climada.engine package


climada.engine package#

climada.engine.calibration_opt module#

climada.engine.calibration_opt.calib_instance(hazard, exposure, impact_func, df_out=Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: [], yearly_impact=False, return_cost='False')[source]#

calculate one impact instance for the calibration algorithm and write to given DataFrame

  • hazard (Hazard)

  • exposure (Exposure)

  • impact_func (ImpactFunc)

  • df_out (Dataframe, optional) – Output DataFrame with headers of columns defined and optionally with first row (index=0) defined with values. If columns “impact”, “event_id”, or “year” are not included, they are created here. Data like reported impacts or impact function parameters can be given here; values are preserved.

  • yearly_impact (boolean, optional) – if set True, impact is returned per year, not per event

  • return_cost (str, optional) – if not ‘False’ but any of ‘R2’, ‘logR2’, cost is returned instead of df_out


df_out – DataFrame with modelled impact written to rows for each year or event.

Return type:


climada.engine.calibration_opt.init_impf(impf_name_or_instance, param_dict, df_out=Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: [0])[source]#

create an ImpactFunc based on the parameters in param_dict using the method specified in impf_parameterisation_name and document it in df_out.

  • impf_name_or_instance (str or ImpactFunc) – method of impact function parameterisation e.g. ‘emanuel’ or an instance of ImpactFunc

  • param_dict (dict, optional) – dict of parameter_names and values e.g. {‘v_thresh’: 25.7, ‘v_half’: 70, ‘scale’: 1} or {‘mdd_shift’: 1.05, ‘mdd_scale’: 0.8, ‘paa_shift’: 1, paa_scale’: 1}


  • imp_fun (ImpactFunc) – The Impact function based on the parameterisation

  • df_out (DataFrame) – Output DataFrame with headers of columns defined and with first row (index=0) defined with values. The impact function parameters from param_dict are represented here.

climada.engine.calibration_opt.change_impf(impf_instance, param_dict)[source]#

apply a shifting or a scaling defined in param_dict to the impact function in impf_istance and return it as a new ImpactFunc object.

  • impf_instance (ImpactFunc) – an instance of ImpactFunc

  • param_dict (dict) – dict of parameter_names and values (interpreted as factors, 1 = neutral) e.g. {‘mdd_shift’: 1.05, ‘mdd_scale’: 0.8, ‘paa_shift’: 1, paa_scale’: 1}



Return type:

The Impact function based on the parameterisation

climada.engine.calibration_opt.init_impact_data(hazard_type, region_ids, year_range, source_file, reference_year, impact_data_source='emdat', yearly_impact=True)[source]#

creates a dataframe containing the recorded impact data for one hazard type and one area (countries, country or local split)

  • hazard_type (str) – default = ‘TC’, type of hazard ‘WS’,’FL’ etc.

  • region_ids (str) – name the region_ids or country names

  • year_range (list) – list containting start and end year. e.g. [1980, 2017]

  • source_file (str)

  • reference_year (int) – impacts will be scaled to this year

  • impact_data_source (str, optional) – default ‘emdat’, others maybe possible

  • yearly_impact (bool, optional) – if set True, impact is returned per year, not per event


df_out – Dataframe with recorded impact written to rows for each year or event.

Return type:


climada.engine.calibration_opt.calib_cost_calc(df_out, cost_function)[source]#
calculate the cost function of the modelled impact impact_CLIMADA and

the reported impact impact_scaled in df_out

  • df_out (pd.Dataframe) – DataFrame as created in calib_instance

  • cost_function (str) – chooses the cost function e.g. ‘R2’ or ‘logR2’


cost – The results of the cost function when comparing modelled and reported impact

Return type:


climada.engine.calibration_opt.calib_all(hazard, exposure, impf_name_or_instance, param_full_dict, impact_data_source, year_range, yearly_impact=True)[source]#

portrait the difference between modelled and reported impacts for all impact functions described in param_full_dict and impf_name_or_instance

  • hazard (list or Hazard)

  • exposure (list or Exposures) – list or instance of exposure of full countries

  • impf_name_or_instance (string or ImpactFunc) – the name of a parameterisation or an instance of class ImpactFunc e.g. ‘emanuel’

  • param_full_dict (dict) – a dict containing keys used for f_name_or_instance and values which are iterable (lists) e.g. {‘v_thresh’ : [25.7, 20], ‘v_half’: [70], ‘scale’: [1, 0.8]}

  • impact_data_source (dict or pd.Dataframe) – with name of impact data source and file location or dataframe

  • year_range (list)

  • yearly_impact (bool, optional)


df_result – df with modelled impact written to rows for each year or event.

Return type:


climada.engine.calibration_opt.calib_optimize(hazard, exposure, impf_name_or_instance, param_dict, impact_data_source, year_range, yearly_impact=True, cost_fucntion='R2', show_details=False)[source]#

portrait the difference between modelled and reported impacts for all impact functions described in param_full_dict and impf_name_or_instance

  • hazard (list or Hazard)

  • exposure (list or Exposures) – list or instance of exposure of full countries

  • impf_name_or_instance (string or ImpactFunc) – the name of a parameterisation or an instance of class ImpactFunc e.g. ‘emanuel’

  • param_dict (dict) – a dict containing keys used for impf_name_or_instance and one set of values e.g. {‘v_thresh’: 25.7, ‘v_half’: 70, ‘scale’: 1}

  • impact_data_source (dict or pd. dataframe) – with name of impact data source and file location or dataframe

  • year_range (list)

  • yearly_impact (bool, optional)

  • cost_function (str, optional) – the argument for function calib_cost_calc, default ‘R2’

  • show_details (bool, optional) – if True, return a tuple with the parameters AND the details of the optimization like success, status, number of iterations etc


param_dict_result – the parameters with the best calibration results (or a tuple with (1) the parameters and (2) the optimization output)

Return type:

dict or tuple

climada.engine.cost_benefit module#

class climada.engine.cost_benefit.CostBenefit(present_year: int = 2016, future_year: int = 2030, tot_climate_risk: float = 0.0, unit: str = 'USD', color_rgb: Dict[str, ndarray] | None = None, benefit: Dict[str, float] | None = None, cost_ben_ratio: Dict[str, float] | None = None, imp_meas_present: Dict[str, float | Tuple[float, float] | Impact | ImpactFreqCurve] | None = None, imp_meas_future: Dict[str, float | Tuple[float, float] | Impact | ImpactFreqCurve] | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

Impact definition. Compute from an entity (exposures and impact functions) and hazard.


present reference year




future year




total climate risk without measures




unit used for impact




color code RGB for each measure.




measure name (‘no measure’ used for case without measure),






benefit of each measure. Key: measure name, Value: float benefit




cost benefit ratio of each measure. Key: measure name, Value: float cost benefit ratio




impact of each measure at future or default. Key: measure name (‘no measure’ used for case without measure), Value: dict with: ‘cost’ (tuple): (cost measure, cost factor insurance), ‘risk’ (float): risk measurement, ‘risk_transf’ (float): annual expected risk transfer, ‘efc’ (ImpactFreqCurve): impact exceedance freq (optional) ‘impact’ (Impact): impact instance




impact of each measure at present. Key: measure name (‘no measure’ used for case without measure), Value: dict with: ‘cost’ (tuple): (cost measure, cost factor insurance), ‘risk’ (float): risk measurement, ‘risk_transf’ (float): annual expected risk transfer, ‘efc’ (ImpactFreqCurve): impact exceedance freq (optional) ‘impact’ (Impact): impact instance



__init__(present_year: int = 2016, future_year: int = 2030, tot_climate_risk: float = 0.0, unit: str = 'USD', color_rgb: Dict[str, ndarray] | None = None, benefit: Dict[str, float] | None = None, cost_ben_ratio: Dict[str, float] | None = None, imp_meas_present: Dict[str, float | Tuple[float, float] | Impact | ImpactFreqCurve] | None = None, imp_meas_future: Dict[str, float | Tuple[float, float] | Impact | ImpactFreqCurve] | None = None)[source]#


calc(hazard, entity, haz_future=None, ent_future=None, future_year=None, risk_func=<function risk_aai_agg>, imp_time_depen=None, save_imp=False, assign_centroids=True)[source]#

Compute cost-benefit ratio for every measure provided current and, optionally, future conditions. Present and future measures need to have the same name. The measures costs need to be discounted by the user. If future entity provided, only the costs of the measures of the future and the discount rates of the present will be used.

  • hazard (climada.Hazard)

  • entity (climada.entity)

  • haz_future (climada.Hazard, optional) – hazard in the future (future year provided at ent_future)

  • ent_future (Entity, optional) – entity in the future. Default is None

  • future_year (int, optional) – future year to consider if no ent_future. Default is None provided. The benefits are added from the entity.exposures.ref_year until ent_future.exposures.ref_year, or until future_year if no ent_future given. Default: entity.exposures.ref_year+1

  • risk_func (func optional) – function describing risk measure to use to compute the annual benefit from the Impact. Default: average annual impact (aggregated).

  • imp_time_depen (float, optional) – parameter which represents time evolution of impact (super- or sublinear). If None: all years count the same when there is no future hazard nor entity and 1 (linear annual change) when there is future hazard or entity. Default is None.

  • save_imp (bool, optional) – Default: False

  • assign_centroids (bool, optional) – indicates whether centroids are assigned to the self.exposures object. Centroids assignment is an expensive operation; set this to False to save computation time if the exposures from ent and ent_fut have already centroids assigned for the respective hazards. Default: True

  • True if Impact of each measure is saved. Default is False.

combine_measures(in_meas_names, new_name, new_color, disc_rates, imp_time_depen=None, risk_func=<function risk_aai_agg>)[source]#

Compute cost-benefit of the combination of measures previously computed by calc with save_imp=True. The benefits of the measures per event are added. To combine with risk transfer options use apply_risk_transfer.

  • in_meas_names (list(str))

  • list with names of measures to combine

  • new_name (str) – name to give to the new resulting measure new_color (np.array): color code RGB for new measure, e.g. np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1])

  • disc_rates (DiscRates) – discount rates instance

  • imp_time_depen (float, optional) – parameter which represents time evolution of impact (super- or sublinear). If None: all years count the same when there is no future hazard nor entity and 1 (linear annual change) when there is future hazard or entity. Default is None.

  • risk_func (func, optional) – function describing risk measure given an Impact. Default: average annual impact (aggregated).

Return type:


apply_risk_transfer(meas_name, attachment, cover, disc_rates, cost_fix=0, cost_factor=1, imp_time_depen=None, risk_func=<function risk_aai_agg>)[source]#

Applies risk transfer to given measure computed before with saved impact and compares it to when no measure is applied. Appended to dictionaries of measures.

  • meas_name (str) – name of measure where to apply risk transfer

  • attachment (float) – risk transfer values attachment (deductible)

  • cover (float) – risk transfer cover

  • cost_fix (float) – fixed cost of implemented innsurance, e.g. transaction costs

  • cost_factor (float, optional) – factor to which to multiply the insurance layer to compute its cost. Default is 1

  • imp_time_depen (float, optional) – parameter which represents time evolution of impact (super- or sublinear). If None: all years count the same when there is no future hazard nor entity and 1 (linear annual change) when there is future hazard or entity. Default is None.

  • risk_func (func, optional) – function describing risk measure given an Impact. Default: average annual impact (aggregated).


Remove computed values of given measure


meas_name (str) – name of measure to remove

plot_cost_benefit(cb_list=None, axis=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot cost-benefit graph. Call after calc().

  • cb_list (list(CostBenefit), optional) – if other CostBenefit provided, overlay them all. Used for uncertainty visualization.

  • axis (matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional) – axis to use

  • kwargs (optional) – arguments for Rectangle matplotlib, e.g. alpha=0.5 (color is set by measures color attribute)

Return type:


plot_event_view(return_per=(10, 25, 100), axis=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot averted damages for return periods. Call after calc().

  • return_per (list, optional) – years to visualize. Default 10, 25, 100

  • axis (matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional) – axis to use

  • kwargs (optional) – arguments for bar matplotlib function, e.g. alpha=0.5 (color is set by measures color attribute)

Return type:


static plot_waterfall(hazard, entity, haz_future, ent_future, risk_func=<function risk_aai_agg>, axis=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot waterfall graph at future with given risk metric. Can be called before and after calc().

  • hazard (climada.Hazard)

  • entity (climada.Entity)

  • haz_future (Hazard) – hazard in the future (future year provided at ent_future). haz_future is expected to have the same centroids as hazard.

  • ent_future (climada.Entity) – entity in the future

  • risk_func (func, optional) – function describing risk measure given an Impact. Default: average annual impact (aggregated).

  • axis (matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional) – axis to use

  • kwargs (optional) – arguments for bar matplotlib function, e.g. alpha=0.5

Return type:


plot_arrow_averted(axis, in_meas_names=None, accumulate=False, combine=False, risk_func=<function risk_aai_agg>, disc_rates=None, imp_time_depen=1, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot waterfall graph with accumulated values from present to future year. Call after calc() with save_imp=True.

  • axis (matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot) – axis from plot_waterfall or plot_waterfall_accumulated where arrow will be added to last bar

  • in_meas_names (list(str), optional) – list with names of measures to represented total averted damage. Default: all measures

  • accumulate (bool, optional)) – accumulated averted damage (True) or averted damage in future (False). Default: False

  • combine (bool, optional) – use combine_measures to compute total averted damage (True) or just add benefits (False). Default: False

  • risk_func (func, optional) – function describing risk measure given an Impact used in combine_measures. Default: average annual impact (aggregated).

  • disc_rates (DiscRates, optional) – discount rates used in combine_measures

  • imp_time_depen (float, optional) – parameter which represent time evolution of impact used in combine_measures. Default: 1 (linear).

  • kwargs (optional) – arguments for bar matplotlib function, e.g. alpha=0.5

plot_waterfall_accumulated(hazard, entity, ent_future, risk_func=<function risk_aai_agg>, imp_time_depen=1, axis=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot waterfall graph with accumulated values from present to future year. Call after calc() with save_imp=True. Provide same inputs as in calc.

  • hazard (climada.Hazard)

  • entity (climada.Entity)

  • ent_future (climada.Entity) – entity in the future

  • risk_func (func, optional) – function describing risk measure given an Impact. Default: average annual impact (aggregated).

  • imp_time_depen (float, optional) – parameter which represent time evolution of impact used in combine_measures. Default: 1 (linear).

  • axis (matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional) – axis to use

  • kwargs (optional) – arguments for bar matplotlib function, e.g. alpha=0.5

Return type:



Risk measurement as average annual impact aggregated.


impact (climada.engine.Impact) – an Impact instance

Return type:



Risk measurement as exceedance impact at 100 years return period.


impact (climada.engine.Impact) – an Impact instance

Return type:



Risk measurement as exceedance impact at 250 years return period.


impact (climada.engine.Impact) – an Impact instance

Return type:


climada.engine.forecast module#

class climada.engine.forecast.Forecast(hazard_dict: Dict[str, Hazard], exposure: Exposures, impact_funcs: ImpactFuncSet, haz_model: str = 'NWP', exposure_name: str | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

Forecast definition. Compute an impact forecast with predefined hazard originating from a forecast (like numerical weather prediction models), exposure and impact. Use the calc() method to calculate a forecasted impact. Then use the plotting methods to illustrate the forecasted impacts. By default plots are saved under in a ‘/forecast/plots’ folder in the configurable save_dir in local_data (see climada.util.config) under a name summarizing the Hazard type, haz model name, initialization time of the forecast run, event date, exposure name and the plot title. As the class is relatively new, there might be future changes to the attributes, the methods, and the parameters used to call the methods. It was discovered at some point, that there might be a memory leak in matplotlib even when figures are closed (matplotlib/matplotlib#8519). Due to this reason the plotting functions in this module have the flag close_fig, to close figures within the function scope, which might mitigate that problem if a script runs this plotting functions many times.


initialization time of the forecast model run used to create the Hazard


list of datetime.datetime


Date on which the Hazard event takes place




List of the hazard forecast with different lead times.


list of CLIMADA Hazard


Short string specifying the model used to create the hazard, if possible three big letters.




an CLIMADA Exposures containg values at risk




string specifying the exposure (e.g. ‘EU’), which is used to name output files.




Set of impact functions used in the impact calculation.



__init__(hazard_dict: Dict[str, Hazard], exposure: Exposures, impact_funcs: ImpactFuncSet, haz_model: str = 'NWP', exposure_name: str | None = None)[source]#

Initialization with hazard, exposure and vulnerability.

  • hazard_dict (dict) – Dictionary of the format {run_datetime: Hazard} with run_datetime being the initialization time of a weather forecast run and Hazard being a CLIMADA Hazard derived from that forecast for one event. A probabilistic representation of that one event is possible, as long as the attribute is the same for all events. Several run_datetime:Hazard combinations for the same event can be provided.

  • exposure (Exposures)

  • impact_funcs (ImpactFuncSet)

  • haz_model (str, optional) – Short string specifying the model used to create the hazard, if possible three big letters. Default is ‘NWP’ for numerical weather prediction.

  • exposure_name (str, optional) – string specifying the exposure (e.g. ‘EU’), which is used to name output files. If None, the name will be inferred from the Exposures GeoDataframe region_id column, using the corresponding name of the region with the lowest ISO 3166-1 numeric code. If that fails, it defaults to "custom".


Expected impact per exposure


run_datetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Select the used hazard by the run_datetime, default is first element of attribute run_datetime.

Return type:



average impact aggregated over all exposures


run_datetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Select the used hazard by the run_datetime, default is first element of attribute run_datetime.

Return type:



provide a summary string for the hazard part of the forecast


run_datetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Select the used hazard by the run_datetime, default is first element of attribute run_datetime.


summarizing the most important information about the hazard

Return type:



provide a summary string for the impact forecast


run_datetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Select the used hazard by the run_datetime, default is first element of attribute run_datetime.


summarizing the most important information about the impact forecast

Return type:



provide the lead time for the impact forecast


run_datetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Select the used hazard by the run_datetime, default is first element of attribute run_datetime.


the difference between the initialization time of the forecast model run and the date of the event, commenly named lead time

Return type:



calculate the impacts for all lead times using exposure, all hazards of all run_datetime, and ImpactFunctionSet.


force_reassign (bool, optional) – Reassign hazard centroids to the exposure for all hazards, default is false.

plot_imp_map(run_datetime=None, explain_str=None, save_fig=True, close_fig=False, polygon_file=None, polygon_file_crs='epsg:4326', proj=<Projected CRS: +proj=eqc +ellps=WGS84 +a=6378137.0 +lon_0=0.0 +to ...> Name: unknown Axis Info [cartesian]: - E[east]: Easting (unknown) - N[north]: Northing (unknown) - h[up]: Ellipsoidal height (metre) Area of Use: - undefined Coordinate Operation: - name: unknown - method: Equidistant Cylindrical Datum: unknown - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich, figsize=(9, 13), adapt_fontsize=True)[source]#

plot a map of the impacts

  • run_datetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Select the used hazard by the run_datetime, default is first element of attribute run_datetime.

  • explain_str (str, optional) – Short str which explains type of impact, explain_str is included in the title of the figure. default is ‘mean building damage caused by wind’

  • save_fig (bool, optional) – Figure is saved if True, folder is within your configurable save_dir and filename is derived from the method summary_str() (for more details see class docstring). Default is True.

  • close_fig (bool, optional) – Figure not drawn if True. Default is False.

  • polygon_file (str, optional) – Points to a .shp-file with polygons do be drawn as outlines on the plot, default is None to not draw the lines. please also specify the crs in the parameter polygon_file_crs.

  • polygon_file_crs (str, optional) – String of pattern <provider>:<code> specifying the crs. has to be readable by pyproj.Proj. Default is ‘epsg:4326’.

  • proj (ccrs) – coordinate reference system used in coordinates The default is ccrs.PlateCarree()

  • figsize (tuple) – figure size for plt.subplots, width, height in inches The default is (9, 13)

  • adapt_fontsize (bool, optional) – If set to true, the size of the fonts will be adapted to the size of the figure. Otherwise the default matplotlib font size is used. Default is True.



Return type:


plot_hist(run_datetime=None, explain_str=None, save_fig=True, close_fig=False, figsize=(9, 8))[source]#

plot histogram of the forecasted impacts all ensemble members

  • run_datetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Select the used hazard by the run_datetime, default is first element of attribute run_datetime.

  • explain_str (str, optional) – Short str which explains type of impact, explain_str is included in the title of the figure. default is ‘total building damage’

  • save_fig (bool, optional) – Figure is saved if True, folder is within your configurable save_dir and filename is derived from the method summary_str() (for more details see class docstring). Default is True.

  • close_fig (bool, optional) – Figure is not drawn if True. Default is False.

  • figsize (tuple) – figure size for plt.subplots, width, height in inches The default is (9, 8)



Return type:


plot_exceedence_prob(threshold, explain_str=None, run_datetime=None, save_fig=True, close_fig=False, polygon_file=None, polygon_file_crs='epsg:4326', proj=<Projected CRS: +proj=eqc +ellps=WGS84 +a=6378137.0 +lon_0=0.0 +to ...> Name: unknown Axis Info [cartesian]: - E[east]: Easting (unknown) - N[north]: Northing (unknown) - h[up]: Ellipsoidal height (metre) Area of Use: - undefined Coordinate Operation: - name: unknown - method: Equidistant Cylindrical Datum: unknown - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich, figsize=(9, 13), adapt_fontsize=True)[source]#

plot exceedence map

  • threshold (float) – Threshold of impact unit for which exceedence probability should be plotted.

  • explain_str (str, optional) – Short str which explains threshold, explain_str is included in the title of the figure.

  • run_datetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Select the used hazard by the run_datetime, default is first element of attribute run_datetime.

  • save_fig (bool, optional) – Figure is saved if True, folder is within your configurable save_dir and filename is derived from the method summary_str() (for more details see class docstring). Default is True.

  • close_fig (bool, optional) – Figure not drawn if True. Default is False.

  • polygon_file (str, optional) – Points to a .shp-file with polygons do be drawn as outlines on the plot, default is None to not draw the lines. please also specify the crs in the parameter polygon_file_crs.

  • polygon_file_crs (str, optional) – String of pattern <provider>:<code> specifying the crs. has to be readable by pyproj.Proj. Default is ‘epsg:4326’.

  • proj (ccrs) – coordinate reference system used in coordinates The default is ccrs.PlateCarree()

  • figsize (tuple) – figure size for plt.subplots, width, height in inches The default is (9, 13)

  • adapt_fontsize (bool, optional) – If set to true, the size of the fonts will be adapted to the size of the figure. Otherwise, the default matplotlib font size is used. Default is True.



Return type:


plot_warn_map(polygon_file=None, polygon_file_crs='epsg:4326', thresholds='default', decision_level='exposure_point', probability_aggregation=0.5, area_aggregation=0.5, title='WARNINGS', explain_text='warn level based on thresholds', run_datetime=None, proj=<Projected CRS: +proj=eqc +ellps=WGS84 +a=6378137.0 +lon_0=0.0 +to ...> Name: unknown Axis Info [cartesian]: - E[east]: Easting (unknown) - N[north]: Northing (unknown) - h[up]: Ellipsoidal height (metre) Area of Use: - undefined Coordinate Operation: - name: unknown - method: Equidistant Cylindrical Datum: unknown - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich, figsize=(9, 13), save_fig=True, close_fig=False, adapt_fontsize=True)[source]#

plot map colored with 5 warning colors for all regions in provided shape file.

  • polygon_file (str, optional) – path to shp-file containing warning region polygons

  • polygon_file_crs (str, optional) – String of pattern <provider>:<code> specifying the crs. has to be readable by pyproj.Proj. Default is ‘epsg:4326’.

  • thresholds (list of 4 floats, optional) – Thresholds for coloring region in second, third, forth and fifth warning color.

  • decision_level (str, optional) – Either ‘exposure_point’ or ‘polygon’. Default value is ‘exposure_point’.

  • probability_aggregation (float or str, optional) – Either a float between [0..1] spezifying a quantile or ‘mean’ or ‘sum’. Default value is 0.5.

  • area_aggregation (float or str.) – Either a float between [0..1] specifying a quantile or ‘mean’ or ‘sum’. Default value is 0.5.

  • run_datetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Select the used hazard by the run_datetime, default is first element of attribute run_datetime.

  • title (str, optional) – Default is ‘WARNINGS’.

  • explain_text (str, optional) – Defaut is ‘warn level based on thresholds’.

  • proj (ccrs) – coordinate reference system used in coordinates

  • figsize (tuple) – figure size for plt.subplots, width, height in inches The default is (9, 13)

  • save_fig (bool, optional) – Figure is saved if True, folder is within your configurable save_dir and filename is derived from the method summary_str() (for more details see class docstring). Default is True.

  • close_fig (bool, optional) – Figure is not drawn if True. The default is False.

  • adapt_fontsize (bool, optional) – If set to true, the size of the fonts will be adapted to the size of the figure. Otherwise, the default matplotlib font size is used. Default is True.



Return type:


plot_hexbin_ei_exposure(run_datetime=None, figsize=(9, 13))[source]#

plot the expected impact

  • run_datetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Select the used hazard by the run_datetime, default is first element of attribute run_datetime.

  • figsize (tuple) – figure size for plt.subplots, width, height in inches The default is (9, 13)

Return type:


climada.engine.impact module#

class climada.engine.impact.ImpactFreqCurve(return_per: ~numpy.ndarray = <factory>, impact: ~numpy.ndarray = <factory>, unit: str = '', frequency_unit: str = '1/year', label: str = '')[source]#

Bases: object

Impact exceedence frequency curve.

return_per: ndarray#

return period

impact: ndarray#

impact exceeding frequency

__init__(return_per: ~numpy.ndarray = <factory>, impact: ~numpy.ndarray = <factory>, unit: str = '', frequency_unit: str = '1/year', label: str = '') None#
unit: str = ''#

value unit used (given by exposures unit)

frequency_unit: str = '1/year'#

value unit used (given by exposures unit)

label: str = ''#

string describing source data

plot(axis=None, log_frequency=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot impact frequency curve.

  • axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – axis to use

  • log_frequency (boolean, optional) – plot logarithmioc exceedance frequency on x-axis

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – arguments for plot matplotlib function, e.g. color=’b’

Return type:


class climada.engine.impact.Impact(event_id=None, event_name=None, date=None, frequency=None, frequency_unit='1/year', coord_exp=None, crs='EPSG:4326', eai_exp=None, at_event=None, tot_value=0.0, aai_agg=0.0, unit='', imp_mat=None, haz_type='')[source]#

Bases: object

Impact definition. Compute from an entity (exposures and impact functions) and hazard.


id (>0) of each hazard event




list name of each hazard event




date if events as integer date corresponding to the proleptic Gregorian ordinal, where January 1 of year 1 has ordinal 1 (ordinal format of datetime library)




exposures coordinates [lat, lon] (in degrees)




WKT string of the impact’s crs




expected impact for each exposure within a period of 1/frequency_unit




impact for each hazard event




frequency of event




frequency unit used (given by hazard), default is ‘1/year’




average impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit (aggregated)




value unit used (given by exposures unit)




matrix num_events x num_exp with impacts. only filled if save_mat is True in calc()




the hazard type of the hazard



__init__(event_id=None, event_name=None, date=None, frequency=None, frequency_unit='1/year', coord_exp=None, crs='EPSG:4326', eai_exp=None, at_event=None, tot_value=0.0, aai_agg=0.0, unit='', imp_mat=None, haz_type='')[source]#

Init Impact object

  • event_id (np.array, optional) – id (>0) of each hazard event

  • event_name (list, optional) – list name of each hazard event

  • date (np.array, optional) – date if events as integer date corresponding to the proleptic Gregorian ordinal, where January 1 of year 1 has ordinal 1 (ordinal format of datetime library)

  • frequency (np.array, optional) – frequency of event impact for each hazard event

  • frequency_unit (np.array, optional) – frequency unit, default: ‘1/year’

  • coord_exp (np.array, optional) – exposures coordinates [lat, lon] (in degrees)

  • crs (Any, optional) – Coordinate reference system. CRS instances from pyproj and rasterio will be transformed into WKT. Other types are not handled explicitly.

  • eai_exp (np.array, optional) – expected impact for each exposure within a period of 1/frequency_unit

  • at_event (np.array, optional) – impact for each hazard event

  • tot_value (float, optional) – total exposure value affected

  • aai_agg (float, optional) – average impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit (aggregated)

  • unit (str, optional) – value unit used (given by exposures unit)

  • imp_mat (sparse.csr_matrix, optional) – matrix num_events x num_exp with impacts.

  • haz_type (str, optional) – the hazard type

calc(exposures, impact_funcs, hazard, save_mat=False, assign_centroids=True)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use ImpactCalc.impact instead.

classmethod from_eih(exposures, hazard, at_event, eai_exp, aai_agg, imp_mat=None)[source]#

Set Impact attributes from precalculated impact metrics.

Changed in version 3.3: The impfset argument was removed.

  • exposures (climada.entity.Exposures) – exposure used to compute imp_mat

  • impfset (climada.entity.ImpactFuncSet) – impact functions set used to compute imp_mat

  • hazard (climada.Hazard) – hazard used to compute imp_mat

  • at_event (np.array) – impact for each hazard event

  • eai_exp (np.array) – expected impact for each exposure within a period of 1/frequency_unit

  • aai_agg (float) – average impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit (aggregated)

  • imp_mat (sparse.csr_matrix, optional) – matrix num_events x num_exp with impacts. Default is None (empty sparse csr matrix).


impact with all risk metrics set based on the given impact matrix

Return type:


property tot_value#

Return the total exposure value close to a hazard

Deprecated since version 3.3: Use climada.entity.exposures.base.Exposures.affected_total_value() instead.

transfer_risk(attachment, cover)[source]#

Compute the risk transfer for the full portfolio. This is the risk of the full portfolio summed over all events. For each event, the transfered risk amounts to the impact minus the attachment (but maximally equal to the cover) multiplied with the probability of the event.

  • attachment (float) – attachment per event for entire portfolio.

  • cover (float) – cover per event for entire portfolio.


  • transfer_at_event (np.array) – risk transfered per event

  • transfer_aai_agg (float) – average risk within a period of 1/frequency_unit, transfered

residual_risk(attachment, cover)[source]#

Compute the residual risk after application of insurance attachment and cover to entire portfolio. This is the residual risk of the full portfolio summed over all events. For each event, the residual risk is obtained by subtracting the transfered risk from the trom the total risk per event. of the event.

  • attachment (float) – attachment per event for entire portfolio.

  • cover (float) – cover per event for entire portfolio.


  • residual_at_event (np.array) – residual risk per event

  • residual_aai_agg (float) – average residual risk within a period of 1/frequency_unit

See also


compute the transfer risk per portfolio.

calc_risk_transfer(attachment, cover)[source]#

Compute traaditional risk transfer over impact. Returns new impact with risk transfer applied and the insurance layer resulting Impact metrics.

  • attachment (float) – (deductible)

  • cover (float)

Return type:


impact_per_year(all_years=True, year_range=None)[source]#

Calculate yearly impact from impact data.

Note: the impact in a given year is summed over all events. Thus, the impact in a given year can be larger than the total affected exposure value.

  • all_years (boolean, optional) – return values for all years between first and last year with event, including years without any events. Default: True

  • year_range (tuple or list with integers, optional) – start and end year


year_set – Key=year, value=Summed impact per year.

Return type:



Aggregate impact on given aggregation regions. This method works only if Impact.imp_mat was stored during the impact calculation.


agg_regions (np.array, list (optional)) – The length of the array must equal the number of centroids in exposures. It reports what macro-regions these centroids belong to. For example, asuming there are three centroids and agg_regions = [‘A’, ‘A’, ‘B’] then impact of the first and second centroids will be assigned to region A, whereas impact from the third centroid will be assigned to area B. If no aggregation regions are passed, the method aggregates impact at the country (admin_0) level. Default is None.


Contains the aggregated data per event. Rows: Hazard events. Columns: Aggregation regions.

Return type:


calc_impact_year_set(all_years=True, year_range=None)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use Impact.impact_per_year instead.

local_exceedance_impact(return_periods=(25, 50, 100, 250), method='interpolate', min_impact=0, log_frequency=True, log_impact=True)[source]#

Compute local exceedance impact for given return periods. The default method is fitting the ordered impacts per centroid to the corresponding cummulated frequency with linear interpolation on log-log scale.

  • return_periods (array_like) – User-specified return periods for which the exceedance intensity should be calculated locally (at each centroid). Defaults to (25, 50, 100, 250).

  • method (str) – Method to interpolate to new return periods. Currently available are “interpolate”, “extrapolate”, “extrapolate_constant” and “stepfunction”. If set to “interpolate”, return periods outside the range of the Impact object’s observed local return periods will be assigned NaN. If set to “extrapolate_constant” or “stepfunction”, return periods larger than the Impact object’s observed local return periods will be assigned the largest local impact, and return periods smaller than the Impact object’s observed local return periods will be assigned 0. If set to “extrapolate”, local exceedance impacts will be extrapolated (and interpolated). Defauls to “interpolate”.

  • min_impact (float, optional) – Minimum threshold to filter the impact. Defaults to 0.

  • log_frequency (bool, optional) – This parameter is only used if method is set to “extrapolate” or “interpolate”. If set to True, (cummulative) frequency values are converted to log scale before inter- and extrapolation. Defaults to True.

  • log_impact (bool, optional) – This parameter is only used if method is set to “extrapolate” or “interpolate”. If set to True, impact values are converted to log scale before inter- and extrapolation. Defaults to True.


  • gdf (gpd.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing exeedance impacts for given return periods. Each column corresponds to a return period, each row corresponds to a centroid. Values in the gdf correspond to the exceedance impact for the given centroid and return period

  • label (str) – GeoDataFrame label, for reporting and plotting

  • column_label (function) – Column-label-generating function, for reporting and plotting

local_exceedance_imp(return_periods=(25, 50, 100, 250))[source]#

This function is deprecated, use Impact.local_exceedance_impact instead.

Deprecated since version The: use of Impact.local_exceedance_imp is deprecated. Use Impact.local_exceedance_impact instead. Some errors in the previous calculation in Impact.local_exceedance_imp have been corrected. To reproduce data with the previous calculation, use CLIMADA v5.0.0 or less.

local_return_period(threshold_impact=(1000.0, 10000.0), method='interpolate', min_impact=0, log_frequency=True, log_impact=True)[source]#

Compute local return periods for given threshold impacts. The default method is fitting the ordered impacts per centroid to the corresponding cummulated frequency with linear interpolation on log-log scale.

  • threshold_impact (array_like) – User-specified impact values for which the return period should be calculated locally (at each centroid). Defaults to (1000, 10000)

  • method (str) – Method to interpolate to new threshold impacts. Currently available are “interpolate”, “extrapolate”, “extrapolate_constant” and “stepfunction”. If set to “interpolate”, threshold impacts outside the range of the Impact object’s local impacts will be assigned NaN. If set to “extrapolate_constant” or “stepfunction”, threshold impacts larger than the Impacts object’s local impacts will be assigned NaN, and threshold impacts smaller than the Impact object’s local impacts will be assigned the smallest observed local return period. If set to “extrapolate”, local return periods will be extrapolated (and interpolated). Defaults to “interpolate”.

  • min_impacts (float, optional) – Minimum threshold to filter the impact. Defaults to 0.

  • log_frequency (bool, optional) – This parameter is only used if method is set to “interpolate”. If set to True, (cummulative) frequency values are converted to log scale before inter- and extrapolation. Defaults to True.

  • log_impact (bool, optional) – This parameter is only used if method is set to “interpolate”. If set to True, impact values are converted to log scale before inter- and extrapolation. Defaults to True.


  • gdf (gpd.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing return periods for given threshold impacts. Each column corresponds to a threshold_impact value, each row corresponds to a centroid. Values in the gdf correspond to the return period for the given centroid and threshold_impact value

  • label (str) – GeoDataFrame label, for reporting and plotting

  • column_label (function) – Column-label-generating function, for reporting and plotting


Compute impact exceedance frequency curve.


return_per (np.array, optional) – return periods where to compute the exceedance impact. Use impact’s frequencies if not provided

Return type:


plot_scatter_eai_exposure(mask=None, ignore_zero=False, pop_name=True, buffer=0.0, extend='neither', axis=None, adapt_fontsize=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot scatter expected impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit of each exposure.

  • mask (np.array, optional) – mask to apply to eai_exp plotted.

  • ignore_zero (bool, optional) – flag to indicate if zero and negative values are ignored in plot. Default: False

  • pop_name (bool, optional) – add names of the populated places

  • buffer (float, optional) – border to add to coordinates. Default: 1.0.

  • extend (str) – optional extend border colorbar with arrows. [ ‘neither’ | ‘both’ | ‘min’ | ‘max’ ]

  • axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – axis to use

  • adapt_fontsize (bool, optional) – If set to true, the size of the fonts will be adapted to the size of the figure. Otherwise the default matplotlib font size is used. Default is True.

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – arguments for hexbin matplotlib function

Return type:


plot_hexbin_eai_exposure(mask=None, ignore_zero=False, pop_name=True, buffer=0.0, extend='neither', axis=None, adapt_fontsize=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot hexbin expected impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit of each exposure.

  • mask (np.array, optional) – mask to apply to eai_exp plotted.

  • ignore_zero (bool, optional) – flag to indicate if zero and negative values are ignored in plot. Default: False

  • pop_name (bool, optional) – add names of the populated places

  • buffer (float, optional) – border to add to coordinates. Default: 1.0.

  • extend (str, optional) – extend border colorbar with arrows. [ ‘neither’ | ‘both’ | ‘min’ | ‘max’ ]

  • axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – axis to use

  • adapt_fontsize (bool, optional) – If set to true, the size of the fonts will be adapted to the size of the figure. Otherwise the default matplotlib font size is used. Default: True

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – arguments for hexbin matplotlib function

Return type:


plot_raster_eai_exposure(res=None, raster_res=None, save_tiff=None, raster_f=<function Impact.<lambda>>, label='value (log10)', axis=None, adapt_fontsize=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot raster expected impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit of each exposure.

  • res (float, optional) – resolution of current data in units of latitude and longitude, approximated if not provided.

  • raster_res (float, optional) – desired resolution of the raster

  • save_tiff (str, optional) – file name to save the raster in tiff format, if provided

  • raster_f (lambda function) – transformation to use to data. Default: log10 adding 1.

  • label (str) – colorbar label

  • axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – axis to use

  • adapt_fontsize (bool, optional) – If set to true, the size of the fonts will be adapted to the size of the figure. Otherwise the default matplotlib font size is used. Default is True.

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – arguments for imshow matplotlib function

Return type:


plot_basemap_eai_exposure(mask=None, ignore_zero=False, pop_name=True, buffer=0.0, extend='neither', zoom=10, url={'attribution': '(C) OpenStreetMap contributors (C) CARTO', 'html_attribution': '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors &copy; <a href="">CARTO</a>', 'max_zoom': 20, 'name': 'CartoDB.Positron', 'subdomains': 'abcd', 'url': 'https://{s}{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png', 'variant': 'light_all'}, axis=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot basemap expected impact of each exposure within a period of 1/frequency_unit.

  • mask (np.array, optional) – mask to apply to eai_exp plotted.

  • ignore_zero (bool, optional) – flag to indicate if zero and negative values are ignored in plot. Default: False

  • pop_name (bool, optional) – add names of the populated places

  • buffer (float, optional) – border to add to coordinates. Default: 0.0.

  • extend (str, optional) – extend border colorbar with arrows. [ ‘neither’ | ‘both’ | ‘min’ | ‘max’ ]

  • zoom (int, optional) – zoom coefficient used in the satellite image

  • url (str, optional) – image source, default: ctx.providers.CartoDB.Positron

  • axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – axis to use

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – arguments for scatter matplotlib function, e.g. cmap=’Greys’. Default: ‘Wistia’

Return type:


plot_hexbin_impact_exposure(event_id=1, mask=None, ignore_zero=False, pop_name=True, buffer=0.0, extend='neither', axis=None, adapt_fontsize=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot hexbin impact of an event at each exposure. Requires attribute imp_mat.

  • event_id (int, optional) – id of the event for which to plot the impact. Default: 1.

  • mask (np.array, optional) – mask to apply to impact plotted.

  • ignore_zero (bool, optional) – flag to indicate if zero and negative values are ignored in plot. Default: False

  • pop_name (bool, optional) – add names of the populated places

  • buffer (float, optional) – border to add to coordinates. Default: 1.0.

  • extend (str, optional) – extend border colorbar with arrows. [ ‘neither’ | ‘both’ | ‘min’ | ‘max’ ]

  • axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – optional axis to use

  • adapt_fontsize (bool, optional) – If set to true, the size of the fonts will be adapted to the size of the figure. Otherwise the default matplotlib font size is used. Default is True.

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – arguments for hexbin matplotlib function

Return type:


plot_basemap_impact_exposure(event_id=1, mask=None, ignore_zero=False, pop_name=True, buffer=0.0, extend='neither', zoom=10, url={'attribution': '(C) OpenStreetMap contributors (C) CARTO', 'html_attribution': '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors &copy; <a href="">CARTO</a>', 'max_zoom': 20, 'name': 'CartoDB.Positron', 'subdomains': 'abcd', 'url': 'https://{s}{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png', 'variant': 'light_all'}, axis=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot basemap impact of an event at each exposure. Requires attribute imp_mat.

  • event_id (int, optional) – id of the event for which to plot the impact. Default: 1.

  • mask (np.array, optional) – mask to apply to impact plotted.

  • ignore_zero (bool, optional) – flag to indicate if zero and negative values are ignored in plot. Default: False

  • pop_name (bool, optional) – add names of the populated places

  • buffer (float, optional) – border to add to coordinates. Default: 0.0.

  • extend (str, optional) – extend border colorbar with arrows. [ ‘neither’ | ‘both’ | ‘min’ | ‘max’ ]

  • zoom (int, optional) – zoom coefficient used in the satellite image

  • url (str, optional) – image source, default: ctx.providers.CartoDB.Positron

  • axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – axis to use

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – arguments for scatter matplotlib function, e.g. cmap=’Greys’. Default: ‘Wistia’

Return type:


plot_rp_imp(return_periods=(25, 50, 100, 250), log10_scale=True, smooth=True, axis=None, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use Impact.local_exceedance_impact and util.plot.plot_from_gdf instead.

Compute and plot exceedance impact maps for different return periods. Calls local_exceedance_imp.

  • return_periods (tuple of int, optional) – return periods to consider. Default: (25, 50, 100, 250)

  • log10_scale (boolean, optional) – plot impact as log10(impact). Default: True

  • smooth (bool, optional) – smooth plot to plot.RESOLUTIONxplot.RESOLUTION. Default: True

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – arguments for pcolormesh matplotlib function used in event plots


  • axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes)

  • imp_stats (np.array) – return_periods.size x num_centroids

Deprecated since version The: use of Impact.plot_rp_imp is deprecated.Use Impact.local_exceedance_impact and util.plot.plot_from_gdf instead.


Write data into csv file. imp_mat is not saved.


file_name (str) – absolute path of the file


Write data into Excel file. imp_mat is not saved.


file_name (str) – absolute path of the file

write_hdf5(file_path: str | Path, dense_imp_mat: bool = False)[source]#

Write the data stored in this object into an H5 file.

Try to write all attributes of this class into H5 datasets or attributes. By default, any iterable will be stored in a dataset and any string or scalar will be stored in an attribute. Dictionaries will be stored as groups, with the previous rules being applied recursively to their values.

The impact matrix can be stored in a sparse or dense format.

  • file_path (str or Path) – File path to write data into. The enclosing directory must exist.

  • dense_imp_mat (bool) – If True, write the impact matrix as dense matrix that can be more easily interpreted by common H5 file readers but takes up (vastly) more space. Defaults to False.


TypeError – If event_name does not contain strings exclusively.


Write imp_mat matrix in numpy’s npz format.

static read_sparse_csr(file_name)[source]#

Read imp_mat matrix from numpy’s npz format.


file_name (str)

Return type:


classmethod from_csv(file_name)[source]#

Read csv file containing impact data generated by write_csv.


file_name (str) – absolute path of the file


imp – Impact from csv file

Return type:


read_csv(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use Impact.from_csv instead.

classmethod from_excel(file_name)[source]#

Read excel file containing impact data generated by write_excel.


file_name (str) – absolute path of the file


imp – Impact from excel file

Return type:


read_excel(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use Impact.from_excel instead.

classmethod from_hdf5(file_path: str | Path)[source]#

Create an impact object from an H5 file.

This assumes a specific layout of the file. If values are not found in the expected places, they will be set to the default values for an Impact object.

The following H5 file structure is assumed (H5 groups are terminated with /, attributes are denoted by .attrs/):

├─ at_event
├─ coord_exp
├─ eai_exp
├─ event_id
├─ event_name
├─ frequency
├─ imp_mat
├─ .attrs/
│  ├─ aai_agg
│  ├─ crs
│  ├─ frequency_unit
│  ├─ haz_type
│  ├─ tot_value
│  ├─ unit

As per the climada.engine.impact.Impact.__init__(), any of these entries is optional. If it is not found, the default value will be used when constructing the Impact.

The impact matrix imp_mat can either be an H5 dataset, in which case it is interpreted as dense representation of the matrix, or an H5 group, in which case the group is expected to contain the following data for instantiating a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix:

├─ data
├─ indices
├─ indptr
├─ .attrs/
│  ├─ shape

file_path (str or Path) – The file path of the file to read.


imp – Impact with data from the given file

Return type:


static video_direct_impact(exp, impf_set, haz_list, file_name='', writer=<matplotlib.animation.PillowWriter object>, imp_thresh=0, args_exp=None, args_imp=None, ignore_zero=False, pop_name=False)[source]#

Computes and generates video of accumulated impact per input events over exposure.

  • exp (climada.entity.Exposures) – exposures instance, constant during all video

  • impf_set (climada.entity.ImpactFuncSet) – impact functions

  • haz_list ((list(Hazard))) – every Hazard contains an event; all hazards use the same centroids

  • file_name (str, optional) – file name to save video, if provided

  • writer (matplotlib.animation., optional*) – video writer. Default: pillow with bitrate=500

  • imp_thresh (float, optional) – represent damages greater than threshold. Default: 0

  • args_exp (dict, optional) – arguments for scatter (points) or hexbin (raster) matplotlib function used in exposures

  • args_imp (dict, optional) – arguments for scatter (points) or hexbin (raster) matplotlib function used in impact

  • ignore_zero (bool, optional) – flag to indicate if zero and negative values are ignored in plot. Default: False

  • pop_name (bool, optional) – add names of the populated places The default is False.

Return type:

list of Impact

select(event_ids=None, event_names=None, dates=None, coord_exp=None, reset_frequency=False)[source]#

Select a subset of events and/or exposure points from the impact. If multiple input variables are not None, it returns all the impacts matching at least one of the conditions.


the frequencies are NOT adjusted. Method to adjust frequencies

and obtain correct eai_exp:

1- Select subset of impact according to your choice imp =…) 2- Adjust manually the frequency of the subset of impact imp.frequency = […] 3- Use select without arguments to select all events and recompute the eai_exp with the updated frequencies. imp =

  • event_ids (list of int, optional) – Selection of events by their id. The default is None.

  • event_names (list of str, optional) – Selection of events by their name. The default is None.

  • dates (tuple, optional) – (start-date, end-date), events are selected if they are >= than start-date and <= than end-date. Dates in same format as (ordinal format of datetime library) The default is None.

  • coord_exp (np.array, optional) – Selection of exposures coordinates [lat, lon] (in degrees) The default is None.

  • reset_frequency (bool, optional) – Change frequency of events proportional to difference between first and last year (old and new). Assumes annual frequency values. Default: False.


ValueError – If the impact matrix is missing, the eai_exp and aai_agg cannot be updated for a selection of events and/or exposures.


imp – A new impact object with a selection of events and/or exposures

Return type:


classmethod concat(imp_list: Iterable, reset_event_ids: bool = False)[source]#

Concatenate impact objects with the same exposure

This function is useful if, e.g. different impact functions have to be applied for different seasons (e.g. for agricultural impacts).

It checks if the exposures of the passed impact objects are identical and then

  • concatenates the attributes event_id, event_name, date, frequency, imp_mat, at_event,

  • sums up the values of attributes eai_exp, aai_exp

  • and takes the following attributes from the first impact object in the passed impact list: coord_exp, crs, unit, tot_value, frequency_unit, haz_type

If event ids are not unique among the passed impact objects an error is raised. In this case, the user can set reset_event_ids=True to create unique event ids for the concatenated impact.

If all impact matrices of the impacts in imp_list are empty, the impact matrix of the concatenated impact is also empty.

  • imp_list (Iterable of climada.engine.impact.Impact) – Iterable of Impact objects to concatenate

  • reset_event_ids (boolean, optional) – Reset event ids of the concatenated impact object


impact – New impact object which is a concatenation of all impacts

Return type:



  • Concatenation of impacts with different exposure (e.g. different countries) could also be implemented here in the future.

match_centroids(hazard, distance='euclidean', threshold=100)[source]#

Finds the closest hazard centroid for each impact coordinate. Creates a temporary GeoDataFrame and uses u_coord.match_centroids(). See there for details and parameters

  • hazard (Hazard) – Hazard to match (with raster or vector centroids).

  • distance (str, optional) – Distance to use in case of vector centroids. Possible values are “euclidean”, “haversine” and “approx”. Default: “euclidean”

  • threshold (float) – If the distance (in km) to the nearest neighbor exceeds threshold, the index -1 is assigned. Set threshold to 0, to disable nearest neighbor matching. Default: 100 (km)


array of closest Hazard centroids, aligned with the Impact’s coord_exp array

Return type:


climada.engine.impact_calc module#

class climada.engine.impact_calc.ImpactCalc(exposures, impfset, hazard)[source]#

Bases: object

Class to compute impacts from exposures, impact function set and hazard

__init__(exposures, impfset, hazard)[source]#

ImpactCalc constructor

The dimension of the imp_mat variable must be compatible with the exposures and hazard objects.

This will call climada.hazard.base.Hazard.check_matrices().

  • exposures (climada.entity.Exposures) – exposures used to compute impacts

  • impf_set (climada.entity.ImpactFuncSet) – impact functions set used to compute impacts

  • hazard (climada.Hazard) – hazard used to compute impacts

property n_exp_pnt#

Number of exposure points (rows in gdf)

property n_events#

Number of hazard events (size of event_id array)

impact(save_mat=True, assign_centroids=True, ignore_cover=False, ignore_deductible=False)[source]#

Compute the impact of a hazard on exposures.

  • save_mat (bool, optional) – if true, save the total impact matrix (events x exposures) Default: True

  • assign_centroids (bool, optional) – indicates whether centroids are assigned to the self.exposures object. Centroids assignment is an expensive operation; set this to False to save computation time if the hazards’ centroids are already assigned to the exposures object. Default: True

  • ignore_cover (bool, optional) – if set to True, the column ‘cover’ of the exposures GeoDataFrame, if present, is ignored and the impact it not capped by the values in this column. Default: False

  • ignore_deductible (bool, opotional) – if set to True, the column ‘deductible’ of the exposures GeoDataFrame, if present, is ignored and the impact it not reduced through values in this column. Default: False


>>> haz = Hazard.from_hdf5(HAZ_DEMO_H5)  # Set hazard
>>> impfset = ImpactFuncSet.from_excel(ENT_TEMPLATE_XLS)
>>> exp = Exposures(pd.read_excel(ENT_TEMPLATE_XLS))
>>> impcalc = ImpactCal(exp, impfset, haz)
>>> imp = impcalc.impact(insured=True)
>>> imp.aai_agg

See also


apply deductible to impact matrix


apply cover to impact matrix

minimal_exp_gdf(impf_col, assign_centroids, ignore_cover, ignore_deductible)[source]#

Get minimal exposures geodataframe for impact computation

  • exposures (climada.entity.Exposures)

  • hazard (climada.Hazard)

  • impf_col (str) – Name of the impact function column in exposures.gdf

  • assign_centroids (bool) – Indicates whether centroids are re-assigned to the self.exposures object or kept from previous impact calculation with a hazard of the same hazard type. Centroids assignment is an expensive operation; set this to False to save computation time if the centroids have not changed since the last impact calculation.

  • include_cover (bool) – if set to True, the column ‘cover’ of the exposures GeoDataFrame is excluded from the returned GeoDataFrame, otherwise it is included if present.

  • include_deductible (bool) – if set to True, the column ‘deductible’ of the exposures GeoDataFrame is excluded from the returned GeoDataFrame, otherwise it is included if present.

imp_mat_gen(exp_gdf, impf_col)[source]#

Generator of impact sub-matrices and correspoding exposures indices

The exposures gdf is decomposed into chunks that fit into the max defined memory size. For each chunk, the impact matrix is computed and returned, together with the corresponding exposures points index.

  • exp_gdf (GeoDataFrame) – Geodataframe of the exposures with columns required for impact computation.

  • impf_col (str) – name of the desired impact column in the exposures.


ValueError – if the hazard is larger than the memory limit


scipy.sparse.crs_matrix, np.ndarray – impact matrix and corresponding exposures indices for each chunk.

insured_mat_gen(imp_mat_gen, exp_gdf, impf_col)[source]#

Generator of insured impact sub-matrices (with applied cover and deductible) and corresponding exposures indices

This generator takes a ‘regular’ impact matrix generator and applies cover and deductible onto the impacts. It yields the same sub-matrices as the original generator.

Deductible and cover are taken from the dataframe stored in exposures.gdf.

  • imp_mat_gen (generator of tuples (sparse.csr_matrix, np.array)) – The generator for creating the impact matrix. It returns a part of the full matrix and the associated exposure indices.

  • exp_gdf (GeoDataFrame) – Geodataframe of the exposures with columns required for impact computation.

  • impf_col (str) – Name of the column in ‘exp_gdf’ indicating the impact function (id)

  • mat (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – Impact sub-matrix (with applied cover and deductible) with size (n_events, len(exp_idx))

  • exp_idx (np.array) – Exposure indices for impacts in mat

impact_matrix(exp_values, cent_idx, impf)[source]#

Compute the impact matrix for given exposure values, assigned centroids, a hazard, and one impact function.

  • exp_values (np.array) – Exposure values

  • cent_idx (np.array) – Hazard centroids assigned to each exposure location

  • hazard (climada.Hazard) – Hazard object

  • impf (climada.entity.ImpactFunc) – one impactfunction comon to all exposure elements in exp_gdf


Impact per event (rows) per exposure point (columns)

Return type:



Make an impact matrix from an impact sub-matrix generator


Compute the impact metrics from an impact sub-matrix generator

This method is used to compute the risk metrics if the user decided not to store the full impact matrix.


imp_mat_gen (generator of tuples (sparse.csr_matrix, np.array)) – The generator for creating the impact matrix. It returns a part of the full matrix and the associated exposure indices.


  • at_event (np.array) – Accumulated damage for each event

  • eai_exp (np.array) – Expected impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit for each exposure point

  • aai_agg (float) – Average impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit aggregated

static apply_deductible_to_mat(mat, deductible, hazard, cent_idx, impf)[source]#

Apply a deductible per exposure point to an impact matrix at given centroid points for given impact function.

All exposure points must have the same impact function. For different impact functions apply use this method repeatedly on the same impact matrix.

  • imp_mat (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – impact matrix (events x exposure points)

  • deductible (np.array()) – deductible for each exposure point

  • hazard (climada.Hazard) – hazard used to compute the imp_mat

  • cent_idx (np.array()) – index of centroids associated with each exposure point

  • impf (climada.entity.ImpactFunc) – impact function associated with the exposure points


imp_mat – impact matrix with applied deductible

Return type:


static apply_cover_to_mat(mat, cover)[source]#

Apply cover to impact matrix.

The impact data is clipped to the range [0, cover]. The cover is defined per exposure point.

  • imp_mat (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – impact matrix

  • cover (np.array()) – cover per exposures point (columns of imp_mat)


imp_mat – impact matrix with applied cover

Return type:


static eai_exp_from_mat(mat, freq)[source]#

Compute impact for each exposures from the total impact matrix

  • imp_mat (sparse.csr_matrix) – matrix num_events x num_exp with impacts.

  • frequency (np.array) – frequency of events within a period of 1/frequency_unit


eai_exp – expected impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit for each exposure

Return type:


static at_event_from_mat(mat)[source]#

Compute impact for each hazard event from the total impact matrix :Parameters: imp_mat (sparse.csr_matrix) – matrix num_events x num_exp with impacts.


at_event – impact for each hazard event

Return type:


static aai_agg_from_eai_exp(eai_exp)[source]#

Aggregate impact.eai_exp


eai_exp (np.array) – expected impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit for each exposure point


average aggregated impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit

Return type:


classmethod risk_metrics(mat, freq)[source]#

Compute risk metricss eai_exp, at_event, aai_agg for an impact matrix and a frequency vector.

  • mat (sparse.csr_matrix) – matrix num_events x num_exp with impacts.

  • freq (np.array) – array with the frequency per event


  • eai_exp (np.array) – expected impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit at each exposure point

  • at_event (np.array()) – total impact for each event

  • aai_agg (float) – average impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit aggregated over all exposure points

climada.engine.impact_data module#

climada.engine.impact_data.assign_hazard_to_emdat(certainty_level, intensity_path_haz, names_path_haz, reg_id_path_haz, date_path_haz, emdat_data, start_time, end_time, keep_checks=False)[source]#

assign_hazard_to_emdat: link EMdat event to hazard

  • certainty_level (str) – ‘high’ or ‘low’

  • intensity_path_haz (sparse matrix) – with hazards as rows and grid points as cols, values only at location with impacts

  • names_path_haz (str) – identifier for each hazard (i.e. IBtracID) (rows of the matrix)

  • reg_id_path_haz (str) – ISO country ID of each grid point (cols of the matrix)

  • date_path_haz (str) – start date of each hazard (rows of the matrix)

  • emdat_data (pd.DataFrame) – dataframe with EMdat data

  • start_time (str) – start date of events to be assigned ‘yyyy-mm-dd’

  • end_time (str) – end date of events to be assigned ‘yyyy-mm-dd’

  • keep_checks (bool, optional)

Return type:

pd.dataframe with EMdat entries linked to a hazard

climada.engine.impact_data.hit_country_per_hazard(intensity_path, names_path, reg_id_path, date_path)[source]#

hit_country_per_hazard: create list of hit countries from hazard set

  • intensity_path (str) – Path to file containing sparse matrix with hazards as rows and grid points as cols, values only at location with impacts

  • names_path (str) – Path to file with identifier for each hazard (i.e. IBtracID) (rows of the matrix)

  • reg_id_path (str) – Path to file with ISO country ID of each grid point (cols of the matrix)

  • date_path (str) – Path to file with start date of each hazard (rows of the matrix)

Return type:

pd.DataFrame with all hit countries per hazard

climada.engine.impact_data.create_lookup(emdat_data, start, end, disaster_subtype='Tropical cyclone')[source]#

create_lookup: prepare a lookup table of EMdat events to which hazards can be assigned

  • emdat_data (pd.DataFrame) – with EMdat data

  • start (str) – start date of events to be assigned ‘yyyy-mm-dd’

  • end (str) – end date of events to be assigned ‘yyyy-mm-dd’

  • disaster_subtype (str) – EMdat disaster subtype

Return type:


climada.engine.impact_data.emdat_possible_hit(lookup, hit_countries, delta_t)[source]#

relate EM disaster to hazard using hit countries and time

  • lookup (pd.DataFrame) – to relate EMdatID to hazard

  • delta_t – max time difference of start of EMdat event and hazard

  • hit_countries

Return type:

list with possible hits

climada.engine.impact_data.match_em_id(lookup, poss_hit)[source]#

function to check if EM_ID has been assigned already and combine possible hits

  • lookup (pd.dataframe) – to relate EMdatID to hazard

  • poss_hit (list) – with possible hits


with all possible hits per EMdat ID

Return type:


climada.engine.impact_data.assign_track_to_em(lookup, possible_tracks_1, possible_tracks_2, level)[source]#

function to assign a hazard to an EMdat event to get some confidene into the procedure, hazards get only assigned if there is no other hazard occuring at a bigger time interval in that country Thus a track of possible_tracks_1 gets only assigned if there are no other tracks in possible_tracks_2. The confidence can be expressed with a certainty level

  • lookup (pd.DataFrame) – to relate EMdatID to hazard

  • possible_tracks_1 (list) – list of possible hits with smaller time horizon

  • possible_tracks_2 (list) – list of possible hits with larger time horizon

  • level (int) – level of confidence


lookup with assigend tracks and possible hits

Return type:


climada.engine.impact_data.check_assigned_track(lookup, checkset)[source]#

compare lookup with assigned tracks to a set with checked sets

  • lookup (pd.DataFrame) – dataframe to relate EMdatID to hazard

  • checkset (pd.DataFrame) – dataframe with already checked hazards

Return type:

error scores

climada.engine.impact_data.clean_emdat_df(emdat_file, countries=None, hazard=None, year_range=None, target_version=None)[source]#

Get a clean and standardized DataFrame from EM-DAT-CSV-file (1) load EM-DAT data from CSV to DataFrame and remove header/footer, (2) handle version, clean up, and add columns, and (3) filter by country, hazard type and year range (if any given)

  • emdat_file (str, Path, or DataFrame) – Either string with full path to CSV-file or pandas.DataFrame loaded from EM-DAT CSV

  • countries (list of str) – country ISO3-codes or names, e.g. [‘JAM’, ‘CUB’]. countries=None for all countries (default)

  • hazard (list or str) – List of Disaster (sub-)type accordung EMDAT terminology, i.e.: Animal accident, Drought, Earthquake, Epidemic, Extreme temperature, Flood, Fog, Impact, Insect infestation, Landslide, Mass movement (dry), Storm, Volcanic activity, Wildfire; Coastal Flooding, Convective Storm, Riverine Flood, Tropical cyclone, Tsunami, etc.; OR CLIMADA hazard type abbreviations, e.g. TC, BF, etc.

  • year_range (list or tuple) – Year range to be extracted, e.g. (2000, 2015); (only min and max are considered)

  • target_version (int) – required EM-DAT data format version (i.e. year of download), changes naming of columns/variables, default: newest available version in VARNAMES_EMDAT that matches the given emdat_file


df_data – DataFrame containing cleaned and filtered EM-DAT impact data

Return type:


climada.engine.impact_data.emdat_countries_by_hazard(emdat_file_csv, hazard=None, year_range=None)[source]#

return list of all countries exposed to a chosen hazard type from EMDAT data as CSV.

  • emdat_file (str, Path, or DataFrame) – Either string with full path to CSV-file or pandas.DataFrame loaded from EM-DAT CSV

  • hazard (list or str) – List of Disaster (sub-)type accordung EMDAT terminology, i.e.: Animal accident, Drought, Earthquake, Epidemic, Extreme temperature, Flood, Fog, Impact, Insect infestation, Landslide, Mass movement (dry), Storm, Volcanic activity, Wildfire; Coastal Flooding, Convective Storm, Riverine Flood, Tropical cyclone, Tsunami, etc.; OR CLIMADA hazard type abbreviations, e.g. TC, BF, etc.

  • year_range (list or tuple) – Year range to be extracted, e.g. (2000, 2015); (only min and max are considered)


  • countries_iso3a (list) – List of ISO3-codes of countries impacted by the disaster (sub-)types

  • countries_names (list) – List of names of countries impacted by the disaster (sub-)types

climada.engine.impact_data.scale_impact2refyear(impact_values, year_values, iso3a_values, reference_year=None)[source]#

Scale give impact values proportional to GDP to the according value in a reference year (for normalization of monetary values)

  • impact_values (list or array) – Impact values to be scaled.

  • year_values (list or array) – Year of each impact (same length as impact_values)

  • iso3a_values (list or array) – ISO3alpha code of country for each impact (same length as impact_values)

  • reference_year (int, optional) – Impact is scaled proportional to GDP to the value of the reference year. No scaling for reference_year=None (default)

climada.engine.impact_data.emdat_impact_yearlysum(emdat_file_csv, countries=None, hazard=None, year_range=None, reference_year=None, imp_str="Total Damages ('000 US$)", version=None)[source]#

function to load EM-DAT data and sum impact per year


emdat_file_csv (str or DataFrame) – Either string with full path to CSV-file or pandas.DataFrame loaded from EM-DAT CSV

countrieslist of str

country ISO3-codes or names, e.g. [‘JAM’, ‘CUB’]. countries=None for all countries (default)

hazardlist or str

List of Disaster (sub-)type accordung EMDAT terminology, i.e.: Animal accident, Drought, Earthquake, Epidemic, Extreme temperature, Flood, Fog, Impact, Insect infestation, Landslide, Mass movement (dry), Storm, Volcanic activity, Wildfire; Coastal Flooding, Convective Storm, Riverine Flood, Tropical cyclone, Tsunami, etc.; OR CLIMADA hazard type abbreviations, e.g. TC, BF, etc.

year_rangelist or tuple

Year range to be extracted, e.g. (2000, 2015); (only min and max are considered)

versionint, optional

required EM-DAT data format version (i.e. year of download), changes naming of columns/variables, default: newest available version in VARNAMES_EMDAT


out – DataFrame with summed impact and scaled impact per year and country.

Return type:


climada.engine.impact_data.emdat_impact_event(emdat_file_csv, countries=None, hazard=None, year_range=None, reference_year=None, imp_str="Total Damages ('000 US$)", version=None)[source]#

function to load EM-DAT data return impact per event


emdat_file_csv (str or DataFrame) – Either string with full path to CSV-file or pandas.DataFrame loaded from EM-DAT CSV

countrieslist of str

country ISO3-codes or names, e.g. [‘JAM’, ‘CUB’]. default: countries=None for all countries

hazardlist or str

List of Disaster (sub-)type accordung EMDAT terminology, i.e.: Animal accident, Drought, Earthquake, Epidemic, Extreme temperature, Flood, Fog, Impact, Insect infestation, Landslide, Mass movement (dry), Storm, Volcanic activity, Wildfire; Coastal Flooding, Convective Storm, Riverine Flood, Tropical cyclone, Tsunami, etc.; OR CLIMADA hazard type abbreviations, e.g. TC, BF, etc.

year_rangelist or tuple

Year range to be extracted, e.g. (2000, 2015); (only min and max are considered)

reference_yearint reference year of exposures. Impact is scaled

proportional to GDP to the value of the reference year. Default: No scaling for 0


Column name of impact metric in EMDAT CSV, default = “Total Damages (‘000 US$)”

versionint, optional

EM-DAT version to take variable/column names from, default: newest available version in VARNAMES_EMDAT


out – EMDAT DataFrame with new columns “year”, “region_id”, and “impact” and +impact_scaled” total impact per event with same unit as chosen impact, but multiplied by 1000 if impact is given as 1000 US$ (e.g. imp_str=”Total Damages (‘000 US$) scaled”).

Return type:


climada.engine.impact_data.emdat_to_impact(emdat_file_csv, hazard_type_climada, year_range=None, countries=None, hazard_type_emdat=None, reference_year=None, imp_str='Total Damages')[source]#

function to load EM-DAT data return impact per event

  • emdat_file_csv (str or pd.DataFrame) – Either string with full path to CSV-file or pandas.DataFrame loaded from EM-DAT CSV

  • countries (list of str) – country ISO3-codes or names, e.g. [‘JAM’, ‘CUB’]. default: countries=None for all countries

  • hazard_type_climada (str) – CLIMADA hazard type abbreviations, e.g. TC, BF, etc.

  • hazard_type_emdat (list or str) – List of Disaster (sub-)type accordung EMDAT terminology, i.e.: Animal accident, Drought, Earthquake, Epidemic, Extreme temperature, Flood, Fog, Impact, Insect infestation, Landslide, Mass movement (dry), Storm, Volcanic activity, Wildfire; Coastal Flooding, Convective Storm, Riverine Flood, Tropical cyclone, Tsunami, etc.

  • year_range (list or tuple) – Year range to be extracted, e.g. (2000, 2015); (only min and max are considered)

  • reference_year (int reference year of exposures. Impact is scaled) – proportional to GDP to the value of the reference year. Default: No scaling for 0

  • imp_str (str) – Column name of impact metric in EMDAT CSV, default = “Total Damages (‘000 US$)”


  • impact_instance (climada.engine.Impact) – impact object of same format as output from CLIMADA impact computation. Values scaled with GDP to reference_year if reference_year is given. i.e. current US$ for imp_str=”Total Damages (‘000 US$) scaled” (factor 1000 is applied) impact_instance.eai_exp holds expected impact for each country (within 1/frequency_unit). impact_instance.coord_exp holds rough central coordinates for each country.

  • countries (list of str) – ISO3-codes of countries in same order as in impact_instance.eai_exp