Source code for climada.hazard.trop_cyclone

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Define TC wind hazard (TropCyclone class).

__all__ = ['TropCyclone']

import copy
import datetime as dt
import itertools
import logging
import time
from typing import Optional, Tuple, List, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from tqdm import tqdm
import pathos.pools
import xarray as xr

from climada.hazard.base import Hazard
from climada.hazard.tc_tracks import TCTracks, estimate_rmw
from climada.hazard.tc_clim_change import get_knutson_criterion, calc_scale_knutson
from climada.hazard.centroids.centr import Centroids
from climada.util import ureg
import climada.util.constants as u_const
import climada.util.coordinates as u_coord
import climada.util.plot as u_plot

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Hazard type acronym for Tropical Cyclone"""

"""Default value for the maximum distance (in km) of a centroid to the TC center at which wind
speed calculations are done."""

"""Default value for the threshold below which wind speeds (in m/s) are stored as 0."""

"""Default value of the memory limit (in GB) for windfield computations (in each thread)."""

MODEL_VANG = {'H08': 0, 'H1980': 1, 'H10': 2, 'ER11': 3}
"""Enumerate different symmetric wind field models."""

RHO_AIR = 1.15
"""Air density. Assumed constant, following Holland 1980."""

"""Gradient-to-surface wind reduction factor according to the 90%-rule:

Franklin, J.L., Black, M.L., Valde, K. (2003): GPS Dropwindsonde Wind Profiles in Hurricanes and
Their Operational Implications. Weather and Forecasting 18(1): 32–44.<0032:GDWPIH>2.0.CO;2

KMH_TO_MS = (1.0 * / ureg.hour).to(ureg.meter / ureg.second).magnitude
KN_TO_MS = (1.0 * ureg.knot).to(ureg.meter / ureg.second).magnitude
NM_TO_KM = (1.0 * ureg.nautical_mile).to(ureg.kilometer).magnitude
KM_TO_M = (1.0 * ureg.kilometer).to(ureg.meter).magnitude
H_TO_S = (1.0 * ureg.hours).to(ureg.seconds).magnitude
MBAR_TO_PA = (1.0 * ureg.millibar).to(ureg.pascal).magnitude
"""Unit conversion factors for JIT functions that can't use ureg"""

V_ANG_EARTH = 7.29e-5
"""Earth angular velocity (in radians per second)"""

[docs] class TropCyclone(Hazard): """ Contains tropical cyclone events. Attributes ---------- category : np.ndarray of ints for every event, the TC category using the Saffir-Simpson scale: * -1 tropical depression * 0 tropical storm * 1 Hurrican category 1 * 2 Hurrican category 2 * 3 Hurrican category 3 * 4 Hurrican category 4 * 5 Hurrican category 5 basin : list of str Basin where every event starts: * 'NA' North Atlantic * 'EP' Eastern North Pacific * 'WP' Western North Pacific * 'NI' North Indian * 'SI' South Indian * 'SP' Southern Pacific * 'SA' South Atlantic windfields : list of csr_matrix For each event, the full velocity vectors at each centroid and track position in a sparse matrix of shape (npositions, ncentroids * 2) that can be reshaped to a full ndarray of shape (npositions, ncentroids, 2). """ intensity_thres = DEF_INTENSITY_THRES """intensity threshold for storage in m/s""" vars_opt = Hazard.vars_opt.union({'category'}) """Name of the variables that are not needed to compute the impact."""
[docs] def __init__( self, category: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, basin: Optional[List] = None, windfields: Optional[List[sparse.csr_matrix]] = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize values. Parameters ---------- category : np.ndarray of int, optional For every event, the TC category using the Saffir-Simpson scale: -1 tropical depression 0 tropical storm 1 Hurrican category 1 2 Hurrican category 2 3 Hurrican category 3 4 Hurrican category 4 5 Hurrican category 5 basin : list of str, optional Basin where every event starts: 'NA' North Atlantic 'EP' Eastern North Pacific 'WP' Western North Pacific 'NI' North Indian 'SI' South Indian 'SP' Southern Pacific 'SA' South Atlantic windfields : list of csr_matrix, optional For each event, the full velocity vectors at each centroid and track position in a sparse matrix of shape (npositions, ncentroids * 2) that can be reshaped to a full ndarray of shape (npositions, ncentroids, 2). **kwargs : Hazard properties, optional All other keyword arguments are passed to the Hazard constructor. """ kwargs.setdefault('haz_type', HAZ_TYPE) Hazard.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.category = category if category is not None else np.array([], int) self.basin = basin if basin is not None else [] self.windfields = windfields if windfields is not None else []
[docs] def set_from_tracks(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use TropCyclone.from_tracks instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of TropCyclone.set_from_tracks is deprecated." "Use TropCyclone.from_tracks instead.") if "intensity_thres" not in kwargs: # some users modify the threshold attribute before calling `set_from_tracks` kwargs["intensity_thres"] = self.intensity_thres if self.pool is not None and 'pool' not in kwargs: kwargs['pool'] = self.pool self.__dict__ = TropCyclone.from_tracks(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_tracks( cls, tracks: TCTracks, centroids: Optional[Centroids] = None, pool: Optional[pathos.pools.ProcessPool] = None, model: str = 'H08', ignore_distance_to_coast: bool = False, store_windfields: bool = False, metric: str = "equirect", intensity_thres: float = DEF_INTENSITY_THRES, max_latitude: float = 61, max_dist_inland_km: float = 1000, max_dist_eye_km: float = DEF_MAX_DIST_EYE_KM, max_memory_gb: float = DEF_MAX_MEMORY_GB, ): """ Create new TropCyclone instance that contains windfields from the specified tracks. This function sets the ``intensity`` attribute to contain, for each centroid, the maximum wind speed (1-minute sustained winds at 10 meters above ground) experienced over the whole period of each TC event in m/s. The wind speed is set to 0 if it doesn't exceed the threshold ``intensity_thres``. The ``category`` attribute is set to the value of the ``category``-attribute of each of the given track data sets. The ``basin`` attribute is set to the genesis basin for each event, which is the first value of the ``basin``-variable in each of the given track data sets. Optionally, the time dependent, vectorial winds can be stored using the ``store_windfields`` function parameter (see below). Parameters ---------- tracks : climada.hazard.TCTracks Tracks of storm events. centroids : Centroids, optional Centroids where to model TC. Default: global centroids at 360 arc-seconds resolution. pool : pathos.pool, optional Pool that will be used for parallel computation of wind fields. Default: None description : str, optional Description of the event set. Default: "". model : str, optional Parametric wind field model to use: one of "H1980" (the prominent Holland 1980 model), "H08" (Holland 1980 with b-value from Holland 2008), "H10" (Holland et al. 2010), or "ER11" (Emanuel and Rotunno 2011). Default: "H08". ignore_distance_to_coast : boolean, optional If True, centroids far from coast are not ignored. Default: False. store_windfields : boolean, optional If True, the Hazard object gets a list ``windfields`` of sparse matrices. For each track, the full velocity vectors at each centroid and track position are stored in a sparse matrix of shape (npositions, ncentroids * 2) that can be reshaped to a full ndarray of shape (npositions, ncentroids, 2). Default: False. metric : str, optional Specify an approximation method to use for earth distances: * "equirect": Distance according to sinusoidal projection. Fast, but inaccurate for large distances and high latitudes. * "geosphere": Exact spherical distance. Much more accurate at all distances, but slow. Default: "equirect". intensity_thres : float, optional Wind speeds (in m/s) below this threshold are stored as 0. Default: 17.5 max_latitude : float, optional No wind speed calculation is done for centroids with latitude larger than this parameter. Default: 61 max_dist_inland_km : float, optional No wind speed calculation is done for centroids with a distance (in km) to the coast larger than this parameter. Default: 1000 max_dist_eye_km : float, optional No wind speed calculation is done for centroids with a distance (in km) to the TC center ("eye") larger than this parameter. Default: 300 max_memory_gb : float, optional To avoid memory issues, the computation is done for chunks of the track sequentially. The chunk size is determined depending on the available memory (in GB). Note that this limit applies to each thread separately if a ``pool`` is used. Default: 8 Raises ------ ValueError Returns ------- TropCyclone """ num_tracks = tracks.size if centroids is None: centroids = Centroids.from_base_grid(res_as=360, land=False) if not centroids.coord.size: centroids.set_meta_to_lat_lon() if ignore_distance_to_coast: # Select centroids with lat <= max_latitude [idx_centr_filter] = (np.abs( <= max_latitude).nonzero() else: # Select centroids which are inside max_dist_inland_km and lat <= max_latitude if not centroids.dist_coast.size: centroids.set_dist_coast() [idx_centr_filter] = ( (centroids.dist_coast <= max_dist_inland_km * 1000) & (np.abs( <= max_latitude) ).nonzero() # Filter early with a larger threshold, but inaccurate (lat/lon) distances. # Later, there will be another filtering step with more accurate distances in km. max_dist_eye_deg = max_dist_eye_km / ( u_const.ONE_LAT_KM * np.cos(np.radians(max_latitude)) ) # Restrict to coastal centroids within reach of any of the tracks t_lon_min, t_lat_min, t_lon_max, t_lat_max = tracks.get_bounds(deg_buffer=max_dist_eye_deg) t_mid_lon = 0.5 * (t_lon_min + t_lon_max) filtered_centroids = centroids.coord[idx_centr_filter] u_coord.lon_normalize(filtered_centroids[:, 1], center=t_mid_lon) idx_centr_filter = idx_centr_filter[ (t_lon_min <= filtered_centroids[:, 1]) & (filtered_centroids[:, 1] <= t_lon_max) & (t_lat_min <= filtered_centroids[:, 0]) & (filtered_centroids[:, 0] <= t_lat_max) ]'Mapping %s tracks to %s coastal centroids.', str(tracks.size), str(idx_centr_filter.size)) if pool: chunksize = max(min(num_tracks // pool.ncpus, 1000), 1) tc_haz_list = cls.from_single_track,, itertools.repeat(centroids, num_tracks), itertools.repeat(idx_centr_filter, num_tracks), itertools.repeat(model, num_tracks), itertools.repeat(store_windfields, num_tracks), itertools.repeat(metric, num_tracks), itertools.repeat(intensity_thres, num_tracks), itertools.repeat(max_dist_eye_km, num_tracks), itertools.repeat(max_memory_gb, num_tracks), chunksize=chunksize) else: last_perc = 0 tc_haz_list = [] for track in perc = 100 * len(tc_haz_list) / len( if perc - last_perc >= 10:"Progress: %d%%", perc) last_perc = perc tc_haz_list.append( cls.from_single_track(track, centroids, idx_centr_filter, model=model, store_windfields=store_windfields, metric=metric, intensity_thres=intensity_thres, max_dist_eye_km=max_dist_eye_km, max_memory_gb=max_memory_gb)) if last_perc < 100:"Progress: 100%") LOGGER.debug('Concatenate events.') haz = cls.concat(tc_haz_list) haz.pool = pool haz.intensity_thres = intensity_thres LOGGER.debug('Compute frequency.') haz.frequency_from_tracks( return haz
[docs] def apply_climate_scenario_knu( self, ref_year: int = 2050, rcp_scenario: int = 45 ): """ From current TC hazard instance, return new hazard set with future events for a given RCP scenario and year based on the parametrized values derived from Table 3 in Knutson et al 2015. . The scaling for different years and RCP scenarios is obtained by linear interpolation. Note: The parametrized values are derived from the overall changes in statistical ensemble of tracks. Hence, this method should only be applied to sufficiently large tropical cyclone event sets that approximate the reference years 1981 - 2008 used in Knutson et. al. The frequency and intensity changes are applied independently from one another. The mean intensity factors can thus slightly deviate from the Knutson value (deviation was found to be less than 1% for default IBTrACS event sets 1980-2020 for each basin). Parameters ---------- ref_year : int year between 2000 ad 2100. Default: 2050 rcp_scenario : int 26 for RCP 2.6, 45 for RCP 4.5, 60 for RCP 6.0 and 85 for RCP 8.5. The default is 45. Returns ------- haz_cc : climada.hazard.TropCyclone Tropical cyclone with frequencies and intensity scaled according to the Knutson criterion for the given year and RCP. Returns a new instance of climada.hazard.TropCyclone, self is not modified. """ chg_int_freq = get_knutson_criterion() scale_rcp_year = calc_scale_knutson(ref_year, rcp_scenario) haz_cc = self._apply_knutson_criterion(chg_int_freq, scale_rcp_year) return haz_cc
[docs] def set_climate_scenario_knu(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use TropCyclone.apply_climate_scenario_knu instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of TropCyclone.set_climate_scenario_knu is deprecated." "Use TropCyclone.apply_climate_scenario_knu instead.") return self.apply_climate_scenario_knu(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def video_intensity( cls, track_name: str, tracks: TCTracks, centroids: Centroids, file_name: Optional[str] = None, writer: animation = animation.PillowWriter(bitrate=500), figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (9, 13), adapt_fontsize: bool = True, **kwargs ): """ Generate video of TC wind fields node by node and returns its corresponding TropCyclone instances and track pieces. Parameters ---------- track_name : str name of the track contained in tracks to record tracks : climada.hazard.TCTracks tropical cyclone tracks centroids : climada.hazard.Centroids centroids where wind fields are mapped file_name : str, optional file name to save video (including full path and file extension) writer : matplotlib.animation.*, optional video writer. Default is pillow with bitrate=500 figsize : tuple, optional figure size for plt.subplots adapt_fontsize : bool, optional If set to true, the size of the fonts will be adapted to the size of the figure. Otherwise the default matplotlib font size is used. Default is True. kwargs : optional arguments for pcolormesh matplotlib function used in event plots Returns ------- tc_list, tc_coord : list(TropCyclone), list(np.ndarray) Raises ------ ValueError """ # initialization track = tracks.get_track(track_name) if not track: raise ValueError(f'{track_name} not found in track data.') idx_plt = np.argwhere( (track.lon.values < centroids.total_bounds[2] + 1) & (centroids.total_bounds[0] - 1 < track.lon.values) & ( < centroids.total_bounds[3] + 1) & (centroids.total_bounds[1] - 1 < ).reshape(-1) tc_list = [] tr_coord = {'lat': [], 'lon': []} for node in range(idx_plt.size - 2): tr_piece = track.sel( time=slice(track.time.values[idx_plt[node]], track.time.values[idx_plt[node + 2]])) tr_piece.attrs['n_nodes'] = 2 # plot only one node tr_sel = TCTracks() tr_sel.append(tr_piece) tr_coord['lat'].append([0].lat.values[:-1]) tr_coord['lon'].append([0].lon.values[:-1]) tc_tmp = cls.from_tracks(tr_sel, centroids=centroids) tc_tmp.event_name = [ + ' ' + time.strftime( "%d %h %Y %H:%M", time.gmtime([0].time[1].values.astype(int) / 1000000000) ) ] tc_list.append(tc_tmp) if 'cmap' not in kwargs: kwargs['cmap'] = 'Greys' if 'vmin' not in kwargs: kwargs['vmin'] = np.array([tc_.intensity.min() for tc_ in tc_list]).min() if 'vmax' not in kwargs: kwargs['vmax'] = np.array([tc_.intensity.max() for tc_ in tc_list]).max() def run(node): tc_list[node].plot_intensity(1, axis=axis, **kwargs) axis.plot(tr_coord['lon'][node], tr_coord['lat'][node], 'k') axis.set_title(tc_list[node].event_name[0]) pbar.update() if file_name:'Generating video %s', file_name) fig, axis, _fontsize = u_plot.make_map(figsize=figsize, adapt_fontsize=adapt_fontsize) pbar = tqdm(total=idx_plt.size - 2) ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, run, frames=idx_plt.size - 2, interval=500, blit=False) fig.tight_layout(), writer=writer) pbar.close() return tc_list, tr_coord
[docs] def frequency_from_tracks(self, tracks: List): """ Set hazard frequency from tracks data. Parameters ---------- tracks : list of xarray.Dataset """ if not tracks: return year_max = np.amax([t.time.dt.year.values.max() for t in tracks]) year_min = np.amin([t.time.dt.year.values.min() for t in tracks]) year_delta = year_max - year_min + 1 num_orig = np.count_nonzero(self.orig) ens_size = (self.event_id.size / num_orig) if num_orig > 0 else 1 self.frequency = np.ones(self.event_id.size) / (year_delta * ens_size)
[docs] @classmethod def from_single_track( cls, track: xr.Dataset, centroids: Centroids, idx_centr_filter: np.ndarray, model: str = 'H08', store_windfields: bool = False, metric: str = "equirect", intensity_thres: float = DEF_INTENSITY_THRES, max_dist_eye_km: float = DEF_MAX_DIST_EYE_KM, max_memory_gb: float = DEF_MAX_MEMORY_GB, ): """ Generate windfield hazard from a single track dataset Parameters ---------- track : xr.Dataset Single tropical cyclone track. centroids : Centroids Centroids instance. idx_centr_filter : np.ndarray Indices of centroids to restrict to (e.g. sufficiently close to coast). model : str, optional Parametric wind field model, one of "H1980" (the prominent Holland 1980 model), "H08" (Holland 1980 with b-value from Holland 2008), "H10" (Holland et al. 2010), or "ER11" (Emanuel and Rotunno 2011). Default: "H08". store_windfields : boolean, optional If True, store windfields. Default: False. metric : str, optional Specify an approximation method to use for earth distances: "equirect" (faster) or "geosphere" (more accurate). See ``dist_approx`` function in ``climada.util.coordinates``. Default: "equirect". intensity_thres : float, optional Wind speeds (in m/s) below this threshold are stored as 0. Default: 17.5 max_dist_eye_km : float, optional No wind speed calculation is done for centroids with a distance (in km) to the TC center ("eye") larger than this parameter. Default: 300 max_memory_gb : float, optional To avoid memory issues, the computation is done for chunks of the track sequentially. The chunk size is determined depending on the available memory (in GB). Default: 8 Raises ------ ValueError, KeyError Returns ------- haz : TropCyclone """ intensity_sparse, windfields_sparse = _compute_windfields_sparse( track=track, centroids=centroids, idx_centr_filter=idx_centr_filter, model=model, store_windfields=store_windfields, metric=metric, intensity_thres=intensity_thres, max_dist_eye_km=max_dist_eye_km, max_memory_gb=max_memory_gb, ) new_haz = cls(haz_type=HAZ_TYPE) new_haz.intensity_thres = intensity_thres new_haz.intensity = intensity_sparse if store_windfields: new_haz.windfields = [windfields_sparse] new_haz.units = 'm/s' new_haz.centroids = centroids new_haz.event_id = np.array([1]) new_haz.frequency = np.array([1]) new_haz.event_name = [track.sid] new_haz.fraction = sparse.csr_matrix(new_haz.intensity.shape) # store first day of track as date = np.array([ dt.datetime(track.time.dt.year.values[0], track.time.dt.month.values[0],[0]).toordinal() ]) new_haz.orig = np.array([track.orig_event_flag]) new_haz.category = np.array([track.category]) # users that pickle TCTracks objects might still have data with the legacy basin attribute, # so we have to deal with it here new_haz.basin = [track.basin if isinstance(track.basin, str) else str(track.basin.values[0])] return new_haz
def _apply_knutson_criterion( self, chg_int_freq: List, scaling_rcp_year: float ): """ Apply changes to intensities and cumulative frequencies. Parameters ---------- chg_int_freq : list(dict)) list of criteria from climada.hazard.tc_clim_change scaling_rcp_year : float scale parameter because of chosen year and RCP Returns ------- tc_cc : climada.hazard.TropCyclone Tropical cyclone with frequency and intensity scaled inspired by the Knutson criterion. Returns a new instance of TropCyclone. """ tc_cc = copy.deepcopy(self) # Criterion per basin for basin in np.unique(tc_cc.basin): bas_sel = np.array(tc_cc.basin) == basin # Apply intensity change inten_chg = [chg for chg in chg_int_freq if (chg['variable'] == 'intensity' and chg['basin'] == basin) ] for chg in inten_chg: sel_cat_chg = np.isin(tc_cc.category, chg['category']) & bas_sel inten_scaling = 1 + (chg['change'] - 1) * scaling_rcp_year tc_cc.intensity = sparse.diags( np.where(sel_cat_chg, inten_scaling, 1) ).dot(tc_cc.intensity) # Apply frequency change freq_chg = [chg for chg in chg_int_freq if (chg['variable'] == 'frequency' and chg['basin'] == basin) ] freq_chg.sort(reverse=False, key=lambda x: len(x['category'])) # Scale frequencies by category cat_larger_list = [] for chg in freq_chg: cat_chg_list = [cat for cat in chg['category'] if cat not in cat_larger_list ] sel_cat_chg = np.isin(tc_cc.category, cat_chg_list) & bas_sel if sel_cat_chg.any(): freq_scaling = 1 + (chg['change'] - 1) * scaling_rcp_year tc_cc.frequency[sel_cat_chg] *= freq_scaling cat_larger_list += cat_chg_list if (tc_cc.frequency < 0).any(): raise ValueError("The application of the given climate scenario" "resulted in at least one negative frequency.") return tc_cc
def _compute_windfields_sparse( track: xr.Dataset, centroids: Centroids, idx_centr_filter: np.ndarray, model: str = 'H08', store_windfields: bool = False, metric: str = "equirect", intensity_thres: float = DEF_INTENSITY_THRES, max_dist_eye_km: float = DEF_MAX_DIST_EYE_KM, max_memory_gb: float = DEF_MAX_MEMORY_GB, ) -> Tuple[sparse.csr_matrix, Optional[sparse.csr_matrix]]: """Version of ``compute_windfields`` that returns sparse matrices and limits memory usage Parameters ---------- track : xr.Dataset Single tropical cyclone track. centroids : Centroids Centroids instance. idx_centr_filter : np.ndarray Indices of centroids to restrict to (e.g. sufficiently close to coast). model : str, optional Parametric wind field model, one of "H1980" (the prominent Holland 1980 model), "H08" (Holland 1980 with b-value from Holland 2008), "H10" (Holland et al. 2010), or "ER11" (Emanuel and Rotunno 2011). Default: "H08". store_windfields : boolean, optional If True, store windfields. Default: False. metric : str, optional Specify an approximation method to use for earth distances: "equirect" (faster) or "geosphere" (more accurate). See ``dist_approx`` function in ``climada.util.coordinates``. Default: "equirect". intensity_thres : float, optional Wind speeds (in m/s) below this threshold are stored as 0. Default: 17.5 max_dist_eye_km : float, optional No wind speed calculation is done for centroids with a distance (in km) to the TC center ("eye") larger than this parameter. Default: 300 max_memory_gb : float, optional To avoid memory issues, the computation is done for chunks of the track sequentially. The chunk size is determined depending on the available memory (in GB). Default: 8 Raises ------ ValueError Returns ------- intensity : csr_matrix Maximum wind speed in each centroid over the whole storm life time. windfields : csr_matrix or None If store_windfields is True, the full velocity vectors at each centroid and track position are stored in a sparse matrix of shape (npositions, ncentroids * 2) that can be reshaped to a full ndarray of shape (npositions, ncentroids, 2). If store_windfields is False, None is returned. """ try: mod_id = MODEL_VANG[model] except KeyError as err: raise ValueError(f'Model not implemented: {model}.') from err ncentroids = centroids.coord.shape[0] npositions = track.sizes["time"] windfields_shape = (npositions, ncentroids * 2) intensity_shape = (1, ncentroids) # initialise arrays for the assumption that no centroids are within reach windfields_sparse = ( sparse.csr_matrix(([], ([], [])), shape=windfields_shape) if store_windfields else None ) intensity_sparse = sparse.csr_matrix(([], ([], [])), shape=intensity_shape) # The wind field model requires at least two track positions because translational speed # as well as the change in pressure (in case of H08) are required. if npositions < 2: return intensity_sparse, windfields_sparse # convert track variables to SI units si_track = tctrack_to_si(track, metric=metric) # When done properly, finding and storing the close centroids is not a memory bottle neck and # can be done before chunking. Note that the longitudinal coordinates of `centroids_close` as # returned by `get_close_centroids` are normalized to be consistent with the coordinates in # `si_track`. centroids_close, mask_centr, mask_centr_alongtrack = get_close_centroids( si_track, centroids.coord[idx_centr_filter], max_dist_eye_km, metric=metric, ) idx_centr_filter = idx_centr_filter[mask_centr] n_centr_close = centroids_close.shape[0] if n_centr_close == 0: return intensity_sparse, windfields_sparse # the total memory requirement in GB if we compute everything without chunking: # 8 Bytes per entry (float64), 10 arrays total_memory_gb = npositions * n_centr_close * 8 * 10 / 1e9 if total_memory_gb > max_memory_gb and npositions > 2: # If the number of positions is down to 2 already, we cannot split any further. In that # case, we just take the risk and try to do the computation anyway. It might still work # since we have only computed an upper bound for the number of affected centroids. # Split the track into chunks, compute the result for each chunk, and combine: return _compute_windfields_sparse_chunked( mask_centr_alongtrack, track, centroids, idx_centr_filter, model=model, store_windfields=store_windfields, metric=metric, intensity_thres=intensity_thres, max_dist_eye_km=max_dist_eye_km, max_memory_gb=max_memory_gb, ) windfields, idx_centr_reachable = _compute_windfields( si_track, centroids_close, mod_id, metric=metric, max_dist_eye_km=max_dist_eye_km, ) idx_centr_filter = idx_centr_filter[idx_centr_reachable] npositions = windfields.shape[0] intensity = np.linalg.norm(windfields, axis=-1).max(axis=0) intensity[intensity < intensity_thres] = 0 intensity_sparse = sparse.csr_matrix( (intensity, idx_centr_filter, [0, intensity.size]), shape=intensity_shape) intensity_sparse.eliminate_zeros() windfields_sparse = None if store_windfields: n_centr_filter = idx_centr_filter.size indices = np.zeros((npositions, n_centr_filter, 2), dtype=np.int64) indices[:, :, 0] = 2 * idx_centr_filter[None] indices[:, :, 1] = 2 * idx_centr_filter[None] + 1 indices = indices.ravel() indptr = np.arange(npositions + 1) * n_centr_filter * 2 windfields_sparse = sparse.csr_matrix((windfields.ravel(), indices, indptr), shape=windfields_shape) windfields_sparse.eliminate_zeros() return intensity_sparse, windfields_sparse def _compute_windfields_sparse_chunked( mask_centr_alongtrack: np.ndarray, track: xr.Dataset, *args, max_memory_gb: float = DEF_MAX_MEMORY_GB, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[sparse.csr_matrix, Optional[sparse.csr_matrix]]: """Call ``_compute_windfields_sparse`` for chunks of the track and re-assemble the results Parameters ---------- mask_centr_alongtrack : np.ndarray of shape (npositions, ncentroids) Each row is a mask that indicates the centroids within reach for one track position. track : xr.Dataset Single tropical cyclone track. max_memory_gb : float, optional Maximum memory requirements (in GB) for the computation of a single chunk of the track. Default: 8 args, kwargs : The remaining arguments are passed on to ``_compute_windfields_sparse``. Returns ------- intensity, windfields : See ``_compute_windfields_sparse`` for a description of the return values. """ npositions = track.sizes["time"] # The memory requirements for each track position are estimated for the case of 10 arrays # containing `nreachable` float64 (8 Byte) values each. The chunking is only relevant in # extreme cases with a very high temporal and/or spatial resolution. max_nreachable = max_memory_gb * 1e9 / (8 * 10 * npositions) split_pos = [0] chunk_size = 2 while split_pos[-1] + chunk_size < npositions: chunk_size += 1 # create overlap between consecutive chunks chunk_start = max(0, split_pos[-1] - 1) chunk_end = chunk_start + chunk_size nreachable = mask_centr_alongtrack[chunk_start:chunk_end].any(axis=0).sum() if nreachable > max_nreachable: split_pos.append(chunk_end - 1) chunk_size = 2 split_pos.append(npositions) intensity = [] windfields = [] for prev_chunk_end, chunk_end in zip(split_pos[:-1], split_pos[1:]): chunk_start = max(0, prev_chunk_end - 1) inten, win = _compute_windfields_sparse( track.isel(time=slice(chunk_start, chunk_end)), *args, max_memory_gb=max_memory_gb, **kwargs, ) intensity.append(inten) windfields.append(win) intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(sparse.vstack(intensity).max(axis=0)) if windfields[0] is not None: # eliminate the overlap between consecutive chunks windfields = [windfields[0]] + [win[1:, :] for win in windfields[1:]] windfields = sparse.vstack(windfields, format="csr") return intensity, windfields def _compute_windfields( si_track: xr.Dataset, centroids: np.ndarray, model: int, metric: str = "equirect", max_dist_eye_km: float = DEF_MAX_DIST_EYE_KM, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Compute 1-minute sustained winds (in m/s) at 10 meters above ground In a first step, centroids within reach of the track are determined so that wind fields will only be computed and returned for those centroids. Still, since computing the distance of the storm center to the centroids is computationally expensive, make sure to pre-filter the centroids and call this function only for those centroids that are potentially affected. Parameters ---------- si_track : xr.Dataset Output of ``tctrack_to_si``. Which data variables are used in the computation of the wind speeds depends on the selected model. centroids : np.ndarray with two dimensions Each row is a centroid [lat, lon]. Centroids that are not within reach of the track are ignored. Longitudinal coordinates are assumed to be normalized consistently with the longitudinal coordinates in ``si_track``. model : int Wind profile model selection according to MODEL_VANG. metric : str, optional Specify an approximation method to use for earth distances: "equirect" (faster) or "geosphere" (more accurate). See ``dist_approx`` function in ``climada.util.coordinates``. Default: "equirect". max_dist_eye_km : float, optional No wind speed calculation is done for centroids with a distance (in km) to the TC center ("eye") larger than this parameter. Default: 300 Returns ------- windfields : np.ndarray of shape (npositions, nreachable, 2) Directional wind fields for each track position on those centroids within reach of the TC track. Note that the wind speeds at the first position are all zero because the discrete time derivatives involved in the process are implemented using backward differences. However, the first position is usually not relevant for impact calculations since it is far off shore. idx_centr_reachable : np.ndarray of shape (nreachable,) List of indices of input centroids within reach of the TC track. """ # start with the assumption that no centroids are within reach npositions = si_track.sizes["time"] idx_centr_reachable = np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.int64) windfields = np.zeros((npositions, 0, 2), dtype=np.float64) # compute distances (in m) and vectors to all centroids [d_centr], [v_centr_normed] = u_coord.dist_approx( si_track["lat"].values[None], si_track["lon"].values[None], centroids[None, :, 0], centroids[None, :, 1], log=True, normalize=False, method=metric, units="m") # exclude centroids that are too far from or too close to the eye mask_centr_close = (d_centr <= max_dist_eye_km * KM_TO_M) & (d_centr > 1) if not np.any(mask_centr_close): return windfields, idx_centr_reachable # restrict to the centroids that are within reach of any of the positions mask_centr_close_any = mask_centr_close.any(axis=0) mask_centr_close = mask_centr_close[:, mask_centr_close_any] d_centr = d_centr[:, mask_centr_close_any] v_centr_normed = v_centr_normed[:, mask_centr_close_any, :] # normalize the vectors pointing from the eye to the centroids v_centr_normed[~mask_centr_close] = 0 v_centr_normed[mask_centr_close] /= d_centr[mask_centr_close, None] # derive (absolute) angular velocity from parametric wind profile v_ang_norm = compute_angular_windspeeds( si_track, d_centr, mask_centr_close, model, cyclostrophic=False, ) # Influence of translational speed decreases with distance from eye. # The "absorbing factor" is according to the following paper (see Fig. 7): # # Mouton, F. & Nordbeck, O. (2005). Cyclone Database Manager. A tool # for converting point data from cyclone observations into tracks and # wind speed profiles in a GIS. UNED/GRID-Geneva. # # t_rad_bc = np.broadcast_to(si_track["rad"].values[:, None], d_centr.shape) v_trans_corr = np.zeros_like(d_centr) v_trans_corr[mask_centr_close] = np.fmin( 1, t_rad_bc[mask_centr_close] / d_centr[mask_centr_close]) if model in [MODEL_VANG['H08'], MODEL_VANG['H10']]: # In these models, v_ang_norm already contains vtrans_norm, so subtract it first, before # converting to vectors and then adding (vectorial) vtrans again. Make sure to apply the # "absorbing factor" in both steps: vtrans_norm_bc = np.broadcast_to(si_track["vtrans_norm"].values[:, None], d_centr.shape) v_ang_norm[mask_centr_close] -= ( vtrans_norm_bc[mask_centr_close] * v_trans_corr[mask_centr_close] ) # vectorial angular velocity windfields = ( si_track.attrs["latsign"] * np.array([1.0, -1.0])[..., :] * v_centr_normed[:, :, ::-1] ) windfields[mask_centr_close] *= v_ang_norm[mask_centr_close, None] # add angular and corrected translational velocity vectors windfields[1:] += si_track["vtrans"].values[1:, None, :] * v_trans_corr[1:, :, None] windfields[np.isnan(windfields)] = 0 windfields[0, :, :] = 0 [idx_centr_reachable] = mask_centr_close_any.nonzero() return windfields, idx_centr_reachable def tctrack_to_si( track: xr.Dataset, metric: str = "equirect", ) -> xr.Dataset: """Convert track variables to SI units and prepare for wind field computation In addition to unit conversion, the variable names are shortened, the longitudinal coordinates are normalized and additional variables are defined: * cp (coriolis parameter) * vtrans (translational velocity vectors) * vtrans_norm (absolute value of translational speed) Furthermore, some scalar variables are stored as attributes: * latsign (1.0 if the track is located on the northern and -1.0 if on southern hemisphere) * mid_lon (the central longitude that was used to normalize the longitudinal coordinates) Finally, some corrections are applied to variables: * clip central pressure values so that environmental pressure values are never exceeded * extrapolate radius of max wind from pressure if missing Parameters ---------- track : xr.Dataset Track information. metric : str, optional Specify an approximation method to use for earth distances: "equirect" (faster) or "geosphere" (more accurate). See ``dist_approx`` function in ``climada.util.coordinates``. Default: "equirect". Returns ------- xr.Dataset """ si_track = track[["lat", "lon", "time"]].copy() si_track["tstep"] = track["time_step"] * H_TO_S si_track["env"] = track["environmental_pressure"] * MBAR_TO_PA # we support some non-standard unit names unit_replace = {"mb": "mbar", "kn": "knots"} configs = [ ("central_pressure", "cen", "Pa"), ("max_sustained_wind", "vmax", "m/s"), ] for long_name, var_name, si_unit in configs: unit = track.attrs[f"{long_name}_unit"] unit = unit_replace.get(unit, unit) try: conv_factor = ureg(unit).to(si_unit).magnitude except Exception as ex: raise ValueError( f"The {long_name}_unit '{unit}' in the provided track is not supported." ) from ex si_track[var_name] = track[long_name] * conv_factor # normalize longitudinal coordinates si_track.attrs["mid_lon"] = 0.5 * sum(u_coord.lon_bounds(si_track["lon"].values)) u_coord.lon_normalize(si_track["lon"].values, center=si_track.attrs["mid_lon"]) # make sure that central pressure never exceeds environmental pressure pres_exceed_msk = (si_track["cen"] > si_track["env"]).values si_track["cen"].values[pres_exceed_msk] = si_track["env"].values[pres_exceed_msk] # extrapolate radius of max wind from pressure if not given si_track["rad"] = track["radius_max_wind"].copy() si_track["rad"].values[:] = estimate_rmw( si_track["rad"].values, si_track["cen"].values / MBAR_TO_PA, ) si_track["rad"] *= NM_TO_KM * KM_TO_M hemisphere = 'N' if np.count_nonzero(si_track["lat"] < 0) > np.count_nonzero(si_track["lat"] > 0): hemisphere = 'S' si_track.attrs["latsign"] = 1.0 if hemisphere == 'N' else -1.0 # add translational speed of track at every node (in m/s) _vtrans(si_track, metric=metric) # convert surface winds to gradient winds without translational influence si_track["vgrad"] = ( np.fmax(0, si_track["vmax"] - si_track["vtrans_norm"]) / GRADIENT_LEVEL_TO_SURFACE_WINDS ) si_track["cp"] = ("time", _coriolis_parameter(si_track["lat"].values)) return si_track def compute_angular_windspeeds(si_track, d_centr, mask_centr_close, model, cyclostrophic=False): """Compute (absolute) angular wind speeds according to a parametric wind profile Parameters ---------- si_track : xr.Dataset Output of ``tctrack_to_si``. Which data variables are used in the computation of the wind profile depends on the selected model. d_centr : np.ndarray of shape (npositions, ncentroids) Distance (in m) between centroids and track positions. mask_centr_close : np.ndarray of shape (npositions, ncentroids) For each track position one row indicating which centroids are within reach. model : int Wind profile model selection according to MODEL_VANG. cyclostrophic : bool, optional If True, do not apply the influence of the Coriolis force (set the Coriolis terms to 0). Default: False Returns ------- ndarray of shape (npositions, ncentroids) """ if model == MODEL_VANG['H1980']: _B_holland_1980(si_track) elif model in [MODEL_VANG['H08'], MODEL_VANG['H10']]: _bs_holland_2008(si_track) if model in [MODEL_VANG['H1980'], MODEL_VANG['H08']]: result = _stat_holland_1980( si_track, d_centr, mask_centr_close, cyclostrophic=cyclostrophic, ) if model == MODEL_VANG['H1980']: result *= GRADIENT_LEVEL_TO_SURFACE_WINDS elif model == MODEL_VANG['H10']: # this model is always cyclostrophic _v_max_s_holland_2008(si_track) hol_x = _x_holland_2010(si_track, d_centr, mask_centr_close) result = _stat_holland_2010(si_track, d_centr, mask_centr_close, hol_x) elif model == MODEL_VANG['ER11']: result = _stat_er_2011(si_track, d_centr, mask_centr_close, cyclostrophic=cyclostrophic) else: raise NotImplementedError result[0, :] *= 0 return result def get_close_centroids( si_track: xr.Dataset, centroids: np.ndarray, buffer_km: float, metric: str = "equirect", ) -> np.ndarray: """Check whether centroids lay within a buffer around track positions Note that, hypothetically, a problem occurs when a TC track is travelling so far in longitude that adding a buffer exceeds 360 degrees (i.e. crosses the antimeridian), which is physically impossible, but might happen with synthetical or test data. Parameters ---------- si_track : xr.Dataset with dimension "time" Track information as returned by ``tctrack_to_si``. Hence, longitudinal coordinates are normalized around the central longitude stored in the "mid_lon" attribute. This makes sure that the buffered bounding box around the track does not cross the antimeridian. The data variables used by this function are "lat", and "lon". centroids : np.ndarray of shape (ncentroids, 2) Coordinates of centroids, each row is a pair [lat, lon]. The longitudinal coordinates are normalized within this function to be consistent with the track coordinates. buffer_km : float Size of the buffer (in km). The buffer is converted to a lat/lon buffer, rescaled in longitudinal direction according to the t_lat coordinates. metric : str, optional Specify an approximation method to use for earth distances: "equirect" (faster) or "geosphere" (more accurate). See ``dist_approx`` function in ``climada.util.coordinates``. Default: "equirect". Returns ------- centroids_close_normalized : np.ndarray of shape (nclose, 2) Coordinates of close centroids, each row is a pair [lat, lon]. The normalization of longitudinal coordinates is consistent with the track coordinates. mask_centr : np.ndarray of shape (ncentroids,) Mask that is True for close centroids and False for other centroids. mask_centr_alongtrack : np.ndarray of shape (npositions, nclose) Each row is a mask that indicates the centroids within reach for one track position. Note that these masks refer only to the "close centroids" to reduce memory requirements. The number of positions ``npositions`` corresponds to the size of the "time" dimension of ``si_track``. """ npositions = si_track.sizes["time"] ncentroids = centroids.shape[0] t_lat, t_lon = si_track["lat"].values, si_track["lon"].values centr_lat, centr_lon = centroids[:, 0].copy(), centroids[:, 1].copy() # Normalize longitudinal coordinates of centroids. u_coord.lon_normalize(centr_lon, center=si_track.attrs["mid_lon"]) # Restrict to the bounding box of the whole track first (this can already reduce the number of # centroids that are considered by a factor larger than 30). buffer_lat = buffer_km / u_const.ONE_LAT_KM buffer_lon = buffer_km / ( u_const.ONE_LAT_KM * np.cos(np.radians( np.fmin(89.999, np.abs(centr_lat) + buffer_lat) )) ) [idx_close] = ( (t_lat.min() - centr_lat <= buffer_lat) & (centr_lat - t_lat.max() <= buffer_lat) & (t_lon.min() - centr_lon <= buffer_lon) & (centr_lon - t_lon.max() <= buffer_lon) ).nonzero() centr_lat = centr_lat[idx_close] centr_lon = centr_lon[idx_close] # Restrict to bounding boxes of each track position. buffer_lat = buffer_km / u_const.ONE_LAT_KM buffer_lon = buffer_km / (u_const.ONE_LAT_KM * np.cos(np.radians( np.fmin(89.999, np.abs(t_lat[:, None]) + buffer_lat) ))) [idx_close_sub] = ( (t_lat[:, None] - buffer_lat <= centr_lat[None]) & (t_lat[:, None] + buffer_lat >= centr_lat[None]) & (t_lon[:, None] - buffer_lon <= centr_lon[None]) & (t_lon[:, None] + buffer_lon >= centr_lon[None]) ).any(axis=0).nonzero() idx_close = idx_close[idx_close_sub] centr_lat = centr_lat[idx_close_sub] centr_lon = centr_lon[idx_close_sub] # Restrict to metric distance radius around each track position. # # We do the distance computation for chunks of the track since computing the distance requires # npositions*ncentroids*8*3 Bytes of memory. For example, Hurricane FAITH's life time was more # than 500 hours. At 0.5-hourly resolution and 1,000,000 centroids, that's 24 GB of memory for # FAITH. With a chunk size of 10, this figure is down to 240 MB. The final along-track mask # will require 1.0 GB of memory. chunk_size = 10 chunks = np.split(np.arange(npositions), np.arange(chunk_size, npositions, chunk_size)) mask_centr_alongtrack = np.concatenate([ ( u_coord.dist_approx( t_lat[None, chunk], t_lon[None, chunk], centr_lat[None], centr_lon[None], normalize=False, method=metric, units="km", )[0] <= buffer_km ) for chunk in chunks ], axis=0) [idx_close_sub] = mask_centr_alongtrack.any(axis=0).nonzero() idx_close = idx_close[idx_close_sub] centr_lat = centr_lat[idx_close_sub] centr_lon = centr_lon[idx_close_sub] mask_centr_alongtrack = mask_centr_alongtrack[:, idx_close_sub] # Derive mask from index. mask_centr = np.zeros((ncentroids,), dtype=bool) mask_centr[idx_close] = True centroids_close_normalized = np.stack([centr_lat, centr_lon], axis=1) return centroids_close_normalized, mask_centr, mask_centr_alongtrack def _vtrans(si_track: xr.Dataset, metric: str = "equirect"): """Translational vector and velocity (in m/s) at each track node. The track dataset is modified in place, with the following variables added: * vtrans (directional vectors of velocity, in meters per second) * vtrans_norm (absolute velocity in meters per second; the first velocity is always 0) The meridional component (v) of the vectors is listed first. Parameters ---------- si_track : xr.Dataset Track information as returned by ``tctrack_to_si``. The data variables used by this function are "lat", "lon", and "tstep". The results are stored in place as new data variables "vtrans" and "vtrans_norm". metric : str, optional Specify an approximation method to use for earth distances: "equirect" (faster) or "geosphere" (more accurate). See ``dist_approx`` function in ``climada.util.coordinates``. Default: "equirect". """ npositions = si_track.sizes["time"] si_track["vtrans_norm"] = (["time"], np.zeros((npositions,))) si_track["vtrans"] = (["time", "component"], np.zeros((npositions, 2))) si_track["component"] = ("component", ["v", "u"]) t_lat, t_lon = si_track["lat"].values, si_track["lon"].values norm, vec = u_coord.dist_approx(t_lat[:-1, None], t_lon[:-1, None], t_lat[1:, None], t_lon[1:, None], log=True, normalize=False, method=metric, units="m") si_track["vtrans"].values[1:, :] = vec[:, 0, 0] / si_track["tstep"].values[1:, None] si_track["vtrans_norm"].values[1:] = norm[:, 0, 0] / si_track["tstep"].values[1:] # limit to 30 nautical miles per hour msk = si_track["vtrans_norm"].values > 30 * KN_TO_MS fact = 30 * KN_TO_MS / si_track["vtrans_norm"].values[msk] si_track["vtrans"].values[msk, :] *= fact[:, None] si_track["vtrans_norm"].values[msk] *= fact def _coriolis_parameter(lat: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Compute the Coriolis parameter from latitude. Parameters ---------- lat : np.ndarray Latitude (degrees). Returns ------- cp : np.ndarray of same shape as input Coriolis parameter. """ return 2 * V_ANG_EARTH * np.sin(np.radians(np.abs(lat))) def _bs_holland_2008(si_track: xr.Dataset): """Holland's 2008 b-value estimate for sustained surface winds. The result is stored in place as a new data variable "hol_b". Unlike the original 1980 formula (see ``_B_holland_1980``), this approach does not require any wind speed measurements, but is based on the more reliable pressure information. The parameter applies to 1-minute sustained winds at 10 meters above ground. It is taken from equation (11) in the following paper: Holland, G. (2008). A revised hurricane pressure-wind model. Monthly Weather Review, 136(9), 3432–3445. For reference, it reads b_s = -4.4 * 1e-5 * (penv - pcen)^2 + 0.01 * (penv - pcen) + 0.03 * (dp/dt) - 0.014 * |lat| + 0.15 * (v_trans)^hol_xx + 1.0 where ``dp/dt`` is the time derivative of central pressure and ``hol_xx`` is Holland's x parameter: hol_xx = 0.6 * (1 - (penv - pcen) / 215) The equation for b_s has been fitted statistically using hurricane best track records for central pressure and maximum wind. It therefore performs best in the North Atlantic. Furthermore, b_s has been fitted under the assumption of a "cyclostrophic" wind field which means that the influence from Coriolis forces is assumed to be small. This is reasonable close to the radius of maximum wind where the Coriolis term (r*f/2) is small compared to the rest (see ``_stat_holland_1980``). More precisely: At the radius of maximum wind speeds, the typical order of the Coriolis term is 1 while wind speed is 50 (which changes away from the radius of maximum winds and as the TC moves away from the equator). Parameters ---------- si_track : xr.Dataset Output of ``tctrack_to_si``. The data variables used by this function are "lat", "tstep", "vtrans_norm", "cen", and "env". The result is stored in place as a new data variable "hol_b". """ # adjust pressure at previous track point prev_cen = np.zeros_like(si_track["cen"].values) prev_cen[1:] = si_track["cen"].values[:-1].copy() msk = prev_cen < 850 * MBAR_TO_PA prev_cen[msk] = si_track["cen"].values[msk] # The formula assumes that pressure values are in millibar (hPa) instead of SI units (Pa), # and time steps are in hours instead of seconds, but translational wind speed is still # expected to be in m/s. pdelta = (si_track["env"] - si_track["cen"]) / MBAR_TO_PA hol_xx = 0.6 * (1. - pdelta / 215) si_track["hol_b"] = ( -4.4e-5 * pdelta**2 + 0.01 * pdelta + 0.03 * (si_track["cen"] - prev_cen) / si_track["tstep"] * (H_TO_S / MBAR_TO_PA) - 0.014 * abs(si_track["lat"]) + 0.15 * si_track["vtrans_norm"]**hol_xx + 1.0 ) si_track["hol_b"] = np.clip(si_track["hol_b"], 1, 2.5) def _v_max_s_holland_2008(si_track: xr.Dataset): """Compute maximum surface winds from pressure according to Holland 2008. The result is stored in place as a data variable "vmax". If a variable of that name already exists, its values are overwritten. This function implements equation (11) in the following paper: Holland, G. (2008). A revised hurricane pressure-wind model. Monthly Weather Review, 136(9), 3432–3445. For reference, it reads v_ms = [b_s / (rho * e) * (penv - pcen)]^0.5 where ``b_s`` is Holland b-value (see ``_bs_holland_2008``), e is Euler's number, rho is the density of air, ``penv`` is environmental, and ``pcen`` is central pressure. Parameters ---------- si_track : xr.Dataset Output of ``tctrack_to_si`` with "hol_b" variable (see _bs_holland_2008). The data variables used by this function are "env", "cen", and "hol_b". The results are stored in place as a new data variable "vmax". If a variable of that name already exists, its values are overwritten. """ pdelta = si_track["env"] - si_track["cen"] si_track["vmax"] = np.sqrt(si_track["hol_b"] / (RHO_AIR * np.exp(1)) * pdelta) def _B_holland_1980(si_track: xr.Dataset): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Holland's 1980 B-value computation for gradient-level winds. The result is stored in place as a new data variable "hol_b". The parameter applies to gradient-level winds (about 1000 metres above the earth's surface). The formula for B is derived from equations (5) and (6) in the following paper: Holland, G.J. (1980): An Analytic Model of the Wind and Pressure Profiles in Hurricanes. Monthly Weather Review 108(8): 1212–1218.<1212:AAMOTW>2.0.CO;2 For reference, inserting (6) into (5) and solving for B at r = RMW yields: B = v^2 * e * rho / (penv - pcen) where v are maximum gradient-level winds ``gradient_winds``, e is Euler's number, rho is the density of air, ``penv`` is environmental, and ``pcen`` is central pressure. Parameters ---------- si_track : xr.Dataset Output of ``tctrack_to_si`` with "vgrad" variable (see _vgrad). The data variables used by this function are "vgrad", "env", and "cen". The results are stored in place as a new data variable "hol_b". """ pdelta = si_track["env"] - si_track["cen"] si_track["hol_b"] = si_track["vgrad"]**2 * np.exp(1) * RHO_AIR / np.fmax(np.spacing(1), pdelta) si_track["hol_b"] = np.clip(si_track["hol_b"], 1, 2.5) def _x_holland_2010( si_track: xr.Dataset, d_centr: np.ndarray, mask_centr_close: np.ndarray, v_n: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 17.0, r_n_km: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 300.0, ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute exponent for wind model according to Holland et al. 2010. This function implements equation (10) from the following paper: Holland et al. (2010): A Revised Model for Radial Profiles of Hurricane Winds. Monthly Weather Review 138(12): 4393–4401. For reference, it reads x = 0.5 [for r < r_max] x = 0.5 + (r - r_max) * (x_n - 0.5) / (r_n - r_max) [for r >= r_max] The peripheral exponent x_n is adjusted to fit the peripheral observation of wind speeds ``v_n`` at radius ``r_n``. Parameters ---------- si_track : xr.Dataset Output of ``tctrack_to_si`` with "hol_b" variable (see _bs_holland_2008). The data variables used by this function are "rad", "vmax", and "hol_b". d_centr : np.ndarray of shape (nnodes, ncentroids) Distance (in m) between centroids and track nodes. mask_centr_close : np.ndarray of shape (nnodes, ncentroids) Mask indicating for each track node which centroids are within reach of the windfield. v_n : np.ndarray of shape (nnodes,) or float, optional Peripheral wind speeds (in m/s) at radius ``r_n`` outside of radius of maximum winds ``r_max``. In absence of a second wind speed measurement, this value defaults to 17 m/s following Holland et al. 2010 (at a radius of 300 km). r_n_km : np.ndarray of shape (nnodes,) or float, optional Radius (in km) where the peripheral wind speed ``v_n`` is measured (or assumed). In absence of a second wind speed measurement, this value defaults to 300 km following Holland et al. 2010. Returns ------- hol_x : np.ndarray of shape (nnodes, ncentroids) Exponents according to Holland et al. 2010. """ hol_x = np.zeros_like(d_centr) r_max, v_max_s, hol_b, d_centr, v_n, r_n = [ np.broadcast_to(ar, d_centr.shape)[mask_centr_close] for ar in [ si_track["rad"].values[:, None], si_track["vmax"].values[:, None], si_track["hol_b"].values[:, None], d_centr, np.atleast_1d(v_n)[:, None], np.atleast_1d(r_n_km)[:, None], ] ] # convert to SI units r_n *= KM_TO_M # compute peripheral exponent from second measurement r_max_norm = (r_max / r_n)**hol_b x_n = np.log(v_n / v_max_s) / np.log(r_max_norm * np.exp(1 - r_max_norm)) # linearly interpolate between max exponent and peripheral exponent x_max = 0.5 hol_x[mask_centr_close] = x_max + np.fmax(0, d_centr - r_max) * (x_n - x_max) / (r_n - r_max) # Negative hol_x values appear when v_max_s is very close to or even lower than v_n (which # should never happen in theory). In those cases, wind speeds might decrease outside of the eye # wall and increase again towards the peripheral radius (which is actually unphysical). # We clip hol_x to 0, otherwise wind speeds keep increasing indefinitely away from the eye: hol_x[mask_centr_close] = np.fmax(hol_x[mask_centr_close], 0.0) return hol_x def _stat_holland_2010( si_track: xr.Dataset, d_centr: np.ndarray, mask_centr_close: np.ndarray, hol_x: Union[float, np.ndarray], ) -> np.ndarray: """Symmetric and static surface wind fields (in m/s) according to Holland et al. 2010 This function applies the cyclostrophic surface wind model expressed in equation (6) from Holland et al. (2010): A Revised Model for Radial Profiles of Hurricane Winds. Monthly Weather Review 138(12): 4393–4401. More precisely, this function implements the following equation: V(r) = v_max_s * [(r_max / r)^b_s * e^(1 - (r_max / r)^b_s)]^x In terms of this function's arguments, b_s is ``hol_b`` and r is ``d_centr``. Parameters ---------- si_track : xr.Dataset Output of ``tctrack_to_si`` with "hol_b" (see _bs_holland_2008) data variables. The data variables used by this function are "vmax", "rad", and "hol_b". d_centr : np.ndarray of shape (nnodes, ncentroids) Distance (in m) between centroids and track nodes. mask_centr_close : np.ndarray of shape (nnodes, ncentroids) Mask indicating for each track node which centroids are within reach of the windfield. hol_x : np.ndarray of shape (nnodes, ncentroids) or float The exponent according to ``_x_holland_2010``. Returns ------- v_ang : np.ndarray (nnodes, ncentroids) Absolute values of wind speeds (in m/s) in angular direction. """ v_ang = np.zeros_like(d_centr) v_max_s, r_max, hol_b, d_centr, hol_x = [ np.broadcast_to(ar, d_centr.shape)[mask_centr_close] for ar in [ si_track["vmax"].values[:, None], si_track["rad"].values[:, None], si_track["hol_b"].values[:, None], d_centr, hol_x, ] ] r_max_norm = (r_max / np.fmax(1, d_centr))**hol_b v_ang[mask_centr_close] = v_max_s * (r_max_norm * np.exp(1 - r_max_norm))**hol_x return v_ang def _stat_holland_1980( si_track: xr.Dataset, d_centr: np.ndarray, mask_centr_close: np.ndarray, cyclostrophic: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: """Symmetric and static wind fields (in m/s) according to Holland 1980. This function applies the gradient wind model expressed in equation (4) (combined with equation (6)) from Holland, G.J. (1980): An Analytic Model of the Wind and Pressure Profiles in Hurricanes. Monthly Weather Review 108(8): 1212–1218. More precisely, this function implements the following equation: V(r) = [(B/rho) * (r_max/r)^B * (penv - pcen) * e^(-(r_max/r)^B) + (r*f/2)^2]^0.5 - (r*f/2) In terms of this function's arguments, B is ``hol_b`` and r is ``d_centr``. The air density rho is assumed to be constant while the Coriolis parameter f is computed from the latitude ``lat`` using the constant rotation rate of the earth. Even though the equation has been derived originally for gradient winds (when combined with the output of ``_B_holland_1980``), it can be used for surface winds by adjusting the parameter ``hol_b`` (see function ``_bs_holland_2008``). Parameters ---------- si_track : xr.Dataset Output of ``tctrack_to_si`` with "hol_b" (see, e.g., _B_holland_1980) data variable. The data variables used by this function are "lat", "cp", "rad", "cen", "env", and "hol_b". d_centr : np.ndarray of shape (nnodes, ncentroids) Distance (in m) between centroids and track nodes. mask_centr_close : np.ndarray of shape (nnodes, ncentroids) Mask indicating for each track node which centroids are within reach of the windfield. cyclostrophic : bool, optional If True, do not apply the influence of the Coriolis force (set the Coriolis terms to 0). Default: False Returns ------- v_ang : np.ndarray (nnodes, ncentroids) Absolute values of wind speeds (m/s) in angular direction. """ v_ang = np.zeros_like(d_centr) r_max, hol_b, penv, pcen, coriolis_p, d_centr = [ np.broadcast_to(ar, d_centr.shape)[mask_centr_close] for ar in [ si_track["rad"].values[:, None], si_track["hol_b"].values[:, None], si_track["env"].values[:, None], si_track["cen"].values[:, None], si_track["cp"].values[:, None], d_centr, ] ] r_coriolis = 0 if not cyclostrophic: r_coriolis = 0.5 * d_centr * coriolis_p r_max_norm = (r_max / np.fmax(1, d_centr))**hol_b sqrt_term = hol_b / RHO_AIR * r_max_norm * (penv - pcen) * np.exp(-r_max_norm) + r_coriolis**2 v_ang[mask_centr_close] = np.sqrt(np.fmax(0, sqrt_term)) - r_coriolis return v_ang def _stat_er_2011( si_track: xr.Dataset, d_centr: np.ndarray, mask_centr_close: np.ndarray, cyclostrophic: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Symmetric and static wind fields (in m/s) according to Emanuel and Rotunno 2011 Emanuel, K., Rotunno, R. (2011): Self-Stratification of Tropical Cyclone Outflow. Part I: Implications for Storm Structure. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 68(10): 2236–2249. The wind speeds ``v_ang`` are extracted from the momentum via the relationship M = v_ang * r, where r corresponds to ``d_centr``. On the other hand, the momentum is derived from the momentum at the peak wind position using equation (36) from Emanuel and Rotunno 2011 with Ck == Cd: M = M_max * [2 * (r / r_max)^2 / (1 + (r / r_max)^2)]. The momentum at the peak wind position is M_max = r_max * v_max + 0.5 * f * r_max**2, where the Coriolis parameter f is computed from the latitude ``lat`` using the constant rotation rate of the earth. Parameters ---------- si_track : xr.Dataset Output of ``tctrack_to_si``. The data variables used by this function are "lat", "cp", "rad", and "vmax". d_centr : np.ndarray of shape (nnodes, ncentroids) Distance (in m) between centroids and track nodes. mask_centr_close : np.ndarray of shape (nnodes, ncentroids) Mask indicating for each track node which centroids are within reach of the windfield. cyclostrophic : bool, optional If True, do not apply the influence of the Coriolis force (set the Coriolis terms to 0) in the computation of M_max. Default: False Returns ------- v_ang : np.ndarray (nnodes, ncentroids) Absolute values of wind speeds (m/s) in angular direction. """ v_ang = np.zeros_like(d_centr) r_max, v_max, coriolis_p, d_centr = [ np.broadcast_to(ar, d_centr.shape)[mask_centr_close] for ar in [ si_track["rad"].values[:, None], si_track["vmax"].values[:, None], si_track["cp"].values[:, None], d_centr, ] ] # compute the momentum at the maximum momentum_max = r_max * v_max if not cyclostrophic: # add the influence of the Coriolis force momentum_max += 0.5 * coriolis_p * r_max**2 # rescale the momentum using formula (36) in Emanuel and Rotunno 2011 with Ck == Cd r_max_norm = (d_centr / r_max)**2 momentum = momentum_max * 2 * r_max_norm / (1 + r_max_norm) # extract the velocity from the rescaled momentum through division by r v_ang[mask_centr_close] = np.fmax(0, momentum / (d_centr + 1e-11)) return v_ang