Citation Guide#

If you use CLIMADA for your work, please cite the appropriate publications. A list of all CLIMADA code related articles is available on Zotero and can be downloaded as single Bibtex file: climada_publications.bib

Publications by Module#

If you use specific tools and modules of CLIMADA, please cite the appropriate publications presenting these modules according to the following table:

Module or tool used

Publication to cite


The Zenodo archive of the CLIMADA version you are using

Impact calculations

Aznar-Siguan, G. and Bresch, D. N. (2019): CLIMADA v1: A global weather and climate risk assessment platform, Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 3085–3097,

Cost-benefit analysis

Bresch, D. N. and Aznar-Siguan, G. (2021): CLIMADA v1.4.1: Towards a globally consistent adaptation options appraisal tool, Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 351–363,

Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis

Kropf, C. M. et al. (2022): Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for probabilistic weather and climate-risk modelling: an implementation in CLIMADA v.3.1.0. Geosci. Model Dev. 15, 7177–7201,

Lines and polygons exposures or Open Street Map exposures

Mühlhofer, E., et al. (2023): OpenStreetMap for Multi-Faceted Climate Risk Assessments

LitPop exposures

Eberenz, S., et al. (2020): Asset exposure data for global physical risk assessment. Earth System Science Data 12, 817–833,

Please find the code to reprocduce selected CLIMADA-related scientific publications in our repository of scientific publications.