climada.entity.measures package#
climada.entity.measures.base module#
- class climada.entity.measures.base.Measure(name: str = '', haz_type: str = '', cost: float = 0, hazard_set: str = 'nil', hazard_freq_cutoff: float = 0, exposures_set: str = 'nil', imp_fun_map: str = 'nil', hazard_inten_imp: Tuple[float, float] = (1, 0), mdd_impact: Tuple[float, float] = (1, 0), paa_impact: Tuple[float, float] = (1, 0), exp_region_id: list | None = None, risk_transf_attach: float = 0, risk_transf_cover: float = 0, risk_transf_cost_factor: float = 1, color_rgb: ndarray | None = None)[source]#
Contains the definition of one measure.
- name#
name of the measure
- Type:
- haz_type#
related hazard type (peril), e.g. TC
- Type:
- color_rgb#
integer array of size 3. Color code of this measure in RGB
- Type:
- cost#
discounted cost (in same units as assets)
- Type:
- hazard_set#
file name of hazard to use (in h5 format)
- Type:
- hazard_freq_cutoff#
hazard frequency cutoff
- Type:
- exposures_set#
file name of exposure to use (in h5 format) or Exposure instance
- Type:
str or climada.entity.Exposure
- imp_fun_map#
change of impact function id of exposures, e.g. ‘1to3’
- Type:
- hazard_inten_imp#
parameter a and b of hazard intensity change
- Type:
tuple(float, float)
- mdd_impact#
parameter a and b of the impact over the mean damage degree
- Type:
tuple(float, float)
- paa_impact#
parameter a and b of the impact over the percentage of affected assets
- Type:
tuple(float, float)
- exp_region_id#
region id of the selected exposures to consider ALL the previous parameters
- Type:
- risk_transf_attach#
risk transfer attachment
- Type:
- risk_transf_cover#
risk transfer cover
- Type:
- risk_transf_cost_factor#
factor to multiply to resulting insurance layer to get the total cost of risk transfer
- Type:
- __init__(name: str = '', haz_type: str = '', cost: float = 0, hazard_set: str = 'nil', hazard_freq_cutoff: float = 0, exposures_set: str = 'nil', imp_fun_map: str = 'nil', hazard_inten_imp: Tuple[float, float] = (1, 0), mdd_impact: Tuple[float, float] = (1, 0), paa_impact: Tuple[float, float] = (1, 0), exp_region_id: list | None = None, risk_transf_attach: float = 0, risk_transf_cover: float = 0, risk_transf_cost_factor: float = 1, color_rgb: ndarray | None = None)[source]#
Initialize a Measure object with given values.
- Parameters:
name (str, optional) – name of the measure
haz_type (str, optional) – related hazard type (peril), e.g. TC
cost (float, optional) – discounted cost (in same units as assets)
hazard_set (str, optional) – file name of hazard to use (in h5 format)
hazard_freq_cutoff (float, optional) – hazard frequency cutoff
exposures_set (str or climada.entity.Exposure, optional) – file name of exposure to use (in h5 format) or Exposure instance
imp_fun_map (str, optional) – change of impact function id of exposures, e.g. ‘1to3’
hazard_inten_imp (tuple(float, float), optional) – parameter a and b of hazard intensity change
mdd_impact (tuple(float, float), optional) – parameter a and b of the impact over the mean damage degree
paa_impact (tuple(float, float), optional) – parameter a and b of the impact over the percentage of affected assets
exp_region_id (int, optional) – region id of the selected exposures to consider ALL the previous parameters
risk_transf_attach (float, optional) – risk transfer attachment
risk_transf_cover (float, optional) – risk transfer cover
risk_transf_cost_factor (float, optional) – factor to multiply to resulting insurance layer to get the total cost of risk transfer
color_rgb (np.array, optional) – integer array of size 3. Color code of this measure in RGB. Default is None (corresponds to black).
- calc_impact(exposures, imp_fun_set, hazard, assign_centroids=True)[source]#
Apply measure and compute impact and risk transfer of measure implemented over inputs.
- Parameters:
exposures (climada.entity.Exposures) – exposures instance
imp_fun_set (climada.entity.ImpactFuncSet) – impact function set instance
hazard (climada.hazard.Hazard) – hazard instance
assign_centroids (bool, optional) – indicates whether centroids are assigned to the self.exposures object. Centroids assignment is an expensive operation; set this to
to save computation time if the hazards’ centroids are already assigned to the exposures object. Default: True
- Returns:
resulting impact and risk transfer of measure
- Return type:
- apply(exposures, imp_fun_set, hazard)[source]#
Implement measure with all its defined parameters.
- Parameters:
exposures (climada.entity.Exposures) – exposures instance
imp_fun_set (climada.entity.ImpactFuncSet) – impact function set instance
hazard (climada.hazard.Hazard) – hazard instance
- Returns:
new_exp (climada.entity.Exposure) – Exposure with implemented measure with all defined parameters
new_ifs (climada.entity.ImpactFuncSet) – Impact function set with implemented measure with all defined parameters
new_haz (climada.hazard.Hazard) – Hazard with implemented measure with all defined parameters
climada.entity.measures.measure_set module#
- class climada.entity.measures.measure_set.MeasureSet(measure_list: List[Measure] | None = None)[source]#
Contains measures of type Measure. Loads from files with format defined in FILE_EXT.
- _data#
Contains Measure objects. This attribute is not suppossed to be accessed directly. Use the available methods instead.
- Type:
- __init__(measure_list: List[Measure] | None = None)[source]#
Initialize a new MeasureSet object with specified data.
- Parameters:
measure_list (list of Measure objects, optional) – The measures to include in the MeasureSet
Fill MeasureSet with values and check consistency data:
>>> act_1 = Measure( ... name='Seawall', ... color_rgb=np.array([0.1529, 0.2510, 0.5451]), ... hazard_intensity=(1, 0), ... mdd_impact=(1, 0), ... paa_impact=(1, 0), ... ) >>> meas = MeasureSet([act_1]) >>> meas.check()
Read measures from file and checks consistency data:
>>> meas = MeasureSet.from_excel(ENT_TEMPLATE_XLS)
- clear(_data: dict | None = None)[source]#
Reinitialize attributes.
- Parameters:
_data (dict, optional) – A dict containing the Measure objects. For internal use only: It’s not suppossed to be set directly. Use the class methods instead.
- append(meas)[source]#
Append an Measure. Override if same name and haz_type.
- Parameters:
meas (Measure) – Measure instance
- Raises:
ValueError –
- remove_measure(haz_type=None, name=None)[source]#
Remove impact function(s) with provided hazard type and/or id. If no input provided, all impact functions are removed.
- Parameters:
haz_type (str, optional) – all impact functions with this hazard
name (str, optional) – measure name
- get_measure(haz_type=None, name=None)[source]#
Get ImpactFunc(s) of input hazard type and/or id. If no input provided, all impact functions are returned.
- Parameters:
haz_type (str, optional) – hazard type
name (str, optional) – measure name
- Returns:
Measure (if haz_type and name),
list(Measure) (if haz_type or name),
{Measure.haz_type ({ : Measure}} (if None))
- get_hazard_types(meas=None)[source]#
Get measures hazard types contained for the name provided. Return all hazard types if no input name.
- Parameters:
name (str, optional) – measure name
- Return type:
- get_names(haz_type=None)[source]#
Get measures names contained for the hazard type provided. Return all names for each hazard type if no input hazard type.
- Parameters:
haz_type (str, optional) – hazard type from which to obtain the names
- Returns:
list( (if haz_type provided),
{Measure.haz_type (list(} (if no haz_type))
- size(haz_type=None, name=None)[source]#
Get number of measures contained with input hazard type and /or id. If no input provided, get total number of impact functions.
- Parameters:
haz_type (str, optional) – hazard type
name (str, optional) – measure name
- Return type:
- extend(meas_set)[source]#
Extend measures of input MeasureSet to current MeasureSet. Overwrite Measure if same name and haz_type.
- Parameters:
impact_funcs (MeasureSet) – ImpactFuncSet instance to extend
- Raises:
ValueError –
- classmethod from_mat(file_name, var_names=None)[source]#
Read MATLAB file generated with previous MATLAB CLIMADA version.
- Parameters:
file_name (str) – absolute file name
description (str, optional) – description of the data
var_names (dict, optional) – name of the variables in the file
- Returns:
meas_set – Measure Set from matlab file
- Return type:
- classmethod from_excel(file_name, var_names=None)[source]#
Read excel file following template and store variables.
- Parameters:
file_name (str) – absolute file name
description (str, optional) – description of the data
var_names (dict, optional) – name of the variables in the file
- Returns:
meas_set – Measures set from Excel
- Return type: