Source code for climada.entity.exposures.litpop.litpop

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Define LitPop class.
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import rasterio
import geopandas
from shapefile import Shape
import shapely
import pandas as pd

import climada.util.coordinates as u_coord
import as u_fin

from climada.entity.exposures.litpop import nightlight as nl_util
from climada.entity.exposures.litpop import gpw_population as pop_util
from climada.entity.exposures.base import Exposures, INDICATOR_IMPF, DEF_REF_YEAR
from climada.util.constants import SYSTEM_DIR
from climada import CONFIG
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Version of Gridded Population of the World (GPW) input data. Check for updates."""

[docs] class LitPop(Exposures): """ Holds geopandas GeoDataFrame with metada and columns (pd.Series) defined in Attributes of Exposures class. LitPop exposure values are disaggregated proportional to a combination of nightlight intensity (NASA) and Gridded Population data (SEDAC). Total asset values can be produced capital, population count, GDP, or non-financial wealth. Calling sequence example: country_names = ['CHE', 'Austria'] exp = LitPop.from_countries(country_names) exp.plot() Attributes ---------- exponents : tuple of two integers, optional Defining powers (m, n) with which lit (nightlights) and pop (gpw) go into Lit**m * Pop**n. The default is (1,1). fin_mode : str, optional Socio-economic value to be used as an asset base that is disaggregated. The default is 'pc'. gpw_version : int, optional Version number of GPW population data, e.g. 11 for v4.11. The default is defined in GPW_VERSION. """ _metadata = Exposures._metadata + ['exponents', 'fin_mode', 'gpw_version']
[docs] def set_countries(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use LitPop.from_countries instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of LitPop.set_countries is deprecated." "Use LitPop.from_countries instead.") self.__dict__ = LitPop.from_countries(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_countries(cls, countries, res_arcsec=30, exponents=(1,1), fin_mode='pc', total_values=None, admin1_calc=False, reference_year=DEF_REF_YEAR, gpw_version=GPW_VERSION, data_dir=SYSTEM_DIR): """Init new LitPop exposure object for a list of countries (admin 0). Sets attributes `ref_year`, `crs`, `value`, `geometry`, `meta`, `value_unit`, `exponents`,`fin_mode`, `gpw_version`, and `admin1_calc`. Parameters ---------- countries : list with str or int list containing country identifiers: iso3alpha (e.g. 'JPN'), iso3num (e.g. 92) or name (e.g. 'Togo') res_arcsec : float, optional Horizontal resolution in arc-sec. The default is 30 arcsec, this corresponds to roughly 1 km. exponents : tuple of two integers, optional Defining power with which lit (nightlights) and pop (gpw) go into LitPop. To get nightlights^3 without population count: (3, 0). To use population count alone: (0, 1). Default: (1, 1) fin_mode : str, optional Socio-economic value to be used as an asset base that is disaggregated to the grid points within the country: * 'pc': produced capital (Source: World Bank), incl. manufactured or built assets such as machinery, equipment, and physical structures `pc` is in constant 2014 USD. * 'pop': population count (source: GPW, same as gridded population). The unit is 'people'. * 'gdp': gross-domestic product (Source: World Bank) [USD] * 'income_group': gdp multiplied by country's income group+1 [USD]. Income groups are 1 (low) to 4 (high income). * 'nfw': non-financial wealth (Source: Credit Suisse, of households only) [USD] * 'tw': total wealth (Source: Credit Suisse, of households only) [USD] * 'norm': normalized by country (no unit) * 'none': LitPop per pixel is returned unchanged (no unit) Default: 'pc' total_values : list containing numerics, same length as countries, optional Total values to be disaggregated to grid in each country. The default is None. If None, the total number is extracted from other sources depending on the value of fin_mode. admin1_calc : boolean, optional If True, distribute admin1-level GDP (if available). Default: False reference_year : int, optional Reference year. Default: CONFIG.exposures.def_ref_year. gpw_version : int, optional Version number of GPW population data. The default is GPW_VERSION data_dir : Path, optional redefines path to input data directory. The default is SYSTEM_DIR. Raises ------ ValueError Returns ------- exp : LitPop LitPop instance with exposure for given countries """ if isinstance(countries, (int, str)): countries = [countries] # for backward compatibility if total_values is None: # init list with total values per countries total_values = [None] * len(countries) elif len(total_values) != len(countries): raise ValueError("'countries' and 'total_values' must be lists of same length") # litpop_list is initiated, a list containing one Exposure instance per # country and None for countries that could not be identified: if admin1_calc: # each admin 1 region is initiated separately, # with total value share based on subnational GDP share. # This requires GRP (Gross Regional Product) data in the # GSDP data folder. litpop_list = [_calc_admin1_one_country(country, res_arcsec, exponents, fin_mode, tot_value, reference_year, gpw_version, data_dir, ) for tot_value, country in zip(total_values, countries)] else: # else, as default, country is initiated as a whole: # loop over countries: litpop is initiated for each individual polygon # within each country and combined at the end. litpop_list = \ [cls._from_country(country, res_arcsec=res_arcsec, exponents=exponents, fin_mode=fin_mode, total_value=total_values[idc], reference_year=reference_year, gpw_version=gpw_version, data_dir=data_dir) for idc, country in enumerate(countries)] # make lists of countries with Exposure initaited and those ignored: countries_in = \ [country for lp, country in zip(litpop_list, countries) if lp is not None] countries_out = \ [country for lp, country in zip(litpop_list, countries) if lp is None] if not countries_in: raise ValueError('No valid country identified in %s, aborting.' % countries) litpop_list = [exp for exp in litpop_list if exp is not None] if countries_out: LOGGER.warning('Some countries could not be identified and are ignored: ' '%s. Litpop only initiated for: %s', countries_out, countries_in) description = (f'LitPop Exposure for {countries_in} at {res_arcsec} as,' f' year: {reference_year}, financial mode: {fin_mode},' f' exp: {exponents}, admin1_calc: {admin1_calc}') exp = cls( data=Exposures.concat(litpop_list).gdf, crs=litpop_list[0].crs, ref_year=reference_year, value_unit=get_value_unit(fin_mode), exponents=exponents, gpw_version=gpw_version, fin_mode=fin_mode, description=description ) try: rows, cols, ras_trans = u_coord.pts_to_raster_meta( (exp.gdf.longitude.min(), exp.gdf.latitude.min(), exp.gdf.longitude.max(), exp.gdf.latitude.max()), u_coord.get_resolution(exp.gdf.longitude, exp.gdf.latitude)) exp.meta = { 'width': cols, 'height': rows, 'crs':, 'transform': ras_trans, } except ValueError: LOGGER.warning('Could not write attribute meta, because exposure' ' has only 1 data point') exp.meta = {'crs':} exp.check() return exp
[docs] def set_nightlight_intensity(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use LitPop.from_nightlight_intensity instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of LitPop.set_nightlight_intensity is deprecated." "Use LitPop.from_nightlight_intensity instead.") self.__dict__ = LitPop.from_nightlight_intensity(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_nightlight_intensity(cls, countries=None, shape=None, res_arcsec=15, reference_year=DEF_REF_YEAR, data_dir=SYSTEM_DIR): """ Wrapper around `from_countries` / `from_shape`. Initiate exposures instance with value equal to the original BlackMarble nightlight intensity resampled to the target resolution `res_arcsec`. Provide either `countries` or `shape`. Parameters ---------- countries : list or str, optional list containing country identifiers (name or iso3) shape : Shape, Polygon or MultiPolygon, optional geographical shape of target region, alternative to `countries`. res_arcsec : int, optional Resolution in arc seconds. The default is 15. reference_year : int, optional Reference year. The default is CONFIG.exposures.def_ref_year. data_dir : Path, optional data directory. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError Returns ------- exp : LitPop Exposure instance with values representing pure nightlight intensity from input nightlight data (BlackMarble) """ if countries is None and shape is None: raise ValueError("Either `countries` or `shape` required. Aborting.") if countries is not None and shape is not None: raise ValueError("Not allowed to set both `countries` and `shape`. Aborting.") if countries is not None: exp = cls.from_countries(countries, res_arcsec=res_arcsec, exponents=(1,0), fin_mode='none', reference_year=reference_year, gpw_version=GPW_VERSION, data_dir=data_dir) else: exp = cls.from_shape(shape, None, res_arcsec=res_arcsec, exponents=(1,0), value_unit='', reference_year=reference_year, gpw_version=GPW_VERSION, data_dir=SYSTEM_DIR) LOGGER.warning("Note: set_nightlight_intensity sets values to raw nightlight intensity, " "not to USD. " "To disaggregate asset value proportionally to nightlights^m, " "call from_countries or from_shape with exponents=(m,0).") return exp
[docs] def set_population(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use LitPop.from_population instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of LitPop.set_population is deprecated." "Use LitPop.from_population instead.") self.__dict__ = LitPop.from_population(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_population(cls, countries=None, shape=None, res_arcsec=30, reference_year=DEF_REF_YEAR, gpw_version=GPW_VERSION, data_dir=SYSTEM_DIR): """ Wrapper around `from_countries` / `from_shape`. Initiate exposures instance with value equal to GPW population count. Provide either `countries` or `shape`. Parameters ---------- countries : list or str, optional list containing country identifiers (name or iso3) shape : Shape, Polygon or MultiPolygon, optional geographical shape of target region, alternative to `countries`. res_arcsec : int, optional Resolution in arc seconds. The default is 30. reference_year : int, optional Reference year (closest available GPW data year is used) The default is CONFIG.exposures.def_ref_year. gpw_version : int, optional specify GPW data verison. The default is 11. data_dir : Path, optional data directory. The default is None. Either countries or shape is required. Raises ------ ValueError Returns ------- exp : LitPop Exposure instance with values representing population count according to Gridded Population of the World (GPW) input data set. """ if countries is None and shape is None: raise ValueError("Either `countries` or `shape` required. Aborting.") if countries is not None and shape is not None: raise ValueError("Not allowed to set both `countries` and `shape`. Aborting.") if countries is not None: exp = cls.from_countries(countries, res_arcsec=res_arcsec, exponents=(0,1), fin_mode='pop', reference_year=reference_year, gpw_version=gpw_version, data_dir=data_dir) else: exp = cls.from_shape(shape, None, res_arcsec=res_arcsec, exponents=(0,1), value_unit='people', reference_year=reference_year, gpw_version=gpw_version, data_dir=data_dir) return exp
[docs] def set_custom_shape_from_countries(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use LitPop.from_shape_and_countries instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of LitPop.set_custom_shape_from_countries is deprecated." "Use LitPop.from_shape_and_countries instead.") self.__dict__ = LitPop.from_shape_and_countries(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_shape_and_countries(cls, shape, countries, res_arcsec=30, exponents=(1,1), fin_mode='pc', admin1_calc=False, reference_year=DEF_REF_YEAR, gpw_version=GPW_VERSION, data_dir=SYSTEM_DIR): """ create LitPop exposure for `country` and then crop to given shape. Parameters ---------- shape : shapely.geometry.Polygon, MultiPolygon, shapereader.Shape, or GeoSeries or list containg either Polygons or Multipolygons. Geographical shape for which LitPop Exposure is to be initiated. countries : list with str or int list containing country identifiers: iso3alpha (e.g. 'JPN'), iso3num (e.g. 92) or name (e.g. 'Togo') res_arcsec : float, optional Horizontal resolution in arc-sec. The default is 30 arcsec, this corresponds to roughly 1 km. exponents : tuple of two integers, optional Defining power with which lit (nightlights) and pop (gpw) go into LitPop. Default: (1, 1) fin_mode : str, optional Socio-economic value to be used as an asset base that is disaggregated to the grid points within the country: * 'pc': produced capital (Source: World Bank), incl. manufactured or built assets such as machinery, equipment, and physical structures (pc is in constant 2014 USD) * 'pop': population count (source: GPW, same as gridded population). The unit is 'people'. * 'gdp': gross-domestic product (Source: World Bank) [USD] * 'income_group': gdp multiplied by country's income group+1 [USD] Income groups are 1 (low) to 4 (high income). * 'nfw': non-financial wealth (Source: Credit Suisse, of households only) [USD] * 'tw': total wealth (Source: Credit Suisse, of households only) [USD] * 'norm': normalized by country * 'none': LitPop per pixel is returned unchanged Default: 'pc' admin1_calc : boolean, optional If True, distribute admin1-level GDP (if available). Default: False reference_year : int, optional Reference year for data sources. Default: 2020 gpw_version : int, optional Version number of GPW population data. The default is GPW_VERSION data_dir : Path, optional redefines path to input data directory. The default is SYSTEM_DIR. Raises ------ NotImplementedError Returns ------- exp : LitPop The exposure LitPop within shape """ # init countries' exposure: exp = cls.from_countries(countries, res_arcsec=res_arcsec, exponents=exponents, fin_mode=fin_mode, reference_year=reference_year, gpw_version=gpw_version, data_dir=data_dir) if isinstance(shape, Shape): # get gdf with geometries of points within shape: shape_gdf, _ = _get_litpop_single_polygon(shape, reference_year, res_arcsec, data_dir, gpw_version, exponents, ) shape_gdf = shape_gdf.drop( columns=shape_gdf.columns[shape_gdf.columns != 'geometry']) # extract gdf with data points within shape: gdf = geopandas.sjoin(exp.gdf, shape_gdf, how='right') gdf = gdf.drop(columns=['index_left']) elif isinstance(shape, (shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon, shapely.geometry.Polygon)): # works if shape is Polygon or MultiPolygon gdf = exp.gdf.loc[exp.gdf.geometry.within(shape)] elif isinstance(shape, (geopandas.GeoSeries, list)): gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(columns=exp.gdf.columns) for shp in shape: if isinstance(shp, (shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon, shapely.geometry.Polygon)): gdf = gdf.append(exp.gdf.loc[exp.gdf.geometry.within(shp)]) else: raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented for list or GeoSeries containing ' f'objects of type {type(shp)} as `shape`') else: raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented for `shape` of type {type(shape)}') exp.description = (f'LitPop Exposure for custom shape in {countries} at' f' {res_arcsec} as, year: {reference_year}, financial mode:' f' {fin_mode}, exp: {exponents}, admin1_calc: {admin1_calc}') exp.set_gdf(gdf.reset_index()) try: rows, cols, ras_trans = u_coord.pts_to_raster_meta( (exp.gdf.longitude.min(), exp.gdf.latitude.min(), exp.gdf.longitude.max(), exp.gdf.latitude.max()), u_coord.get_resolution(exp.gdf.longitude, exp.gdf.latitude)) exp.meta = { 'width': cols, 'height': rows, 'crs':, 'transform': ras_trans, } except ValueError as err: LOGGER.warning('Could not write attribute meta with ValueError: ') LOGGER.warning(err.args[0]) exp.meta = {'crs':} return exp
[docs] def set_custom_shape(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use LitPop.from_shape instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of LitPop.set_custom_shape is deprecated." "Use LitPop.from_shape instead.") self.__dict__ = LitPop.from_shape(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_shape( cls, shape, total_value, res_arcsec=30, exponents=(1,1), value_unit='USD', region_id=None, reference_year=DEF_REF_YEAR, gpw_version=GPW_VERSION, data_dir=SYSTEM_DIR, ): """init LitPop exposure object for a custom shape. Requires user input regarding the total value to be disaggregated. Sets attributes `ref_year`, `crs`, `value`, `geometry`, `meta`, `value_unit`, `exponents`,`fin_mode`, `gpw_version`, and `admin1_calc`. This method can be used to initiated LitPop Exposure for sub-national regions such as states, districts, cantons, cities, ... but shapes and total value need to be provided manually. If these required input parameters are not known / available, better initiate Exposure for entire country and extract shape afterwards. Parameters ---------- shape : shapely.geometry.Polygon or MultiPolygon or shapereader.Shape. Geographical shape for which LitPop Exposure is to be initiated. total_value : int, float or None type Total value to be disaggregated to grid in shape. If None, no value is disaggregated. res_arcsec : float, optional Horizontal resolution in arc-sec. The default 30 arcsec corresponds to roughly 1 km. exponents : tuple of two integers, optional Defining power with which lit (nightlights) and pop (gpw) go into LitPop. value_unit : str Unit of exposure values. The default is USD. region_id : int, optional The numeric ISO 3166 region associated with the shape. If set to a value, this single value will be set for every coordinate in the ``GeoDataFrame`` of the resulting ``LitPop`` instance. If ``None`` (default), the region ID for every coordinate will be determined automatically (at a slight computational cost). reference_year : int, optional Reference year for data sources. Default: CONFIG.exposures.def_ref_year gpw_version : int, optional Version number of GPW population data. The default is set in CONFIG. data_dir : Path, optional redefines path to input data directory. The default is SYSTEM_DIR. Raises ------ NotImplementedError ValueError TypeError Returns ------- exp : LitPop The exposure LitPop within shape """ if isinstance(shape, (geopandas.GeoSeries, list)): raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented for `shape` of type list or ' 'GeoSeries. Loop over elements of series outside method.') litpop_gdf, _ = _get_litpop_single_polygon( shape, reference_year, res_arcsec, data_dir, gpw_version, exponents, region_id ) # disaggregate total value proportional to LitPop values: if isinstance(total_value, (float, int)): litpop_gdf['value'] = np.divide(litpop_gdf['value'], litpop_gdf['value'].sum()) * total_value elif total_value is not None: raise TypeError("total_value must be int, float or None.") description = (f'LitPop Exposure for custom shape at {res_arcsec} as,' f' year: {reference_year}, exp: {exponents}') litpop_gdf[INDICATOR_IMPF] = 1 exp = cls( data=litpop_gdf,, ref_year=reference_year, value_unit=value_unit, exponents=exponents, gpw_version=gpw_version, fin_mode=None, description=description ) if min(len(exp.gdf.latitude.unique()), len(exp.gdf.longitude.unique())) > 1: #if exp.gdf.shape[0] > 1 and len(exp.gdf.latitude.unique()) > 1: rows, cols, ras_trans = u_coord.pts_to_raster_meta( (exp.gdf.longitude.min(), exp.gdf.latitude.min(), exp.gdf.longitude.max(), exp.gdf.latitude.max()), u_coord.get_resolution(exp.gdf.longitude, exp.gdf.latitude)) exp.meta = { 'width': cols, 'height': rows, 'crs':, 'transform': ras_trans, } else: LOGGER.warning('Could not write attribute meta because coordinates' ' are either only one point or do not extend in lat and lon') exp.meta = {'crs':} return exp
@staticmethod def _from_country(country, res_arcsec=30, exponents=(1,1), fin_mode=None, total_value=None, reference_year=DEF_REF_YEAR, gpw_version=GPW_VERSION, data_dir=SYSTEM_DIR): """init LitPop exposure object for one single country See docstring of from_countries() for detailled description of parameters. Parameters ---------- country : str or int country identifier as iso3alpha, iso3num or name. res_arcsec : float, optional horizontal resolution in arc-sec. exponents : tuple of two integers, optional fin_mode : str, optional total_value : numeric, optional reference_year : int, optional gpw_version : int, optional data_dir : Path, optional redefines path to input data directory. The default is SYSTEM_DIR. Raises ------ ValueError Returns ------- exp : LitPop LitPop Exposure instance for the country """ # Determine ISO 3166 representation of country and get geometry: try: iso3a = u_coord.country_to_iso(country, representation="alpha3") iso3n = u_coord.country_to_iso(country, representation="numeric") except LookupError: LOGGER.error('Country not identified: %s.', country) return None country_geometry = u_coord.get_land_geometry([iso3a]) if not country_geometry.bounds: # check for empty shape LOGGER.error('No geometry found for country: %s.', country) return None'\n LitPop: Init Exposure for country: %s (%i)...\n', iso3a, iso3n) litpop_gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame() total_population = 0 # for countries with multiple sperated shapes (e.g., islands), data # is initiated for each shape separately and 0 values (e.g. on sea) # removed before combination, to save memory. # loop over single polygons in country shape object: for idx, polygon in enumerate(country_geometry.geoms): # get litpop data for each polygon and combine into GeoDataFrame: gdf_tmp, meta_tmp, = \ _get_litpop_single_polygon(polygon, reference_year, res_arcsec, data_dir, gpw_version, exponents, verbose=(idx > 0), region_id=iso3n ) if gdf_tmp is None: LOGGER.debug(f'Skipping polygon with index {idx} for' + f' country {iso3a}.') continue total_population += meta_tmp['total_population'] litpop_gdf = pd.concat([litpop_gdf, gdf_tmp]) = meta_tmp['crs'] # set total value for disaggregation if not provided: if total_value is None and fin_mode == 'pop': total_value = total_population # population count is taken from pop-data. elif total_value is None: total_value = _get_total_value_per_country(iso3a, fin_mode, reference_year) # disaggregate total value proportional to LitPop values: if isinstance(total_value, (float, int)): litpop_gdf['value'] = np.divide(litpop_gdf['value'], litpop_gdf['value'].sum()) * total_value elif total_value is not None: raise TypeError("total_value must be int or float.") exp = LitPop() exp.set_gdf(litpop_gdf) exp.gdf[INDICATOR_IMPF] = 1 return exp # Alias method names for backward compatibility: set_country = set_countries
def _get_litpop_single_polygon(polygon, reference_year, res_arcsec, data_dir, gpw_version, exponents, region_id=None, verbose=False): """load nightlight (nl) and population (pop) data in rastered 2d arrays and apply rescaling (resolution reprojection) and LitPop core calculation, i.e. combination of nl and pop per grid cell. NB: In this method, there is no disaggregation taking place, yet. This is done in a subsequent step outside this method. Parameters ---------- polygon : Polygon object single polygon to be extracted reference_year : int, optional Reference year for data sources. res_arcsec : float Horizontal resolution in arc-seconds. data_dir : Path redefines path to input data directory. The default is SYSTEM_DIR. gpw_version : int Version number of GPW population data. The default is None. If None, the default is set in gpw_population module. exponents : tuple of two integers Defining power with which lit (nightlights) and pop (gpw) go into LitPop. To get nightlights^3 without population count: (3, 0). To use population count alone: (0, 1). region_id : int, optional if provided, region_id of gdf is set to value. The default is ``None``, in which case the region is determined automatically for every location of the resulting GeoDataFrame. verbose : bool, optional Enable verbose logging about the used GPW version and reference year as well as about the boundary case where no grid points from the GPW grid are contained in the specified polygon. Default: False. Returns ------- litpop_gdf : GeoDataframe resulting gridded data for Lit^m * Pop^n inside polygon, data points outside the polygon and equal to zero are not returned. meta_out : dict raster meta info for gridded data in litpop_array, additionally the field 'total_population' contains the sum of population in the polygon. """ # set nightlight offset (delta) to 1 in case n>0, c.f. delta in Eq. 1 of paper: if exponents[1] == 0: offsets = (0, 0) else: offsets = (1, 0) # import population data (2d array), meta data, and global grid info, # global_transform defines the origin (corner points) of the global traget grid: pop, meta_pop, global_transform = \ pop_util.load_gpw_pop_shape(polygon, reference_year, gpw_version=gpw_version, data_dir=data_dir, verbose=verbose, ) total_population = pop.sum() # import nightlight data (2d array) and associated meta data: nlight, meta_nl = nl_util.load_nasa_nl_shape(polygon, reference_year, data_dir=data_dir, dtype=float ) # if resolution is the same as for lit (15 arcsec), set grid same as lit: if res_arcsec==15: i_align = 1 global_origins = (meta_nl['transform'][2], # lon meta_nl['transform'][5]) # lat else: # align grid for resampling to grid of population data (pop) i_align = 0 global_origins=(global_transform[2], global_transform[5]) # reproject Lit and Pop input data to aligned grid with target resolution: try: [pop, nlight], meta_out = reproject_input_data([pop, nlight], [meta_pop, meta_nl], i_align=i_align, # pop defines grid target_res_arcsec=res_arcsec, global_origins=global_origins, ) except ValueError as err: if ("height must be > 0" in str(err) or "width must be > 0" in str(err) # rasterio 1.2 or "Invalid dataset dimensions :" in str(err)): # rasterio 1.3 # no grid point within shape after reprojection, None is returned. if verbose:'No data point on destination grid within polygon.') return None, {'crs': meta_pop['crs']} raise err # calculate Lit^m * Pop^n (but not yet disaggregate any total value to grid): litpop_array = gridpoints_core_calc([nlight, pop], offsets=offsets, exponents=exponents, total_val_rescale=None) # mask entries outside polygon (set to NaN) and set total population: litpop_array = u_coord.mask_raster_with_geometry(litpop_array, meta_out['transform'], [polygon], nodata=np.nan) meta_out['total_population'] = total_population # extract coordinates as meshgrid arrays: lon, lat = u_coord.raster_to_meshgrid(meta_out['transform'], meta_out['width'], meta_out['height']) # init GeoDataFrame from data and coordinates: latitude = np.round(lat.flatten(), decimals=8) longitude = np.round(lon.flatten(), decimals=8) gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame( {"value": litpop_array.flatten(), "latitude": latitude, "longitude": longitude}, crs=meta_out['crs'], geometry=geopandas.points_from_xy(longitude, latitude), ) if region_id is not None: # set region_id gdf['region_id'] = region_id else: gdf['region_id'] = u_coord.get_country_code( gdf.latitude, gdf.longitude, gridded=True ) # remove entries outside polygon with `dropna` and return GeoDataFrame: return gdf.dropna(), meta_out
[docs] def get_value_unit(fin_mode): """get `value_unit` depending on `fin_mode` Parameters ---------- fin_mode : Socio-economic value to be used as an asset base Returns ------- value_unit : str """ if fin_mode in ['none', 'norm']: return '' if fin_mode == 'pop': return 'people' return 'USD'
def _get_total_value_per_country(cntry_iso3a, fin_mode, reference_year): """ Get total value for disaggregation, e.g., total asset value for a country, depending on user choice (fin_mode). Parameters ---------- cntry_iso3a : str country iso3 code alphabetic, e.g. 'JPN' for Japan fin_mode : str Socio-economic value to be used as an asset base that is disaggregated to the grid points within the country * 'pc': produced capital (Source: World Bank), incl. manufactured or built assets such as machinery, equipment, and physical structures (pc is in constant 2014 USD) * 'pc_land': produced capital (Source: World Bank), incl. manufactured or built assets such as machinery, equipment, physical structures, and land value for built-up land. (pc is in constant 2014 USD) * 'gdp': gross-domestic product (Source: World Bank) [USD] * 'income_group': gdp multiplied by country's income group+1 [USD] Income groups are 1 (low) to 4 (high income). * 'nfw': non-financial wealth (Source: Credit Suisse, of households only) [USD] * 'tw': total wealth (Source: Credit Suisse, of households only) [USD] * 'norm': normalized by country * 'none': LitPop per pixel is returned unscaled The default is 'pc' reference_year : int reference year for data extraction Returns ------- total_value : float """ if fin_mode == 'none': return None if fin_mode == 'pop': raise NotImplementedError("`_get_total_value_per_country` is not " "implemented for `fin_mode` == 'pop'.") if fin_mode == 'pc': return(u_fin.world_bank_wealth_account(cntry_iso3a, reference_year, no_land=True)[1]) # here, total_asset_val is Produced Capital "pc" # no_land=True returns value w/o the mark-up of 24% for land value if fin_mode == 'pc_land': return(u_fin.world_bank_wealth_account(cntry_iso3a, reference_year, no_land=False)[1]) # no_land=False returns pc value incl. the mark-up of 24% for land value if fin_mode == 'norm': return 1 # GDP based total values: gdp_value = u_fin.gdp(cntry_iso3a, reference_year)[1] if fin_mode == 'gdp': return gdp_value if fin_mode == 'income_group': # gdp * (income group + 1) return gdp_value*(u_fin.income_group(cntry_iso3a, reference_year)[1]+1) if fin_mode in ('nfw', 'tw'): wealthtogdp_factor = u_fin.wealth2gdp(cntry_iso3a, fin_mode == 'nfw', reference_year)[1] if np.isnan(wealthtogdp_factor): LOGGER.warning("Missing wealth-to-gdp factor for country %s.", cntry_iso3a) LOGGER.warning("Using GDP instead as total value.") return gdp_value return gdp_value * wealthtogdp_factor raise ValueError(f"Unsupported fin_mode: {fin_mode}")
[docs] def reproject_input_data(data_array_list, meta_list, i_align=0, target_res_arcsec=None, global_origins=(-180.0, 89.99999999999991), resampling=rasterio.warp.Resampling.bilinear, conserve=None): """ LitPop-sepcific wrapper around u_coord.align_raster_data. Reprojects all arrays in data_arrays to a given resolution – all based on the population data grid. Parameters ---------- data_array_list : list or array of numpy arrays containing numbers Data to be reprojected, i.e. list containing N (min. 1) 2D-arrays. The data with the reference grid used to align the global destination grid to should be first data_array_list[i_align], e.g., pop (GPW population data) for LitPop. meta_list : list of dicts meta data dictionaries of data arrays in same order as data_array_list. Required fields in each dict are 'dtype,', 'width', 'height', 'crs', 'transform'. Example: >>> { ... 'driver': 'GTiff', ... 'dtype': 'float32', ... 'nodata': 0, ... 'width': 2702, ... 'height': 1939, ... 'count': 1, ... 'crs': CRS.from_epsg(4326), ... 'transform': Affine(0.00833333333333333, 0.0, -18.175000000000068, ... 0.0, -0.00833333333333333, 43.79999999999993), ... } The meta data with the reference grid used to define the global destination grid should be first in the list, e.g., GPW population data for LitPop. i_align : int, optional Index/Position of meta in meta_list to which the global grid of the destination is to be aligned to (c.f. u_coord.align_raster_data) The default is 0. target_res_arcsec : int, optional target resolution in arcsec. The default is None, i.e. same resolution as reference data. global_origins : tuple with two numbers (lat, lon), optional global lon and lat origins as basis for destination grid. The default is the same as for GPW population data: ``(-180.0, 89.99999999999991)`` resampling : resampling function, optional The default is rasterio.warp.Resampling.bilinear conserve : str, optional, either 'mean' or 'sum' Conserve mean or sum of data? The default is None (no conservation). Returns ------- data_array_list : list contains reprojected data sets meta_out : dict contains meta data of new grid (same for all arrays) """ # target resolution in degree lon,lat: if target_res_arcsec is None: res_degree = meta_list[i_align]['transform'][0] # reference grid else: res_degree = target_res_arcsec / 3600 dst_crs = meta_list[i_align]['crs'] # loop over data arrays, do transformation where required: data_out_list = [None] * len(data_array_list) meta_out = {'dtype': meta_list[i_align]['dtype'], 'nodata': meta_list[i_align]['nodata'], 'crs': dst_crs} for idx, data in enumerate(data_array_list): # if target resolution corresponds to reference data resolution, # the reference data is not transformed: if idx==i_align and ((target_res_arcsec is None) or \ (np.round(meta_list[i_align]['transform'][0], decimals=7)==np.round(res_degree, decimals=7))): data_out_list[idx] = data continue # reproject data grid: dst_bounds = rasterio.transform.array_bounds(meta_list[i_align]['height'], meta_list[i_align]['width'], meta_list[i_align]['transform']) data_out_list[idx], meta_out['transform'] = \ u_coord.align_raster_data(data_array_list[idx], meta_list[idx]['crs'], meta_list[idx]['transform'], dst_crs=dst_crs, dst_resolution=(res_degree, res_degree), dst_bounds=dst_bounds, global_origin=global_origins, resampling=resampling, conserve=conserve) meta_out['height'] = data_out_list[-1].shape[0] meta_out['width'] = data_out_list[-1].shape[1] return data_out_list, meta_out
[docs] def gridpoints_core_calc( data_arrays, offsets=None, exponents=None, total_val_rescale=None ): """ Combines N dense numerical arrays by point-wise multipilcation and optionally rescales to new total value: (1) An offset (1 number per array) is added to all elements in the corresponding data array in data_arrays (optional). (2) Numbers in each array are taken to the power of the corresponding exponent (optional). (3) Arrays are multiplied element-wise. (4) if total_val_rescale is provided, results are normalized and re-scaled with total_val_rescale. (5) One array with results is returned. Parameters ---------- data_arrays : list or array of numpy arrays containing numbers Data to be combined, i.e. list containing N (min. 1) arrays of same shape. total_val_rescale : float or int, optional Total value for optional rescaling of resulting array. All values in result_array are skaled so that the sum is equal to total_val_rescale. The default (None) implies no rescaling. offsets: list or array containing N numbers >= 0, optional One numerical offset per array that is added (sum) to the corresponding array in data_arrays. The default (None) corresponds to np.zeros(N). exponents: list or array containing N numbers >= 0, optional One exponent per array used as power for the corresponding array. The default (None) corresponds to np.ones(N). Raises ------ ValueError If input lists don't have the same number of elements. Or: If arrays in data_arrays do not have the same shape. Returns ------- np.array of same shape as arrays in data_arrays Results from calculation described above. """ # Convert input data to arrays # NOTE: Setting dtype will cause an error if shapes are not compatible data = np.asarray(data_arrays, dtype=float) def prepare_input(input_data, default_value, name): """Prepare the offset and exposure inputs If they are ``None``, use the default values. If not, cast them to an array and ensure that the array has only one dimension. Finally, check if the values are positive. """ if input_data is None: return default_value array = np.asarray(input_data, dtype=float) if array.ndim > 1: raise ValueError(f"Provide {name} as 1D array or list of scalars") if np.any(array < 0): raise ValueError( f"{name} values < 0 are not allowed, because negative {name} " "values produce undesired negative disaggregation values." ) return array offsets = prepare_input(offsets, 0, "offsets") exponents = prepare_input(exponents, 1, "exponents") # Steps 1-3: arrays are multiplied after application of offets and exponents: # NOTE: Transpose so that broadcasting over last dimension works. Computing the # product over the last axis is also much faster. Then transpose back. data = (data.T + offsets) ** exponents data = # Steps 4+5: if total value for rescaling is provided, result is normalized and # scaled with this total value (total_val_rescale): if isinstance(total_val_rescale, (float, int)): return data / data.sum() * total_val_rescale if total_val_rescale is not None: raise TypeError("total_val_rescale must be int or float.") return data
# The following functions are only required if calc_admin1 is True, # not for core LitPop. They are maintained here mainly for backward compatibility def _check_excel_exists(file_path, file_name, xlsx_before_xls=True): """Checks if an Excel file with the name file_name in the folder file_path exists, checking for both xlsx and xls files. Parameters ---------- file_path : string path where to look for file file_name : string file name which is checked. Extension is ignored xlsx_before_xls : boolean, optional If True, xlsx files are priorised over xls files. Default: True. Returns ------- path: Path instance """ try_ext = [] if xlsx_before_xls: try_ext.append('.xlsx') try_ext.append('.xls') else: try_ext.append('.xls') try_ext.append('.xlsx') path_name = Path(file_path, file_name).stem for i in try_ext: if Path(file_path, path_name + i).is_file(): return str(Path(file_path, path_name + i)) return None def _grp_read(country_iso3, admin1_info=None, data_dir=SYSTEM_DIR): """Retrieves the Gross Regional Product (GRP) aka Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) data for a certain country. It requires an excel file in a subfolder "GSDP" in climadas data folder (or in the specified folder). The excel file should bear the name 'ISO3_GSDP.xlsx' (or .xls), where ISO3 is the three letter country code. In the excel file, the first sheet should contain a row with the title "State_Province" with the name or postal code (two letters) of the admin1 unit and a row "GSDP_ref" with either the GDP value of the admin1 unit or its share in the national GDP. Parameters ---------- country_iso3 : str alphabetic three letter country code ISO3a admin1_info : list, optional list containg all admin1 records for country. if not provided, info is set retrieved automatically data_dir : str, optional path where to look for file Returns ------- out_dict : dictionary GRP for each admin1 unit name. """ if admin1_info is None: admin1_info, _ = u_coord.get_admin1_info(country_iso3) admin1_info = admin1_info[country_iso3] file_name = _check_excel_exists(data_dir.joinpath('GSDP'), str(country_iso3 + '_GSDP')) if file_name is not None: # open spreadsheet and identify relevant columns: admin1_xls_data = pd.read_excel(file_name) if admin1_xls_data.get('State_Province') is None: admin1_xls_data = admin1_xls_data.rename( columns={admin1_xls_data.columns[0]: 'State_Province'}) if admin1_xls_data.get('GSDP_ref') is None: admin1_xls_data = admin1_xls_data.rename( columns={admin1_xls_data.columns[-1]: 'GSDP_ref'}) # initiate dictionary with admin 1 names as keys: out_dict = dict.fromkeys([record['name'] for record in admin1_info]) postals = [record['postal'] for record in admin1_info] # first nested loop. outer loop over region names in admin1_info: for record_name in out_dict: # inner loop over region names in spreadsheet, find matches for idx, xls_name in enumerate(admin1_xls_data['State_Province'].tolist()): subnat_shape_str = [c for c in record_name if c.isalpha() or c.isnumeric()] subnat_xls_str = [c for c in xls_name if c.isalpha()] if subnat_shape_str == subnat_xls_str: out_dict[record_name] = admin1_xls_data['GSDP_ref'][idx] break # second nested loop to detect matched empty entries for idx1, country_name in enumerate(out_dict.keys()): if out_dict[country_name] is None: for idx2, xls_name in enumerate(admin1_xls_data['State_Province'].tolist()): subnat_xls_str = [c for c in xls_name if c.isalpha()] postals_str = [c for c in postals[idx1] if c.isalpha()] if subnat_xls_str == postals_str: out_dict[country_name] = admin1_xls_data['GSDP_ref'][idx2] return out_dict LOGGER.warning('No file for %s could be found in %s.', country_iso3, data_dir) LOGGER.warning('No admin1 data is calculated in this case.') return None def _calc_admin1_one_country(country, res_arcsec, exponents, fin_mode, total_value, reference_year, gpw_version, data_dir): """ Calculates the LitPop on admin1 level for provinces/states where such information are available (i.e. GDP is distributed on a subnational instead of a national level). Requires excel files in a subfolder "GSDP" in climadas data folder. The excel files should contain a row with the title "State_Province" with the name or postal code (two letters) of the admin1 unit and a row "GSDP_ref" with either the GDP value or the share of the state in the national GDP. If only for certain states admin1 info is found, the rest of the country is assigned value according to the admin0 method. See from_countries() for description of parameters. Parameters ---------- country : str res_arcsec : int exponents : tuple fin_mode : str total_value :int or float reference_year : int gpw_version: int data_dir : Path Returns ------- Exposure instance """ if fin_mode == 'pop': raise NotImplementedError('`_calc_admin1_one_country` not implemented for '+ "`fin_mode` == 'pop'.") # Determine ISO 3166 representation of country and get geometry: try: iso3a = u_coord.country_to_iso(country, representation="alpha3") except LookupError: LOGGER.error('Country not identified: %s. Skippig.', country) return None # get records and shapes on admin 1 level: admin1_info, admin1_shapes = u_coord.get_admin1_info(iso3a) admin1_info = admin1_info[iso3a] admin1_shapes = admin1_shapes[iso3a] # get subnational Gross Regional Product (GRP) data for country: grp_values = _grp_read(iso3a, admin1_info=admin1_info, data_dir=data_dir) if grp_values is None: LOGGER.error("No subnational GRP data found for calc_admin1" " for country %s. Skipping.", country) return None # normalize GRP values: sum_vals = sum(filter(None, grp_values.values())) # get total grp_values = {key: (value / sum_vals if value is not None else None) for (key, value) in grp_values.items()} # get total value of country: total_value = _get_total_value_per_country(iso3a, fin_mode, reference_year) exp_list = [] for idx, record in enumerate(admin1_info): if grp_values[record['name']] is None: continue['name']) # init exposure for province and add to list # total value is defined from country multiplied by grp_share: exp_list.append(LitPop.from_shape(admin1_shapes[idx], total_value * grp_values[record['name']], res_arcsec=res_arcsec, exponents=exponents, reference_year=reference_year, gpw_version=gpw_version, data_dir=data_dir) ) exp_list[-1].gdf['admin1'] = record['name'] return Exposures.concat(exp_list)