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Define climate change scenarios for tropical cycones.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from climada.util.constants import SYSTEM_DIR
TOT_RADIATIVE_FORCE = SYSTEM_DIR.joinpath('rcp_db.xls')
"""© RCP Database (Version 2.0.5) http://www.iiasa.ac.at/web-apps/tnt/RcpDb.
generated: 2018-07-04 10:47:59."""
def get_knutson_criterion():
Fill changes in TCs according to Knutson et al. 2015 Global projections
of intense tropical cyclone activity for the late twenty-first century from
dynamical downscaling of CMIP5/RCP4.5 scenarios.
criterion : list(dict)
list of the criterion dictionary for frequency and intensity change
per basin, per category taken from the Table 3 in Knutson et al. 2015.
with items 'basin' (str), 'category' (list(int)), 'year' (int),
'change' (float), 'variable' ('intensity' or 'frequency')
# NA
na = [
{'basin': 'NA', 'category': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'NA', 'category': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'NA', 'category': [3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'NA', 'category': [4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'NA', 'category': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1.045, 'variable': 'intensity'}
# EP
ep = [
{'basin': 'EP', 'category': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1.163, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'EP', 'category': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1.193, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'EP', 'category': [3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1.837, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'EP', 'category': [4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 3.375, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'EP', 'category': [0],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1.082, 'variable': 'intensity'},
{'basin': 'EP', 'category': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1.078, 'variable': 'intensity'}
# WP
wp = [
{'basin': 'WP', 'category': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1 - 0.345, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'WP', 'category': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1 - 0.316, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'WP', 'category': [3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1 - 0.169, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'WP', 'category': [4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'WP', 'category': [0],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1.074, 'variable': 'intensity'},
{'basin': 'WP', 'category': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1.055, 'variable': 'intensity'},
# SP
sp = [
{'basin': 'SP', 'category': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1 - 0.366, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'SP', 'category': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1 - 0.406, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'SP', 'category': [3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1 - 0.506, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'SP', 'category': [4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1 - 0.583, 'variable': 'frequency'}
# NI
ni = [
{'basin': 'NI', 'category': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'NI', 'category': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1.256, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'NI', 'category': [3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'NI', 'category': [4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1, 'variable': 'frequency'}
# SI
si = [
{'basin': 'SI', 'category': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1 - 0.261, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'SI', 'category': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1 - 0.284, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'SI', 'category': [3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'SI', 'category': [4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1, 'variable': 'frequency'},
{'basin': 'SI', 'category': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'year': 2100, 'change': 1.033, 'variable': 'intensity'}
return na + ep + wp + sp + ni + si
def calc_scale_knutson(ref_year=2050, rcp_scenario=45):
Comparison 2081-2100 (i.e., late twenty-first century) and 2001-20
(i.e., present day). Late twenty-first century effects on intensity and
frequency per Saffir-Simpson-category and ocean basin is scaled to target
year and target RCP proportional to total radiative forcing of the
respective RCP and year.
ref_year : int, optional
year between 2000 ad 2100. Default: 2050
rcp_scenario: int, optional
26 for RCP 2.6, 45 for RCP 4.5. The default is 45
60 for RCP 6.0 and 85 for RCP 8.5.
factor : float
factor to scale Knutson parameters to the give RCP and year
# Parameters used in Knutson et al 2015
base_knu = np.arange(2001, 2021)
end_knu = np.arange(2081, 2101)
rcp_knu = 45
# radiative forcings for each RCP scenario
rad_force = pd.read_excel(TOT_RADIATIVE_FORCE)
years = np.array([year for year in rad_force.columns if isinstance(year, int)])
rad_rcp = np.array([int(float(sce[sce.index('.') - 1:sce.index('.') + 2]) * 10)
for sce in rad_force.Scenario if isinstance(sce, str)])
# mean values for Knutson values
rf_vals = np.argwhere(rad_rcp == rcp_knu).reshape(-1)[0]
rf_vals = np.array([rad_force.iloc[rf_vals][year] for year in years])
rf_base = np.nanmean(np.interp(base_knu, years, rf_vals))
rf_end = np.nanmean(np.interp(end_knu, years, rf_vals))
# scale factor for ref_year and rcp_scenario
rf_vals = np.argwhere(rad_rcp == rcp_scenario).reshape(-1)[0]
rf_vals = np.array([rad_force.iloc[rf_vals][year] for year in years])
rf_sel = np.interp(ref_year, years, rf_vals)
return max((rf_sel - rf_base) / (rf_end - rf_base), 0)