Source code for climada.hazard.storm_europe

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Define StormEurope class.

__all__ = ['StormEurope']

import bz2
import datetime as dt
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import sparse

from climada.util.config import CONFIG
from climada.hazard.base import Hazard
from climada.hazard.centroids.centr import Centroids
from climada.util.files_handler import get_file_names
from climada.util.dates_times import (datetime64_to_ordinal,
from climada.util.dwd_icon_loader import (download_icon_centroids_file,

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Hazard type acronym for Winter Storm"""

"""Number of events per historic event in probabilistic dataset"""

[docs] class StormEurope(Hazard): """A hazard set containing european winter storm events. Historic storm events can be downloaded at and read with `from_footprints`. Weather forecasts can be automatically downloaded from and read with from_icon_grib(). Weather forecast from the COSMO-Consortium can be read with from_cosmoe_file(). Attributes ---------- ssi_wisc : np.array, float Storm Severity Index (SSI) as recorded in the footprint files; apparently not reproducible from the footprint values only. ssi : np.array, float SSI as set by set_ssi; uses the Dawkins definition by default. """ intensity_thres = 14.7 """Intensity threshold for storage in m/s; same as used by WISC SSI calculations.""" vars_opt = Hazard.vars_opt.union({'ssi_wisc', 'ssi', 'ssi_full_area'}) """Name of the variables that aren't need to compute the impact."""
[docs] def __init__(self, units: str = 'm/s', ssi: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ssi_wisc: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ssi_full_area: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, **kwargs): """Initialize a StormEurope object Parameters ---------- units : str The units of the Hazard intensity. Defaults to 'm/s' ssi : numpy.ndarray The Storm Severity Index (SSI). 1d vector, same length as number of storms. Defaults to an empty array. ssi_wisc : numpy.ndarray The Storm Severity Index (SSI) as reconded in the footprint files. 1d vector, same length as number of storms. Defaults to an empty array. ssi_full_area : numpy.ndarray 1d vector, same length as number of storms. Used to conserve the the index that is derived from the area and windspeed of the full geographic extent of a storm system. Needed for cropping the `StormEurope` object into a smaller region`. Defaults to an empty array. """ kwargs.setdefault('haz_type', HAZ_TYPE) Hazard.__init__(self, units=units, **kwargs) self.ssi = ssi if ssi is not None else np.array([], float) self.ssi_wisc = ssi_wisc if ssi_wisc is not None else np.array([], float) self.ssi_full_area = ssi_full_area if ssi_full_area is not None else np.array([], float)
[docs] def read_footprints(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use StormEurope.from_footprints instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of StormEurope.read_footprints is deprecated." "Use StormEurope.from_footprints instead.") self.__dict__ = StormEurope.from_footprints(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_footprints(cls, path, ref_raster=None, centroids=None, files_omit='', combine_threshold=None, intensity_thres=None): """Create new StormEurope object from WISC footprints. Assumes that all footprints have the same coordinates as the first file listed/first file in dir. Parameters ---------- path : str, list(str) A location in the filesystem. Either a path to a single netCDF WISC footprint, or a folder containing only footprints, or a globbing pattern to one or more footprints. ref_raster : str, optional Reference netCDF file from which to construct a new barebones Centroids instance. Defaults to the first file in path. centroids : Centroids, optional A Centroids struct, overriding ref_raster files_omit : str, list(str), optional List of files to omit; defaults to one duplicate storm present in the WISC set as of 2018-09-10. combine_threshold : int, optional threshold for combining events in number of days. if the difference of the dates ( of two events is smaller or equal to this threshold, the two events are combined into one. Default is None, Advised for WISC is 2 intensity_thres : float, optional Intensity threshold for storage in m/s. Default: class attribute StormEurope.intensity_thres (same as used by WISC SSI calculations) Returns ------- haz : StormEurope StormEurope object with data from WISC footprints. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access intensity_thres = cls.intensity_thres if intensity_thres is None else intensity_thres file_names = get_file_names(path) if ref_raster is not None and centroids is not None: LOGGER.warning('Overriding ref_raster with centroids') if centroids is not None: pass elif ref_raster is not None: centroids = cls._centroids_from_nc(ref_raster) elif ref_raster is None: centroids = cls._centroids_from_nc(file_names[0]) if isinstance(files_omit, str): files_omit = [files_omit]'Commencing to iterate over netCDF files.') file_names = set(file_names) files_to_read = sorted(file_names.difference(files_omit)) files_to_skip = sorted(file_names.intersection(files_omit)) if files_to_skip:"Omitting files %s", files_to_skip) hazard_list = [ cls._read_one_nc( file_name, centroids, intensity_thres) for file_name in files_to_read] haz = cls.concat([haz for haz in hazard_list if haz is not None]) # Fix values after concatenation haz.event_id = np.arange(1, len(haz.event_id) + 1) haz.frequency = np.divide( np.ones_like(, np.max([(last_year( - first_year(, 1]) ) if combine_threshold is not None:'Combining events with small difference in date.') difference_date = np.diff( for event_id_i in haz.event_id[ np.append(difference_date <= combine_threshold, False)]: event_ids = [event_id_i, event_id_i + 1] haz._combine_events(event_ids) return haz
@classmethod def _read_one_nc(cls, file_name, centroids, intensity_thres): """Read a single WISC footprint. Assumes a time dimension of length 1. Omits a footprint if another file with the same timestamp has already been read. Parameters ---------- file_name : str Absolute or relative path to *.nc centroids : Centroids Centr. instance that matches the coordinates used in the *.nc, only validated by size. intensity_thres : float Intensity threshold for storage in m/s. Returns ------- new_haz : StormEurope Hazard instance for one single storm. """ ncdf = xr.open_dataset(file_name) if centroids.size != (ncdf.sizes['latitude'] * ncdf.sizes['longitude']): ncdf.close() LOGGER.warning(('Centroids size doesn\'t match NCDF dimensions. ' 'Omitting file %s.'), file_name) return None # xarray does not penalise repeated assignments, see # stacked = ncdf.max_wind_gust.stack( intensity=('latitude', 'longitude', 'time') ) stacked = stacked.where(stacked > intensity_thres) stacked = stacked.fillna(0) # fill in values from netCDF ssi_wisc = np.array([float(ncdf.ssi)]) intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(stacked) new_haz = cls(ssi_wisc=ssi_wisc, intensity=intensity, event_name=[ncdf.storm_name], date=np.array([datetime64_to_ordinal([0])]), # fill in default values centroids=centroids, event_id=np.array([1]), frequency=np.array([1]), orig=np.array([True]),) ncdf.close() return new_haz
[docs] def read_cosmoe_file(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use StormEurope.from_cosmoe_file instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of StormEurope.read_cosmoe_file is deprecated." "Use StormEurope.from_cosmoe_file instead.") self.__dict__ = StormEurope.from_cosmoe_file(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_cosmoe_file(cls, fp_file, run_datetime, event_date=None, model_name='COSMO-2E', description=None, intensity_thres=None): """Create a new StormEurope object with gust footprint from weather forecast. The funciton is designed for the COSMO ensemble model used by the COSMO Consortium and postprocessed to an netcdf file using fieldextra. One event is one full day in UTC. Works for MeteoSwiss model output of COSMO-1E (11 members, resolution 1.1 km, forecast period 33-45 hours) COSMO-2E (21 members, resolution 2.2 km, forecast period 5 days) The frequency of each event is informed by their probability in the ensemble forecast and is equal to 1/11 or 1/21 for COSMO-1E or COSMO-2E, respectively. Parameters ---------- fp_file : str string directing to one netcdf file run_datetime : datetime The starting timepoint of the forecast run of the cosmo model event_date : datetime, optional one day within the forecast period, only this day (00H-24H) will be included in the hazard model_name : str,optional provide the name of the COSMO model, for the description (e.g., 'COSMO-1E', 'COSMO-2E') description : str, optional description of the events, defaults to a combination of model_name and run_datetime intensity_thres : float, optional Intensity threshold for storage in m/s. Default: class attribute StormEurope.intensity_thres (same as used by WISC SSI calculations) Returns ------- haz : StormEurope StormEurope object with data from COSMO ensemble file. """ intensity_thres = cls.intensity_thres if intensity_thres is None else intensity_thres # read intensity from file ncdf = xr.open_dataset(fp_file) ncdf = ncdf.assign_coords(date=('time',ncdf["time"].dt.floor("D").values)) if event_date: try: stacked = ncdf.sel( time=event_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') ).groupby('date').max().stack(intensity=('y_1', 'x_1')) except KeyError as ker: raise ValueError('Extraction of date and coordinates failed. This is most likely ' 'because the selected event_date ' f'{event_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")} is not contained in the ' 'weather forecast selected by fp_file {fp_file}. Please adjust ' f'event_date or fp_file.') from ker considered_dates = np.datetime64(event_date) else: time_covered_step = ncdf['time'].diff('time') time_covered_day = time_covered_step.groupby('date').sum() # forecast run should cover at least 18 hours of a day considered_dates_bool = time_covered_day >= np.timedelta64(18,'h') stacked = ncdf.groupby('date').max()\ .sel(date=considered_dates_bool)\ .stack(intensity=('y_1', 'x_1')) considered_dates = stacked['date'].values stacked = stacked.stack(date_ensemble=('date', 'epsd_1')) stacked = stacked.where(stacked.VMAX_10M > intensity_thres) stacked = stacked.fillna(0) # fill in values from netCDF intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(stacked.VMAX_10M.T) event_id = np.arange(stacked.date_ensemble.size) + 1 date = np.repeat( np.array(datetime64_to_ordinal(considered_dates)), np.unique(ncdf.epsd_1).size ) orig = np.full_like(event_id, False) orig[(stacked.epsd_1 == 0).values] = True if description is None: description = (model_name + ' weather forecast windfield ' + 'for run startet at ' + run_datetime.strftime('%Y%m%d%H')) # Create Hazard haz = cls( intensity=intensity, event_id=event_id, centroids = cls._centroids_from_nc(fp_file), # fill in default values orig=orig, date=date, event_name=[date_i + '_ens' + str(ens_i) for date_i, ens_i in zip(date_to_str(date), stacked.epsd_1.values + 1)], frequency=np.divide( np.ones_like(event_id), np.unique(ncdf.epsd_1).size), ) # close netcdf file ncdf.close() haz.check() return haz
[docs] def read_icon_grib(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use StormEurope.from_icon_grib instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of StormEurope.read_icon_grib is deprecated." "Use StormEurope.from_icon_grib instead.") self.__dict__ = StormEurope.from_icon_grib(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_icon_grib(cls, run_datetime, event_date=None, model_name='icon-eu-eps', description=None, grib_dir=None, delete_raw_data=True, intensity_thres=None): """Create new StormEurope object from DWD icon weather forecast footprints. New files are available for 24 hours on, old files can be processed if they are already stored in grib_dir. One event is one full day in UTC. Current setup works for runs starting at 00H and 12H. Otherwise the aggregation is inaccurate, because of the given file structure with 1-hour, 3-hour and 6-hour maxima provided. The frequency for one event is 1/(number of ensemble members) Parameters ---------- run_datetime : datetime The starting timepoint of the forecast run of the icon model event_date : datetime, optional one day within the forecast period, only this day (00H-24H) will be included in the hazard model_name : str,optional select the name of the icon model to be downloaded. Must match the url on (see download_icon_grib for further info) description : str, optional description of the events, defaults to a combination of model_name and run_datetime grib_dir : str, optional path to folder, where grib files are or should be stored delete_raw_data : bool,optional select if downloaded raw data in .grib.bz2 file format should be stored on the computer or removed intensity_thres : float, optional Intensity threshold for storage in m/s. Default: class attribute StormEurope.intensity_thres (same as used by WISC SSI calculations) Returns ------- haz : StormEurope StormEurope object with data from DWD icon weather forecast footprints. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access intensity_thres = cls.intensity_thres if intensity_thres is None else intensity_thres if not (run_datetime.hour == 0 or run_datetime.hour == 12): LOGGER.warning('The event definition is inaccuratly implemented ' 'for starting times, which are not 00H or 12H.') # download files, if they don't already exist file_names = download_icon_grib( run_datetime, model_name=model_name, download_dir=grib_dir) # create centroids nc_centroids_file = download_icon_centroids_file(model_name, grib_dir) # read intensity from files for ind_i, file_i in enumerate(file_names): gripfile_path_i = Path(file_i[:-4]) with open(file_i, 'rb') as source, open(gripfile_path_i, 'wb') as dest: dest.write(bz2.decompress( ds_i = xr.open_dataset(gripfile_path_i, engine='cfgrib') if ind_i == 0: stacked = ds_i else: stacked = xr.concat([stacked,ds_i], 'valid_time') # create intensity matrix with max for each full day stacked = stacked.assign_coords( date=('valid_time', stacked["valid_time"].dt.floor("D").values)) if event_date: try: stacked = stacked.sel( valid_time=event_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')).groupby('date').max() except KeyError as ker: raise ValueError('Extraction of date and coordinates failed. This is most likely ' 'because the selected event_date ' f'{event_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")} is not contained in the ' 'weather forecast selected by run_datetime' f'{run_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")}. Please adjust ' 'event_date or run_datetime.') from ker considered_dates = np.datetime64(event_date) else: time_covered_step = stacked['valid_time'].diff('valid_time') time_covered_day = time_covered_step.groupby('date').sum() # forecast run should cover at least 18 hours of a day considered_dates_bool = time_covered_day >= np.timedelta64(18,'h') stacked = stacked.groupby('date').max().sel(date=considered_dates_bool) considered_dates = stacked['date'].values stacked = stacked.stack(date_ensemble=('date', 'number')) stacked = stacked.where(stacked > intensity_thres) stacked = stacked.fillna(0) event_id = np.arange(stacked.date_ensemble.size) + 1 date = np.repeat( np.array(datetime64_to_ordinal(considered_dates)), np.unique(stacked.number).size ) orig = np.full_like(event_id, False) orig[(stacked.number == 1).values] = True if description is None: description = ('icon weather forecast windfield for run started at ' + run_datetime.strftime('%Y%m%d%H')) # Create Hazard haz = cls( intensity=sparse.csr_matrix(stacked.gust.T), centroids=cls._centroids_from_nc(nc_centroids_file), event_id=event_id, date=date, orig=orig, event_name=[date_i + '_ens' + str(ens_i) for date_i, ens_i in zip(date_to_str(date), stacked.number.values)], frequency=np.divide( np.ones_like(event_id), np.unique(stacked.number).size), ) haz.check() # delete generated .grib2 and .4cc40.idx files for ind_i, file_i in enumerate(file_names): gripfile_path_i = Path(file_i[:-4]) idxfile_path_i = next(gripfile_path_i.parent.glob( str( + '.*.idx')) gripfile_path_i.unlink() idxfile_path_i.unlink() if delete_raw_data: #delete downloaded .bz2 files delete_icon_grib(run_datetime, model_name=model_name, download_dir=grib_dir) return haz
@staticmethod def _centroids_from_nc(file_name): """Construct Centroids from the grid described by 'latitude' and 'longitude' variables in a netCDF file. """'Constructing centroids from %s', file_name) ncdf = xr.open_dataset(file_name) create_meshgrid = True if hasattr(ncdf, 'latitude'): lats = lons = elif hasattr(ncdf, 'lat'): lats = lons = elif hasattr(ncdf, 'lat_1'): if len(ncdf.lon_1.shape)>1 & \ (ncdf.lon_1.shape == ncdf.lat_1.shape) \ : lats = lons = create_meshgrid = False else: lats = lons = elif hasattr(ncdf, 'clat'): lats = lons = if ncdf.clat.attrs['units']=='radian': lats = np.rad2deg(lats) lons = np.rad2deg(lons) create_meshgrid = False else: raise AttributeError('netcdf file has no field named latitude or ' 'other know abrivation for coordinates.') ncdf.close() if create_meshgrid: lats, lons = np.array([np.repeat(lats, len(lons)), np.tile(lons, len(lats))]) cent = Centroids.from_lat_lon(lats, lons) cent.set_area_pixel() cent.set_on_land() return cent def _combine_events(self, event_ids): """combine the intensities of two events using max and adjust event_id, event_name, date etc of the hazard the event_ids must be consecutive for the event_name field to behave correctly Parameters ---------- event_ids : array two consecutive event ids """ select_event_ids = np.isin(self.event_id, event_ids) select_other_events = np.invert(select_event_ids) intensity_tmp = self.intensity[select_event_ids, :].max(axis=0) self.intensity = self.intensity[select_other_events, :] self.intensity = sparse.vstack([self.intensity, sparse.csr_matrix(intensity_tmp)]) self.event_id = np.append(self.event_id[select_other_events], self.event_id.max() + 1) = np.append([select_other_events], np.round([select_event_ids].mean())) name_2 = self.event_name.pop(np.where(select_event_ids)[0][1]) name_1 = self.event_name.pop(np.where(select_event_ids)[0][0]) self.event_name.append(name_1 + '_' + name_2) fraction_tmp = self.fraction[select_event_ids, :].max(axis=0) self.fraction = self.fraction[select_other_events, :] self.fraction = sparse.vstack([self.fraction, sparse.csr_matrix(fraction_tmp)]) self.frequency = np.append(self.frequency[select_other_events], self.frequency[select_event_ids].mean()) self.orig = np.append(self.orig[select_other_events], self.orig[select_event_ids].max()) if self.ssi_wisc.size > 0: self.ssi_wisc = np.append(self.ssi_wisc[select_other_events], np.nan) if self.ssi.size > 0: self.ssi = np.append(self.ssi[select_other_events], np.nan) if self.ssi_full_area.size > 0: self.ssi_full_area = np.append(self.ssi_full_area[select_other_events], np.nan) self.check()
[docs] def calc_ssi(self, method='dawkins', intensity=None, on_land=True, threshold=None, sel_cen=None): """Calculate the SSI, method must either be 'dawkins' or 'wisc_gust'. 'dawkins', after Dawkins et al. (2016), doi:10.5194/nhess-16-1999-2016, matches the MATLAB version. ssi = sum_i(area_cell_i * intensity_cell_i^3) 'wisc_gust', according to the WISC Tier 1 definition found at ssi = sum(area_on_land) * mean(intensity)^3 In both definitions, only raster cells that are above the threshold are used in the computation. Note that this method does not reproduce self.ssi_wisc, presumably because the footprint only contains the maximum wind gusts instead of the sustained wind speeds over the 72 hour window. The deviation may also be due to differing definitions of what lies on land (i.e. Syria, Russia, Northern Africa and Greenland are exempt). Parameters ---------- method : str Either 'dawkins' or 'wisc_gust' intensity : scipy.sparse.csr Intensity matrix; defaults to self.intensity on_land : bool Only calculate the SSI for areas on land, ignoring the intensities at sea. Defaults to true, whereas the MATLAB version did not. threshold : float, optional Intensity threshold used in index definition. Cannot be lower than the read-in value. sel_cen : np.array, bool A boolean vector selecting centroids. Takes precendence over on_land. """ if intensity is not None: if not isinstance(intensity, sparse.csr_matrix): intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(intensity) else: pass else: intensity = self.intensity if threshold is not None: assert threshold >= self.intensity_thres, \ 'threshold cannot be below threshold upon read_footprint' intensity = intensity.multiply(intensity > threshold) else: intensity = intensity.multiply(intensity > self.intensity_thres) cent = self.centroids if sel_cen is not None: pass elif on_land is True: sel_cen = cent.on_land else: # select all centroids sel_cen = np.ones_like(cent.area_pixel, dtype=bool) ssi = np.zeros(intensity.shape[0]) if method == 'dawkins': area_c = cent.area_pixel / 1000 / 1000 * sel_cen for i, inten_i in enumerate(intensity): ssi_i = area_c * inten_i.power(3).todense().T # matrix crossproduct (row x column vector) ssi[i] = ssi_i.item(0) elif method == 'wisc_gust': for i, inten_i in enumerate(intensity[:, sel_cen]): area = np.sum(cent.area_pixel[inten_i.indices]) / 1000 / 1000 inten_mean = np.mean(inten_i) ssi[i] = area * np.power(inten_mean, 3) return ssi
[docs] def set_ssi(self, **kwargs): """Wrapper around calc_ssi for setting the self.ssi attribute. Parameters ---------- kwargs : passed on to calc_ssi """ self.ssi = self.calc_ssi(**kwargs)
[docs] def plot_ssi(self, full_area=False): """Plot the distribution of SSIs versus their cumulative exceedance frequencies, highlighting historical storms in red. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot """ if full_area: ssi = self.ssi_full_area else: ssi = self.ssi # data wrangling ssi_freq = pd.DataFrame({ 'ssi': ssi, 'freq': self.frequency, 'orig': self.orig, }) ssi_freq = ssi_freq.sort_values('ssi', ascending=False) ssi_freq['freq_cum'] = np.cumsum(ssi_freq.freq) ssi_hist = ssi_freq.loc[ssi_freq.orig].copy() ssi_hist.freq = ssi_hist.freq * self.orig.size / self.orig.sum() ssi_hist['freq_cum'] = np.cumsum(ssi_hist.freq) # plotting fig, axs = plt.subplots() axs.plot(ssi_freq.freq_cum, ssi_freq.ssi, label='All Events') axs.scatter(ssi_hist.freq_cum, ssi_hist.ssi, color='red', label='Historic Events') axs.legend() axs.set_xlabel('Exceedance Frequency [1/a]') axs.set_ylabel('Storm Severity Index') axs.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0, 0)) return fig, axs
[docs] def generate_prob_storms(self, reg_id=528, spatial_shift=4, ssi_args=None, **kwargs): """Generates a new hazard set with one original and 29 probabilistic storms per historic storm. This represents a partial implementation of the Monte-Carlo method described in section 2.2 of Schwierz et al. (2010), doi:10.1007/s10584-009-9712-1. It omits the rotation of the storm footprints, as well as the pseudo- random alterations to the intensity. In a first step, the original intensity and five additional intensities are saved to an array. In a second step, those 6 possible intensity levels are shifted by n raster pixels into each direction (N/S/E/W). Caveats: - Memory safety is an issue; trial with the entire dataset resulted in 60GB of swap memory being used... - Can only use numeric region_id for country selection - Drops event names as provided by WISC Parameters ---------- region_id : int, list of ints, or None iso_n3 code of the countries we want the generated hazard set to be returned for. spatial_shift : int amount of raster pixels to shift by ssi_args : dict A dictionary of arguments passed to calc_ssi kwargs : keyword arguments passed on to self._hist2prob() Returns ------- new_haz : StormEurope A new hazard set for the given country. Centroid attributes are preserved. self.orig attribute is set to True for original storms (event_id ending in 00). Also contains a ssi_prob attribute, """ # bool vector selecting the targeted centroids if reg_id is not None: if self.centroids.region_id.size == 0: self.centroids.set_region_id() if not isinstance(reg_id, list): reg_id = [reg_id] sel_cen = np.isin(self.centroids.region_id, reg_id) else: # shifting truncates valid centroids sel_cen = np.zeros(self.centroids.shape, bool) sel_cen[ spatial_shift:-spatial_shift, spatial_shift:-spatial_shift ] = True sel_cen = sel_cen.reshape(self.centroids.size) # init probabilistic array n_out = N_PROB_EVENTS * self.size intensity_prob = sparse.lil_matrix((n_out, np.count_nonzero(sel_cen))) ssi = np.zeros(n_out)'Commencing probabilistic calculations') for index, intensity1d in enumerate(self.intensity): # indices for return matrix start = index * N_PROB_EVENTS end = (index + 1) * N_PROB_EVENTS intensity_prob[start:end, :], ssi[start:end] =\ self._hist2prob( intensity1d, sel_cen, spatial_shift, ssi_args, **kwargs)'Generating new StormEurope instance') base = np.repeat((self.event_id * 100), N_PROB_EVENTS) synth_id = np.tile(np.arange(N_PROB_EVENTS), self.size) event_id = base + synth_id new_haz = StormEurope( ssi_full_area=ssi, intensity=sparse.csr_matrix(intensity_prob), # don't use synthetic dates; just repeat the # historic dates date=np.repeat(, N_PROB_EVENTS), # subsetting centroids, # construct new event ids event_id=event_id, # frequency still based on the historic number of # years frequency=np.divide(np.repeat(self.frequency, N_PROB_EVENTS), N_PROB_EVENTS), orig=(event_id % 100 == 0), ) new_haz.check() return new_haz
def _hist2prob(self, intensity1d, sel_cen, spatial_shift, ssi_args=None, power=1.15, scale=0.0225): """Internal function, intended to be called from generate_prob_storms. Generates six permutations based on one historical storm event, which it then moves around by spatial_shift gridpoints to the east, west, and north. Parameters ---------- intensity1d : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, 1 by n One historic event sel_cen : np.ndarray(dtype=bool) which centroids to return spatial_shift : int amount of raster cells to shift by power : float power to be applied elementwise scale : float weight of probabilistic component ssi_args : dict named arguments passed on to calc_ssi Returns ------- intensity : np.array Synthetic intensities of shape (N_PROB_EVENTS, length(sel_cen)) ssi : np.array SSI per synthetic event according to provided method. """ if not ssi_args: ssi_args = {} shape_ndarray = tuple([N_PROB_EVENTS]) + self.centroids.shape # reshape to the raster that the data represents intensity2d = intensity1d.reshape(self.centroids.shape) # scipy.sparse.csr_matrix elementwise methods (to avoid this: # ) intensity2d_sqrt = intensity2d.power(1.0 / power).todense() intensity2d_pwr = intensity2d.power(power).todense() intensity2d = intensity2d.todense() # intermediary 3d array: (lat, lon, events) intensity3d_prob = np.ndarray(shape_ndarray) # the six variants of intensity transformation # 1. translation only intensity3d_prob[0] = intensity2d # 2. and 3. plusminus scaled sqrt intensity3d_prob[1] = intensity2d - (scale * intensity2d_sqrt) intensity3d_prob[2] = intensity2d + (scale * intensity2d_sqrt) # 4. and 5. plusminus scaled power intensity3d_prob[3] = intensity2d - (scale * intensity2d_pwr) intensity3d_prob[4] = intensity2d + (scale * intensity2d_pwr) # 6. minus scaled sqrt and pwr intensity3d_prob[5] = (intensity2d - (0.5 * scale * intensity2d_pwr) - (0.5 * scale * intensity2d_sqrt)) # spatial shifts # northward intensity3d_prob[6:12, :-spatial_shift, :] = \ intensity3d_prob[0:6, spatial_shift:, :] # southward intensity3d_prob[12:18, spatial_shift:, :] = \ intensity3d_prob[0:6, :-spatial_shift, :] # eastward intensity3d_prob[18:24, :, spatial_shift:] = \ intensity3d_prob[0:6, :, :-spatial_shift] # westward intensity3d_prob[24:30, :, :-spatial_shift] = \ intensity3d_prob[0:6, :, spatial_shift:] intensity_out = intensity3d_prob.reshape( N_PROB_EVENTS, ) ssi = self.calc_ssi(intensity=intensity_out, **ssi_args) return intensity_out[:, sel_cen], ssi
# pylint: disable=invalid-name def generate_WS_forecast_hazard(run_datetime=None, event_date=None, haz_model='icon-eu-eps', haz_raw_storage=None, save_haz=True): """use the initialization time (run_datetime), the date of the event and specify the forecast model (haz_model) to generate a Hazard from forecast data either by download or through reading from existing file. Parameters ---------- run_datetime: datetime.datetime, optional The starting timepoint of the forecast run of the icon model, defaults to today 00:00 hours event_date: datetime.datetime, optional one day within the forecast period, only this day (00H-24H) will be included in the hazard, defaults to the day after tomorrow haz_model: str, optional select the name of the model to be used: one of ['icon-eu-eps', 'icon-d2-eps', 'cosmo1e_file', 'cosmo2e_file'], default is 'icon-eu-eps'. haz_raw_storage: str, optional path to folder, where netcdf files are stored, mendatory when haz_model is 'cosmo1e_file' or 'cosmo2e_file'. the string must contain one set of curly brakets, used by the function str.format to include run_datetime.strftime('%y%m%d%H'). Default None resolves to "cosmoe_forecast_{}" in CONFIG.hazard.storm_europe.forecast_dir save_haz: bool, optional flag if resulting hazard should be saved in CONFIG.hazard.storm_europe.forecast_dir, default is True. Returns ------- Hazard hazard str haz_model datetime.datetime run_datetime datetime.datetime event_date """ FORECAST_DIR = CONFIG.hazard.storm_europe.forecast_dir.dir() if run_datetime is None: run_datetime =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) if event_date is None: event_date =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) \ + dt.timedelta(days=2) if haz_model in ['cosmo1e_file', 'cosmo2e_file']: if haz_model == 'cosmo1e_file': haz_model='C1E' full_model_name_temp = 'COSMO-1E' if haz_model == 'cosmo2e_file': haz_model='C2E' full_model_name_temp = 'COSMO-2E' haz_file_name = (f'{HAZ_TYPE}_{haz_model}_run{run_datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d%H")}' f'_event{event_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")}.hdf5') haz_file = FORECAST_DIR / haz_file_name if haz_file.exists():'Loading hazard from %s.', haz_file) hazard = StormEurope.from_hdf5(haz_file) else:'Generating %s hazard.', haz_model) if not haz_raw_storage: haz_raw_storage = FORECAST_DIR / "cosmoe_forecast_{}" fp_file = Path(str(haz_raw_storage).format(run_datetime.strftime('%y%m%d%H'))) hazard = StormEurope.from_cosmoe_file( fp_file, event_date=event_date, run_datetime=run_datetime, model_name=full_model_name_temp ) if save_haz: hazard.write_hdf5(haz_file) elif haz_model in ['icon-eu-eps', 'icon-d2-eps']: if haz_model == 'icon-eu-eps': full_model_name_temp = haz_model haz_model='IEE' if haz_model == 'icon-d2-eps': full_model_name_temp = haz_model haz_model='IDE' haz_file_name = (f'{HAZ_TYPE}_{haz_model}_run{run_datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d%H")}' f'_event{event_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")}.hdf5') haz_file = FORECAST_DIR / haz_file_name if haz_file.exists():'Loading hazard from %s.', haz_file) hazard = StormEurope.from_hdf5(haz_file) else:'Generating %s hazard.', haz_model) hazard = StormEurope.from_icon_grib( run_datetime, event_date=event_date, delete_raw_data=False, model_name=full_model_name_temp ) if save_haz: hazard.write_hdf5(haz_file) else: raise NotImplementedError("specific 'WS' hazard not implemented yet. " + "Please specify a valid value for haz_model.") # check if hazard is successfully generated for Forecast if not isinstance(hazard, Hazard): LOGGER.warning('Hazard generation unsuccessful.') return hazard, haz_model, run_datetime, event_date