Using Climada on the Euler Cluster (ETH internal)#
Access to Euler#
See for details on how to register at and get started with Euler.
For all steps below, first enter the Cluster via SSH.
Installation and working directories#
Please, get familiar with the various Euler storage options:
As a general rule: use /cluster/project
for installation and /cluster/work
for data processing.
For ETH WCR group members, the suggested installation and working directories are /cluster/project/climate/$USER
and /cluster/work/climate/$USER
You may have to create the installation directory:
mkdir -p /cluster/project/climate/$USER \
Pre-installed version of Climada#
Climada is pre-installed and available in the default pip environment of Euler.
1. Load dependencies#
Use the new software stack. Unless you have already done so, run new
module load gcc/8.2.0 python/3.11.2 hdf5/1.10.1 gdal/3.4.3 geos/3.9.1 proj/8.2.1 libspatialindex/1.9.3 netcdf/4.6.3 eccodes/2.31.0 zlib/1.2.9 libtiff/4.2.0 sqlite/3.35.5
You need to execute this every time you login to Euler before Climada can be used. To safe yourself from doing it manually, append these lines to the ~/.bashrc script, which is automatically executed upon logging in to Euler.
2. Check installation#
python -c 'import climada; print(climada.__file__)'
should output something like this:
3. Adjust the Climada configuration#
Edit a configuration file according to your needs (see Guide_Configuration). Create a climada.conf file e.g., in /cluster/home/$USER/.config with the following content:
"local_data": {
"system": "/cluster/work/climate/USERNAME/climada/data",
"demo": "/cluster/project/climate/USERNAME/climada/data/demo",
"save_dir": "/cluster/work/climate/USERNAME/climada/results"
(Replace USERNAME with your nethz-id.)
4. Run a job#
Please see the docs at on how to use the slurm
batch system
and the Wiki for a mapping of lsf
commands to their slurm
cd /cluster/work/climate/$USER # change to the working directory
sbatch [slurm options*] --wrap 'python' # submit the job
Working with Git branches#
If the Climada version of the default installation is not according to your needs, you can install Climada from a local Git repository.
1. Load dependencies#
See Load dependencies above.
2. Create installation environment#
python -m venv --system-site-packages /cluster/project/climate/$USER/climada_venv
3. Checkout sources#
cd /cluster/project/climate/$USER
git clone
cd climada_python
git checkout develop # i.e., your branch of interest
4. Pip install Climada#
source /cluster/project/climate/$USER/climada_venv/bin/activate
pip install -e /cluster/project/climate/$USER/climada_python
5. Check installation#
cd /cluster/work/climate/$USER
python -c 'import climada; print(climada.__file__)'
should output exactly this (with explicit $USER):
6. Adjust the Climada configuration#
See Adjust the Climada configuration above.
7. Run a job#
See Run a job above.
Fallback: Conda#
If Climada cannot be installed through pip because of changed dependency requirements, there is still the possibility to install Climada through the Conda environment.
WARNING: This approach is highly discouraged, as it imposes a heavy and mostly unnecessary burden on the file system of the cluster.
1. Conda#
Download or update to the latest version of Miniconda.
Installation is done by execution of the following steps:
cd /cluster/project/climate/USERNAME
miniconda3/bin/conda init
During the installation process of Miniconda, you are prompted to set the working directory according to your choice.
Set it to /cluster/project/climate/USERNAME/miniconda3
Once the installation has finished, log out of Euler and in again. The command prompt should be preceded by (base)
indicating that the installation was a success and that you login in into conda’s base environment by default.
2. Checkout sources#
See Checkout sources above.
3. Climada environment#
Create the conda environment:
cd /cluster/project/climate/USERNAME/climada_python
conda env create -f requirements/env_climada.yml --name climada_env
conda env update -n climada_env -f requirements/env_developer.yml
conda activate climada_env
conda install conda-build
conda develop .
4. Adjust the Climada configuration#
See Adjust the Climada configuration above.
5. Climada scripts#
Create a bash script for executing python scripts in the climada environment,
. ~/.bashrc
conda activate climada_env
python $PYTHON_SCRIPT $@
echo $PYTHON_SCRIPT completed
Make it executable:
chmod +x
Create a python script that executes climada code, e.g.,
import sys
from climada import CONFIG, SYSTEM_DIR
from climada.util.test.test_finance import TestNetpresValue
print("the script ran with arguments", sys.argv)
6. Run a job#
With the scripts from above you can submit the python script as a job like this:
sbatch [slurm options] --wrap "/path/to/ /path/to/ arg1 arg2"
After the job has finished the slurm output file should look something like this:
the script ran with arguments ['/path/to/', 'arg1' 'arg2'] completed
Please see the docs at on how to use the slurm
batch system
and the Wiki for a mapping of lsf
commands to their slurm
1. Conda#
Remove the miniconda3 directory from the installation directory:
rm -rf /cluster/project/climate/USERNAME/miniconda3/
Delete the conda related parts from /cluster/home/USERNAME/.bashrc
, i.e., everything between
# >>> conda initialize >>>
# <<< conda initialize <<<
2. Climada#
Remove the climada sources and config file:
rm -rf /cluster/project/climate/USERNAME/climada_python
rm -f /cluster/home/USERNAME/climada.conf /cluster/home/USERNAME/*/climada.conf
Run Jupyter Notebook on Euler#
It is possible to run a Jupyter Notebook on Euler within a JupytherHub instance running as an interactive slurm job. See the documentation
For using climada inside the jupyter notebook, create a .jupyterlabrc
file in your Euler home directory with the following content:
module purge
module load StdEnv gcc/8.2.0 python_gpu/3.11.2 eth_proxy hdf5/1.10.1 gdal/3.4.3 geos/3.9.1 proj/8.2.1 libspatialindex/1.9.3 netcdf/4.6.3 eccodes/2.31.0 zlib/1.2.9 libtiff/4.2.0 sqlite/3.35.5
Then login to and start a JupyterLab server.
Using a virtual environment in a Jupyter notebook#
By default the pre-installed climada version is running in your notebooks. If you want to use climada from source you can simply install a python kernel from the climada_venv
environment, see Working with Git branches
Install an IPyhton-kernel:
source /cluster/project/climate/$USER/climada_venv/bin/activate
python -m ipykernel install --user --name climada_venv
Start a new JupyterLab server, the climada_venv
kernel should appear in the list of available kernels in JupyterHub.
Trouble shooting#
1. Python Module not found or available#
Make sure your python environment is activated.
pip install --upgrade MISSING_MODULE
2. Upgrading from Python 3.9 or 3.10#
Virtual environments created are i.g. only working for the Python version they were created with. In particular Python kernels from 3.9 environments will fail to connect in a Jupyter notebook on
It’s suggested to create new environments and remove the old kernels from
3. Incompatible GEOS version#
If you get a warning UserWarning: The Shapely GEOS version (3.9.1-CAPI-1.14.2) is incompatible with the GEOS version PyGEOS was compiled with (3.9.1-CAPI-1.14.2). Conversions between both will be slow.
or similar (version numbers may vary), updating geopandas can help:
Create and activate a virtual environment with
pip install --upgrade geopandas