) All uncertainty variables associated with the calculation """ return tuple(getattr(self, var) for var in self.input_var_names) @property def distr_dict(self): """ Dictionary of the input variable distribution Probabilitiy density distribution of all the parameters of all the uncertainty variables listed in self.InputVars Returns ------- distr_dict : dict( sp.stats objects ) Dictionary of all probability density distributions. """ distr_dict = dict() for input_var in self.input_vars: distr_dict.update(input_var.distr_dict) return distr_dict
[docs] def est_comp_time(self, n_samples, time_one_run, pool=None): """ Estimate the computation time Parameters ---------- n_samples : int/float The total number of samples time_one_run : int/float Estimated computation time for one parameter set in seconds pool : pathos.pool, optional pool that would be used for parallel computation. The default is None. Returns ------- Estimated computation time in secs. """ time_one_run = u_sig_dig(time_one_run, n_sig_dig=3) if time_one_run > 5: LOGGER.warning("Computation time for one set of parameters is " "%.2fs. This is rather long." "Potential reasons: InputVars are loading data, centroids have " "been assigned to exp before defining input_var, ..." "\n If computation cannot be reduced, consider using" " a surrogate model", time_one_run) ncpus = pool.ncpus if pool else 1 total_time = n_samples * time_one_run / ncpus"\n\nEstimated computaion time: %s\n", dt.timedelta(seconds=total_time)) return total_time
[docs] def make_sample(self, N, sampling_method='saltelli', sampling_kwargs = None): """ Make samples of the input variables For all input parameters, sample from their respective distributions using the chosen sampling_method from SALib. This sets the attributes unc_output.samples_df, unc_output.sampling_method, unc_output.sampling_kwargs. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of samples as used in the sampling method from SALib sampling_method : str, optional The sampling method as defined in SALib. Possible choices: 'saltelli', 'fast_sampler', 'latin', 'morris', 'dgsm', 'ff' The default is 'saltelli'. sampling_kwargs : kwargs, optional Optional keyword arguments passed on to the SALib sampling_method. The default is None. Returns ------- unc_output : climada.engine.uncertainty.unc_output.UncOutput() Uncertainty data object with the samples See Also -------- SALib.sample: sampling methods from SALib SALib.sample """ if sampling_kwargs is None: sampling_kwargs = {} param_labels = list(self.distr_dict.keys()) problem_sa = { 'num_vars' : len(param_labels), 'names' : param_labels, 'bounds' : [[0, 1]]*len(param_labels) } uniform_base_sample = self._make_uniform_base_sample(N, problem_sa, sampling_method, sampling_kwargs) df_samples = pd.DataFrame(uniform_base_sample, columns=param_labels) for param in list(df_samples): df_samples[param] = df_samples[param].apply( self.distr_dict[param].ppf ) sampling_kwargs = { key: str(val) for key, val in sampling_kwargs.items() } df_samples.attrs['sampling_method'] = sampling_method df_samples.attrs['sampling_kwargs'] = tuple(sampling_kwargs.items()) unc_output = UncOutput(df_samples)"Effective number of made samples: %d", unc_output.n_samples) return unc_output
def _make_uniform_base_sample(self, N, problem_sa, sampling_method, sampling_kwargs): """ Make a uniform distributed [0,1] sample for the defined uncertainty parameters (self.param_labels) with the chosen method from SALib (self.sampling_method) Parameters ---------- N: int Number of samples as defined for the SALib sample method. Note that the effective number of created samples might be larger (c.f. SALib) problem_sa: dict() Description of input variables. Is used as argument for the SALib sampling method. sampling_method: string The sampling method as defined in SALib. Possible choices: 'saltelli', 'fast_sampler', 'latin', 'morris', 'dgsm', 'ff' sampling_kwargs: dict() Optional keyword arguments passed on to the SALib sampling method. Returns ------- sample_uniform : np.matrix Returns a NumPy matrix containing the sampled uncertainty parameters using the defined sampling method """ if sampling_kwargs is None: sampling_kwargs = {} #Import the named submodule from the SALib sample module #From the workings of __import__ the use of 'from_list' is necessary #c.f. import importlib salib_sampling_method = importlib.import_module(f'SALib.sample.{sampling_method}') sample_uniform = salib_sampling_method.sample( problem = problem_sa, N = N, **sampling_kwargs) return sample_uniform
[docs] def sensitivity(self, unc_output, sensitivity_method = 'sobol', sensitivity_kwargs = None): """ Compute the sensitivity indices using SALib. Prior to doing the sensitivity analysis, one must compute the uncertainty (distribution) of the output values (with self.uncertainty()) for all the samples (rows of self.samples_df). According to Wikipedia, sensitivity analysis is “the study of how the uncertainty in the output of a mathematical model or system (numerical or otherwise) can be apportioned to different sources of uncertainty in its inputs.” The sensitivity of each input is often represented by a numeric value, called the sensitivity index. Sensitivity indices come in several forms. This sets the attributes: sens_output.sensistivity_method sens_output.sensitivity_kwargs sens_output.xxx_sens_df for each metric unc_output.xxx_unc_df Parameters ---------- unc_output : climada.engine.uncertainty.unc_output.UncOutput() Uncertainty data object in which to store the sensitivity indices sensitivity_method : str sensitivity analysis method from SALib.analyse Possible choices: 'fast', 'rbd_fact', 'morris', 'sobol', 'delta', 'ff' The default is 'sobol'. Note that in Salib, sampling methods and sensitivity analysis methods should be used in specific pairs. sensitivity_kwargs: dict(), optional Keyword arguments of the chosen SALib analyse method. The default is to use SALib's default arguments. Returns ------- sens_output : climada.engine.uncertainty.unc_output.UncOutput() Uncertainty data object with all the sensitivity indices, and all the uncertainty data copied over from unc_output. """ if sensitivity_kwargs is None: sensitivity_kwargs = {} #Check compatibility of sampling and sensitivity methods unc_output.check_salib(sensitivity_method) #Import the named submodule from the SALib analyse module #From the workings of __import__ the use of 'from_list' is necessary #c.f. method = getattr( __import__('SALib.analyze', fromlist=[sensitivity_method] ), sensitivity_method ) sens_output = copy.deepcopy(unc_output) #Certaint Salib method required model input (X) and output (Y), others #need only ouput (Y) salib_kwargs = method.analyze.__code__.co_varnames # obtain all kwargs of the salib method X = unc_output.samples_df.to_numpy() if 'X' in salib_kwargs else None for metric_name in self.metric_names: unc_df = unc_output.get_unc_df(metric_name) sens_df = _calc_sens_df(method, unc_output.problem_sa, sensitivity_kwargs, unc_output.param_labels, X, unc_df) sens_output.set_sens_df(metric_name, sens_df) sensitivity_kwargs = { key: str(val) for key, val in sensitivity_kwargs.items()} sens_output.sensitivity_method = sensitivity_method sens_output.sensitivity_kwargs = tuple(sensitivity_kwargs.items()) return sens_output
def _calc_sens_df(method, problem_sa, sensitivity_kwargs, param_labels, X, unc_df): sens_first_order_dict = {} sens_second_order_dict = {} for (submetric_name, metric_unc) in unc_df.iteritems(): Y = metric_unc.to_numpy() if X is not None: sens_indices = method.analyze(problem_sa, X, Y, **sensitivity_kwargs) else: sens_indices = method.analyze(problem_sa, Y, **sensitivity_kwargs) sens_first_order = np.array([ np.array(si_val_array) for si, si_val_array in sens_indices.items() if (np.array(si_val_array).ndim == 1 and si!='names') # dirty trick due to Salib incoherent output ]).ravel() sens_first_order_dict[submetric_name] = sens_first_order sens_second_order = np.array([ np.array(si_val_array) for si_val_array in sens_indices.values() if np.array(si_val_array).ndim == 2 ]).ravel() sens_second_order_dict[submetric_name] = sens_second_order sens_first_order_df = pd.DataFrame(sens_first_order_dict, dtype=np.number) if not sens_first_order_df.empty: si_names_first_order, param_names_first_order = _si_param_first(param_labels, sens_indices) sens_first_order_df.insert(0, 'si', si_names_first_order) sens_first_order_df.insert(1, 'param', param_names_first_order) sens_first_order_df.insert(2, 'param2', None) sens_second_order_df = pd.DataFrame(sens_second_order_dict) if not sens_second_order_df.empty: si_names_second_order, param_names_second_order, param_names_second_order_2 = \ _si_param_second(param_labels, sens_indices) sens_second_order_df.insert(0, 'si', si_names_second_order,) sens_second_order_df.insert(1, 'param', param_names_second_order) sens_second_order_df.insert(2, 'param2', param_names_second_order_2) sens_df = pd.concat( [sens_first_order_df, sens_second_order_df] ).reset_index(drop=True) return sens_df def _si_param_first(param_labels, sens_indices): n_params = len(param_labels) si_name_first_order_list = [ key for key, array in sens_indices.items() if (np.array(array).ndim == 1 and key!='names') # dirty trick due to Salib incoherent output ] si_names_first_order = [ si for si in si_name_first_order_list for _ in range(n_params) ] param_names_first_order = param_labels * len(si_name_first_order_list) return si_names_first_order, param_names_first_order def _si_param_second(param_labels, sens_indices): n_params = len(param_labels) si_name_second_order_list = [ key for key, array in sens_indices.items() if np.array(array).ndim == 2 ] si_names_second_order = [ si for si in si_name_second_order_list for _ in range(n_params**2) ] param_names_second_order_2 = param_labels \ * len(si_name_second_order_list) * n_params param_names_second_order = [ param for param in param_labels for _ in range(n_params) ] * len(si_name_second_order_list) return si_names_second_order, param_names_second_order, param_names_second_order_2