Source code for climada.engine.impact_calc

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Define ImpactCalc class.

__all__ = ['ImpactCalc']

import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
import geopandas as gpd

from climada import CONFIG
from climada.engine import Impact

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ImpactCalc(): """ Class to compute impacts from exposures, impact function set and hazard """
[docs] def __init__(self, exposures, impfset, hazard): """ ImpactCalc constructor The dimension of the imp_mat variable must be compatible with the exposures and hazard objects. Parameters ---------- exposures : climada.entity.Exposures exposures used to compute impacts impf_set: climada.entity.ImpactFuncSet impact functions set used to compute impacts hazard : climada.Hazard hazard used to compute impacts """ self.exposures = exposures self.impfset = impfset self.hazard = hazard # exposures index to use for matrix reconstruction self._orig_exp_idx = np.arange(self.exposures.gdf.shape[0])
@property def n_exp_pnt(self): """Number of exposure points (rows in gdf)""" return self.exposures.gdf.shape[0] @property def n_events(self): """Number of hazard events (size of event_id array)""" return self.hazard.size
[docs] def impact(self, save_mat=True, assign_centroids=True, ignore_cover=False, ignore_deductible=False): """Compute the impact of a hazard on exposures. Parameters ---------- save_mat : bool, optional if true, save the total impact matrix (events x exposures) Default: True assign_centroids : bool, optional indicates whether centroids are assigned to the self.exposures object. Centroids assignment is an expensive operation; set this to ``False`` to save computation time if the hazards' centroids are already assigned to the exposures object. Default: True ignore_cover : bool, optional if set to True, the column 'cover' of the exposures GeoDataFrame, if present, is ignored and the impact it not capped by the values in this column. Default: False ignore_deductible : bool, opotional if set to True, the column 'deductible' of the exposures GeoDataFrame, if present, is ignored and the impact it not reduced through values in this column. Default: False Examples -------- >>> haz = Hazard.from_mat(HAZ_DEMO_MAT) # Set hazard >>> impfset = ImpactFuncSet.from_excel(ENT_TEMPLATE_XLS) >>> exp = Exposures(pd.read_excel(ENT_TEMPLATE_XLS)) >>> impcalc = ImpactCal(exp, impfset, haz) >>> imp = impcalc.impact(insured=True) >>> imp.aai_agg See also -------- apply_deductible_to_mat : apply deductible to impact matrix apply_cover_to_mat : apply cover to impact matrix """ # check for compability of exposures and hazard type if all(name not in self.exposures.gdf.columns for name in ['if_', f'if_{self.hazard.haz_type}', 'impf_', f'impf_{self.hazard.haz_type}']): raise AttributeError( "Impact calculation not possible. No impact functions found " f"for hazard type {self.hazard.haz_type} in exposures." ) # check for compability of impact function and hazard type if not self.impfset.get_func(haz_type=self.hazard.haz_type): raise AttributeError( "Impact calculation not possible. No impact functions found " f"for hazard type {self.hazard.haz_type} in impf_set." ) impf_col = self.exposures.get_impf_column(self.hazard.haz_type) exp_gdf = self.minimal_exp_gdf(impf_col, assign_centroids, ignore_cover, ignore_deductible) if exp_gdf.size == 0: return self._return_empty(save_mat)'Calculating impact for %s assets (>0) and %s events.', exp_gdf.size, self.n_events) imp_mat_gen = self.imp_mat_gen(exp_gdf, impf_col) insured = ('cover' in exp_gdf and exp_gdf.cover.max() >= 0) \ or ('deductible' in exp_gdf and exp_gdf.deductible.max() > 0) if insured:"cover and/or deductible columns detected," " going to calculate insured impact") #TODO: make a better impact matrix generator for insured impacts when # the impact matrix is already present imp_mat_gen = self.insured_mat_gen(imp_mat_gen, exp_gdf, impf_col) return self._return_impact(imp_mat_gen, save_mat)
def _return_impact(self, imp_mat_gen, save_mat): """Return an impact object from an impact matrix generator Parameters ---------- imp_mat_gen : generator Generator of impact matrix and corresponding exposures index save_mat : boolean if true, save the impact matrix Returns ------- Impact Impact Object initialize from the impact matrix See Also -------- imp_mat_gen : impact matrix generator insured_mat_gen: insured impact matrix generator """ if save_mat: imp_mat = self.stitch_impact_matrix(imp_mat_gen) at_event, eai_exp, aai_agg = \ self.risk_metrics(imp_mat, self.hazard.frequency) else: imp_mat = None at_event, eai_exp, aai_agg = self.stitch_risk_metrics(imp_mat_gen) return Impact.from_eih( self.exposures, self.hazard, at_event, eai_exp, aai_agg, imp_mat ) def _return_empty(self, save_mat): """ Return empty impact. Parameters ---------- save_mat : bool If true, save impact matrix Returns ------- Impact Empty impact object with correct array sizes. """ at_event = np.zeros(self.n_events) eai_exp = np.zeros(self.n_exp_pnt) aai_agg = 0.0 if save_mat: imp_mat = sparse.csr_matrix(( self.n_events, self.n_exp_pnt), dtype=np.float64 ) else: imp_mat = None return Impact.from_eih( self.exposures, self.hazard, at_event, eai_exp, aai_agg, imp_mat )
[docs] def minimal_exp_gdf(self, impf_col, assign_centroids, ignore_cover, ignore_deductible): """Get minimal exposures geodataframe for impact computation Parameters ---------- exposures : climada.entity.Exposures hazard : climada.Hazard impf_col : str Name of the impact function column in exposures.gdf assign_centroids : bool Indicates whether centroids are re-assigned to the self.exposures object or kept from previous impact calculation with a hazard of the same hazard type. Centroids assignment is an expensive operation; set this to ``False`` to save computation time if the centroids have not changed since the last impact calculation. include_cover : bool if set to True, the column 'cover' of the exposures GeoDataFrame is excluded from the returned GeoDataFrame, otherwise it is included if present. include_deductible : bool if set to True, the column 'deductible' of the exposures GeoDataFrame is excluded from the returned GeoDataFrame, otherwise it is included if present. """ if assign_centroids: self.exposures.assign_centroids(self.hazard, overwrite=True) elif self.hazard.centr_exp_col not in self.exposures.gdf.columns: raise ValueError("'assign_centroids' is set to 'False' but no centroids are assigned" f" for the given hazard type ({self.hazard.haz_type})." " Run 'exposures.assign_centroids()' beforehand or set" " 'assign_centroids' to 'True'") mask = ( (self.exposures.gdf.value.values == self.exposures.gdf.value.values) # value != NaN & (self.exposures.gdf.value.values != 0) # value != 0 & (self.exposures.gdf[self.hazard.centr_exp_col].values >= 0) # centroid assigned ) columns = ['value', impf_col, self.hazard.centr_exp_col] if not ignore_cover and 'cover' in self.exposures.gdf: columns.append('cover') if not ignore_deductible and 'deductible' in self.exposures.gdf: columns.append('deductible') exp_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( {col: self.exposures.gdf[col].values[mask] for col in columns}, ) if exp_gdf.size == 0: LOGGER.warning("No exposures with value >0 in the vicinity of the hazard.") self._orig_exp_idx = mask.nonzero()[0] # update index of kept exposures points in exp_gdf # within the full exposures return exp_gdf
[docs] def imp_mat_gen(self, exp_gdf, impf_col): """ Generator of impact sub-matrices and correspoding exposures indices The exposures gdf is decomposed into chunks that fit into the max defined memory size. For each chunk, the impact matrix is computed and returned, together with the corresponding exposures points index. Parameters ---------- exp_gdf : GeoDataFrame Geodataframe of the exposures with columns required for impact computation. impf_col : str name of the desired impact column in the exposures. Raises ------ ValueError if the hazard is larger than the memory limit Yields ------ scipy.sparse.crs_matrix, np.ndarray impact matrix and corresponding exposures indices for each chunk. """ def _chunk_exp_idx(haz_size, idx_exp_impf): ''' Chunk computations in sizes that roughly fit into memory ''' max_size = if haz_size > max_size: raise ValueError( f"Hazard size '{haz_size}' exceeds maximum matrix size '{max_size}'. " "Increase max_matrix_size configuration parameter accordingly." ) n_chunks = np.ceil(haz_size * len(idx_exp_impf) / max_size) return np.array_split(idx_exp_impf, n_chunks) for impf_id in exp_gdf[impf_col].dropna().unique(): impf = self.impfset.get_func( haz_type=self.hazard.haz_type, fun_id=impf_id ) idx_exp_impf = (exp_gdf[impf_col].values == impf_id).nonzero()[0] for exp_idx in _chunk_exp_idx(self.hazard.size, idx_exp_impf): exp_values = exp_gdf.value.values[exp_idx] cent_idx = exp_gdf[self.hazard.centr_exp_col].values[exp_idx] yield ( self.impact_matrix(exp_values, cent_idx, impf), exp_idx )
[docs] def insured_mat_gen(self, imp_mat_gen, exp_gdf, impf_col): """ Generator of insured impact sub-matrices (with applied cover and deductible) and corresponding exposures indices This generator takes a 'regular' impact matrix generator and applies cover and deductible onto the impacts. It yields the same sub-matrices as the original generator. Deductible and cover are taken from the dataframe stored in `exposures.gdf`. Parameters ---------- imp_mat_gen : generator of tuples (sparse.csr_matrix, np.array) The generator for creating the impact matrix. It returns a part of the full matrix and the associated exposure indices. exp_gdf : GeoDataFrame Geodataframe of the exposures with columns required for impact computation. impf_col : str Name of the column in 'exp_gdf' indicating the impact function (id) Yields ------ mat : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Impact sub-matrix (with applied cover and deductible) with size (n_events, len(exp_idx)) exp_idx : np.array Exposure indices for impacts in mat """ for mat, exp_idx in imp_mat_gen: impf_id = exp_gdf[impf_col][exp_idx[0]] cent_idx = exp_gdf[self.hazard.centr_exp_col].values[exp_idx] impf = self.impfset.get_func( haz_type=self.hazard.haz_type, fun_id=impf_id) if 'deductible' in exp_gdf: deductible = exp_gdf.deductible.values[exp_idx] mat = self.apply_deductible_to_mat(mat, deductible, self.hazard, cent_idx, impf) if 'cover' in exp_gdf: cover = exp_gdf.cover.values[exp_idx] mat = self.apply_cover_to_mat(mat, cover) yield (mat, exp_idx)
[docs] def impact_matrix(self, exp_values, cent_idx, impf): """ Compute the impact matrix for given exposure values, assigned centroids, a hazard, and one impact function. Parameters ---------- exp_values : np.array Exposure values cent_idx : np.array Hazard centroids assigned to each exposure location hazard : climada.Hazard Hazard object impf : climada.entity.ImpactFunc one impactfunction comon to all exposure elements in exp_gdf Returns ------- scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Impact per event (rows) per exposure point (columns) """ n_exp_pnt = len(cent_idx) # implicitly checks in matrix assignement whether # len(cent_idx) == len(exp_values) mdr = self.hazard.get_mdr(cent_idx, impf) exp_values_csr = sparse.csr_matrix( # vector 1 x exp_size (exp_values, np.arange(n_exp_pnt), [0, n_exp_pnt]), shape=(1, n_exp_pnt)) fract = self.hazard._get_fraction(cent_idx) # pylint: disable=protected-access if fract is None: return mdr.multiply(exp_values_csr) return fract.multiply(mdr).multiply(exp_values_csr)
[docs] def stitch_impact_matrix(self, imp_mat_gen): """ Make an impact matrix from an impact sub-matrix generator """ # rows: events index # cols: exposure point index within self.exposures data, row, col = np.hstack([ (, mat.nonzero()[0], self._orig_exp_idx[idx][mat.nonzero()[1]]) for mat, idx in imp_mat_gen ]) return sparse.csr_matrix( (data, (row, col)), shape=(self.n_events, self.n_exp_pnt) )
[docs] def stitch_risk_metrics(self, imp_mat_gen): """Compute the impact metrics from an impact sub-matrix generator This method is used to compute the risk metrics if the user decided not to store the full impact matrix. Parameters ---------- imp_mat_gen : generator of tuples (sparse.csr_matrix, np.array) The generator for creating the impact matrix. It returns a part of the full matrix and the associated exposure indices. Returns ------- at_event : np.array Accumulated damage for each event eai_exp : np.array Expected impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit for each exposure point aai_agg : float Average impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit aggregated """ at_event = np.zeros(self.n_events) eai_exp = np.zeros(self.n_exp_pnt) for sub_imp_mat, idx in imp_mat_gen: at_event += self.at_event_from_mat(sub_imp_mat) eai_exp[self._orig_exp_idx[idx]] += \ self.eai_exp_from_mat(sub_imp_mat, self.hazard.frequency) aai_agg = self.aai_agg_from_eai_exp(eai_exp) return at_event, eai_exp, aai_agg
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_deductible_to_mat(mat, deductible, hazard, cent_idx, impf): """ Apply a deductible per exposure point to an impact matrix at given centroid points for given impact function. All exposure points must have the same impact function. For different impact functions apply use this method repeatedly on the same impact matrix. Parameters ---------- imp_mat : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix impact matrix (events x exposure points) deductible : np.array() deductible for each exposure point hazard : climada.Hazard hazard used to compute the imp_mat cent_idx : np.array() index of centroids associated with each exposure point impf : climada.entity.ImpactFunc impact function associated with the exposure points Returns ------- imp_mat : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix impact matrix with applied deductible """ paa = hazard.get_paa(cent_idx, impf) mat -= paa.multiply(sparse.csr_matrix(deductible)) mat.eliminate_zeros() return mat
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_cover_to_mat(mat, cover): """ Apply cover to impact matrix. The impact data is clipped to the range [0, cover]. The cover is defined per exposure point. Parameters ---------- imp_mat : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix impact matrix cover : np.array() cover per exposures point (columns of imp_mat) Returns ------- imp_mat : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix impact matrix with applied cover """ = np.clip(, 0, cover[mat.nonzero()[1]]) mat.eliminate_zeros() return mat
[docs] @staticmethod def eai_exp_from_mat(mat, freq): """ Compute impact for each exposures from the total impact matrix Parameters ---------- imp_mat : sparse.csr_matrix matrix num_events x num_exp with impacts. frequency : np.array frequency of events within a period of 1/frequency_unit Returns ------- eai_exp : np.array expected impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit for each exposure """ n_events = freq.size freq_csr = sparse.csr_matrix( #vector n_events x 1 (freq, np.zeros(n_events), np.arange(n_events + 1)), shape=(n_events, 1)) return mat.multiply(freq_csr).sum(axis=0).A1
[docs] @staticmethod def at_event_from_mat(mat): """ Compute impact for each hazard event from the total impact matrix Parameters ---------- imp_mat : sparse.csr_matrix matrix num_events x num_exp with impacts. Returns ------- at_event : np.array impact for each hazard event """ return np.asarray(np.sum(mat, axis=1)).ravel()
[docs] @staticmethod def aai_agg_from_eai_exp(eai_exp): """ Aggregate impact.eai_exp Parameters ---------- eai_exp : np.array expected impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit for each exposure point Returns ------- float average aggregated impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit """ return np.sum(eai_exp)
[docs] @classmethod def risk_metrics(cls, mat, freq): """ Compute risk metricss eai_exp, at_event, aai_agg for an impact matrix and a frequency vector. Parameters ---------- mat : sparse.csr_matrix matrix num_events x num_exp with impacts. freq : np.array array with the frequency per event Returns ------- eai_exp: np.array expected impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit at each exposure point at_event: np.array() total impact for each event aai_agg : float average impact within a period of 1/frequency_unit aggregated over all exposure points """ eai_exp = cls.eai_exp_from_mat(mat, freq) at_event = cls.at_event_from_mat(mat) aai_agg = cls.aai_agg_from_eai_exp(eai_exp) return at_event, eai_exp, aai_agg